If trump’s attacking you, then you must be doing something right. You should be proud.

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22 Republican senators, dozens of Republican House members voted to fund Ukraine. Many of them call Trump a liar about Putin.

Get those Republicans who oppose Putin on the record!

Impeach. Feathers of Hope. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach

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Trump’s a liar about everything

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/1PuwssoVwO

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Yes !!

Feathers of Hope, Jerry Weiss on impeachment.

Let that movement grow ! Get behind it and help the U.S. avoid life under a fascist oligarch regime !!

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“Michael just released his latest book, “All or Nothing: How Trump Recaptured America,” and it’s explosive. So naturally, you’d expect to see him on every major network. But you won’t. Why? Because corporate media is running scared.”

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Correct!, and let’s never forget who brought us the news that we had a right to know! Medias, Parnas, BBC, etc…

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Corporate media outlets fail journalistic integrity.

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No part of mainstream media is a public service anymore. They are no longer about the news and journalism. They are 100% business. With the Trump regime in power, they have their best shot at deregulation and no oversight.

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Media ARE running scared

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The legacy media should be ashamed. They’re gutless cowards. They don’t cover anti-Trump/Musk demonstrations in any depth and seem to constantly equivocate on Trump’s evil machinations and the effect on American citizens.

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Watch Meidas Touch Network. They tell it like it is all facts and no kissing Trump’s ring!

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I just read a reporting concerning Voice of America being shut down by Trump through Kari Lake(Scary Flake). His goal is obviously shutting down any truthful reporting of his activities.

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Kari Lake was supposed to run it then he pulled the funding. And coming for libraries and museums. This is Nazi Germany.

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Robin, I failed to mention the part about funding for libraries and museums. Too painful. Seriously, what is the goal? To force citizens to stay at home, afraid? To be uninformed over his illegal activities/actions?

Realizing Trump never set foot in either a library or museum, as evidenced by his lack of knowledge, understanding or appreciation, it is not surprising.

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We should probably all start buying banned books, at least any we care about.

A lot of this has never been digitized, although it isn't hard to do. Then it is so easy to store. I've done this with a number of old books that I had enjoyed as a young adult and simply couldn't find anymore. The libraries move stuff out when it is no longer or only rarely checked out. Mine aren't even banned books, just ones I remembered and wanted to read again. So I found a number of them as secondhand paperbacks. Then digitized them and have them on my ereader.

Makes me think of a book called The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu (non-fiction) saving hundreds of thousands of ancient manuscripts as their country was being taken over. Think Ukrainian history, culture & language in Russian hands.

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Anna, how smart of you (and lucky ) to be able to do that. Unfortunately I live in a.smally NYC apt and.just didn't have the space anymore and had to get rid of a few hundred of my novels and paperbacks (except for a.few I kept) And NO NYC library would take them. I gave them.to my handymen who used to sell at.flea.markets on weekends to make money. Or take whatever they wanted. When I bought my first kindle the first thing I did was try to rebuy my books and was able to get many. Now I'm almost strictly a non-fiction reader of History and.biographies. I used to have "Project Guttenberg" books when I had my first Pc in the 1990s.

I know it's Amazon but I have invested too much and they are too important to me. Not giving up my ebooks. By now I have over 500 books and I never thought until just this minute but what happens if he tells Jeff Bezos I don't want any books written about me sold anymore. Pull.them.from people's kindles and shelves. And he'll kiss his ring and orange ass again and do it in a heartbeat. . I have a lot of political books. Who would ever think.in 2025 we would have to worry about banned books. But I have a fantastic collection in my home of art and.jewelry coffee table.books and my cookbook collection I can't part with even though I haven't cooked in years. I will.never get rid of them. I will.die with them. My nephew used to be after me to digitize my music cds and.dvd/blu rays because everything was streaming but I never would.Im old timey. I love my CDs. Killed me when I had to give up my vinyl. 😭 Didn't even sell them. I know a lot of movies I own (big on classic and.foreign films) never made it to streaming or if they did they can remove them.forever. They have been doing that with TV shows. No one can take away my Twilight Zones and Outer Limits or The Sopranos or Mad Men or the Wire, Game of Thrones. As long as I have electricity, and I can play my TV and.dvd or bluray player, I'll bunker down in my apt for the rest of my life. Can't live without them. And I will happily live in the past in the magic of movies.

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Mr. D. This is so heartbreaking for me and it's like a gut punch. This is what they did in Nazi Germany. Burned and banned books. Decided what art and music and architecture was "acceptable" to the masses (And the amount of art they stole for themselves). It's about censorship and control. I don't want to link to this but google Art in Nazi Germany. Thankfully, the " David" is safe in Italy. Here they would break it into pieces because it shows a penis.

I know. The biggest joke was when he took over the Kennedy Center. Mr. Culture himself. Except it's no joke.He wants a " Golden Age of Art and Culture". Because there was a.drag show.at.the KC. And bring a Christ show back for Christmas. If we lose youtube I am.dead. I've always loved the Kennedy Center Honors every year.

Defunding the Smithsonian! 😭 I live in NYC and support museums I haven't even visited in 5 years since covid. He has never stepped foot in one. When he was building that vulgar monstrosity Trump Tower, he tore down one of our most beautiful and beloved high end Department Stores called Bonwit Teller on Fifth Avenue. It was a beautiful limestone building from 1929 with art deco friezes built in to it that the Metropolitan Museum wanted desperately to save. They too were irreplaceable. and asked him to donate them...he was tearing it down...why would he give a fuck? Nope. Told them it would take too long . And they jackhammered them, took torches.to the grill work and they shattered into a million pieces. We New Yorkers have always despised him for so many things.

Books and art to me are life. Not just paintings but decorative aerts and jewelry too. When I traveled, I always chose a city instead of the beach. I used to go to museums everywhere. Even The Hermitage in Russia (I have never, in my entire life seen such incredible things. There was so much our tour guide.said it would take 7 years to see it all.) Most people think of Russia as Soviet era gray and depressing, which of course is there as well. But what was there before! St. Petersburg is the most European of cities. And the tsars bejewelled and bedecked while the serfs were starving. Then you know why there was a revolution. Desperate people do desperate things. Sound familiar? This is my biggest fear. Revolution.

It literally sickens me. Like when the Taliban destroyed those statues carved into the rocks of Afghanistan in 2001. Irreplaceable. And all in the name of religion. Just popped a couple of Xanax 💊💊 Have a good night and thanks for responding.

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Does she still have a room in Mara LARD-o?

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I'm going to pick up this book just to spite MSNBC and the White House.

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Just bought the book.

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I hope he has extra copies of the tapes in a safe spot outside of the country

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I don’t understand why the corporate media is not talking about Michael Wolff’s new book! I would think they would be delighted to discuss it/Trump be damned! So what if Trump complains/whines? He does these things every day! It’s true, correct? I’d believe Wolff before I’d believe liar Trump. Come on, media! Be the first! Nothing Trump does surprises us.

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Their billionaire corporate overlords care. They are the reason they sanewashed Trump and never reported when he said something demented--they wanted their tax cut a lot more than they cared about journalistic integrity.

On the other hand; those journalists could have defied them and reported why. If they had any solidarity whatsoever, maybe they would've been successful...and Trump wouldn't be in the White House.

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Speaking truth! Thank you!

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Trump is a coward.

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"Our audience is bigger than theirs anyway." And, it will grow bigger each day as people wake up. Congratulations! The truth feels good, doesn't it!

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Buy his book!! Any way to piss off the crybaby 🤡 is worth it!

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just purchased from my local Canadian bookstore...

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I can't stand to hear or read anything about trump, but you just gave me the idea to buy it to piss him off! 👏👏

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I read the first one and it was very good, I think I will read this new one

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Ten years ago or a little earlier, Newsweek did an extensive profile of Trump and Epstein and their exploitation of young girls and women who were arriving in NY to seek modeling careers. They had someone actually intercepting them at the bus station and recruiting them, promising to help them become models. Trump Modeling was the name of the agency, they housed the women in Trump-owned apartments and took every nickel they earned for rent and “representation “. They required the models to attend “parties “ at either Trump’s or Epstein’s apartment and basically coerced them to “entertain “ their guests.

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There were occasions when Trump and Epstein were the only men at the parties. It was during this era that many of the sexual assault and rape allegations were made, and when Trump paid settlements and coerced the girls to sign non-disclosure forms. Some of the girls were reportedly as young as 12-13. It was during these years that Trump commented about Epstein, “he loves beautiful women as much as I do, many of them on the younger side”. Many of these girls gave detailed descriptions and described Trump as very aggressive and forceful as, covering up a girl’s mouth to drown out her screams, and at least one described being punched in the face for resisting his demands.

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Ugh. I completely believe it.

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ALL this must be exposed or re-exposed somewhere if not via legacy media! Get it out to the public! NOW!

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Just bought the book at my local Costco!

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Wow…would be great if the Meidastouch Network hosted Wolff’s 100 hours of Epstein audio files. I mean, they’re of historical interest so why not. Surprised WikiLeaks didn’t nab them, but hey, go for it, great way to bring traffic to MTN ☺️

Thanks Ben and Michael!

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Ben, I am thrilled you have interviewed him. The minute I heard this a few days ago I immediately bought his book to support him. I have his first one too. Yay Meidas Touch! PS. Fuck MSNBC and CNN. I don't even look at them.

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