They’ll never denounce these Neo Nazi groups because it’s who they are. It’s about white power, it’s about admiration for Hitler/ Trump, it’s about being the contrarians. The GOP, MAGA, and Trump are telling us who they are. That’s why I think black voters, Jewish people, Latinos, should take notice of this and stop pretending that Trump gives a damn about them.

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They don't even pretend anymore, do they?

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No, they don't. I sensed evil from that parade. I can only pray that Kamala wins.

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Too bad the mainstream media won't pick it up.Oh right, they have to be kind to trump so they can keep their paper if trump wins.

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Corporate Media will never cover this. So in bed with Dumph.

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Sickening! How can this be in the USA? How do we get back our beautiful safe country?!

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Yes, this IS the only really viable solution.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

We start by electing Kamala and Tim. Then we start working on every public office from Dog Catcher on up. That's how the fascists did it.

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Don't vote for any of them ! Stand up for minorities, women's rights , and LBTQ..........rights ! Who a person loves, what they believe, the medical choices they make are no one else's business.

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That would be great if it were possible. If Trump wins, none of your goals will happen. MAGAs will take away minority rights, women rights, LGBTQ rights, gay marriage, and medical choices--ALL WILL BE GONE IF TRUMP WINS.

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FFS how can anyone be ok with this

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OMG!!! I can’t imagine why so many people accept this kind of behavior & are not protesting, making it a big deal & making mainstream media accountable for not reporting the facts. That to me is the scary part, that SO many people don’t understand what Trump is actually saying & don’t realize just how dangerous he is. 3 weeks until the election & approximately 50% of voters still don’t understand what the consequences will be if Trump actually gets elected. ⚠️⚠️⚠️😱

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Corporate Media is an enabler. There will be no mention of this.

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Facebook wouldn’t let me share it

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Then use Messenger, X, twitter, whatever to reach as many people as possible!

Friends don't let friends vote NAZI!

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We have some in our neighborhood that just come right out and say we can’t vote in that lady. She’s done enough.

We don’t like to talk politics with other people. We are in a red state. Sad that people are being brainwashed by Trump instead of really listening to what he is saying. It’s all about HIM.

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I was in Trumpworld up into quite recently, and encountered the sane thing, many times. It's a crisis in basic morality, and education. :/

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Proof, yet again, that sewage floats (and its the same color no matter what the wrapper looks like).

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Well said❣️

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They won’t call them out. It’s who they are. The racism is out in the open. We can stop them from gaining power (white or otherwise); but I don’t doubt that Insurrection the Sequel is coming. Note to VP Harris. Replace Merrick Garland. The mob needs to be dealt with sharply. A butter knife won’t do.

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Birds of the feather flock together.

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It's sickening, what they are doing to our country. Please vote 💙🇺🇸🌊

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💙💙💙🌊 all the way.

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WOW!!! This is absolutely sick. Never thought I would see the day.

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IOW, not all Trump supporters are racists. BUT, all racists are Trump supporters.

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They're easy targets when they openly display their swastikas and confederate flags. They're begging for the violence that will blowback in their face and I have no compassion for any of them.

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This is a disgusting and pathetic statement attack against our nation and its citizens. Trump and his family should denounce such actions if they were true Americans, but we know they are not!! They are pure evil and people who allow themselves to be manipulated by him should examine their own hearts or they are no better than the Neo Nazi’s and other hate mongers.

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I was just listening to the Legal AF

Podcast about the Alien Enemies Act and trump promising to use it on his first day in office.

Watching those Nazi rubes at the boat parade, I can not believe there are no legal ways to put a quick end to that shit while Biden still enjoys the newly given presidential immunity. Voting almost seems a ridiculous option considering the imminent threat to democracy. The first amendment all the crazies are hiding behind only goes so far and should have its justifiable and explainable limitations.

With a German upbringing and living in Canada I cannot believe what is going on in the US in bright daylight and out in the open for everybody who cares to see.

The picture of cattle being pushed towards the slaughterhouse comes to my mind.

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We have entered a crisis mode. I have ex-friends who have begun supporting both Putin and Hitler. It is nauseating. This coincided with the entrance of Trump onto the political scene, and began accelerating rapidly.

The final straw for me came near the election, in a night that I am not likely to ever forget. :/ I have been oscillating between appalled , furious , depressed beyond words , and occasionally just pity them all.

Trump supporters do not seem capable of realizing that, should this monster win, it will be even worse for them in the end, than if he loses.

At least for the moment, they have the option of retreating from the brink. But in the awful nightmare that would follow a victory for MAGA, that would rapidly evaporate as their 'leader' begins the pogroms versus his 'enemies' and demands their loyalty... :/

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That President Biden has not used his presidential immunity to harm another citizen, even when they are destructive, shows the integrity he has as well being a stronghold for democracy.

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The end justifies the means, especially if your "Supreme" Court created the tools that - no doubt - will be used recklessly by the next republican potus.

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Yes and no.

If this becomes a lawless country -- let's say the Supreme Court throws the election to Trump, or there is some other process to override the will of the voters -- then we are not ourselves bound by law in our response in order to defend democracy.

But we are bound by tactics that will allow us to easily transition back to the rule of law and democratic institutions, if that is our goal. Should we extra-constitutionally arrest Nazis? Sure, when constitutionality has broken down. Should we give them something resembling a fair trial, even if it's occuring outside of a constitutional structure? Yes. Should sentences approximate what a constitutional system would dispense? Yes. Because they're (for example) happy with concentration camps for their enemies, does not mean we should indulge such impulses.

That said I hope we don't ever get to that point.

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I applaud your honorable attitude. I wholeheartedly agree with you - under normal political conditions. I think we can agree on the fact that the last 7-8 years are a far cry from the common definition of 'normal'.

As I was reading your comment, a strange thought occurred to me. Somehow the situation described in your comment seems to have more than one thing in common with the situation of women seeking comprehensive prenatal care in Texas or Georgia. The most obvious similarity is the time constraints, but also the fact that real help is not available.

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Shocking news, smh

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