I'm both loving this song and sad we are needing protest music. Back to the future it is, then. Here we go. TY Brando💟

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I work at a Specialty food store aka bougee grocery and ONE DAY after the election results, they began to raise prices. The store was already hit with a markup on meat from suppliers. I suggest stocking up on shelf stable items again. Especially cleaning and toiletry supplies. Some boxing lessons and pepper spray for our daughters…….

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And Victory Gardens…

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I actually get this. If referring to what I think you are.

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Victory Gardens were vegetable and herb gardens planted to supplement rationed food during WWI and WWII.

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Not being too harsh. We were sold out.

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They sold us out and they aren’t even going to get cheaper groceries

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That's the sad sad irony of it. But a lot of those people also voted their hatreds. Never forget that.

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I’m not convinced many of them consider anything or anyone else in their self-centered choices, nor will they ever acknowledge the harm they cause others.

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Of course not! They are just like Trump. And they are too stupid to ever be able to understand they damage they have done.

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Bravo Brando 💙💙💪💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thanks for this song and video. Stay strong~

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You penned it just right! Thank you.

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Loved the song and you hit it on the head of the nail. But one thing, that carton of eggs are going to go up in price and all farmers AGAIN, are going to get massacred with these tariffs. Well, every American is but I’m just bringing up the eggs because you sang about it. Thank You Brando. 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

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You can bet that the GOP, etc. will have secret services available to them for their wives, daughters, mistresses, etc., should they have an unwanted pregnancy or death threatening pregnancy. Birth control will probably be accessible to all of them, too; but not for the rest of us.

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Amen brother, please keep your videos coming

You’re knocking it out of the park .

You’re hitting a Grand Slam Home Run …

The truth is the truth amen brother 🇨🇦

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Great song. A 20 year old Hispanic guy I know went to work the day following the election. A female coworker went up to him and literally started taunting him to his face, laughing that he was going to be sent back to Mexico. He was born here! His mother was born here! He has never even been to Mexico. He is just the nicest young man. I am sickened by this whole debacle.

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We can take action safely when we observe this type of behavior. Please look into de-escalation training so we can all learn how to protect co-workers and friends from this kind of abuse in the future. I took several trainings so I could feel safe intervening in this kind of circumstance. https://righttobe.org/training/bystander-intervention-training/; https://www.goodgoodgood.co/podcast/the-5-ds-of-bystander-intervention.

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Thanks you for this. I'm in study and prepare mode for when I might be able to make a difference. These careless people are part of humanity and somehow we have to do what we can to help at least the repentant ones find sken wisdom.

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You will see many who regret their vote (we're already seeing some). I'm sad to say that many of those will cling to their racism, sexism, anti-LGBTism... But for those who say they were wrong in those things, I'm willing to do what I can to educate them and help them heal from their 45 coma.

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I am standing by for them to return from the madness also. It's the only way we get through this. But it's like dealing with alcoholics. You can't make a difference till they realize they have a problem.

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Most of them will have to hit a wall and then they will wake up.

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Sadly, this will happen. I feel so bad about this because these yahoos voted in a virulent racist and so many people will suffer. And that's both documented and undocumented people. I worked with undocumented people when I did fruit harvesting and they were all very hard workers. And they pay taxes without reaping any benefit. There should have been a path to citizenship, not mass deportations. But thanks to idiots thought that eggs were too expensive, they will be.

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Thank you so much for this! I’m proud to be part of the network and fighting the good fight alongside you! You captured exactly how I felt writing the song! Thanks for recognizing that and thanks for all you’ve done for our democracy!

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Love the song and this is what I've said all along, magas don't have a clue how tariffs work and groceries are just one of many item's that are going to increase under Trump.

As to women's rights, they don't give a rat's ass, about women health and well being, and trump is a predator, not a protector. If abortions are not your cup of tea, how about forced vasectomies instead?

Shaking my head.

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I love your words. I fully agree with you

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This is Really Good, Thank You for putting this out there, and will reStack ASAP 💯🙏

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