Sadly the only people who will hear Newsome or read about what he said already know the truth.

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That is so true. One wonders if we can ever breach this divide, fact (verifiable) v. lies.

And is is so horrible that Gov. Newsome has to take the time to have to do this while the crisis looms.

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The breach will only come when the Mango Maniac's warped policies begin to affect his deluded followers, and he has no one else to blame. For example, his vow to tear down what he calls windmills (actually wind turbines) will disrupt the power grid to a substantial part of beet-red south Texas, which depends largely on power from wind farms. And his threatened cuts to public education are going to hit everyone. As the Good Book says, "He causeth it to rain on the sinner and the just." A mass of believers must be made un-believers by hard experience.

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I don't believe that.....The more Newsom speaks out the more people around the world find out what is going on. I don't live in the US and I hear what is going on from him. People with an actual brain DON"T listen to Fox so........ Evil Trump will NOT be able to hide anything The more people speak out the more the truth stays out and fights away the rhetoric. You guys are in a FIGHT.....so you need to FIGHT!!!! Don't let ANY lies get through.....if you hear it in your neighborhood, church, school, store, FIGHT to keep the truth out there.

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My point was, it's the ones without a brain who need to hear it. They're the ones making threats and spreading the lies.

Not let any lies get through? I wish it were that easy. Fox is not the only rightwing source and sources of news that actually tell the truth about trump are disappearing. The NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, have all started to ignore the lies and don't report on the crazy part of trump's speeches or nominees. I feel like I'm fighting a shadow.

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Lies make it around the world by the time that truth has gotten out the door.

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Well if you call it quits before you even try then you get what you get........TRUMP

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Amen to that. Unfortunately.

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That is why MTN and other truth-supportive information sources should be REACHING OUT to registered republicans. They aren't going to just pop up off their couches and find better sources.

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I can't get my MAGA family to listen to me, how do we get them to listen to MTN or any media that tells them to believe anything other than trump?

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That is the question!

I can't really speak with at least a couple of family members about politics or much else either. But I was thinking more about something just like an FYI -- something non-threatening but still an opportunity for the misinformed to consider a different possibility.

For example, our tech and internet-based media industries have made maximum use of all kinds of brain researchers, psychologists, and other experts on human attention, addiction, persuasion, and belief in designing their platforms and algorithms. There have been defectors here and there, but where are the rest of those experts and why aren't they speaking up?

It would be especially interesting to present one or more of them, or one of the really interesting experts on de-programming cult members, and/or those psychologists in our national intelligence community and military, who would know what these MAGA believers are up against internally and will have ideas and methods for opening their minds.

Perhaps MTN could recruit some or one of those experts to co-host a show? It would be a regular show about leaving MAGA, what finally broke through that denial to help someone otherwise lost to the cult.

Or, maybe even a specific program dedicated to helping MAGAs in distress, or even people like some of us with close friends or family members they want to help but feel they can't. We need as much help sometimes as they do in dealing with the disinformation landscape -- Like a hotline.

Or, just for the sake of encouraging independent thought, MTN could have a division or group that is purely educational in its purpose, offering the public information about disinformation, how to know someone is conning you, what corruption is -- who corruption hurts and why it matters, and about our government in general, and why it's set up the way it is. Just simple and basic information.

That's kind of what I was thinking. Just some ideas about what MTN could do for us and for the country by bringing those conned back into the fold of one America.

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THIS....is what concerns me mostly and most often. I know there are MAGA converts seeing some info that has shifted their perspective but it may not be enough and it's not happening fast enough.

OH AND don't even get me started how Maga Mike Lil' Johnson saying how Gov. Newsome is spending too much on social defying lies. Well, then STOP FVCKN LYING.

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Newsom is doing a fabulous job under incredibly horrible pressure. Good for him! My admiration for him grows daily.

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Sad day when the government and next President is hurting people instead of helping!!!

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Not unlike COVID.

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Sociopaths live to hurt other people, the more the better. I had an older brother who manifested a lot of the symptoms, especially to me. He relished the pain he inflicted on me, mostly psychological. The only way I stopped it was to smack him across the face when I'd had enough. Maybe that's what's called for in this case - if anyone has the nerve to beard the lion in his den.

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Since California subsidizes many other states with our tax dollars is there a way we can keep some of that money in CA to help the fire victims?

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Trump will divide the States as he is doing with allied countries. The threat from within is here.

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George...fell off my chair reading that...was hilarious :):):)

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Why aren't people up in arms about this? Why are they not protesting about the absolute disgusting behavior of Trump and his ass kissers. People get so passive....what happens when it happens to your State? I do not live in the States but I am angry as hell how Trump is treating the citizens of the US EVEN the "dumber than dumber" who voted for him.

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Trump is envious of Gavin Newsom because he is a very handsome guy, intelligent, honest, fit and very tall.

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Don’t forget young, too.

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This is exactly what we need to do. Sad that it took this long to realize, but being nice, or even "spiritually nice", let alone intellectually nice does not win (those particular) hearts and minds. I'm looking to Mayor Pete to help here, as his words always ring true....

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Diplomacy doesn't cut it when you're in the midst of a pack of hyenas. And that's exactly what the incoming administration is. We can only hope they turn on each other until the last one standing lopes off, licking its fatal wounds.

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Truly ugly people that feed off of the devastation of others.. disgusting

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We are in an extremely bad place when people are actually blaming people about what’s happening in California. Blame from the Republican politicians is nuts. What’s wrong with people right now? We’re only a step away from saying “so what “ when something horrible happens to someone else.

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Right you are, Kathryn S. O'Brien. I feel as a community, we are gradually losing our humanity.

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I went to a HOA community meeting last night. We’re just a small group on Whidbey Island. The main idea at the meeting was just being good neighbors. Wish we all felt more of that in the entire country.

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I completely agree with that outlook. We just received a significant lake effect snow dump (Buffalo, NY...nothing to get excited over) and I decided to clear the sidewalks for my next-door neighbor just to be neighborly. Small steps can make a difference.

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California is getting help from Washington State, Montana, Arizona, Mexico, Canada and the Lakota Nation, just to name a few. Community is alive and well, just not in MAGA and the Red States. Maybe there is hope.

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And Mexico. I'm 🇨🇦. So pleased that CA is being helped by experts in firefighting from around the world.

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I believe from my state too, CO.....

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And help from Japan and Ukraine also wants to send help

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Under our present me-first culture, fostered by the greedy, we are abandoning the spirituality that activates our higher selves - from selfless kindness and altruism to generosity and caring -and reverting to the basest behaviors of all living creatures, procreation and self-preservation.

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THEN now is the time to gather up whatever it takes in your (our) hearts to regain our humanity...do NOT let them have ever a bit our your precious humanity

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Sadly, not gradually, but I’m right there with you.

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That's exactly where they want us - entirely passive while we close our windows against the stench of burning flesh issuing forth from the camp chimneys, and hope they don't come for us next.

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I’m sure that if Trump visits Cali he’ll bring a case or two of paper towels…..

….what a contrast to the Honorable Governor Newsom and President Biden.

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Trump threw paper towels in a soaking wet climate--making them even more useless on top of being the most useless thing conceivable. 🤬

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The land buyer parasites did that in Hawaii!! This is what they do.

Gavin Newsome is doing exactly what Democrats need to be doing the next 4 years. Call them out HARD for failures and what could have been done.

Newsome needs to lead that and teach a few Dems how to fight a bully/tyrant.

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Unfortunately, the maggots only watch FAKE FOX.....

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Maggots flocking to maggots.

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It's pretty clear that MAGA world is afraid Gavin Newsom will run for president in 2028 and be a formidable candidate. This is their early attempt at dirtying him up. Well, I've got news for the MAGAs: we can smell your fear.

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It’s also sad not to see other Democrats come and defend Newsom. Or at least praise him for standing up to MAGA. Newsom so far is the only one not afraid

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I love how Newsom is standing his ground and providing American people with facts, no lies and no excuses! And he has an incredible positivity during such a horrific disaster! Now that’s REAL leadership!! Love it!!

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