Ben! We never expected a BLACK person in the cabinet. HE DON'T LIKE US! Those that voted for him and think he is better for our Country, the American people and our Democracy are as delusional, and narcissistic as he is.

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We were never surprised! Ever. His wickedness is paramount and very present

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Yes. They elected white supremacy into the Whitehouse. Absolutely horrifying.

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You get what you vote for. Too many people blind to who Trump is.

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They're not blind. They love what he is. He hates the same people they hate, and that's enough.

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All of Trumps picks are LIE picks. Loyalty, Incompetence and Exclusion

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Maybe there just aren’t any Black Republicans unqualified enough for this Cabinet…..

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Why would this surprise anyone. tRump is a known racist

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As a white person who sees his racism clearly, my mind is boggled that people of color fail to see it.

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Women make up 55% of the American electorate.

Based on this group, the proposed picks are;

0% Black

12% Women

Tell us again why Harris lost.

Two of the three women chosen are for roles

where they must do whatever Trump demands.

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He had to appease all of his racist supporters, of course. This should not be a surprise to anyone. I don't feel sorry for Carson or Scott. If their eyes were not wide open to the racist BS Chump was dishing out before hand, that is on them.

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Ben Carson acts like he is on a steady diet of percocet...

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Commander Crazy Pants selects more members for his Clown Posse. The next 4 years are going to be a Circus, why the Clowns are fitting selections. 🤡

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White Supremacy rules the Republican Party. From trump to mcconnell to everyone else. If you aren’t a kkklan person leave the Republican Party. Your silence and compliance shows Americans trump and his kkklan folk OWN you and your soul.

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Exactly. This is why I have never voted ReTHUGliKKKan and I never will. I saw this 50 years ago. It's just a shame so many have had the wool pulled over their eyes--in many cases willingly. Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Trump voters sold out America for what they think will be cheaper food and gas.

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Wonder if he's planning to restore slavery by repealing the 13th Amendment, after he deports all the brown-skinned immigrants. Somebody has to do the shit work.

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I hope not, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Those people (T and M) are scum.

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You were expecting the Central Park Five?

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Golly gee willakers, could would expect anything different? Right on par for the course, so to speak... maybe he's got other "black jobs" for them.

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“Can I take back my vote?”


I want to go around grandma slap every person I see.

Unfortunately, you really can’t tell by looking at people if they’re the ones that were too stupid to pay attention to both sides of the arguments.

And check into the veracity of the statements made by the person you want to vote for before you vote for them.

It’s not like he was running for office for two years

Actually, it’s more like 10!

The next four years is going to feel like 20.

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Why is that a surprise!? HE DON'T LIKE US!! Hear that BLACK PEOPLE!! HE DON'T LIKE YOU!!!

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Well, he really doesn’t like anyone who doesn’t bankroll him, no matter the color of their skin. I just wish people had opened their eyes sooner & votedfor the right person.

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Just got back from olive garden. I had to sit facing a Trump family of 10 with a probably 12 year old wearing his MAGA hat at the table.

Disgusting. That's another thing the MAGA movement has been smart with... they are marketing to the next generation of voters. The Dems are falling behind fast.

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Think I'll stay home as much as possible. I'm old and pissed off and afraid of what I might say if confronted with such a disgusting sight. Don't need to be beaten up.

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Support small privately owned restaurants not huge corporate chains that support trumpet.

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And there is absolutely nothing that can be done about this??? Seriously???

The current Administration is just going to hand our country over to these people .... graciously and politely ... knowing they will destroy our democracy and everything so many soldiers died for.

This is shocking and so wrong in every imaginable way ...

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Biden is a coward and has already bent the knee to Trump with his little meet and greet at the White House. Any shreds of respect I still had for Biden are gone.

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He was doing what Biden does ... giving respect and diplomacy .... If there is more being done, they surely could not go public with a plan. Yes it is frustrating that Trump ...

I dont know what laws support us doing more when Trump is openly bragging about his corruption ... I am no a lawyer and would begin to know the legal things that are available for our protection.

President Biden took that big mess he inherited and made so many things work better ...

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Bidens insistence on normality in times like this is partly to blame for why democrats lost. It's time the gloves came off.

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Maybe he will nominate Hershell Walker for a prime post.

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