Keep going, Ben and MeidasTouch family! Together we are powerful.

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Mighty Meidas is the media! This family grows more powerful by the day. Many government workers like me will do everything we can to undermine the Orange menace: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/how-to-subvert-trumps-second-term

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I have now made it my policy to only listen to MEIDAS for my news for any information that is national or international and NOT do any of the American Corporate Media networks. I find BBC, and Deutsche Welle for more complete international news.

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I'll second that, James. If there's anything the corporate media is worse at covering, second to Trump, it's international news. If you watched only cable or network news, you'd hardly know there's a world beyond our shores.

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And that's scary. We are quite well informed on international news here in Europe...BUT I do not care much for our mainstreem media news coverage on Trump. It's like he's a normal, average guy. Sounds familiar?

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That sounds sadly and frighteningly familiar. I guess sane washing knows no boundaries.

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MSM failed miserably during the '16 campaign and continue to do so today.

He's never been anything more than a BS shyster. His mom couldn't handle him, so she passes off 'Lil Donny to dad who sends him off to military school. He fakes his way thru that and biz school. NY elites never took him seriously.

His real schooling comes from Roy Cohn who taught him to be a bully, never give in, litigate everything until the other side gives up.

Never being loved created the monster. Two brain cells boing around his head and end up in his adult diaper. It's call shit for brains.

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Romania should be our model.

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I, too try to check BBC everyday for international news. I think that there is just so much going on here in the US that a lot of media sources don't bother covering international news as much as they should. I also watch Democracy Now for issues not reported on by US news outlets.

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They suck also.

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For US news, yes, I agree. I only watch BBC for international news. They treated DJT as if he was on an equal plain with Harris and I couldn't watch that.

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Too much Hail Britania. When are they going to report on Russian intervention in Brexit? In their elections? And apprently none of their citizens are held hostage in Gaza. Syria.

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I'm not American but I like to keep up with your news and Meidas Touch has been my go to place for about 4 years now. The BBC World Service is porbably less biased than the UK News which is starting to lean right infortunately. I also find DW News https://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/s-9097 good because it covers Europe along with World news.. A lot of people here in the UK also now watching Al Jazeera News https://www.aljazeera.com/

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Thank you Ben for your courage, fortitude and commitment to truth, justice and the American way( yeah, that’s a corny Superman reference,lol) but the MTN has become the only source to count on for calling out the true evil that is in play against the working and working poor Americans. I am grateful for all you do at MTN. May you and your family, your brothers, editors Ron and other contributors all enjoy a wonderful Christmas holiday. Keep fighting the good fight, We the People need you ! Thank you all!

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Ben, thank you and your staff for EVERYTHING you do!!! Have a wonderful holiday season!

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Please release the transcript at the same time. Many like me can read but not listen.

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Thank you for your work and vision. On Biden, first and foremost a seriously good man. I hope he has many good years ahead if him to reap the love and respect he has sown in his lufe

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Meidas Touch Network (MTN), thank you for being there for us. Margaret Mead is known for saying, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”. Proud to support the MTN.

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Still waiting to hear from Biden re the nature and extent of Russian involvement in our demise.

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Keep up the great work everyone.

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Meidas is in the big time now. that's great news. Now we have ramp up and make sure that if the orange cancer makes it into the people's house that we have a plan to kick him and all his bootlickers the hell out.

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So looking forward to this interview. Well done MTN. Keep up the good fight!

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I’m so looking forward to your interview with President Biden. He has done more good for ordinary Americans like me than any other president has done in 8 years, with the possible exception of FDR.

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I’ll be watching the interview with Biden tomorrow. How exciting for the Miedas mighty.

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Thank you for all you are doing to keep us informed. One of your paid subscribers was kind enough to get me a paid subscription. This is the kind of people you've brought into the MeidasTouch sphere. I keep spreading your videos and posts.

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I am thankful for the MTN.

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I sent President Biden a letter Monday, and am awaiting a response. He was gracious enough to reply to the first letter I sent him while Vice President Harris was running. I naturally asked that he not leave office and that he defend Democracy and refuse to let the Dictator to be sworn in. I’m certain that he giggled but since he’s a man of integrity, he won’t. We do however, must come up with our own game plan to stop Trump from Destroying Democracy, and waiting for an Election, will be too late! We don’t have the luxury of time and Trump and his Congressional Cult members don’t play nicely, or by the rules! They only know threats and hostile, so we must respond to them the same way, only more forcefully! We cannot give them an inch! We must schedule multiple, simultaneous, peaceful protests at the Capitol and White House on multiple days to get the point across we will not tolerate what they are prepared to do! They refuse to respond to letters and phone calls! Action is the only way! We must shout down the Jordan’s, Greene’s, Comer’s, and Johnson’s of the world and refuse to abide what they demand of us, in order to serve and appease their God and Dictator Trump! We must do this now!

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