MeidasTouch hosts Ben Meiselas and Karen Friedman Agnifilo report on NY Judge Juan Merchan ordering Trump to be sentenced on January 10, 2025 and the implications of this decision.
Nope it happened to Nixon. President Truman died. Then when he took office LBJ died and the flag flew at half -mast another 30 days. Trump is so like Nixon.
That "other" person is already making statements about this being yet another "tactic" against him & that the Dems are just "giddy" over this fact. Stating that this is not what "the American people" want & we will wait & see if this truly does happen. MY flag will continue to be at 1/2 mast in honor of a truly great president & gentleman.
Trump won't get what he deserves, if by that you mean he faces the consequences that an ordinary America would. Trump is one of the people who are above the law in this country.
Figures, more bulls$it so Trump doesn't face ANY CONSEQUENCES! Our justice system SUCKS/BROKEN, that we let 2 felons run around FREE AS A BIRD,(Rudy/Donald), for the past year, makes me wanna throw up!
Oh yeah ! Most of the MAGA morons are from the former Confederate States. How does it feel to be taken, by a grifting yankee carpet bagger from New York City !? Idiots !
Donable Lectors gravesite will be surrounded by prison bars, a watchtower and an electric fence to protect it from vandals, arsonists and citizens that hate that fc#kin A-Hole!!!
I don't know what you mean by Trump's followers are "uneducated." Does that mean they didn't go to college? No doubt that's true for many, but there are also many who are highly educated professionals. The level of education really has nothing to do with being a Trump supporter.
Yes, I have figured it out from listening to members of my family who support Trump -- I'm an independent leaning left -- as well as doing extensive reading on the American divide.
And yes, I can explain it. It's a combination of the supporters' hatred, anger, disappointment, misery loves company, belief in their own moral superiority, refusal to accept that there are ways of life different from their own that are valuable, belief that some god has made universal rules that THEY must enforce, belief in racial/ethnic/religious superiority of some kind . . . I could go on, but I'm sure you can add more on your own. Add in some very valid differences of opinion in how government should work -- that's what makes a supporter of this mess.
I've listened to countless MAGA who can't name a single policy trump had or has to make America Great. In this case many deny his convictions, claim it's political persecution. Also, trump tapped into their bigotry, hatred and victimhood and gave it a voice. They excuse everything he does and says. They hold him to no standards and sadly they're going to learn soon enough that they've been used. He created them (MAGA) to get elected twice and he'll discard them without a thought since he no longer needs them. Trump's loyalty demand is a one way street.
I can relate to your explanation more. Knowing of how this person operates since the time he wrecked the lives of many in Atlantic City, I feel you are closer to the reality of what he is all about. Either way,we all lost. Thanks for your input.
I have lost contact with friends and family because of this. You are lucky to be able to discuss it with them. All I see and hear is hypocrisy. Hate. Fear mongering and to an extent ,jealousy. Hoping for better outcomes. Still don't see any of that as an excuse to back such a person to lead our Country
Yes, I am lucky. I have only lost contact with 1 brother over our political/cultural differences. And please do not misunderstand me -- I do not see any of these things as excuses for backing Trump. Doing so was just wrong, on so many levels.
Most excellent as it would have somehow ended up dismissed or otherwise gone if not done before he is sworn in. As the Convicted Felon he officially will be. Good for Judge M. And his act of courage as well as integrity to get the job done.
No jail time and no fines is a sad ending to areal conviction. Hardly the win suggested in the article title. He doesn’t even have to physically attend. This is the world’s biggest nothing burger.
Let's hope not. I am sick and tired of not only the way that jackass encourages personal terrorism and violence but is absolutely gleeful about it. He is one sick son of a......
You do know who we are talking about don't you? Trump won't be living in an apartment anytime soon. Or getting a job. Face it , he got away with it. Felonies with his kind of wealth( maybe?) Wil not have any real consequences like it would for your average person
The absolute only good thing about this wishy-washy decision is the fact the traitor is a convicted felon and will be for the rest of his life, even if he manages to get them expunged!
Thank you, Judge Merchan for giving hope to our entire nation for our children, for our own younger generation shared by all of us. Our own younger generation who are crying for our shared public nation yo listen to their many critical voices to protect life on earth.
Donny and his exploding fossil fueled Private-only cash-rate-dictated Grand Oil Party don’t even care about their own private future that they are crushing with exploding fossil fueled tyranny crushing US.
Least one judge has some integrity to hold him accountable.
Public servants like Judge Merchan will save our sacred democracy. He should send the orange menace straight to Rikers Island. Government workers have been preparing over the past few weeks to undermine MAGA and Project 2025 Christofascism:
"Sentence Donald Trump to a Mandatory Psychiatric Examination - Political/Legal Maneuverings do Not Change Medical Need"
I agree I didn't think of that one but he would pay off that won't work
I say deportation him and whole family!
Flag to be flown at half-staff for inauguration of convicted felon 🤣
There needs to be a total blackout on any network airing the 🍊 felons inauguration! Not even a peek to see what is happening.
Do not watch the inauguration live!!! Lowest ratings ever will drive him crazy! OK, crazier, sorry!
He will just lie about the ratings anyway
Exactly that will be a clown show too just like him.
I won't be able to watch him lie when he takes the oath of office. Protect and defend the constitution my ass.
The man is the biggest liar and loser that ever lived. He has broken every Ten Commandments.
That's what I'll be doing!
And it will be the first time this has ever happened. Yet another first for the Orange Felon.
Nope it happened to Nixon. President Truman died. Then when he took office LBJ died and the flag flew at half -mast another 30 days. Trump is so like Nixon.
I stand corrected. Google isn't always correct 😒
Half staff for carter...
Also flag should be upside down......USA officially a country in diestress.
I like that !
That "other" person is already making statements about this being yet another "tactic" against him & that the Dems are just "giddy" over this fact. Stating that this is not what "the American people" want & we will wait & see if this truly does happen. MY flag will continue to be at 1/2 mast in honor of a truly great president & gentleman.
That's my birthday. Hope the judge gives me a big birthday present by giving orange man what he deserves
Trump won't get what he deserves, if by that you mean he faces the consequences that an ordinary America would. Trump is one of the people who are above the law in this country.
I. I can still hope
Seriously... This judge has some brass ones. #happyblueyear.
The incoming head of our government is running on an anti rule of law administration. Sad state for democracy and reaffirms his authoritarian agenda.
Figures, more bulls$it so Trump doesn't face ANY CONSEQUENCES! Our justice system SUCKS/BROKEN, that we let 2 felons run around FREE AS A BIRD,(Rudy/Donald), for the past year, makes me wanna throw up!
like bernie madoff got what 35 years? 34 counts if this were u r me it would b life.
That's exactly what it is. No consequences again!
COULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED to a more loathsome and vile, traitor, conman, and criminal.
Oh yeah ! Most of the MAGA morons are from the former Confederate States. How does it feel to be taken, by a grifting yankee carpet bagger from New York City !? Idiots !
So basically he gets away with it as usual. No one is above the law is a joke. Got enough money? You can get away with anything- even insurrection.
He'll always will be a felon
Donable Lectors gravesite will be surrounded by prison bars, a watchtower and an electric fence to protect it from vandals, arsonists and citizens that hate that fc#kin A-Hole!!!
I guess that's some consultation. His followers will see it as vindication because they're so uneducated.
I don't know what you mean by Trump's followers are "uneducated." Does that mean they didn't go to college? No doubt that's true for many, but there are also many who are highly educated professionals. The level of education really has nothing to do with being a Trump supporter.
Then you have figured it out. ? Can you explain what makes a supporter of this mess.
Yes, I have figured it out from listening to members of my family who support Trump -- I'm an independent leaning left -- as well as doing extensive reading on the American divide.
And yes, I can explain it. It's a combination of the supporters' hatred, anger, disappointment, misery loves company, belief in their own moral superiority, refusal to accept that there are ways of life different from their own that are valuable, belief that some god has made universal rules that THEY must enforce, belief in racial/ethnic/religious superiority of some kind . . . I could go on, but I'm sure you can add more on your own. Add in some very valid differences of opinion in how government should work -- that's what makes a supporter of this mess.
I've listened to countless MAGA who can't name a single policy trump had or has to make America Great. In this case many deny his convictions, claim it's political persecution. Also, trump tapped into their bigotry, hatred and victimhood and gave it a voice. They excuse everything he does and says. They hold him to no standards and sadly they're going to learn soon enough that they've been used. He created them (MAGA) to get elected twice and he'll discard them without a thought since he no longer needs them. Trump's loyalty demand is a one way street.
I can relate to your explanation more. Knowing of how this person operates since the time he wrecked the lives of many in Atlantic City, I feel you are closer to the reality of what he is all about. Either way,we all lost. Thanks for your input.
I have lost contact with friends and family because of this. You are lucky to be able to discuss it with them. All I see and hear is hypocrisy. Hate. Fear mongering and to an extent ,jealousy. Hoping for better outcomes. Still don't see any of that as an excuse to back such a person to lead our Country
Yes, I am lucky. I have only lost contact with 1 brother over our political/cultural differences. And please do not misunderstand me -- I do not see any of these things as excuses for backing Trump. Doing so was just wrong, on so many levels.
Thank goodness someone is holding him accountable for this crime! I think his name should be on the sex offender registry!
me too so to speak
Most excellent as it would have somehow ended up dismissed or otherwise gone if not done before he is sworn in. As the Convicted Felon he officially will be. Good for Judge M. And his act of courage as well as integrity to get the job done.
No jail time and no fines is a sad ending to areal conviction. Hardly the win suggested in the article title. He doesn’t even have to physically attend. This is the world’s biggest nothing burger.
Sigh..... I guess it's better than nothing. Kind of. Maybe. No, not really. wth is wrong with this country?!
Wait until he has to check that box for the rest of his life. No guns, no renting any apt. No getting a job,. It can have wide reaching consequences
There will be NO consequences for Trump. There may be consequences for Merchan and his family.
Let's hope not. I am sick and tired of not only the way that jackass encourages personal terrorism and violence but is absolutely gleeful about it. He is one sick son of a......
But example? Rudy
He's voted. Even as a felon. So this is going to affect him how?.
You're kidding, right?
You do know who we are talking about don't you? Trump won't be living in an apartment anytime soon. Or getting a job. Face it , he got away with it. Felonies with his kind of wealth( maybe?) Wil not have any real consequences like it would for your average person
Tell that to Rudi. (My God. He doesn't even have money for a taxi. Helpful hint: get a bike)
After trump gives that money to EJean Carroll, he'll be riding the bus with Rudi
The absolute only good thing about this wishy-washy decision is the fact the traitor is a convicted felon and will be for the rest of his life, even if he manages to get them expunged!
Thank you, Judge Merchan for giving hope to our entire nation for our children, for our own younger generation shared by all of us. Our own younger generation who are crying for our shared public nation yo listen to their many critical voices to protect life on earth.
Donny and his exploding fossil fueled Private-only cash-rate-dictated Grand Oil Party don’t even care about their own private future that they are crushing with exploding fossil fueled tyranny crushing US.
What hope? That at some point they will also have enough money to be above the law?
This is amazing! Hold him accountable