Trump will put everyone affiliated with him in jeopardy. Nothing he says can be believed. The AGs he fired will now work against him and his administration. The Resistance is real and its growing by the hour.

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Anyone who aligns with him deserves to be in jeopardy. They don’t have to look too far to see what happens to those around him. They are mostly in jail or in his crosshairs.

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Well said.

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I hope you're right.

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Love thus

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If I a federal worker presented with an 8 month pay up until September to resign, I would NOT do it. Because Chump’s word can NOT and should NOT be trusted.

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IMPEACH him...if he can distract us, so can we! We have enough to do it already....let's just inconvenience him for his term!

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Dems should bring a motion to Impeach every time he does something. Flood him with Impeachment-along with the daily lawsuits that are being filed. Remember- there is only ONE of him, and an army of us

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I’m with you Shirley, let the impeachment proceedings start. That is how we fight, fight, fight

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Jan 30Edited
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You are not alone

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I’m with you LS. 💪🏽 Every time I see that thang on tv , my lips curl up like a dog growling at something they don’t like.

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I guess you have to control the house to do this, of course he’s not playing by the rules, why should we???????

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Didn't they try that twice already?

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yes, last term, but we need to distract just like reds are doing

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Also, unlike the last time, he is a convicted criminal and felon of, minimum, 34 counts. That SHOULD BEAR a definite weight about him!!

Btw. like I said before in my previous comments, less than 24 hours after the monstrous disgrace of so-called "inauguration" of him, I've been posting this https://www.impeachtrumpagain.org/?emci=b7ec0ad0-49d7-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&emdi=81e076a2-51d7-ef11-88d0-0022482a9d92&ceid=5213211 !!

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I signed! Thanks, Vel!

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I want to hear Democrats start saying impeachment. This is the 2nd week and we are in a constitutional crisis. His intentions are clear.

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Contact your congressperson if they're a Democrat. Everyone who has one should do that, and do it often. If they're a Republican, contact them and express your opinion anyway. They need to hear the other side.

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yes have been.

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Letter sent:


I am a WA state voter writing to ask that Democrats in Congress acknowledge we are in a constitutional crisis after Donald Trump’s first 9 days in office. While I am fairly sure of your stance on the below matters, members of the Democratic party have voted for wholly unqualified, unfit people who display sociopathic behaviors. That is unacceptable as a Democratic voter to see anyone side with the Republicans who need to now know that Democrats stance going forward: Republicans are going to solely own their allegiance to Donald Trump. We are in a constitutional crisis and voters want to see that Democrats will act with urgency. It is time for Democrats to start saying what anyone with or without education knows, Donald Trump needs to be impeached. The conflicts with money he's making, campaign funding, his executive orders, etc. Oh yeah and he's also a convicted felon. He is wholly unfit for the office to lead our country. A majority of democratic voters have turned solely to independent media who are providing real time facts and keeping up with his lies, broken promises, grifts etc. This is who we are now as voters. We do not want to see Democrats reach across the aisle anymore. Let them solely own DT. Please communicate to your Democratic colleagues the following, voters ask that they:

1. No not approve any more Trump nominees

2. No not give unanimous consent for anything

3. Vote no on every cloture motion

4. Frequently request quoroum callsThis is not business as usual. We are in a constitutional crisis.

5. It is time for Democrats to start the impeachment narrative. Much like DT created the fake immigration crisis and it's now a show of force when deportations were already happening under Biden. We are informed and we expect a fight from our Democratic leaders. Voters are reaching out to our representatives for engagement and a commitment to save our democracy at this urgent time.

We have been dealt a two party system. The other party has pledged their allegiance to a wanna be dictator. We are counting on the Democratic party to save democracy.

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Woo hoo!!! Wonderful letter!! You tell 'em!

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Thank you for sharing this letter!!

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This is a really good letter.

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Thank you! Sent to my democratic leaders. Dems need to draw a line in the sand now and stop working with Republicans. If they would have years ago, who knows where we could be.

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Thank you for the reminder as I started when he won but need to continue!!

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And so are OURS!

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Don’t forget he wants to rehire all Military personnel left go for refusing COVID shots. He literally wants to give them 4 years of pay. HOW is this Sexual Predator saving any money?????

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This is the kind of critical thinking all the schools should teach, Robin. How indeed.

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That's a good idea. The vaccines are deadly. Just look around and see.

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?? you for real or sarcastic? hoping the latter..

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Vaccines don’t kill….quit with the lies. They save, read up on polo. YOU are part of the problem. Just like birth control caused birth defects because people weren’t following the directions at first and pass them to friends like candy.

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Lol yea right. Read the obits an d look at the rising cancer rates. Also check out Substack.

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WOW…vaccine for cancer and it’s killing people??? Please share the link for wonderful vaccine.

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This 'administration' is totally nuts. I hope like hell, some in this country, will stop him and his goons

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The American people STOP him!!!

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Love you and the Miedas Bros

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Can MTN get Jim Acosta as a guest?

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Jim is jamming on his own site this platform

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That’s what brought me to Substack… learning that Acosta is starting his Independent Media here. I have only followed MTN/LegalAF on YT and IG. I want to minimize my apps, but maximize my support and viewership of high quality independent journalism with folks who speak and share with a sense of integrity in their hearts.

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Yes. MTM is really growing fast.

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Thank you, Michael Popok and the MeidasTouch brothers

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If the law applies “.. only when a defendant’s actions impaired the integrity of physical evidence”, then the statute definitely applies in the Jan6 cases, because a crucial component of “the integrity of the physical evidence” was the time constraint associated with the physical evidence, which physical evidence was the official state results of the votes of the state electors, evidenced by the official forms communicating those results to the joint session of Congress convened to tally those votes on January 6, 2021, and the time constraint being the necessity of completing the processing of that evidence, without which that evidence would be moot, as the result of the election would then not be determined by that evidence, thwarting the will of the voters. That the insurrectionists’ attempt to undermine the procedure was ultimately unsuccessful is irrelevant, as the defendents were attempting to prevent the lawful completion of the procedure.

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Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.

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Can’t wait to watch the fall of the orange POS

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I have my popcorn ready

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Hi, Popok! Glad to join you!

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Chasing Trump through the courts is what attorneys are ready for, right?

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Trump is trying to steal the government IT called Looting!

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not "only" government but entire America and Modern West and hand it/them to his master terrorist putin of russia and other generally anti-American and anti-Western terrorists. DO NOT LET IT!!

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What is the point of offering 2 million VA employees early retirement while there’s a hiring freeze

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They will never get paid. Trump stiffs everyone and there is no money allocated for this anyway. It's a (surprise!) scam.

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My daughter-in-law got an email offering the early retirement. She’s worked there for 20 years and I told her not to sign it. They’re offering eight months pay in exchange for an entire career.

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You told her correctly. He has no authority to make an offer like that. And who knows how it would morph once it has been signed. It is a power grab from Congress who are the ones to oversee any kind of reduction in force of the federal government. Despicable.

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I agree do not sign it!!!!

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He wants to gut the federal government.

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Orange Hitler/Project 2025 are using the Nazi paybook from 1930-33 very closely.

Putting Trump bibles in schools---putting Hitlers picture up in classrooms. Shutting down the Department of Education. Nazis forced children to put Hitler first before parents. Girls separted from boys to be housewives and mothers. Secret informnts turning people into the Gestapo.......Resist now with all that you have got!!!

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Yikes, who's putting Hitler's picture in classrooms? Or are you talking about Nazi Germany?

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Yea.......Teachers in Nazi Germany had Hitlers pictures up......students giving Musk salutes..........Trump bibles in classes........

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He's working on it! The question is will, "they" allow it? 🤬

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Wreck it & then say, “ see it doesn’t work”

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The VA is already very short staffed. It takes up to month or longer to get an appointment!!

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Because trump thinks he is a God, power and control that is all it is. My God is an awesome God!

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If I find a Nazi poster or a Bible or the 10 Commandments in my grandson’s classroom, I will remove them and they’ll have to fight me. I’m 70 years old so it won’t be too hard to fight me, but I’ll go down swinging.

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How embarrassing that Trump has united the world against us! I didn’t vote for him and I’m completely mortified that this is going on. He has proven time & time again that he’s not going to follow the rules!! He needs to be stopped!

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