I’m so tired of there being no consequences. Never does this man face any fucking consequences. Could you imagine if this was Joe Biden doing these things?!
I know right! It’s beyond infuriating. I posted essentially the same comment about imagining if it were Biden or Kamala doing this and the sheer fury that’d come from the Republicans Couldn’t agree more, Allison.
That’s exactly how I feel. Never any consequences for this piece of shit felon and his inhumane quisling lemmings. What’s gonna happen to him? Nothing. Gotta cut the head off the snake.
I often imagine how Republicans would be acting if this were Biden or Kamala doing a tenth of what Trump is doing. I can only imagine the furore they’d cause, especially if he was contravening a court’s ruling.
It would never happen. Only Trump and his huge ego believes the people "behind the curtain". Every other person is smarter than that. I wonder what's next
Trump has something over everyone. Remember he only bullies or screws for loyalty.
If the judicary cannot bring themselves to do what they are paid to do let the civilians arrest these bodies and put them on a one way tickets to Guantanamo Bay or immediately put them under house arrest in Greenland or one way tickets to Moscow
I think if a lawsuit about something related and the reg lawyers appeal all the way to the SCOTUS they could rule which would over rule- like SCOTUS ruled abortion is a legal right and then a new lawsuit about 50 years later went all the way to SCOTUS and they ruled to nullify legal abortion. So I would think someone or organization could sue Trump et al and have SCOTUS over rule the immunity decision
How about a "go fund me" class action lawsuit, to include all of us????? Since our elected leadership is all talk and no immediate action, and the military is following and obeying the "commander in grief", and out of control tech bros are stealing our privacy, and mainstream media networks and publications are lame appeasers in the name of "fair and balanced" reporting, let's figure this out for ourselves. Keep thinking, everyone!
If the Supreme Court is our last bastion of defense, we should focus on contacting them en masse. There's over 300 million of us vs a .01% oligarchy, right? If that doesn't prove effective, what other entity can save us?
I really don’t know all I know is we won’t survive four years of this and i’m sorry to say i don’t believe the judges will be able to block his insanity for very long.
This guy is a disgrace and needs to get bitch slapped into reality. The problem is, no one seems to want to do the slapping. We say you are violating the law and he gives us back a full Bronx cheer. No consequences. No one including himself knows what reality they are in after trying to keep up with so many lies and blatant disregard for the law. They keep setting a line, then moving it. We have to stand our ground and not be afraid to threaten the President with article 25. He is not a sane person. Should be house arrested by the courts for blatant disregard of the people he has sworn to represent. He thinks he’s a king that can’t be prosecuted for anything by saying it’s a national emergency. I’m glad Chief justice Roberts finally said something.
I wish it was that simple :his cabinet has to agree to use 25th amendment. Do you really think any of those grifting nut jobs would agree to do that? Heck no it would be like killing their golden goose
Hopefully that day is now before he does more damage. Defying a judge is a big move, a straight-up declaration of war against our government, our system of checks & balances. It's not just sneaking around & acting as if he's king, this is a bold statement that he is, that everyone is subject to him. I hope it is made crystal clear that he is not.
Wouldn't it be such a relief if the judge was rounding up the court officers now to act as security team, getting ready to arrest traitor trump and his regime. Then he throws them all in prison forever!!
He could do that- it seems a Fed Judge has the ability to deputize anyone to be their security and/or give those deputized people to initiate arrests. No going through the FBI SS or Marshalls- they can even ask Governors to give them their state's National Guard. So some hope on that front.
that prison looks like a death sentence ...OMG this is bad, might as well push them out a 6th floor window putin stile ....we are not these people!!!! this chump ass clown MUST be stopped !!!!
Exactly and divide and conquer. "They are illegals! They are gang members!" It's always lie after lie and no one to hear the victims now that they own the media as well
The judges need to do what they did. Pick off his lawyers disbarred them then arrest Musk, arrest his techno boys, arrest Vance and put them in a jail. Sentence Trump to a life sentence revoking his immunity due to breaking his oath to the constitution and the American People
Resume ALL his criminal cases while he sits in jail. If he prefers to go to Moscow or frontline if Ukraine fine.
I'm telling myself the video was ginned up theatrics, red meat for the Maga sick fuks, but we can be sure a forced labor concentration camp in an unregulated country is no country club. And, NO, we are not these people. This isn't paying any debt to society, it's unjust, it's degradation. We have to find a way to stop this sick, cruel clown & the posse he rode in on.
I’m so tired of there being no consequences. Never does this man face any fucking consequences. Could you imagine if this was Joe Biden doing these things?!
I know right! It’s beyond infuriating. I posted essentially the same comment about imagining if it were Biden or Kamala doing this and the sheer fury that’d come from the Republicans Couldn’t agree more, Allison.
That’s exactly how I feel. Never any consequences for this piece of shit felon and his inhumane quisling lemmings. What’s gonna happen to him? Nothing. Gotta cut the head off the snake.
It is reassuring to read comments I could have written word for word. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
...and that is a priceless thing to know and NOT forget.
They would be standing on their heads and shitting nickels!
or President Obama
That’s what always happens with sociopaths. They are slippery slime bags.
They need to have real consequences,
It was only a matter of time before Trump defied the judiciary. And Roberts took his time, but I suppose it’s better late than never.
I often imagine how Republicans would be acting if this were Biden or Kamala doing a tenth of what Trump is doing. I can only imagine the furore they’d cause, especially if he was contravening a court’s ruling.
It would never happen. Only Trump and his huge ego believes the people "behind the curtain". Every other person is smarter than that. I wonder what's next
They would presumably start another insurrection…
That is what I thought until...I heard this comment. CJ Roberts said NOTHING about his blatant refusal to follow the orders of the judges!
Trump has something over everyone. Remember he only bullies or screws for loyalty.
If the judicary cannot bring themselves to do what they are paid to do let the civilians arrest these bodies and put them on a one way tickets to Guantanamo Bay or immediately put them under house arrest in Greenland or one way tickets to Moscow
Is it possible for SCOTUS to revisit the Presidential immunity policy it established? It seems to be backfiring all over the place with the Cheeto.
I think if a lawsuit about something related and the reg lawyers appeal all the way to the SCOTUS they could rule which would over rule- like SCOTUS ruled abortion is a legal right and then a new lawsuit about 50 years later went all the way to SCOTUS and they ruled to nullify legal abortion. So I would think someone or organization could sue Trump et al and have SCOTUS over rule the immunity decision
How about a "go fund me" class action lawsuit, to include all of us????? Since our elected leadership is all talk and no immediate action, and the military is following and obeying the "commander in grief", and out of control tech bros are stealing our privacy, and mainstream media networks and publications are lame appeasers in the name of "fair and balanced" reporting, let's figure this out for ourselves. Keep thinking, everyone!
Civil arrest and one way tickets to Moscow
The tyrant must fall
"Sic semper Tyrannis"
Will he fall by the law acting of by another Brutus?
If the Supreme Court is our last bastion of defense, we should focus on contacting them en masse. There's over 300 million of us vs a .01% oligarchy, right? If that doesn't prove effective, what other entity can save us?
This is Justice John Roberts' fault. He allowed SCOTUS to rule the president can act in an illegal manner.
should have been punished for Jan6th Insurrection
Winner! Winner!
Chicken Dinner!
The new revolution is calling, America! Time to rise up, we are the Calvary
We are Golgotha?? Or do you mean the 7th Cavalry?
The Supreme Court is responsible for what is taking place right now.
Stay true to the best of your ability dear Mr Popok 😉
Why isn’t he being arrested ?!?
Because no one in authority is willing to "bell the kat"
Plus SCOTUS gave him a free pass. Or most of SCOTUS
This insanity can’t go on for four more years without total destruction of america.
First, who is going to arrest him?
Anyone as a Civil Arrest by dark of night, whisk them away in Epstein's plane and land in Moscow, signed, sealed and delivered!
I really don’t know all I know is we won’t survive four years of this and i’m sorry to say i don’t believe the judges will be able to block his insanity for very long.
Thanks Michael!!! Keep up the good work America needs you. 👍👍👍
Glad to hear the judiciary has some resistance
This guy is a disgrace and needs to get bitch slapped into reality. The problem is, no one seems to want to do the slapping. We say you are violating the law and he gives us back a full Bronx cheer. No consequences. No one including himself knows what reality they are in after trying to keep up with so many lies and blatant disregard for the law. They keep setting a line, then moving it. We have to stand our ground and not be afraid to threaten the President with article 25. He is not a sane person. Should be house arrested by the courts for blatant disregard of the people he has sworn to represent. He thinks he’s a king that can’t be prosecuted for anything by saying it’s a national emergency. I’m glad Chief justice Roberts finally said something.
The only National emergency is him being President. Article 25 is a must when democracy take back the house.
I wish it was that simple :his cabinet has to agree to use 25th amendment. Do you really think any of those grifting nut jobs would agree to do that? Heck no it would be like killing their golden goose
Interesting Article 25 vs project 25.
Call Will Smith, he'll do it.
Yes, he did say something, but he left out the most important part. How come he is not following the judges rulings?
Yes, but he could have said more.
He is pushing to see what he can get away with one day he is going to push too far and severe consequences are going to happen
If only.
Hopefully that day is now before he does more damage. Defying a judge is a big move, a straight-up declaration of war against our government, our system of checks & balances. It's not just sneaking around & acting as if he's king, this is a bold statement that he is, that everyone is subject to him. I hope it is made crystal clear that he is not.
Wouldn't it be such a relief if the judge was rounding up the court officers now to act as security team, getting ready to arrest traitor trump and his regime. Then he throws them all in prison forever!!
He could do that- it seems a Fed Judge has the ability to deputize anyone to be their security and/or give those deputized people to initiate arrests. No going through the FBI SS or Marshalls- they can even ask Governors to give them their state's National Guard. So some hope on that front.
Until SCOTUS recinds and removes Donnie's immunity, how can he be stopped?
He can’t, but others without immunity can be found in contempt of court.
He literally CANNOT be stopped.
The Supreme Court crowned him a king.
Trump can be stopped by the American people - same way America ousted the first king and South Korea just booted their dictator wannabe.
So much losing for Trump! The Judges are winning, We the People are winning and pushing back!
Get the filth out of our White House by whatever means necessary!
that prison looks like a death sentence ...OMG this is bad, might as well push them out a 6th floor window putin stile ....we are not these people!!!! this chump ass clown MUST be stopped !!!!
dehumanizing is the point -- so Americans think this is a "good" thing...cleansing... sound familiar?
Exactly and divide and conquer. "They are illegals! They are gang members!" It's always lie after lie and no one to hear the victims now that they own the media as well
The judges need to do what they did. Pick off his lawyers disbarred them then arrest Musk, arrest his techno boys, arrest Vance and put them in a jail. Sentence Trump to a life sentence revoking his immunity due to breaking his oath to the constitution and the American People
Resume ALL his criminal cases while he sits in jail. If he prefers to go to Moscow or frontline if Ukraine fine.
I'm telling myself the video was ginned up theatrics, red meat for the Maga sick fuks, but we can be sure a forced labor concentration camp in an unregulated country is no country club. And, NO, we are not these people. This isn't paying any debt to society, it's unjust, it's degradation. We have to find a way to stop this sick, cruel clown & the posse he rode in on.