Thank you!

I’m exhausted by the NYT lack of enthusiasm for Kamala. She is strong. They keep reporting on the Orc as if he’s normal and they dismiss Kamala. Rather sick of it, I say.

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I just read that Sean Hannity has been involved in NYT, no wonder it’s been off!

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In all fairness , because so many of you liked this, it was a parody I read on substack, but it sure seems possible with them!

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I quit NYT and don’t miss it.

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Orchestra made me laugh. How appropriate!

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I as well. Perfect description. Orc from New York. Tolkien would be proud.

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Heartening for us anxious Europeans to hear this. It will come as a great relief to know that Putin's puppet is defeated, locally we are going to toast Kamala's success with a rare, but needed, visit down the pub....go U.S.A., we've got your back.

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You may also like to know that there have been record numbers of people at early voting places too. This is great news too! The polls have been skewed here by republican operatives throwing in partisan poll numbers into the mix, so never rely on our poll numbers. They are historically inaccurate. Thank you for your support across the pond. 😊

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Wish I could meet you at the pub!

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Fox didn't expect to have an interview with a strong woman who wouldn't put up with Baiar's bullying and they certainly didn't expect to hear how they have been lied to; "We both know that's not true." and "That’s not the clip we're talking about about."

She did a great job and likely left FOX wringing their hands waiting for 45 to call in screaming about a botched hit job.


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If even a small fraction of those viewers decide to vote for Madam VP, or even NOT vote for Mango Mussolini, that will help!

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💥 💪 POW! She got him right in the ratings! 😄

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Let him have all the ketchup he wants! In fact buy him a bunch of McDonald’s meals for him to dip into his ketchup Lol!!!😂 🤣😂🤣😂

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Better yet just pull discarded leftovers outta McDonald's trash. Unless his campaign wants to 'pay for' his medically necessary "Happy Meals"

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Sounds like Kamala made Fox a lot of money! Maybe they should be giving her more attention! 🤩💫

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The Gray Lady is finally shuffling off into irrelevancy. Too bad too. It didn’t have to be that way. Kamala has her campaign act together. Don’t know all of her team but they are to be commended. Of course, Kamala is a prime candidate to have to work for.

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I know I just canceled again. I’ve been reading it since the 80s and it’s so hard to quit, but it’s horrible as soon as I see Bret Stephen’s I have a stroke.

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Ditto. It's time to say Bye Felicia to NYT. CANCEL TODAY 👍

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His byline

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I was shocked Fox asked her to do an interview. I was not at all shocked when she hit it out of the park. ⚾🧢💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵

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Brett was a disgrace to journalism and even the low bar of FOX. Kamala was right to call him out and and showed herself to be informed, knowledgeable and capable. In what civilized world does a nobody reporter be as disrespectful to talk over a presidential candidate try to answer his question. Let alone the current Vice-President of The United States of America. He should be ashamed and banned from all future media invites. No one deserves to be deliberately disrespected during an interview. He needs to find a career more suited to his rude and unprofessional behavior. Trump and FOX have done serious damage and lowed the bar for journalism in the US.

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I was so impressed that Kamala stayed composed and never raised her voice or changed her tone.

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Yep. The guy was a dead eyed shark out of water. All teeth, trying to impress the Felon favorably to avoid being put on fatso's

"enemies within" list.

I did good. Right daddy?

Please love me daddy. Look how mean I was. Please don't be mad.

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Good report, Ron. Now if the NY Times could get back to solid reporting, more people will come back to it. I'm on streaming so didn't see - or know how to see - the entire interview on Fox but did see segments after it was over. Bret Bearface was super-obnoxious and rude in the clips I saw but Kamala was 110% on her game. If you watched her, you saw and heard the next leader of the Free World. And it's her birthday now and hopefully she's getting ready to be on top of the world!

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I missed the interview too because I never saw an announcement about the date and time. Maybe it’s on YouTube.

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The so called person interviewing Kamala was a jerk, he purposely kept talking over her. RUDE!

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I, for one, am looking very much forward to “finally”, the new matriarchy. We can only hope that she will fill her cabinet with a majority of female secretaries. Especially the War Department.

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It’s always the crowd ( I mean Dick size) with him. Given how well Kamala did I wonder if Fox will invite her back.

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You can bet if they do, they will be a lot more careful next time! However, there is a limit as to how much you can defend lies. I don't think they will want to go there again! 😂

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She completely kicked their ass

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Brett Baier embarrassed himself constantly interrupting Kamala midsentence over and over again. I don't know what broadcasting school he graduated from, but they should ask for his degree to be returned.

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What degree?

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Brava! She hit it out of the park. Brett looked and sounded like a pathetic jerk. Good decision Kamala!

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