"Trump doesn't know how to drive.

Trump doesn't know how to pump gas.

Trump doesn't know how to buy groceries.

Trump doesn’t know how to use a computer.

He's lived in a gold, chauffeur bubble his entire life.

He is completely, utterly out of touch with the American people." (Tristan Snell)

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He is completely, utterly out of touch with reality. (Scott Gilbert)

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and so are his disgusting lap dogs, what a poor excuse group of puzzies!

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I don't think Trump is out of touch with reality. The reality is that many Americans want exactly what Trump represents -- and they got it! The Dems are the ones who are out of touch with reality -- that's why they lost the election for Pres.

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Trump needs to be in "ass"isted living.

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No, he needs no assisstance except to take a plane to Russia and STAY THERE!

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"Y'all, I've never been afraid to call a spade a spade.

And the past few weeks — as I’ve watched Trump abandon Ukraine, cozy up to Russia, and leave our allies high and dry — have been no exception.

That’s why I had no choice but to call Trump out the only way I know how:

There's no other way to explain Trump's actions.

- Only a Putin loyalist would try to humiliate Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people like that.

- Only a Putin loyalist would abandon our European allies and the global fight for democracy.

- And only a Putin loyalist would undermine America’s strength on the international stage.

But that’s exactly what Trump has done — and I’m more committed than ever before to making sure he’s forced to deal with a DEMOCRATIC Congress ASAP." (Jasmine Crockett)

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Yes, & securing our elections is CRUCIAL! Please see Election Truth Alliance's latest videos at ElectionTruthAlliance.org/videos including their urgent March 3 Audit Update video (9 min.) about their 2-week sprint for paper trail audits in key places to #VerifyTheVote (with volunteers and donations welcomed) as they have been discovering several new potential "smoking guns" of suspected #Election2024 manipulation with new election data obtained. Their crucial 40 min. interview on the Mark Thompson Show on Feb. 27 also laid out all of the types of suspected vote manipulations based on ongoing research. Please help amplify their crucial and timely work now! We must #SaveOurDemocracy in many ways.

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If Trump is impeached, which I think he should be as he commits acts of treason every day, Vance would become acting President and he's as bad as trump if not worse.

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That's not to say he couldn't be impeached, too. Like a two for one special. Remember the Nixon purge. Cleaned house fairly well, even though just the threat of impeachment was enough.

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That would be lovely. There's a LOT of house cleaning to do. Amazing how many cockroaches are in the White House and Congress.

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With the biggest one in living in the White House. IF we ever make it to the next president (who, PLEASE GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US AND DON'T LET IT BE ANOTHER PUKE), it's doubtful that he/she would the able to Iive in it. It will take forever to fumigate/decontaminate it from the poison gas the Dictator Mental Case Psycho) sprayed and exhaled in it. Worse than COVID.

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that's exactly what they are; cockroaches. and cockroaches need to be exterminated.

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But if we don’t take back the House, we’ll get Johnson in the WH (shudder).

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I hope there is another Election Trump is crashing market in to declare Martial Law.

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and to set up the scene that befell 1930s Germany ... unbridled power.

Absolute corruption.

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Yes, BUT securing our elections is CRUCIAL! Please see Election Truth Alliance's latest videos at ElectionTruthAlliance.org/videos including their urgent March 3 Audit Update video (9 min.) about their 2-week sprint for paper trail audits in key places to #VerifyTheVote (with volunteers and donations welcomed) as they have been discovering several new potential "smoking guns" of suspected #Election2024 manipulation with new election data obtained. Their crucial 40 min. interview on the Mark Thompson Show on Feb. 27 also laid out all of the types of suspected vote manipulations based on ongoing research. Please help amplify their crucial and timely work now! We must #SaveOurDemocracy in many ways including with the work to also #SecureTheMidterms, but we need to stop him now anyway as the ongoing damage to our government, society and allies will be far too great, by then. We must not tolerate insurrectionists, cheaters or authoritarians, nor allow them to keep pulling the wool over so many eyes!

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My husband and I are poised to send postcards (which, undoubtedly, will be dumped in the trash when they reach the WH). My favorite of his is “I’m Going To Get You On A Slow Boat To China”.

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Then we're stuck with Mike Johnson

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This is why we have to win the upcoming special elections in FL and NY because then it could be Speaker Jeffries as the next in line!

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Bingo. And for that reason Trump/Musk/Maga will be laser focused on influencing those elections. Voters will have to demand proof they were free and fair.

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Best scenario! One of the most intelligent and level-headed reps in the House. Should go far in his field.

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No way! Going from bad to worse with each lowered step. Although none can be rated as even just stuck on the bottom of the barrel. Need a commission, a good bipartisan one to investigate-- as if no one already knows the damage done so far. Hope all the rest wake up in the meantime.

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Jeffries is more than competent.

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Both would have to be impeached, and Mike Johnson removed.

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Don't forget to go down the line. Cabinet members are next.....

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That would be fun to watch!

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He's already impeachable.

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Unfortunately it won't happen since the republiCRAPS control the Senate. They're too scared to defy their Wonder Man. They love being puppets on his puppeteer strings. Actually, it's muskRATS puppeteer strings. It might happen in 2029 IF our democracy lasts until then--and the Democrats get enough of a majority in the Senate to do it.

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It would only take 6 Senators of principle to get the impeachment done...

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If they did secret ballots, alot if defection would occur.

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Vance can be impeached as well. And I disagree that he's be worse. Vance can't command a cult like Donald can. No one likes him much. He would be far easier to manage, simply because he is younger and wants a long career at the top. Vance is also weak and does not understand how to cultivate relationships with other national leaders. He would fail quickly.

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One can only hope. There are so many who have partaken of the kool-aid.

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It would the great if he was impeached. Unfortunately, it wouldn't remove the Bimbo from office. And it wouldn't happen to him, anyway. The republiCRAPS are too brainwashed by the Dictator Criminal Traitor Psycho. And I agree with you, Deborah, about Vance. Also, even if we got rid of him, we'd be stuck with the Secretary of State. Go further down the line and if my memory serves me right, it's each cabinet member in the order of when the position was created.

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I agree. He deserved to be impeached the first time around and that was a circus.

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Third in line is the Speaker of the House. If the 2025 Congressional elections go to the Democrats, that would be Hakeem Jeffries. He would be just fine in the Oval Office.

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While your statement is true that JD Vance is as bad as Trump, you are missing some key dactors in my opinion. The right wing media has been painting Trump as their ultimate savior for over a decade now. He is the Chosen One only out done, and barely, by Jesus Christ to these people. FOX News has spent 10 years of pure propaganda building him up to impossible standards and lying to their face. Also Trump spent 60 years trying to cultivate the image of a super successful businessman which I hate to say worked. JD Vance will have be the billionaires little errand boy but he can't rile the base like Trump can (he's not that morally flexible). While an extreme segment would support him, he's still not their guy and no one will be passionate about him. Getting away from the extremist, and the general populace find him weird. Basically, people will be less excited to commit crimes on JD Vances behalf.

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I really hope you're right about that.

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Vance is deeply unpopular. He is a slick, pretend populist who has none of the theatrical value that so appealed to many of Trump’s voters.

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Vance is bad but he doesn’t have a worshipful cult behind him. No charisma. Pretty much disliked by all

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Have to remedy the order of succession. Who is after the Speaker of the house? But that is later on. Now we need a committee to investigate with recommendations on how to get our nation on the right path, as we need to restore order -- and quick! Before more damage comes down on all of us so nothing can be done to rid the top-heavy branch. General Washington had it right when he did not want to serve as the new nation's powerful leader. Make all 3 branches the way our forefathers planned without too much power in the executive side. It needs to be checked, so get back all the ones who can check agencies, and rail in the executive. How about recent moves . . . did anyone learn the lesson on what we should have remembered?

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Yes but Trump-Lite doesn’t have the ability to mesmerize the gullible that The Felon has. I don’t know if JD would be able to get the GOPers to work together enough to actually get anything done, and he doesn’t have a MuskRAT.

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I agree with your statement about Vance. I've always thought that once trump is gone, that the MAGA movement will begin to splinter apart. Different republicans will believe they should take his place and none of them have whatever the hell it is about trump that maga finds so irresistible. They all fight each other for dominance and cancel each other out. Just need to get rid of trump. Vance certainly doesn't have it. Most people find him creepy.

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Yes, but DJ wrote (or largely wrote) Project 25, and that is a cold blooded plan to take as much power as possible, over as many citizens as possible. I find him exceptionally creepy, but then, I also find Trump creepy, so I can't judge what his fans will go for.

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i find him very creepy but so do a lot of people. I'm not sure he could get enough sychophants to back him if trump was gone.

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Yes, and he has two terms coming if he takes over, instead of Trump's one.

Think strategically.

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We can impeach both and out Johnson we need several republicans and their there. Read the article Feather of Hope search it lays out what we can do

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We continue to witness the steep danger of allowing ANYONE to break the law and Constitution without consequences!!! So we need CONSEQUENCES NOW! Arrest the Seditionist occupying our White House. Remove the unelected psycho doing Putin’s bidding.

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"Trump voters: We told you this was coming — and you have no one to blame but yourselves.

In just seven, short weeks, the traitor, Donald Trump, has crashed the economy, taken us to the brink of recession, wrecked the government, lost the respect of our friends and neighbors around the world, and surrendered to the murderous Vladimir Putin.

It is EXACTLY what was expected from the proven America-attacker by anybody capable of thinking about anything but themselves heading into November’s disastrous elections." (Raw Story).....


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Barbara I understand your anger, but it makes things worse to shame and blame Trump voters. They were fooled by a masterful liar who played upon their fears. Raging at them promotes division, and division is the secret sauce that keeps Trump in the White House. Americans need to unite to get him out of there. Welcome them to the effort.

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Please don't shame Trump voters by assuming they were "fooled." Most of them probably knew exactly what they were voting for and did so willingly if not joyfully so they could "own the libs." I do agree with you about Americans needing to unite, but it doesn't help to think Trump voters didn't have the sense to know they were being played. That's just talking down to them in another way.

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The problem is MAGA ARE BRAINWASHED so it truly doesn’t matter what you say they don’t think like normal people. You can yell, shame or talk normal they will never see beyond their own nose sorry I seen it heard it doesn’t matter they won’t change. When Trump dies I might have bit of sympathy for a few voters but dough it. They’re not reasonable people some are so damn angry it’s pathetic they angry at themselves for their stupidly but not going to admit shit.

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They thought that, by supporting him, they could become like him, invited to the party, rich, famous, powerful, and get to grab all the hot babes. In return, he gave them permission to indulge in the worst aspects of human behavior without (much) consequence. We can’t goad them, but if they come to us, better to welcome them, than beat them over the head with their gullibility. We will need them if we want to get rid of Felon and his cronies, and fix (yet again) the massive damage created by the RethugliKKKon Party.

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I don't disagree with your assessment, nor of the ones above. I and many Canadians, heck many folks across the globe, have been astonished and disquieted by the rise of MAGA, the size of MAGA, and its vicious and wilful ignorance, fuelled by Fox "News".

But. While I understand most of them will never be able to examine their beliefs, the fact remains shaming them does more harm than good. You really do need to smooth the path to exiting the cult for them. Less division is the goal.

There has been a lot of rumination on who and why they are. I think the toxicity of the myth of American Exceptionalism coupled with the idea that *everyone* gets a hand-delivered America Dream creates a disconnect these people get caught in. Historian Michael Burleigh stated that: (As Hitler rose to power) “A dreadful mass sentimentality [gripped the nation] compounded of anger, fear, resentment and self-pity.” I think something similar binds the MAGA nation together.

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This is the most accurate news in the entire electronic free space. Impeach Trump quickly before all is lost. Retired Chief Electronics Chief United States Navy, Submarines

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Democrats introduced many amendments to stop tax cuts: • First, stop tax cuts for those making over $10 million a year—Republicans voted no. • Second, they tried to set the cutoff at $100 million—Republicans still said no. • Third, they tried to set the cutoff at $500 million—Republicans still said no. • Fourth, they tried to set the cutoff at $1 billion— Republicans said they were for giving billionaires a tax break on the backs of the poor and the elderly. 1) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, won’t even block tax cuts for people making $1 billion in a single year. 2) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, are more than happy to slash funding for kids with disabilities and seniors in nursing homes to give billionaires a financial break. If you voted for one of these Republicans you are complicit in their actions. https://bit.ly/4hUbbWU

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The depravity is staggering. Unbearable.

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Not doubting the claims about tax amendments, I have heard it elsewhere too, but is there an irrefutable source for that? I’d like to share it around. It seems to contradict everything MAGA would want out of the downsizing.

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They Are Dirty As Hell It’s Already Starting One Public School Near Me Is Closing Its Last Year. Crazy How They Don’t Give A Damn About People And There Jobs. Let Alone Are Kids.Trump And The Maga Republicans Are Monsters.

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The Republicans are going after voting rights and will attempt to suppress the vote in any sneaky and subversive way they can. Be vigilant.

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if they want to go after voting rights, they should make people take a test about our government and the Constitution. The vast majority of MAGA would fail it.

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The vast majority of AMERICANS would fail it.

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Most likely. When I was in middle school we had to take a class in the constitution. That’s no longer a requirement. That’s a bad thing. They need to bring that back

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Oh, I’ve called! My Dem senators are well aware of what I think they should do with that funding bill! Republicans in congress are heartless puppets! Their willingness to hurt their own constituents while lying to their faces, is beyond disgusting! If they’re scared of tRump, wait until their constituents lose their Medicaid! 😖

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Sounds like some dems are voting too like Fetterman? And I'm hearing MN Klobuchar may be too

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They should stand back and let the Republicans fail spectacularly.

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I actually need a few heros now. So for me, I'd like to see the dems step up vrs just letting Republicans crash. This is our opportunity to show a better vision!

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They are stepping up but do not hold the balance of power. This CR will NOT bring any kind of better vision.

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My point about vision…is dems have to share a better vision with us verses just that Republicans are ruining our country. What does a country under Democratic leadership look like

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Stef, you just had one. Have you looked into the accomplishments of the Biden administration? They may not have been perfect (they should have moved much more swiftly and effectively on the border and immigration issues) but they were darned good. And I think you can also connect the dots here without it being spelled out explicitly: Democrats did not bully and threaten their trading partners. Democrats did not ally with Russia and set up Ukraine for total invasion. Democrats did not attempt suppress votes. Democrats respected the powers appropriated to Congress. Democrats did not tie federal funds to how any particular state voted...no discrimination against Red states. Democrats did not feel the need to ignore the Constitution, shut down the Department of Education, limit women's health care, ban books or make fringe issues like trans athletes major concerns. And they were not spouting lies at every chance. So there are a few things.

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Sorry, but i don't think they are

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Here is the Senator's Instagram page. You can urge her to vote NO.


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I call her daily, Janet

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That’s what I’ve been hearing as well but no confirmation yet. 😖

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Grown men & kwomen that were voted by their own party scared of DJT/ MUSK those two didn’t vote them into Congress. Perhaps they should have more faith in their voters not MUSK who has nothing but $ WHICH CANT Buy YOUR SEAT UNLESS YOUR NOT HONEST WITH YOUR VOTERS.




Jobs were everywhere

Also I believe that some of high cost in grocery stores were from Equity Firms that bought 100s of Grocery Stores raised prices then 1hr right before election sold these Grocery stores to a Big Company out of Canada several other Equity firms. I really found it all odd when I found out a local Large Family Owned Grocery Stores were bought out by Equity Firms connected to Peter Theil. They added few improvements & 1 1/2 yr later right after election they sold them all what was interesting they raised the Groceries in those stores 26% I only know this because I was wondering what the difference would be. I know it’s an odd thing to do but it’s seem Equity Firms enjoy raising Grocery prices. Theil had just married another Billionaire who owned equity firm but both sold them off before Dec. Now Canada owns Lucky, Save Mart, Albertsons, Food for Less it’s all so damn odd.

I never could figure out why Peter Theil Push Masters in AZ to win his race When he lost he found someone else to move along.

Peter Theil helped one person get a job after he got out Military JD Vance but Vance Couldn’t keep a job so Theil got him another Vance did work so well didnt like to work so guess what Theil did helped Vance with loan to open his own Equity Firm lol can’t make this up it went under within 2yrs Theil back Vance’s Sen Race won but why did Theil want someone in Congress? He d

paid 50m to DJT to get meet with Trump for VP. Why Peter Theil, Zuckerberg Bezo Google all have 1 Thing in common first trump term he wanted investigation into all these companies including Twitter why to big? Not sure but IT explains a whole a lot of things if you ask me Facebook, Google Amazon are big either put in place Campaign reform bill where these creeps can’t spend $277 mil Buying WH seat or break these corporations up when is going to stop they will buy WH every race not right MUSK had 4 investigations into his companies now? was it worth $277m to him most likely sad I can’t buy WH

This just my opinion I did do some digging as well as Rachel Maddow had research a bit about Vance when he couldn’t hold jobs that’s where I got that info

The Grocery store I did the digging. I feel like if Americans don’t fight hard and loud we will lose our Country to a despicable dictator Trump we must be prepared to protest LOUD AND HARD WITH MILLIONS BECAUSE WE CAN BEAT TRUMP HES AS WEAK AS EVER AT CONFRONTATIONAL HE IS ONLY STRONG IN HIS ON HEAD. IF REPUBLICANS CHOSE HIM OVER CONSTITUTION & CONSTITUTES THEY WILL LOSE ever time



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Go Joe Neguse. As a voting Coloradoan in your district, I support you. Get loud. Make a stink. Make it clear what is going on. Our democracy is at risk!

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"Charge Trump for his Corrupt White House Tesla Stunt. On Tuesday, Donald Trump became one of the few men in history to complete the American Con Man Bingo by assuming his final form — car salesman — in an outrageous display of corruption so on the nose it would be laughed out of any competent writer's room. The White House front lawn literally became a Tesla showroom as Trump extolled the virtues of the cars infamous for catching on fire, even literally reading from a Tesla sales pitch, complete with pricing for different models. Charge Trump for this obvious display of corruption!" (Civic Shout)......


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I'm proud to have Neguse as my representative. Thank you for having him on your channel.

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The irony of Republicans passing a horrible CR while being utterly unable or unwilling to draft an actual budget for two years while sneaking in ceding their responsibilities to stop the tariffs and Musk’s illegal attacks on impounded funds is beyond the pale. They refuse to govern.

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Wonder what those guys have to hide so deeply that they would rather see the country fall to dictatorship than let Trump expose their secrets. Anyone with a few working brain cells knows Trump's not obeying constitutional rights or privacy laws so that tells me that the people still standing with Trump are hiding something damaging.

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We don't have waste in our govt programs.

That should NOT be dem messaging.

We should be raising revenue! People pay their fair share…billionaires made their money off the backs of their workers....the American people! We deserve that money to pay for the programs we need and want!

The fraud and waste is in private contractors hired by the govt.

Dems HAVE to change their messaging!

I listened to Bernie on this channel this weekend! Everyone dem rep NEEDS to listen to him and take notes!!

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