Wait, what? No throwing of paper towels ?

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Damm "Right Wing MAGA Broadcaster's"they should be ashamed, but, they obviously have no Humility and certainly don't have the American people at heart. Thanks for your reporting today,Ron, your a Keeper 💯👍💙!

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This is truly horrifying!

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Refreshing that some Republicans are waking up to truth!!

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You’d think they’d get sick of this.

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But they are the people who have been affected by this tragic event. Remember, California has been affected by recent wild fires. People lost their communities as well.

We need to keep this in perspective. Trump ran to GA and NC because they are critical to him to try and steal another election. He ignored California because we are a deep blue state.

People, REAL PEOPLE are devastated and need help, yet we have those who only use suffering and devastation as a photo OP.

The filthy rich need to do their part and lend a hand, but they won't for the most part.

Winter will be here soon. People need help, not photo ops.

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trump did nothing but photo-op. White House is doing correctly according to Governors of affected states.

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Have these tRump people have ANY shame? Have they ANY regard for people made destitute by natural forces? Have they contributed ANY of their OWN money to disaster relief, as millions of ordinary Americans have already answered the call?

Answer: NO, NO, and NO.

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And right at the top is who? Elon Musk. He could well afford to unass a HUGE amount of money and not have to sacrifice food off his dinner table. He may be rich, but he is poor. He has no soul, just like trump. Others mean nothing to them.

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What typical depravity of MAGA and far right extremists to weaponize the struggle of Americans affected by this massive storm to attack Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Proof, once again, that they care more about political points than suffering Americans.

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Wait a second…

The Republicans are pretty much all climate change deniers. And there is significant scientific proof that increasingly dangerous climate change is responsible for many of these “natural,” destructive occurrences.

Taking money and favors from the coal and other fossil fuel industries, as well as fighting more energy efficiency can be easily tracked back to money received mostly by Republicans.

People who have been caught in all the horror of this and other disasters have to start looking at the politicians who keep this trend alive, because of their needs for money, recognition, and power.

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Elon Musk(rat) ought to shut his lieing mouth and unass some of his mega billions to help the people affected by the hurricane AND the people of California who are suffering after their homes and towns that were burned to ashes in the wild fires that are still smoldering!!! People who have more money than they could possibility spend in their lifetimes should be paying more in taxes than they do. I'm sick to death at all the lies and BS being spread by the Maga monsters just trying to win an election when they should be pitching in. You have people like trump who would never "lower" themselves to lend a hand and help out a fellow human being, rather than ride around in a golf cart playing a rich man's game. SHAME ON THEM!!!

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I’m trying to consolidate your magnificent report to post along with news media w/respectfully using from an anonymous expert. It’s not easy to do but hopefully I can do it w/enough truth and facts. I will check your X to see if it is there first. W/that said it might take me until Sunday. Can you acknowledge by liking this, I don’t have a computer, to maybe let me know, this report is already on X. If it is, I will notify the media & all Americans. Thank you Ron

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I’m on call 24/7 caretaker at home and it has turned into hospice care and this flu of mine comes and goes. I’ll do whatever I can to help you and others Ron. Stay safe and healthy.

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I cc: everyone on your tweet & your article & tweet disappeared on your account and ended up on mine. Don’t know how that happened. Wanted you to know.

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Dammit, Ron, THERE IS NO TWITTER!!!!! Every time you or one of your fellow Meidas writers refer to Twitter, you lose all credibility!!!

I'm sorry, but this everytime I see this, I stop reading. Also, I stop supporting Meidas.

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Well bye bye then. Sheesh.

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