… Trump appeared at a Jewish memorial service today, picked up the prayer book off the table, and asked the Rabbi if he wanted him to autograph it. Nobody is more awkward at faking sincerity while failing to demonstrate the most basic knowledge of religion. But MAGA thinks he’s the new Messiah.
… Speaking of Trump, his campaign insanely announced that he will be doing one of his final rallies on a Saturday in Coachella, CA. Apparently they think it sounds “based.” Jason Miller seemed to be the only one excited about it, so maybe it was another one of his terrible ideas. They will waste one of the most valuable campaign days left in the desert in a heavily Democratic, largely spanish speaking county in a state where he has no chance of winning. Make it make sense.
… Meanwhile, some (especially the snobs in legacy media) are critical of Kamala Harris for her appearance on the ‘Call Her Daddy’ podcast. The interview was a hit with the massive audience of the show, many of whom don’t follow politics closely and are exactly who a candidate should be talking to right now. Harris follows that up with Howard Stern tomorrow. The criticism is that both shows sometimes deal with sex rather explicitly. The horror!
… The Supreme Court rejected Elon Musk’s appeal of a lawsuit claiming that Jack Smith violated the First Amendment when he subpoenaed Trump’s Twitter records prior to Musk buying the company. Musk brought the lawsuit on behalf of Twitter after he bought it. Smith wanted records showing that Trump was scrolling on Twitter the