Juicy! And when does the Trump Organization start paying its huge court debts? That would mean forcing the company to sell off buildings and golf courses, which would be lots of fun for everyone except DT.

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There are international court losses as well as national court losses. Since when has TFG been afraid of debts? Just don't open the mail!

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You know he's holding his breath so he can exonerate him of all crimes. He'll never pay it back.

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Choices have consequences.

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To say this is well deserved is an understatement.

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Why does our justice system move at a crawl while handling these massive, political cases involving rich or important people who are obviously guilty and/or convicted? The injured need closure.

It should not take years. Don't want the punishment? Don't do the crime!

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Especially when the mom and daughter had to relocate and quit their jobs. I'm sure it cost them a small fortune. Everyone don't have the dam money they have or had. I hope they don't wait until after the election to collect the fees from trump!!! He has got away with way to dam much as it is. That bullshit he pulled in North Carolina after Helene just finished it off in my eyes. Plus he has a go fund me account supposedly for the victims but we all know where it's really going to go. SO DAM SICKENING!!!!

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If I could 'like' this comment more, I'd keep my finger on the button. 100% in agreement!

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Please let him keep his grandpa watch. But have it held in escrow until he is able to buy it back. If Trump owes you money, this needs to be collected from Trump as soon as possible!

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I understand the sentimental value attached to the watch, but I’m sentimental about keeping our democracy intact. Rudy apparently didn’t feel that way, so I’m all for selling the watch.

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I'm with you on that! He put trump over his own daughter so the watch can't mean that much to him.

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Amen 🙏

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And everything else he has!

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I know he is guilty, anybody else found guilty of a similar offense would have been summarily stripped of anything of value regardless of the reasons.

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Americans have died because of Trump and Rudy’s actions.

Show the former lawyer, who should have known better, the same mercy he’s shown the American people, democracy and honest debate.

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Trump is disgusting. Rudy is pathetic and disgusting.

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Trump is a disgusting, vile psychopathic narcissistic bigot and rapist.

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You can't think of enough vile words for him, can you? I get it! Lol! 😝

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Mary, obviously you are extremely perceptive.

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Are we supposed to care about what this POS wants?

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He should be left homeless on the street with all of those he so callously denigrated. It's like a perfect Twilight Zone episode... A Dickensian character who looks exactly like Rudy looks for food and forgiveness from the homeless masses who can give him neither.

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Nope. Not one bit.

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The Court must force him to sue. Otherwise the legal system is conspiring to make Trump look good, or at least better than he is. I wonder how many others are out there waiting for pay day. If he were re-elected they would never see a cent. He will have no inducement to pay

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The legal system HAS been conspiring to make Trump look good for the past couple years! Any other defendent for crimes like this, especially one who'd slandered judges and violated legal gag orders would be awaiting trial from a jail cell

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That I know. But there is so much that never even made it to court…

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Could not happen to a more deserving and reprehensible Cretin. BTW: exceedingly delighted y’all are on Substack. Now I have MeidasTouch Network on YouTube and all the terrific contributors thereon, Legal AF, LegalAFMTN, and Patreon, and MeidasTouch.com. Get solid factual updates (with receipts) in any form I have either time for or wish to use. (I still listen to Podcasts when doing dishes or folding laundry.)

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Take it all from both of them and then look into Musk! Rest assured, there is dirt there, too.

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Bull. There's no reason to make the ladies wait for Dumpf to pay Rudy make Trump pay up NOW by court order. Nobody with a brain gives a darn if it's an inconvenient time for him.

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Rudy’s victims have waited far too long. File that lawsuit by November 3.

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Hey Rudy, if you do win on appeal (cough) you can still think of losing these "one-of-a-kind" items as a tax for being stupid enough to never accept a dime for your work for years.

And excuse me, but that number won't depreciate until after the election? How is it NOT appreciating in late fees for non-payment? Anyone ever try to stiff a lawyer? Ha.

Finally, a 1980s Mercedes previously owned by Lauren Bacall? Sorry, that ride has gotta reek of cigarette smoke, and you know you can't ever get that stench out.

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It also reeks of scotch. The biggest horror of the Borat film wasn't Rudy with his pants down, but Rudy day-drinking scotch with a woman he thought was an Eastern European reporter! Clearly no one vetted her, yet here was Trump's number one guy, who had all the secrets, getting DRUNK with her. Let him lose it all.

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Pointless to keep the car if it doesn't come with a driver.

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Now I would definitely take a ride with Lauren.

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Gawd, she was so sexy! Still had distinctive and beautiful looks into her old age.

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If this was any other bankruptcy, actual bankruptcy laws would be enforced.

I read the appeal. It's full of flaws, stupidity, and nonsensical arguments. That bozo Alina Whatever probably had a hand in it. Yes, it's that unprofessional and stupid. 🤣

But here's the REAL issue: Trump knows Rude Rudi desperately needs money. Since Trump is a billionaire (cough cough cough), why won't he pay his bills? Why force Giuliani to beg, "No, sir, please, sir! Don't force my BFF to pay his bills!" As tears and hair dye stream down his face.

Bah. Sell it all, even the watch. If Giuliani had a conscience or soul, he wouldn't have sold them to Trump. 🌊💙

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I can't stop laughing at the irony of it all . . . . and the timing couldn't be more perfect! OMG! Bring it on!!

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It all comes out in the wash, doesn't it Rudy! He is probably one of many who Trump owes money to. And, yes, this should be headlines NOW!!

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Yeah, but oddly, it only comes out in the wash for those around Trump, never Trump himself. As Michael Cohen has said many times, everything, and everyone, Trump touches turns to shit.

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