What is he actually doing? If he hadn’t screwed over Katie Porter she would be in office and I’m sure she’d be doing something more than telling us to call our representatives. I have met Sen Schiff, and voted for him. What are we supposed to do? You’re in Congress:DO SOMETHING!
Every Democrat representative attending Trump’s speech to Congress should have walked out with Congressman Green. I was ashamed of their obedience to chamber decorum while that ORANGE B*STARD lied for 90 minutes. Now Schiff is responding with the same yada yada in this interview. What his constituents need is leadership beyond extended soundbites.
Exactly, I also wanted the reps that didn't go to the disgraceful spectacle, had gone and walked out with Congressman Green, that would have caused even more Whining by the repthugs and FFOTUS.
Sen Schiff: the style of politics of 30 40 years ago is not working. You may have to get in the mud and fight 💪 and get muddy.
I was just about to write a very similar message when I read your post. I've heard many on substack and other people speaking about what Trump is doing. I'd like to hear more about what is being done to stop this chaos. Do the Dems have one central organized committee that is planning and doing? If so, where are they? And, what are they doing?
Yes, but this is not the America that feared burning crosses and hanging spectacles. Trump and thugs can talk all they want--but if certain past civil rights groups start up again or, the Bloods decide to partner with the Crips and The Nation of Islam these Trump creatures will be unmatched. The CRM came about because the wealthy treated marginalized underserved communities like trash.
Today, anyone who doesn't belong to the 1, 2, or 3% "club" is a target. That means the plantation days of old are now fully integrated, and people of all ethnicities, skin colors, and backgrounds are poised to resist. We are not taking oppression and suppresion lying down.
Perhaps it's time the cult get around to "asking somebody" about what the outcomes for them are likely to be if this country unites to stand up against MAGATS and the evil machinations of the devil's manservant.
I called Ami Berra. His DC number was full and not answering. Sacramento office had an answering machine but no one answered or returned a call. I’m a semi-retired attorney. I’m mad as hell and I think that somebody should be answering their phone calls and they’re not anybody support me if I ran for the House?
No one is answering because the Dictator Criminal Orange Buffoon Goon Deranged Demented Psycho has FIRED EVERYONE--except those who love and approve of him.
Call your reps so that they can continue to NOT LISTEN TO YOU!
Great, thanks for that. Honestly, if Meidas is just going to be a mouth-piece for the corrupt and ineffectual Democratic party, rather than actually champion the people, then I'm not interested.
7 of the 10 are on the Bluesky platform. The other three, Case, Costa and Gillen are not so I wrote to Case (my brother lives in HI and he only wants to hear from HIS constituents so used his address and zip to get the contact form through. My brother is MAGA all the way so if he starts getting mailers from Case and other Dems, all the better. But I did respond to the 7 on Bluesky with my feelings so... get on Bluesky and you can do the same. Schiff is also on the platform.
Thanks for calling out Miedas on this point. Ever since they kicked Jessica Denson off the air for calling on Democrats to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, I have been worried that Ben is more interested in building connections / power in Washington than in reporting the truth. Very disappointed in this interview!
So what are they doing, other than telling us that THIS TIME it will be different? THIS TIME the Democrats will actually do something, because we don't have any other choice. That's not a strategy, that's abuse tactics.
Unfortunately, the Dems are outnumbered in Congress. Republicans own the House and Senate, so right now they can't vote to opposed his actions. It seems Trump has to be opposed in the courts and by us, the American people. To help, it would be useful to see one central website where people could find out what actions are being taken to fight this chaos and how we can get involved. Shouldn't the Democratic National Committee be doing that or a congressional committee, but I can't find anything. It seems so many people are feeling frustrated!
Actually, we, the people, have failed. How many people didn't care to vote? How many people don't know the difference between the truth and a lie? How many people chose division and hate instead of unity and understanding?
The stupid no-brain more-on has absolutely NO idea what he's doing. We need to get him out of office somehow--along with the wimpy republiCRAPS who are too scared of him to speak up against anything he says or does--and wants to do. What a pathetic lot they are. Get rid of this idiot in the oval office--and kick his Boyfriend, the muskRAT not only out of the Oval Office, but out of the country as well. Bully temper-tantrum-baby-two-year-old who never knows how to behave. Take away his salary, too, because he doesn't need it. Actually, he just wants power since he has enough money to last him the rest of his life--and then some. We need to stop giving him unlimited power. (Actually, the republiCRAPS have to do that because the Democrats have absolutely no power to stop him from doing anything. The republiCRAPS control everything--even the Supreme Court.
When will the Senate take action?!!! I'm getting exhausted by all the talk. They need to start by bringing a sanction against Marjorie Taylor Green and free Rep Al Green- The GOP antics on Capitol Hill is too thick- Do something already!
they can do a lot in a way of gestures, which are important, too. Unfortunately, the reality of trifecta is such that they can hardly do anything substantial. In another vein, I wish Ben asked Schiff what was he doing to oppose this orange disaster
The republiCRAPS have TOTAL CONTROL. The Democrats keep trying, but they can't get anything done because the republiCRAPS (and backing them up, the Dictator Criminal Deranged Idiot and his boyfriend, the muskRAT) refuse to listen to them--and if by some miracle they do, refuse to compromise.
Our veterans put their lives on the line. They deserve better. We need to take better care of each other. The trickle down, supply side cult doesn't work.
While I certainly respect veterans for their service to our country a lot of veterans chose to believe Trump's lies and slanders.
If anyone cares, Biden demonstrated support for our military and veterans while he was VEEP and then president.
Apparently a lot of veterans prefer a liar and felon who got multiple deferment and has referred to thise who gave third lives as losers. Their choice, and they have to live with it.
Those vets who support the Imbecile in the Oval Office and his muskRAT co-president, are disgusting. Wonder if any have changed their minds now that the jerk in the Oval Office has REALLY cut their benefits--with the backing of the republiCRAPS in D.C. Maybe they won't be so stupid and won't vote for the republiCRASPS in 2006. That is, if we even have elections of any kind with the way the Dictator Idiot and the muskRAT are doing things. We all know that elections are on the chopping block of those two. It's just there--just wait--and won't have to for much longer. It's coming sooner than we realize.
I want to know why he and the others are not speaking out to Trump instead of griping on news pods? The only two I see doing anything live and to him is Jasmine Crockett and AOC. Come on Democrats get a move on. We appointed you all because we believed in you and the more we see you are not doing a great job on anything. We still have nothing confirmed about our Medicare and Social Security, which well all paid into and it rightly is ours, Medicaid for the poor, VA, the list goes on. Higher costs rising every day and more and more taken away from communities like Black, Brown, LGBTQ, and more. What exactly are you are doing to take this man and Musk out and where is the proof!
So, Schiff says "Donald Trump is running this country like one of his failed businesses—erratic, reckless, and headed straight for disaster."
This is NOT about Trump saying "I'm run this as a business" and lying. The TRUTH is Trump is aligned with Putin and his goal is to create a fascist dictatorship.
If Schiff is not prepared to say that Trump is a foreign agent... should be charged with Treason... and belongs in prison... then he should get out of the way and let people willing to speak the truth take the lead. SMH
As a Vietnam combat Veteran I am really asking my veteran groups about what Disgraceful, Sick Traitor LIAR. Traitor MORON Trump is and tell all their Family and Friends about the Corrupt MAGA G.O.P. AND expose/resist/remove the Sick Clown Trump!
What exactly are the Democrats actually doing as far as taking action? So far they are few and far in between anything but putting out a "talking head", I'm a constituent, have limited power being disabled, and I'm not seeing many in the Democrats taking much more than impeachment action, and that was from one person Al Green . Who else is filing any congressional action, anything from our Senators? It's despicable that the party of the sycophants control all branches of our government. The primaries can't come fast enough.
Dumpy Trumpy sat on his wall, Dumpy Trumpy will have a great fall, all of his cronies, Vance, Musk, Rubio and Graham could not put Dumpy Trumpy back together again!
Should that actually happen, I imagine Moronia "I Don't Care, Do You?" will be dancing a jig in her undies! 😂 She's just a stage prop--a piece of furniture. #Stepford Wife
The MAGA/GOP has a double standard—when Biden stumbled in his debate they said he was unfit to run again but yet we see epic blunders EVERYDAY and NOTHING
Ah, yes, you're right. The reason we don't see MAGAT "stars" and supporters griping about Trump's dementia is that they've been beguiled. They are psychologically the same as the people of Germany believing Hitler was the next coming. He wasn't. Trump isn't. The end of his regime will be spectacular--and sooner than even he expects.
I don’t think Trump gets worried about the economy tanking. He’s playing a game to encourage the market to fall so his rich guys to buy low then work for the market to rebound so the billionaires make money!!!!!!
They have a carefully thought out plan that they are executing every day. We are quickly approaching becoming an autocracy. So similar to Orban and Hungary. They control the courts (immunity will rule). Control the Justice Dept. And military. So what if the courts issue orders. They won’t obey and who’s gonna make them. I’m afraid it’s already too late. And Dems are beyond pathetic. Totally weak. While MAGA is slashing our democracy, Dems cower in a corner whispering, “Naughty. Naughty.”
Yep, he did this continually during his first reign of terror, and I kept screaming, "MARKET MANIPULATION!" He has taught us all that there are no safeguards; our stability and safety relied upon the integrity of our leaders alone.
What is he actually doing? If he hadn’t screwed over Katie Porter she would be in office and I’m sure she’d be doing something more than telling us to call our representatives. I have met Sen Schiff, and voted for him. What are we supposed to do? You’re in Congress:DO SOMETHING!
Every Democrat representative attending Trump’s speech to Congress should have walked out with Congressman Green. I was ashamed of their obedience to chamber decorum while that ORANGE B*STARD lied for 90 minutes. Now Schiff is responding with the same yada yada in this interview. What his constituents need is leadership beyond extended soundbites.
My thoughts exactly!
Exactly! Every single one!
Exactly, I also wanted the reps that didn't go to the disgraceful spectacle, had gone and walked out with Congressman Green, that would have caused even more Whining by the repthugs and FFOTUS.
Sen Schiff: the style of politics of 30 40 years ago is not working. You may have to get in the mud and fight 💪 and get muddy.
I was just about to write a very similar message when I read your post. I've heard many on substack and other people speaking about what Trump is doing. I'd like to hear more about what is being done to stop this chaos. Do the Dems have one central organized committee that is planning and doing? If so, where are they? And, what are they doing?
Dems refuse to understand how far he intends to go.
He isn;t talking to his MAGA now - he is talking to oligarchs and white supremacists with weapons - and mercenary fighters.
He has been talking to Prince since his first administration. I'd put money on him doing it now as a dead certainty.
MY bet is, there will be some fee-splitting
Yes, but this is not the America that feared burning crosses and hanging spectacles. Trump and thugs can talk all they want--but if certain past civil rights groups start up again or, the Bloods decide to partner with the Crips and The Nation of Islam these Trump creatures will be unmatched. The CRM came about because the wealthy treated marginalized underserved communities like trash.
Today, anyone who doesn't belong to the 1, 2, or 3% "club" is a target. That means the plantation days of old are now fully integrated, and people of all ethnicities, skin colors, and backgrounds are poised to resist. We are not taking oppression and suppresion lying down.
Perhaps it's time the cult get around to "asking somebody" about what the outcomes for them are likely to be if this country unites to stand up against MAGATS and the evil machinations of the devil's manservant.
I called Ami Berra. His DC number was full and not answering. Sacramento office had an answering machine but no one answered or returned a call. I’m a semi-retired attorney. I’m mad as hell and I think that somebody should be answering their phone calls and they’re not anybody support me if I ran for the House?
No one is answering because the Dictator Criminal Orange Buffoon Goon Deranged Demented Psycho has FIRED EVERYONE--except those who love and approve of him.
Call your reps so that they can continue to NOT LISTEN TO YOU!
Great, thanks for that. Honestly, if Meidas is just going to be a mouth-piece for the corrupt and ineffectual Democratic party, rather than actually champion the people, then I'm not interested.
Reps barely do anything. Mine voted along side MAGA to censure Al Green. Absolutely disgusting.
100% agree. I wrote down their names and come election day, I will not be voting for them ever again!
7 of the 10 are on the Bluesky platform. The other three, Case, Costa and Gillen are not so I wrote to Case (my brother lives in HI and he only wants to hear from HIS constituents so used his address and zip to get the contact form through. My brother is MAGA all the way so if he starts getting mailers from Case and other Dems, all the better. But I did respond to the 7 on Bluesky with my feelings so... get on Bluesky and you can do the same. Schiff is also on the platform.
Thanks for the info, Ema! I'll definitely follow up!
Thanks for calling out Miedas on this point. Ever since they kicked Jessica Denson off the air for calling on Democrats to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, I have been worried that Ben is more interested in building connections / power in Washington than in reporting the truth. Very disappointed in this interview!
Comment before you smoke crack.
I don't feel this way at all.
That's cool. You don't mind that Democrats rolled over to the fascists after we gave them the power expressly to stop it?
Of course I mind. But Meidas hasn't rolled over. Get a grip.
So what are they doing, other than telling us that THIS TIME it will be different? THIS TIME the Democrats will actually do something, because we don't have any other choice. That's not a strategy, that's abuse tactics.
Unfortunately, the Dems are outnumbered in Congress. Republicans own the House and Senate, so right now they can't vote to opposed his actions. It seems Trump has to be opposed in the courts and by us, the American people. To help, it would be useful to see one central website where people could find out what actions are being taken to fight this chaos and how we can get involved. Shouldn't the Democratic National Committee be doing that or a congressional committee, but I can't find anything. It seems so many people are feeling frustrated!
It's okay. It's good to care, and it's a grand and admirable thing to have your energy.
Crying will get you nowhere. Stop whining!
"Democrats have failed us utterly at every turn. We need a viable alternative."
"Stop whining!"
okay, good talk.
Actually, we, the people, have failed. How many people didn't care to vote? How many people don't know the difference between the truth and a lie? How many people chose division and hate instead of unity and understanding?
The stupid no-brain more-on has absolutely NO idea what he's doing. We need to get him out of office somehow--along with the wimpy republiCRAPS who are too scared of him to speak up against anything he says or does--and wants to do. What a pathetic lot they are. Get rid of this idiot in the oval office--and kick his Boyfriend, the muskRAT not only out of the Oval Office, but out of the country as well. Bully temper-tantrum-baby-two-year-old who never knows how to behave. Take away his salary, too, because he doesn't need it. Actually, he just wants power since he has enough money to last him the rest of his life--and then some. We need to stop giving him unlimited power. (Actually, the republiCRAPS have to do that because the Democrats have absolutely no power to stop him from doing anything. The republiCRAPS control everything--even the Supreme Court.
Give it a rest. Why didn't YOU run?
When will the Senate take action?!!! I'm getting exhausted by all the talk. They need to start by bringing a sanction against Marjorie Taylor Green and free Rep Al Green- The GOP antics on Capitol Hill is too thick- Do something already!
It feels like a single cult is holding the entire world hostage. It is a terrorist organization.
they can do a lot in a way of gestures, which are important, too. Unfortunately, the reality of trifecta is such that they can hardly do anything substantial. In another vein, I wish Ben asked Schiff what was he doing to oppose this orange disaster
The republiCRAPS have TOTAL CONTROL. The Democrats keep trying, but they can't get anything done because the republiCRAPS (and backing them up, the Dictator Criminal Deranged Idiot and his boyfriend, the muskRAT) refuse to listen to them--and if by some miracle they do, refuse to compromise.
The trump regime is un-American. trump, musk, and vance must be crushed NOW! They are dangerous to national and world security. Remove them NOW!
perhaps you need to turn your hearing aid up
Meaning what???????????????
trump has been a Russian asset since 1987. trump is in putin's pocket. The entire trump/maga cabal is evil. Wipe them away.
True. How do we wipe them away?
Our veterans put their lives on the line. They deserve better. We need to take better care of each other. The trickle down, supply side cult doesn't work.
While I certainly respect veterans for their service to our country a lot of veterans chose to believe Trump's lies and slanders.
If anyone cares, Biden demonstrated support for our military and veterans while he was VEEP and then president.
Apparently a lot of veterans prefer a liar and felon who got multiple deferment and has referred to thise who gave third lives as losers. Their choice, and they have to live with it.
Those vets who support the Imbecile in the Oval Office and his muskRAT co-president, are disgusting. Wonder if any have changed their minds now that the jerk in the Oval Office has REALLY cut their benefits--with the backing of the republiCRAPS in D.C. Maybe they won't be so stupid and won't vote for the republiCRASPS in 2006. That is, if we even have elections of any kind with the way the Dictator Idiot and the muskRAT are doing things. We all know that elections are on the chopping block of those two. It's just there--just wait--and won't have to for much longer. It's coming sooner than we realize.
Donald Trump plays like an old B-movie gangster.
Don’t insult the B-Movie Actors that way - Trump is one of the d list actors at best.
Even Ronald Regan was a better actor.
Even Bonzo, one of Reagan’s co-actors, was far better and he worked for bananas
I want to know why he and the others are not speaking out to Trump instead of griping on news pods? The only two I see doing anything live and to him is Jasmine Crockett and AOC. Come on Democrats get a move on. We appointed you all because we believed in you and the more we see you are not doing a great job on anything. We still have nothing confirmed about our Medicare and Social Security, which well all paid into and it rightly is ours, Medicaid for the poor, VA, the list goes on. Higher costs rising every day and more and more taken away from communities like Black, Brown, LGBTQ, and more. What exactly are you are doing to take this man and Musk out and where is the proof!
We elected these people, we didn't apoint them.
More Americans chose to vote for a liar.
But it's so much easier to vent against Democrats than risk angering nasty neighbors and bosses.
Bernie Sanders is the only one taking it to the streets so far. He has a great message. He needs to pass the torch.
So, Schiff says "Donald Trump is running this country like one of his failed businesses—erratic, reckless, and headed straight for disaster."
This is NOT about Trump saying "I'm run this as a business" and lying. The TRUTH is Trump is aligned with Putin and his goal is to create a fascist dictatorship.
If Schiff is not prepared to say that Trump is a foreign agent... should be charged with Treason... and belongs in prison... then he should get out of the way and let people willing to speak the truth take the lead. SMH
As a Vietnam combat Veteran I am really asking my veteran groups about what Disgraceful, Sick Traitor LIAR. Traitor MORON Trump is and tell all their Family and Friends about the Corrupt MAGA G.O.P. AND expose/resist/remove the Sick Clown Trump!
Yes. We have a few Veterans in our family who have been Trumpers...they are waking up. (We also have some Vets who don't like Trump).
What exactly are the Democrats actually doing as far as taking action? So far they are few and far in between anything but putting out a "talking head", I'm a constituent, have limited power being disabled, and I'm not seeing many in the Democrats taking much more than impeachment action, and that was from one person Al Green . Who else is filing any congressional action, anything from our Senators? It's despicable that the party of the sycophants control all branches of our government. The primaries can't come fast enough.
Primaries are going to be interesting if the ballot box kicks the Rethugs to the curb.
We need to always show our disgust. What we openly display is how the street reads us.
Senator Schiff, you are my senator. WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY DOING??????
I don’t see any significant ACTION!!!!!!!!
Dumpy Trumpy sat on his wall, Dumpy Trumpy will have a great fall, all of his cronies, Vance, Musk, Rubio and Graham could not put Dumpy Trumpy back together again!
Ha! I like the idea of creating poems making fun of Trump! Limericks would be hilarious!
Don't forget Vlad!
Oh yeah, the list is actually very long!
Should that actually happen, I imagine Moronia "I Don't Care, Do You?" will be dancing a jig in her undies! 😂 She's just a stage prop--a piece of furniture. #Stepford Wife
I don't know lots paste out there
I don’t understand your post.
Oh my, “Calling him out”. Not enough guys. Democrats are being goddamn useless at the moment. Maybe we could whisper? Don’t want the traitor to hear.
The MAGA/GOP has a double standard—when Biden stumbled in his debate they said he was unfit to run again but yet we see epic blunders EVERYDAY and NOTHING
Ah, yes, you're right. The reason we don't see MAGAT "stars" and supporters griping about Trump's dementia is that they've been beguiled. They are psychologically the same as the people of Germany believing Hitler was the next coming. He wasn't. Trump isn't. The end of his regime will be spectacular--and sooner than even he expects.
I don’t think Trump gets worried about the economy tanking. He’s playing a game to encourage the market to fall so his rich guys to buy low then work for the market to rebound so the billionaires make money!!!!!!
They have a carefully thought out plan that they are executing every day. We are quickly approaching becoming an autocracy. So similar to Orban and Hungary. They control the courts (immunity will rule). Control the Justice Dept. And military. So what if the courts issue orders. They won’t obey and who’s gonna make them. I’m afraid it’s already too late. And Dems are beyond pathetic. Totally weak. While MAGA is slashing our democracy, Dems cower in a corner whispering, “Naughty. Naughty.”
Yep, he did this continually during his first reign of terror, and I kept screaming, "MARKET MANIPULATION!" He has taught us all that there are no safeguards; our stability and safety relied upon the integrity of our leaders alone.