In a world where turnaround is fair play, I’m permitting my imagination to roam. Perhaps one of those NATO world leaders of which you speak (aka, Canada, France), could buy the US. I’m sure Trump and his oligarch friends would be open to a sale if it meant they could further line their pockets. Such an acquisition might allow the rest of us to become part of a country that cares about fairness, justice, equal rights, and the rule of law. In other words, we might again be able to sleep at night. Just a thought. Just a thought.
Maybe some of you are not familiar with how bad RIkers Island is? Growing up outside NYC it was always on the news about how God awful it was - a living hell. I vote for RIkers! Let them suffer now in hell instead of waiting till they croak! Give them a taste of whats to come!
I practiced in Florida, right after I graduated, and learned that "Florida" was a Native American word for "minimum wage." I was a doc working for the Dade County Health Department and my wife was a telephone company service rep, and she was making more than I was... they had a union, we didn't.
Here in Baghdad By the Sea, they voted to jail and deport their friends and relaives. At Mar a Lago abd Doral he hires temporary visa workers so he doesn't have to hire the locals.
We left the Treasure Coast four years ago…couldn’t stand the Trump people standing on every corner, and beautiful scenic rides spoiled by huge Trump signs!
The signs weren't as bad this year. We live in a neighborhood with large lots and our yard is surrounded with bamboo so we don't see anyone. We're homebodies too since retiring. I have one neighbor I'm close to, she's a democrat too. We like it because both of us are disabled and swimming is our only exercise. Well, he walks the dog every day. We have a solar heater so the pool stays warm. I do wish he was open to leaving the states for Costa Rica or Mexico. I'd go in a heartbeat.
Come to Georgia, the 2020 signs are still up and now have a twin 2024. Freaking Trump signage everywhere. I am buying a paintball gun, black paint, since ripping them out of the ground is illegal here now; but hey it is okay for MAGA to slash your tires if you have a Biden/Harris or Harris/Walz bumper sticker displayed. Hypocrites.
I knew Rubio and Gaetz was gone but Scott is still there. We still have all our MAGA and our democratic local government is now MAGA. Plus, desatan gets to replace Rubio. They've already removed the floride from our water due to having the most radical surgeon general in the country. A guy who double dips with jobs in Tallahassee and at U of F, the latter he doesn't have an office at and never goes to but was awarded tenure. Now isn't that special? I am happy for you to be rid of Gaetz though.
Given the size of the U.S. debt, it would have to be a very heavily leveraged buyout and, even though there's probably enough venture capital around to finance it, the resulting selloffs might make the situation even worse. At least Congress has so far managed to get their act together to avoid a default. Venture capitalists would just declare bankruptcy and move on leaving us holding the bag.
G'morning, I have my black coffee the same way only it's a small, not medium. The ice takes that burning edge off. I do offer one suggestion very strongly - please do not post photos of your baby girl. It's not a good thing to do. We all know and believe she's adorable, but she is the most precious thing you have - please don't let her photos get "out there". Protect her privacy with your life. She is your treasure.
Yes. I have posted pics of my kids - both when they were little and now, when they're both adults. But unlike Ben, I'm also not in the public eye or a likely target for MAGAts. So if I were him I'd keep those pictures away from social media and just share privately with my friends and family.
Sorry to say I think they’re right! Although I’d love watching her grow! But we are in times of political conflict!
Look at it this way they could hurt her in some way and I don’t know about you but if anyone did or threatened my boys I would be in their face! Then you could be out of the picture and not able to protect her! Maybe that is what they want! Please think about it!
Actually someone pushed my boy into a car! His shirt sleeve hit the side view mirror!
He came home crying told me what the boy did and who did it! Me, I went straight over there, pounded in the door and cracked the door! I could have been arrested! Thank God the parents weren’t home!
My ex husband and his wife tried to put my son in juvy! Saying lies
Mind you we are in juvenile court! I caught myself on the table to go after his wife and her lies! Fortunately FOR me my ex agreed with me but everything was in motion! He ended up in the Boot Hill of Missouri learning a trade! That was another story but I won’t go there! That would be a way to get you out of the picture!
I would do anything for my boys! I am proud of them they both work for the state!
I agree! Ben please don’t allow those subhuman soulless creatures to have access to the 2 people who bring so much love and joy into your existence! They are depraved, heartless and pathetic!
I loved seeing your adorable little girl and I’m sure she gets cuter every day but I prefer knowing that she’s safe. You and your entire family and all of the Meidas community are in my prayers. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I agree. I hate to participate in fear mongering, but I don't post photos of my short people. I am sure that she is amazing and that you are both so in love with her 💕
Agreed wholeheartedly! DO NOT POST PICS OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL BABY! I know you're not afraid of the maga maniacs, but there are a lot of crazy's who would love nothing more than to hurt you where it would hurt most. Keep both her and your wife private as much as possible!
Yes ma'am! I like to use the analogy of Denzel Washington, of how he kept his family (especially his wife), private for all these years. Think about it; you don't hear much about Denzel's family in the news. And he's very much in the public eye, just in a different aspect.
I totally agree with everyone who replied that you should NOT post pics of your baby girl especially since these low-life magats are already targeting you and your family.
Agree, never post pics of your beautiful family on the internet, nor post your routine to the coffee shop. Lots of crazies out there. Isn’t that AWEFUL that in this day and age in America we have to think that way, but unfortunately we have too.
Love your show and listen to your podcast’s every morning while walking my dog! NOPE I’m not going to tell you our daily route! Keep up the good work! STAY CREDIBLE1
We've no doubt she's a doll. We see it on your face. Smart celebrities keep kids out of the spotlight for a reason. With the recent threats against you, know we share your joy but keep her and your family safe.
I agree with others! Keep your precious baby girl out of the public sphere. There are just too many "haters" out there. Thanks to all of your contributors for all you do!
Absolutely 💯 agree! Be safe and constantly aware.May God protect you all. We value your journalism but want you, the brothers and your families to be safe.
Yes, I agree on the privacy and safety of all the Meidelas babies. I'm 110% sure they are adorable, just look at their parents. There are too many wack jobs out there; I enjoy the coffee from my Nespresso machine and I'm sure there's plenty of options in the market. Grab a fancy coffee machine before the tariffs hit. I also am troubled by Ben disclosing his whereabouts.
I’m with all these people 💯% ~ too many *whack-jobs* out there, many wearing red caps & worshipping a fat orange man sporting a floor-length red tie! 🍊🤡
[Better to keep your loved ones safe from even one of those deranged MAGATs!!]
☕️ I can’t tell how much I appreciate the MeidasTouch. I wish I could give and donate but I’m on SSDI and it’s so hard just to get by on that but I will continue to be a cheerleader for you guys. 🗣️📣💙☕️⚖️
That’s what I’m afraid of. I worked over 20 years and paid my taxes until I started having “back” issues and had to go on disability. I’ve had 3 spinal fusion surgeries and still deal with chronic pain. It’s bad enough I have to deal with this condition going on over 20 years now but now these people are talking about taking it away like we are nothing!? I depend on my SSDI and Medicare to live on like so many others in the same situation in this country. The thought of a Washington bureaucrat threatening to take this away like we are nothing is more than I can bear!
I am lucky in that SS supplements my retirement income but isn't all of it. But I have close friends who rely on it 100% (and on SSDI). I am very worried.
Agree. I just rejected a neurosurgeon's recommendation for spinal fusion. I've chatted with too many people who've had the surgery and still suffer chronic pain.
I also abandoned spinal injections after side effects and less and less time in between where I felt better. Just stretching, exercising and visiting my chiropractor.
Will be experimenting with acupuncture soon. Anything except major back surgery for this "Senior" Senior, LOL 🤣
Kathy, I really do feel for you. I’m in a similar situation. Retired and have chronic pain in my back due to due to 2 compression fractures thanks to osteoporosis. Luckily, my husband has his military retirement but if he should die (he has severe heart problems) and the new administration does what it says it’s going to do then I will be living under the poverty level. Scares me but like the others said, congress also has democrats who will vote things down and other republicans who agree with them. Ss hasn’t been lowered in all these years and if enough people get angry and fed up enough, we can take to the streets like they’ve done recently in other countries. Don’t let the fear overwhelm you especially if we don’t know if it’s really going to happen. Trump and his people love to stir us up and keep us agitated. Hang in there sweetie!
They need to tread carefully if they don't want to see a unified suffering people in the streets like we experienced during the Civil Rights Movement. Let them keep effing with programs we depend upon and there will be folks of all varieties linked up arm in arm against them all. 😡
Same here, would donate if it wasn’t already so hard to get by BUT I stay engaged and vote in every election from local elections to President. I love the Meidas community 💙
I agree with the posts re: not posting pictures of your baby. I am sure she is beyond adorable but many kids are now reporting that they wish their parents had not put their pictures and cute stories on social media. It’s never too early to truly understand that children have agency and the right to decide what to do with their bodies, images, etc. if they are too are too young to make that decision..wait til they are. We don’t own our children, we are given the amazing privilege to raise them.
Thanks for making this comment so I didn't have to. It doesn't change the statutory rape situation, but it does make a rather large difference in specificity.
Love your comment about teaching...having taught for over 40 years (now, happily retired), both my wife (also a retired teacher) and I always felt we learned more from "the kids" than they learned from us. At the end of each year, the final assignment was for them to write a letter to their incoming selves about what they wish they had known, what they experienced, and what they wish had been different. I promised them (and held to that for all my time in the classroom) that the only person who would read them would be me and that I would not read them till the summer so I asked them to be as honest as they could be without fear of retribution if they had anything negative to say. I used all of those every year to shape what I did the following year and every year, even toward the end, I learned something different. I didn't make a lot of money, but even now, looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing about the path I chose.
Love to “meet” others who feel about teaching as I did. It is special. One thing I know for sure is when the power mongers who took over many if not most of our schools purged or silenced the called to teach teachers, they paved the way for Trump. I’m trying to educate people about what happened to education at so they’ll be inspired to run for school boards on a save democracy platform. School boards are our best opportunity to save democracy once people realize they’re ours for the taking!
Always follow the money including as pertains to Tik-Tok. National Security is easily of much less concern for Trump than is a rich donor! And I truly hope we do not upset the world order with Greenland, Panama and Canada
I have followed you for a while. A major congratulations to your growing success.
While I do enjoy the uber-personal diary voice of some of your writing and it does have a place in the larger picture of reporting, I do get tired of several things.
1. If you are indeed a serious news outlet then Ii mght suggest moderating some of the more salacious attacks on the people you disagree with. News is news. It is based on facts. Editorials should, theoretically be a separate part of a news organization.
2. That you are being attacked by people and/or organizations is news. Spending whole series of articles on your current ratings by some ratings organization, and celebrating how well you are doing after a while just becomes bragging.
3. What draws me to your outlet is your perspective as lawyers ( I do not know the professions of all your staff) to be able to hear the news from the context of the law is helpful. I seek reporting from those who are historians, economists, constitutional scholars, long time government (former) employees and long time reporters who have worked in the field locally, nationally and internationally. For me, as a consumer I need the facts first, context second and bias third.
In this age of a variety of kinds of outlets from traditional paper or TV to cable to the Internet I am very aware of my job as a consumer to acknowledge the strong bias many newer kinds of outlets use. The more well known and more sought out your outlet becomes -- serving an ever widening customer base -- I would wish that the focus on the factual aspect of reporting would become your priority as well. As I said before editorials have a specific place and serve a vital role in all outlets.
We are in a deeply concerning tumultuous time. I am very concerned about the next four years. My guess, for what it's worth, is that it will be less dramatic and more chaotic than I imagine. Bu, nonetheless, seeing events in the context of a specific picture -- in your case the law ( see list above) is always my personal goal.
My feedback is worth no more or less than anyone's. I would hope to be helpful. I will have no idea how to extend the conversation. I turn my comments into the internet ether. For what it's worth.
Ben, his brothers and Co-Founder Michael Popock have set their sails in the right direction from the onset without me or you. Suggest you take notice of that fact. MTN is growing because of the leadership these gentlemen exhibit 24/7.
If at any point in time you feel your needs are not being met I suggest you go elsewhere. Do so, btw, with all deliberate speed.
I very much agree with your points, Jo, as I have been surprised at the level of salacious attacks in written materials as well as responses; at the level of self-promo. Less helpful than the author discourse and reader dialogue in other valued Substack authors I follow. I want MTN to roar to success without the negative.
I have been reading MTN for a while. I have not seen any salacious attacks. There is, of course, opinion. Have you looked at Fox ever? They not only attack, but they lie continually. I have not seen deliberate lies on MTN, just opinion. There is a difference between opinion and lies.
Staying strong with my coffee. This week has to be better than last week. Stop Trump in his tracks, he's going to hurt a lot of people trying to survive in this life....
Reading this summary of the news from last week, I can’t believe how recently the Gaetz ethics report was released. Feels like that was a month ago at least. This is what it’s like with Trump. Such a blizzard of bullshit, a torrent of lies, that each week feels like a month. Sigh.
Why has no one investigated the “ genius visa” given to Melania Trump in order for her to work in this country, and then fast track her to citizenship? Find out who gave it to her and how much was paid for it. If she is truly here illegally, then Baron and Melania should be deported. First though, they should spend some time in a detention camp. He who paid for it, and he who took the bribe are both criminals as well.
Trump is such a liar AND hypocrite. It is sad that he has a bunch of illegal immigrants working at his properties. But at the same time wants to deport illegals. Will he deport those underpaid illegals that work for him??
He can start with the harlot he's married to. Illegal aliens are nannies and household servants all over America. We lived in DC years ago in the Dupont Circle area and all you saw was wealthy mthrfkrs prancing about with alien "slaves. '
Everyone on Capitol Hill had servants! Nothing has changed. Once in a while someone managed to escape and get to the authorities with harrowing stories of being enticed to come here to work and get an education only to arrive and have their passports taken and work 24/7 and be cut off from their families.
Horrible stories Washington tries to this day to keep a lid on. Very common practice of the high and mighty. And many of DC's elite wind up doing what Strom Thurmond and "The Terminator" did far away from public eyes--at least in the beginning.
Laws are not about justice, according to Gerry Spence who says (paraphrase) " Laws are made to keep the powerful in power, ' Sad but true. We are chess pieces on a chessboard the wealthy control. Their movements are primarily designed to keep the masses from rising up against them. This is accomplished as we see right now by the ages old method of divide and conquer.
We are ruled by and at the mercy of evil and entitled people in high places. So-called "royalty" in and outside the USA influence our daily lives from behind shields of darkness and closeted positions of power and influence aka "Follow the money."
In a world where turnaround is fair play, I’m permitting my imagination to roam. Perhaps one of those NATO world leaders of which you speak (aka, Canada, France), could buy the US. I’m sure Trump and his oligarch friends would be open to a sale if it meant they could further line their pockets. Such an acquisition might allow the rest of us to become part of a country that cares about fairness, justice, equal rights, and the rule of law. In other words, we might again be able to sleep at night. Just a thought. Just a thought.
Oh my heart, yeah let’s do that🤭😇I’m serious you know.
I love your thought, I had it too.
Just a PS, Carole. We could then enforce OUR borders against people like them…and politely insist that they leave.
The price would be high but I could see Trump selling out to Russia or China. He may bankrupt the country and have no choice.
Hoo, Boy. I hope not…but nothing would surprise me!😢
Who was it from WWII that told us, we should get use to Vodka and or Saki ?
Yess! OR, martial law, still under Biden, BEFORE the third when Repugs are scheduled to retake Congress.CUT EM OFF AT THE PASS, EH?
Throw their butts into GITMO and Rikers Island!!!
GITMO... Get them completely out of the US.
Maybe some of you are not familiar with how bad RIkers Island is? Growing up outside NYC it was always on the news about how God awful it was - a living hell. I vote for RIkers! Let them suffer now in hell instead of waiting till they croak! Give them a taste of whats to come!
Yeah, that brings smiles to my heart… Give me some more.
Wow, the ideas just keep on coming.
Yeah, trump could negotiate Florida for himself.
I live in Florida, and we are celebrating an absence of MAGA in our state!!!
I practiced in Florida, right after I graduated, and learned that "Florida" was a Native American word for "minimum wage." I was a doc working for the Dade County Health Department and my wife was a telephone company service rep, and she was making more than I was... they had a union, we didn't.
I'm on the Treasure Coast and I see MAGA everywhere. Where do you live that they're leaving?
Here in Baghdad By the Sea, they voted to jail and deport their friends and relaives. At Mar a Lago abd Doral he hires temporary visa workers so he doesn't have to hire the locals.
What's Bagdad by the Sea?
A/k/a North Havana.
We left the Treasure Coast four years ago…couldn’t stand the Trump people standing on every corner, and beautiful scenic rides spoiled by huge Trump signs!
The signs weren't as bad this year. We live in a neighborhood with large lots and our yard is surrounded with bamboo so we don't see anyone. We're homebodies too since retiring. I have one neighbor I'm close to, she's a democrat too. We like it because both of us are disabled and swimming is our only exercise. Well, he walks the dog every day. We have a solar heater so the pool stays warm. I do wish he was open to leaving the states for Costa Rica or Mexico. I'd go in a heartbeat.
Come to Georgia, the 2020 signs are still up and now have a twin 2024. Freaking Trump signage everywhere. I am buying a paintball gun, black paint, since ripping them out of the ground is illegal here now; but hey it is okay for MAGA to slash your tires if you have a Biden/Harris or Harris/Walz bumper sticker displayed. Hypocrites.
I live in the Panhandle; no more Gaetz, Rubio, Or Scott!
I knew Rubio and Gaetz was gone but Scott is still there. We still have all our MAGA and our democratic local government is now MAGA. Plus, desatan gets to replace Rubio. They've already removed the floride from our water due to having the most radical surgeon general in the country. A guy who double dips with jobs in Tallahassee and at U of F, the latter he doesn't have an office at and never goes to but was awarded tenure. Now isn't that special? I am happy for you to be rid of Gaetz though.
Ah, good one! 👍
If that was to happen, I say Canada!
I would love to be part of the Netherlands!!
America has already been sold. trump is now finalizing the sale. This all started in the 50's.
Given the size of the U.S. debt, it would have to be a very heavily leveraged buyout and, even though there's probably enough venture capital around to finance it, the resulting selloffs might make the situation even worse. At least Congress has so far managed to get their act together to avoid a default. Venture capitalists would just declare bankruptcy and move on leaving us holding the bag.
I live in Matt Gaetz’s district…oops, his old district, lol!!
I think millions of us would chip in!
G'morning, I have my black coffee the same way only it's a small, not medium. The ice takes that burning edge off. I do offer one suggestion very strongly - please do not post photos of your baby girl. It's not a good thing to do. We all know and believe she's adorable, but she is the most precious thing you have - please don't let her photos get "out there". Protect her privacy with your life. She is your treasure.
100%: do not post photos of your children!!!!!!!!
Yes. I have posted pics of my kids - both when they were little and now, when they're both adults. But unlike Ben, I'm also not in the public eye or a likely target for MAGAts. So if I were him I'd keep those pictures away from social media and just share privately with my friends and family.
I agree; they are already threatening the his podcast fellows, you do not want him to have more ammunition to use against you.
Sorry to say I think they’re right! Although I’d love watching her grow! But we are in times of political conflict!
Look at it this way they could hurt her in some way and I don’t know about you but if anyone did or threatened my boys I would be in their face! Then you could be out of the picture and not able to protect her! Maybe that is what they want! Please think about it!
Actually someone pushed my boy into a car! His shirt sleeve hit the side view mirror!
He came home crying told me what the boy did and who did it! Me, I went straight over there, pounded in the door and cracked the door! I could have been arrested! Thank God the parents weren’t home!
My ex husband and his wife tried to put my son in juvy! Saying lies
Mind you we are in juvenile court! I caught myself on the table to go after his wife and her lies! Fortunately FOR me my ex agreed with me but everything was in motion! He ended up in the Boot Hill of Missouri learning a trade! That was another story but I won’t go there! That would be a way to get you out of the picture!
I would do anything for my boys! I am proud of them they both work for the state!
I agree. Not a good idea to post photos of your baby. Please keep her safe!!!
The same goes for your wife.
Keep wife safe too !!!!
I agree! Ben please don’t allow those subhuman soulless creatures to have access to the 2 people who bring so much love and joy into your existence! They are depraved, heartless and pathetic!
I loved seeing your adorable little girl and I’m sure she gets cuter every day but I prefer knowing that she’s safe. You and your entire family and all of the Meidas community are in my prayers. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I agree. I hate to participate in fear mongering, but I don't post photos of my short people. I am sure that she is amazing and that you are both so in love with her 💕
"my short people" 😆
That's what I call my offspring.My grandchildren are 2nd generation short people. 😉
Agreed wholeheartedly! DO NOT POST PICS OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL BABY! I know you're not afraid of the maga maniacs, but there are a lot of crazy's who would love nothing more than to hurt you where it would hurt most. Keep both her and your wife private as much as possible!
Yes ma'am! I like to use the analogy of Denzel Washington, of how he kept his family (especially his wife), private for all these years. Think about it; you don't hear much about Denzel's family in the news. And he's very much in the public eye, just in a different aspect.
And don't post your routine trips to the coffee shop. Not a good idea with so many crazies out there. That's not being paranoid, just smart.
I totally agree with everyone who replied that you should NOT post pics of your baby girl especially since these low-life magats are already targeting you and your family.
So much this. Likewise, your nephew.
Outstanding!!! We wholeheartedly AGREE 💯. Do not 🚫 post pics of your wife and daughter. We are not in Kansas anymore. 😟
Agree, never post pics of your beautiful family on the internet, nor post your routine to the coffee shop. Lots of crazies out there. Isn’t that AWEFUL that in this day and age in America we have to think that way, but unfortunately we have too.
Love your show and listen to your podcast’s every morning while walking my dog! NOPE I’m not going to tell you our daily route! Keep up the good work! STAY CREDIBLE1
I totally agree. As much as we would love to see her it’s not safe to post her pictures.
We've no doubt she's a doll. We see it on your face. Smart celebrities keep kids out of the spotlight for a reason. With the recent threats against you, know we share your joy but keep her and your family safe.
I agree with others! Keep your precious baby girl out of the public sphere. There are just too many "haters" out there. Thanks to all of your contributors for all you do!
I totally agree! Especially either the threats going on.
Absolutely 💯 agree! Be safe and constantly aware.May God protect you all. We value your journalism but want you, the brothers and your families to be safe.
I agree, don't post any pictures of your family!
Totally agree
Yes, I agree on the privacy and safety of all the Meidelas babies. I'm 110% sure they are adorable, just look at their parents. There are too many wack jobs out there; I enjoy the coffee from my Nespresso machine and I'm sure there's plenty of options in the market. Grab a fancy coffee machine before the tariffs hit. I also am troubled by Ben disclosing his whereabouts.
I’m with all these people 💯% ~ too many *whack-jobs* out there, many wearing red caps & worshipping a fat orange man sporting a floor-length red tie! 🍊🤡
[Better to keep your loved ones safe from even one of those deranged MAGATs!!]
☕️ I can’t tell how much I appreciate the MeidasTouch. I wish I could give and donate but I’m on SSDI and it’s so hard just to get by on that but I will continue to be a cheerleader for you guys. 🗣️📣💙☕️⚖️
Yes, so many great people writing and informing. Would love to contribute but SS doesn’t go very far. Hope the new regime leaves it alone.
That’s what I’m afraid of. I worked over 20 years and paid my taxes until I started having “back” issues and had to go on disability. I’ve had 3 spinal fusion surgeries and still deal with chronic pain. It’s bad enough I have to deal with this condition going on over 20 years now but now these people are talking about taking it away like we are nothing!? I depend on my SSDI and Medicare to live on like so many others in the same situation in this country. The thought of a Washington bureaucrat threatening to take this away like we are nothing is more than I can bear!
I am lucky in that SS supplements my retirement income but isn't all of it. But I have close friends who rely on it 100% (and on SSDI). I am very worried.
Agree. I just rejected a neurosurgeon's recommendation for spinal fusion. I've chatted with too many people who've had the surgery and still suffer chronic pain.
I also abandoned spinal injections after side effects and less and less time in between where I felt better. Just stretching, exercising and visiting my chiropractor.
Will be experimenting with acupuncture soon. Anything except major back surgery for this "Senior" Senior, LOL 🤣
My husband had it in June and is thrilled he did.
Kathy, I really do feel for you. I’m in a similar situation. Retired and have chronic pain in my back due to due to 2 compression fractures thanks to osteoporosis. Luckily, my husband has his military retirement but if he should die (he has severe heart problems) and the new administration does what it says it’s going to do then I will be living under the poverty level. Scares me but like the others said, congress also has democrats who will vote things down and other republicans who agree with them. Ss hasn’t been lowered in all these years and if enough people get angry and fed up enough, we can take to the streets like they’ve done recently in other countries. Don’t let the fear overwhelm you especially if we don’t know if it’s really going to happen. Trump and his people love to stir us up and keep us agitated. Hang in there sweetie!
I'm in the same boat, Kathy. They infuriate me with their callous cruelty.
I know you probably hear it all the time, but hang in there. I can't imagine having to deal with chronic pain, but you're obviously a fighter.
They need to tread carefully if they don't want to see a unified suffering people in the streets like we experienced during the Civil Rights Movement. Let them keep effing with programs we depend upon and there will be folks of all varieties linked up arm in arm against them all. 😡
I will hobble, Iimp or crawl to be sure our SS and Medicare are safe!
Same here, would donate if it wasn’t already so hard to get by BUT I stay engaged and vote in every election from local elections to President. I love the Meidas community 💙
Me too💙
Yup. So am I. Our oldest daughter may give us a gift membership. Hoping yes and soon!!! 😊
I love this,Ben! All the horrible news boiled down to short bites along with a good cup of coffee. Enjoy your Sunday with your wife and baby girl.
I agree with the posts re: not posting pictures of your baby. I am sure she is beyond adorable but many kids are now reporting that they wish their parents had not put their pictures and cute stories on social media. It’s never too early to truly understand that children have agency and the right to decide what to do with their bodies, images, etc. if they are too are too young to make that decision..wait til they are. We don’t own our children, we are given the amazing privilege to raise them.
This is my first Sunday Coffee (black here) and I love your stuff, but I have one editing suggestion you might want to watch for.
Don't write "junior high school girl". That's substantively different from a girl who's a junior in high school.
Continue leading the good fight!
Thanks for making this comment so I didn't have to. It doesn't change the statutory rape situation, but it does make a rather large difference in specificity.
Thank you, Laura. I noticed this too and I’m glad you pointed it out.
Ben, your multitasking is Awesome! You can walk and inform us, the Meidas Mighty, of the latest going’s on in the world. Keep up the great work!
Love your comment about teaching...having taught for over 40 years (now, happily retired), both my wife (also a retired teacher) and I always felt we learned more from "the kids" than they learned from us. At the end of each year, the final assignment was for them to write a letter to their incoming selves about what they wish they had known, what they experienced, and what they wish had been different. I promised them (and held to that for all my time in the classroom) that the only person who would read them would be me and that I would not read them till the summer so I asked them to be as honest as they could be without fear of retribution if they had anything negative to say. I used all of those every year to shape what I did the following year and every year, even toward the end, I learned something different. I didn't make a lot of money, but even now, looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing about the path I chose.
Teachers have benn next to God in our household. Thank you for choosing to teach--a high and mighty calling. 🏆
Love to “meet” others who feel about teaching as I did. It is special. One thing I know for sure is when the power mongers who took over many if not most of our schools purged or silenced the called to teach teachers, they paved the way for Trump. I’m trying to educate people about what happened to education at so they’ll be inspired to run for school boards on a save democracy platform. School boards are our best opportunity to save democracy once people realize they’re ours for the taking!
Ben, this is my first “Sunday Coffee” with you. Thank you! It was delightful!
Good Morning, Ben. Thank you for the update. Enjoy this Sunday morning with your wife and baby daughter. Thanks for all that you do.
Always follow the money including as pertains to Tik-Tok. National Security is easily of much less concern for Trump than is a rich donor! And I truly hope we do not upset the world order with Greenland, Panama and Canada
Sociopaths gotta sociopath. Period. Expecting anything else from these extremely damaged people is what’s nuts.
A few points.
I have followed you for a while. A major congratulations to your growing success.
While I do enjoy the uber-personal diary voice of some of your writing and it does have a place in the larger picture of reporting, I do get tired of several things.
1. If you are indeed a serious news outlet then Ii mght suggest moderating some of the more salacious attacks on the people you disagree with. News is news. It is based on facts. Editorials should, theoretically be a separate part of a news organization.
2. That you are being attacked by people and/or organizations is news. Spending whole series of articles on your current ratings by some ratings organization, and celebrating how well you are doing after a while just becomes bragging.
3. What draws me to your outlet is your perspective as lawyers ( I do not know the professions of all your staff) to be able to hear the news from the context of the law is helpful. I seek reporting from those who are historians, economists, constitutional scholars, long time government (former) employees and long time reporters who have worked in the field locally, nationally and internationally. For me, as a consumer I need the facts first, context second and bias third.
In this age of a variety of kinds of outlets from traditional paper or TV to cable to the Internet I am very aware of my job as a consumer to acknowledge the strong bias many newer kinds of outlets use. The more well known and more sought out your outlet becomes -- serving an ever widening customer base -- I would wish that the focus on the factual aspect of reporting would become your priority as well. As I said before editorials have a specific place and serve a vital role in all outlets.
We are in a deeply concerning tumultuous time. I am very concerned about the next four years. My guess, for what it's worth, is that it will be less dramatic and more chaotic than I imagine. Bu, nonetheless, seeing events in the context of a specific picture -- in your case the law ( see list above) is always my personal goal.
My feedback is worth no more or less than anyone's. I would hope to be helpful. I will have no idea how to extend the conversation. I turn my comments into the internet ether. For what it's worth.
Jo Trafford
Portland Maine
Ben, his brothers and Co-Founder Michael Popock have set their sails in the right direction from the onset without me or you. Suggest you take notice of that fact. MTN is growing because of the leadership these gentlemen exhibit 24/7.
If at any point in time you feel your needs are not being met I suggest you go elsewhere. Do so, btw, with all deliberate speed.
I very much agree with your points, Jo, as I have been surprised at the level of salacious attacks in written materials as well as responses; at the level of self-promo. Less helpful than the author discourse and reader dialogue in other valued Substack authors I follow. I want MTN to roar to success without the negative.
I have been reading MTN for a while. I have not seen any salacious attacks. There is, of course, opinion. Have you looked at Fox ever? They not only attack, but they lie continually. I have not seen deliberate lies on MTN, just opinion. There is a difference between opinion and lies.
I said nothing about lying.
Staying strong with my coffee. This week has to be better than last week. Stop Trump in his tracks, he's going to hurt a lot of people trying to survive in this life....
Reading this summary of the news from last week, I can’t believe how recently the Gaetz ethics report was released. Feels like that was a month ago at least. This is what it’s like with Trump. Such a blizzard of bullshit, a torrent of lies, that each week feels like a month. Sigh.
Why has no one investigated the “ genius visa” given to Melania Trump in order for her to work in this country, and then fast track her to citizenship? Find out who gave it to her and how much was paid for it. If she is truly here illegally, then Baron and Melania should be deported. First though, they should spend some time in a detention camp. He who paid for it, and he who took the bribe are both criminals as well.
Trump is such a liar AND hypocrite. It is sad that he has a bunch of illegal immigrants working at his properties. But at the same time wants to deport illegals. Will he deport those underpaid illegals that work for him??
Well, of course he won’t. Being the Very Special Boy he is, laws and rules do not apply to him.
He can start with the harlot he's married to. Illegal aliens are nannies and household servants all over America. We lived in DC years ago in the Dupont Circle area and all you saw was wealthy mthrfkrs prancing about with alien "slaves. '
Everyone on Capitol Hill had servants! Nothing has changed. Once in a while someone managed to escape and get to the authorities with harrowing stories of being enticed to come here to work and get an education only to arrive and have their passports taken and work 24/7 and be cut off from their families.
Horrible stories Washington tries to this day to keep a lid on. Very common practice of the high and mighty. And many of DC's elite wind up doing what Strom Thurmond and "The Terminator" did far away from public eyes--at least in the beginning.
Laws are not about justice, according to Gerry Spence who says (paraphrase) " Laws are made to keep the powerful in power, ' Sad but true. We are chess pieces on a chessboard the wealthy control. Their movements are primarily designed to keep the masses from rising up against them. This is accomplished as we see right now by the ages old method of divide and conquer.
We are ruled by and at the mercy of evil and entitled people in high places. So-called "royalty" in and outside the USA influence our daily lives from behind shields of darkness and closeted positions of power and influence aka "Follow the money."
Short answer: No!