I hope we don’t lose Ms. Agnifilo with all of the work she has in front of her. All of you are under enormous pressure. Take care of yourselves and each other. It’s a scary world these days. Oh, and, great work Canada and Mexico!! You are true allies and I am glad to see nations standing up to Trump. The US is doing a poor job right now. Happy Holidays!! 🎄

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How can a country like the USA allow the dismantling of the Department of Education?

That is dumbfounding for nations that take pride in public education and an informed population.

Orange Hitler was not joking when he said "he likes the uneducated." No wonder there are millions of braindead Orange sheep, in a massive flock of cult followers,heading for a giant cliff.

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The wealthy for millenia have known the "uneducated" are easily manipulated to work for nothing to stay alive. Kings, monarchs, most "religions" know that their wealth grows when they control through fear & punishment. Being unable to read or question why an "owner/god" is punishing them allows the "owner/god" to keep them under their iron fist. Education is the beginning of freedom. the "existance" of "hell" alone has reaped much gold.

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Spot on!!! I was raised Catholic, but was never a believer beyond the age of seven or eight. The best explanation I’ve ever heard for organized religion and God is “God didn’t create man, man created God to control the masses and to control women”! I would march beside you to protect your right to practice your religion, even though I’m an atheist. All I ask is that you never try to pass laws for the population based on your religious beliefs. I respect everyone’s rights to worship in any way they choose or to not worship at all. Just don’t try to pass laws based on anyone’s individual religious belief! State religion has no place in a Democratic society!

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Lapsed Roman Catholic here... the church lost me @ 12yo after they wouldn't allow my mom & I to attend mass because she was divorced , you cannot make this crap up... it was disgusting

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My mother gave premature birth to twins. One was stillborn, the other died shortly after birth. The Church allowed burial in the church cemetery for only the live birth baby who had been immediately baptized. The other was buried outside the fence. Original sin and all that nonsense.

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That’s beyond horrible! I wouldn’t have buried either child in that horrible place! I’m so sorry for you and your family…

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Heartbreaking...it still prevails... What the hell century do we live in?

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What gets me is that big business supports this. Having an uneducated work force was fine in the days of coal mines and old fashioned lumber mills but the vast majority of industries need qualified workers with at least some critical thinking skills at all levels (any one trying to read an owner's manual knows you need to have more than a 3rd grade education to figure them out). Long gone are the days of the shade tree mechanics, now farmers have to take their John Deere tractors to a qualified Johon Deere tractor repair person. Where does (even Telsa) expect to get these workers? How do they expect to stay competitive on the global stage when China is beating us by leaps and bounds in the area of education? I know trump has no clue but I've always thought many leaders of big business were smart (maybe immoral and greedy but smart). Aas the education level goes down so does the earning power and therefore the purchasing power which does not bode well for much of the economy. I don't think there are enough rich kids to fill the needs of big business.

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Serial narcissist Orange Rapist once he has sucked his victim dry, now the USA, will have no problem seeing it destroyed and laid waist. His Orange cult serves only as narcissitic supply for the time being.

He is, as many have warned, the biggest threat to humanity since 1939-45.

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Republicans have been defunding public education for the last 50 or 60 years. It’s why Trump loves the uneducated, because he knows they can be controlled easily with fear and lies!

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And they are poorly educated too. Some home school. I wonder how many of them are educated as teachers to teach their children at home. All this to avoid sending their children to public school.

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So true, and again, that worked well even 50 years ago but the work force and the globalization of business has changed so much. For the GOP power over anyone is better than no power, but for business, well low taxes on no profits because you have in inept work force isn't much of a consolation for supporting these elected officials.

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Only hope we don't get pulled over that giant cliff with them!

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Because of the election. There are consequences to elections.

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Don't think that we will lose her, but we might see a little less of her. If that's the case, we will enjoy her when she's available. Her success is our success.

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Ben, You have made it in Canada, please would you now turn your efforts to UK? We heard nothing of the lies and fake news from DJT and Elon on the UK media during the election run up. The sheer corruption in USA politics is mind-boggling, but nary a whisper on this side of the pond.

We really need to hear about the felons, the money buying favours and influence, the pumping and dumping, the grifting, all of this and so much more.

How can a modern, democratic country end up with a Mob Don as The President? Unbelievable! We’ve got to learn and understand, before it happens to us! Thanks.

Keep up the remarkable work.

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Is there Russian interference in Canadian politics? UK?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

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I've been pasteing links from Meidas updates to sites like joe rogan, abc news & fox News to spread the Meidas Mighty word & show how off the rails maga is. I'm happy to do the same on UK sites!

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Thanks Heather that's a great idea! Can you start with The Sun (AKA The Scum), GB News, The Daily Mail (AKA The Daily Fail) and the Daily Express? Wondering if we could call GB news something appropriate too? Love your idea @Daniel Solomon too. There is also a petition that could be shared https://act.38degrees.org.uk/act/britain-is-not-for-sale

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Katrina, have you considered sharing to LBC in Britain. I am an avid follower of James OBrien a presenter on that network.

Morning show, worth a listen on LBC app.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I used to listen to LBC a lot but went off them when they fired Sangita Myska. Still got a lot of time fro James O'Brien though.

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I tried to sign the petition but it wouldn't take my postal code.

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Hmm - maybe becasue you're not in the UK?

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After I dem trolled MSM any chance I could get with facts, I always end my comment with - “that’s why I watch Meidastouch network “ I’ll forever be grateful to Meidastouch for reporting what’s right & just. MSM hosts get paid millions to garble up a mish mash of words or Gish gallop of lies or no meaning nonsense enabling rapist in chief dtrumpf back to the WH. I despise them all for helping destroy my daughters future safety - Joy , Lawrence O , Rachel Maddow / same ole same ole , I can’t even stomach them anymore . I’m done for good! Gritting my teeth and still fuming…I hope Meidastouch spreads far and wide.

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Yay! Sounds great! And I’ll discover were to post and start myself. 😃

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Musk has now cast his eye on the UK. Why?

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I subscribe to The Guardian US edition. There is a lot of content there about tRump and what Maga and the Project 25 people are trying to do to the US. I believe you can access both The Guardian and the US Ed. online. I know I read it for awhile before I sent them any $$.

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While you were writing your Substack I was writing mine. I’m enjoying my first coffee reading your Substack. We got your back Ben. The Meidastouch Network is honest and trustworthy! I’m just an old Patriot who cannot believe how our Country has become an oligarchy! Keep doing what you’re doing and fight for our constitution.


Keith Olson

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Ben, you and the MTN team are amazing. Keep up the good work.

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Happy Sunday Ben and Meidas Mighty! I rely on these updates (especially Ron Filipkowski's Resistance daily updates) to keep me current and informed. Once I hear it from Meidas I'm sure it is real news and can seek out other points of view about it to get a well rounded look. ABC is irrelevant, CBS is irrelevant, NBC is irrelevant, CNN is irrelevant, FOX is just plain partisan blather. Thank you for giving us Meidas.

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Putin brags that he tilted the election and says he expects a quid pro quo!

Biden needs to report on Russian interference ASAP! We are the victims of the Russian war on the USA. An admission is dispositive and is actionalble and constitutes an emergency.

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He did? Do you have a link for that? Not that I’m surprised. This election feels very fishy…

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Ben, can you add someone to your team who is an expert on foreign election interference? It is an area that really isn't being covered.

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I awoke again at 3:30 am. Not being able to sleep I dove into Substack and BlueSky. I read an article about abortion and the introduced legislation in several states to restrict out of state travel for pregnant women to “protect the personhood of the fetus “ from harm. Can’t decide if Margaret Atwood is a visionary or a prophet of doom. Read more articles and then had coffee with you. Your network , your courage and encouragement are frankly a great source of hope , one of the few I have. I think about my daughter and their young family and how very busy they are with their teaching careers and children . They aren’t consumers of the corporate news… they simply are so busy. But neither do they have the time to delve into the issues presented by the independent journalists. I am probably guilty of

Proselytizing but I keep her informed of issues by summarizing your articles, so you see your influence goes far beyond paid and unpaid subscribers. Thank you for all you do , for your commitment and courage , for your dedication to the truth.

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Prophet of doom. Visionary (generally) implies a person who implemented their GOOD, helpful ideas.


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Semantics aside I think most people got my point

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Not sure how to feel about the preemptive pardons. I feel that they “should not” be necessary but, at the same time, I do not have confidence that our current justice system will protect them.

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Wait. Aren’t you in CA? I’m in CA but I am only up at 2am because I was doom scrolling but I am not vertical having any coffee just yet. 🤪 Thabk you for all you do. These are SUCH weird times. I’m trying so hard to not get depressed. I’m not depressed by nature so this is serious stuff we are dealing with. I had no idea there were this many genuinely both terrible and stupid people in the world. I guess this may probably be a bit like what it was like watching the Weimar Republic fall prey to the Nazis. On that note, I’m going back to sleep now. There’s only so much awfulness can take.

PS any word on these really creepy drones back east???

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6:00 a.m. on the East coast, New Jersey drone country. Glad to see the coffee article out early. As far as drones, use your critical thinking. Don't fall for the fear.

Enjoy your Sunday 🌞

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Can you imagine what it's like for someone who has suffered from depression for years? Yes, it's almost intolerable

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Dec 15
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This is what I would love to see. People rising up. Our elected officials should be doing it, but they are not.

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I agree!!! Of course it is hard to tell with the pro trump media but it seems the Dems are doing nothing except maybe Jamie Raskin. Any ideas on how we get the Dems to start making noise? We the people already have enough to start rising up and I hope we do....I hope all those who believed trump would lower grocery prices start to speak out and those who did not understand tariffs likewise and now that even the media has done a little reporting on how awful health care for profit is I hope folks start getting loud. We need a leader to help us in this and I am pretty sure he/she will not come from the ranks of elected Democrats (unless it's Sarah McBride and Jamie Raskin). We need some Dems to get the same amount of press as mtg does. I'd love to hear some thoughts about how we go about doing that.

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I take my hat off to you, Ben! Not only are you a brilliant and formidable leader in our opposition, you are a parent of a little girl! Bravo to you and your wife for your commitment to family and country!

Thanks for all you do!

Can someone direct me to the store area? I want to buy some Meidas stuff. Thanks!

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Go to their website and you’ll see shop at the top.

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Store is also on YouTube under comment section of Ben & others.

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I’m in Australia so it is Sunday evening so, no coffee before bedtime. When you were talking about gulag during Legal AF yesterday, (midday Sunday) I was thinking like “crap!” This could happen to Ben, with his baby daughter and his wife like Russia??? It’s hard to take. I wish you were in Canada honestly. Make an arrangement if the worst comes to worst. The Vietnam War had conscientious objectors.

I know no one can realistically charge you with anything and you aren’t scared. One person can change the world. In our Talmud it is written that each life is a world BUT, it is only when you find the context of this principle in the Talmud is it brought home: the statement that each person is a world is said to witnesses in capital punishment cases. This was a warning that if a witness lied under oath, they would receive the same punishment they had prepared to mete out to the defendant.

The point is that two witnesses that supposedly saw a murder and the witnesses are found credible, they have the life of a defendant in their hands.

Now, this was theoretical because capital cases were never really charged in the Talmudic times but idea that people can be railroaded to their deaths is very real throughout history.

I can’t understand how we got here? Please tell me how we got here?? Who is there shouting at the rooftops?? And cable news won’t help you. They capitulate. Every lever of power can be turned over night, no!!!

We in the Meidas Mighty must show up somewhere in person. As Michael Cohen says, “we must be prepared to take to the streets!”

I will never come back to the US. I can’t tell you how heartbroken I am but let me know what I can do from AUS. We can form a contingent and March in Sydney and Melbourne. You know we will do it. You have us in great numbers over here. You could get asylum in so many good countries.

I hope to see you and your little family and spread your message throughout peace loving counties throughout the world.

You fight! We are here for it!!

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Thanks for your persective. I've subscribed to your Substack :)

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KFA defending Mangione!! Definitely worth following..ONLY on MTN!!

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I wonder what a Trump library would look like. Definitely not a place I would ever visit. Keep up your good work, greetings from the Netherlands.

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t***p & library are an oxymoron

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What a challenge! - a library for Agent Orange would be the opposite of a Tardis - much smaller on the inside. There would be a couple of obsolete laptops endless scrollinhg nonsense. "YMCA" plays all day, and the only things on the shelves are KFC and MacDonald's menus. Ooh, and the decor is all faux Versailles. Entrance fee must be paid in Trump coins or his own crypto. For $1000 extra, you get to sit on the golden toilet.

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That's a bit of an oxymoron isn't it :@ Betting it would have the "love letters" from KJU in it.

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A dumpo library? Oxymoron; a library is about books and he doesn't even know how to read

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A Trump Library would only have picture books. No words for the cult to struggle over.

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Legal AF was excellent, as always! Our legal system is still working, Thank God. And now that MTN is expanding into Canada it is a relief to me that the network is growing there, because this helps Canadians to see that there is indeed a strong resistance movement in the US, and we NEED their support! I was so glad just this morning too, Ben, in one of your early morning podcasts, that you showed the clip of Trudeau assuring American women that he's with us in our fight to maintain and regain our civil rights. THANK YOU for the support and strength you impart to all Americans every day on the MeidasTouch Network.

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So proud just to know Karen Agniflio’s name. Thank the universe for her and all of you at MeidasTouch.

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And I thought I was the only one who enjoyed cream cheese on toast. Good work Ben. And as I said, we all need to promote, urge, and proclaim MEIDAS as the corner stone for America to regain our Democracy and Freedom. May God intervene and pass His Judgement upon MAGA and its followers real soon.

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I'd like to suggest the addition of fig jam. My favorite combination.

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