Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society are tax exempt enemies of the American people.

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Ugh of course Heritage is tax exempt, I forgot about this. Grotesque. Churches need to start paying taxes too

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They are terrorist organizations- just because they don’t carry guns to their meetings doesn’t mean they aren’t terrorist

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Please read above.

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Opus Dei is a cult. Just ask Dr Steven Hassan. Bill Barr is another member of this cult

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And Barr’s father hired Jeffrey Epstein to teach middle school girls at Brearly Spence- forgetting which - disgusting

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This is a sobering watch. Understanding just how much conservative theocratic power they wield in the US political arena is staggering & sounds like they are only getting started.

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In May 2025, KC Chief's kicker Harrison Butker's "commencement speech" (aka promotional ad for Project 2025) at Benedictine College has business ties to Regina Caeli Academy who has ties Leonard Leo.

The student voucher program that TX Governor Greg Abbott wants to badly would use state/federal funds to support private schools, denying public education resources to run as intended by the Department of Education (which Project 2025 world disband).

To quote Noam Chomsky, "Schools are being targeted by privatization. It's a technique to ensure the public doesn’t get what it needs. They treat the public as irrelevant. The public is dismissed. Services should go to the wealthy so you privitize the schools. The rich get what they want. The only service that is maintained for the poor is the prison system but you have to increase the prison population to get rid of the "irrelevant" parts of the population and boosts the construction business. Maintain high tech business is through the Pentagon. The public pays the cost and any profit goes to private corporations. Security employs a lot of people and it keeps them out of the government's way. Schools, hospitals, libraries or anything that serves what some call the "undeserving public." It guides state policies to benefit the wealthy sector because they think they are the only ones that count."

In other words, a Project 2025 government doesn't want the public to get what they NEED (affordable housing, healthcare, food, education, Constitutional rights, etc), they want the wealthy, privileged getting exactly what they want.

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And Catholics don't want to have a clue. They don't want anyone or anything to ruffle their world that would make them have to come to a conclusion they don't want to hear. Former Catholic here. The church makes it very clear that they are NOT to question anything. The Catholic church is, basically, just like the mafia, or, like Rosemary said, the Masons. Only difference is that they have been around a lot longer and is more established than those organizations. Opus Dei is probably a more secretive part of the church.

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Nice work Ben!

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As a former Catholic, I believe Opus Dei is like the Masons for Catholics. Very secretive.

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The only way to give personhood to fetuses is to TAKE personhood away from women. That is UNACCEPTABLE!

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I think the upshot is that they don’t care about the “incubator”. They are heading for totalitarian white male rule. For white men, by white men. Women, people of color will lose all autonomy.

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Yes, it’s another dangerous religious cult. Some articles I have read reveal names that most of us will recognize immediately. I have noted for years that there was little regard to the religious beliefs and practices of those nominated and appointed to the Supreme Court. Two-thirds of the Court are Catholics. Additionally, it should be noted that being Catholic is not a strict requirement for membership in Opus Dei. The push toward Christian nationalism has strong support from radical extremists of all religious stripes.

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We do NOT have a lot of time.

They have never been this close to taking over our nation.

They chose to post Project 2025. Why would they do that unless they were ready?

J-6 was a practice run.

They have had 4 years to plan, train, and recruit.

There is a 90% probability that they are moving their chess pieces into position now.

I hope there are loyal people in the FBI watching the militias movements.

The Catholic Taliban will use the Evangelicals as their fodder.

They will not stop. They will kill us.

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This is the REAL "deep state," a group of right-wing billionaires trying to control everyone. No wonder they deflect by blaming the gov't, to keep the heat of the true villians - the right-wing billionaires aspiring to cement their corporate oligarchy through Project 2025.

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I am a practicing Catholic and I am appalled at the actions and policies of Opus Dei. They are NOT practicing what Jesus Christ prophesied. It's all in the Sermon on the Mount.

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Read Greg Olear’s Substack about this very topic. Really bad stuff.

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Alito was selected in the 80’s for appointment to overturn Roe which I heard directly from speaking with his mother whom I knew. “All set,” was what she said. “To overturn Roe and completely ban abortion,” she said. And “He better if he knows what’s good for him, or else what has all this been for? I’m telling you it’s all set.”

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We may as have Rosemary’s Baby in real time.

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ALITO used law from 17th century jurist, Sir Matthew Hale, against Roe.

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I gather Bill Barr and Pompeo (for example) this is also their cult.

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