This is the best idea I’ve heard about what we might be able to do to fight back. Until we realize that the right-wing propaganda machine cost us this election—along with other factors but not to be underestimated—we will never be in a position to turn things around. Even if some of the economic and social horrors that are predicted come true, we need to be ready to make sure people understand why they happened and what the alternatives are.

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I want to add something else about why I think this is such a great idea. Let’s take the state everyone loves to hate—Florida. Please don’t remind me that Republicans outnumber Democrats here—that’s part of the point. Because even though we are in the minority, there are still over 4 million Democrats here. Do we just throw our hands up and say “Oh well, Florida is red now so let’s just give up”? My point is that if we don’t have a strategy for cultivating new Democrats, we’re screwed. And there are enough of us here to get involved in the way Ron suggests.

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I'm old enough to remember when Florida was blue. I'm a 5th generation Floridian and was always proud of my state until J.E.B. Bush was elected governor and the right wing takeover began. If they could take it, we can take it back. We need to change our methods and begin to do more of the outreach and networking ALL year long, as is outlined in this article.

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I am so with you!

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I like your idea. Soon as we finish grieving, take a break, time to reset and get to work. We really need to get involved. Maybe contact your local DNC and see how to do this for a start.

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Exactly. Because even when the bad things inevitably do happen, I guarantee with their apparatus they will find a way to spin it and blame it on the left

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For sure!

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There could be an initial strategic response to the problem because the results of this election reveal that a significant portion of the voting population may not have realized they were voting for a convicted sexual predator and a narcissistic political predator. Many people understand, on an emotional level, the fear of having a predator in their neighborhood — a fear that often surfaces when local authorities notify residents of such individuals moving nearby. Without this notification, people might remain unaware, as predators often hide their true nature.

To empower people to make informed decisions, we need to educate them on predators’ traits and behaviors. This awareness enables them to choose how to respond effectively. One accessible way to spread this knowledge is through AI tools, like ChatGPT (ChatGPT.com).

Instead of merely telling people, we should show them. By encouraging them to consult credible sources, like ChatGPT, they can receive consistent definitions and descriptions of predator behaviors. Here's how: instruct them to ask ChatGPT, "Please define a sexual predator and a narcissistic political predator, along with 25 or more examples of their behaviors." After receiving the initial response, they should type "continue" to explore deeper layers of information by repeating the “continue” process 4 to 5 times. Try it yourself to see what insights you gain — then share this process with others!

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I'm convinced that most of the people who voted for Trump paid absolutely zero attention to politics or any information about Trump and his crimes and his policies or anything.

They voted based on the 100s of millions of dollars worth of lying ads and social media posts and general disinformation that Putin and MusQ and other billionaires and FoKKKs Noose spread.

It seems to me the way to win elections is to spread lies with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ads, like they did.

All we need are some billionaires to help us do that next time.

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The Nebraska Senate race was instructive. Dan Osborn was the purist example you could find of a candidate fighting to stand up for the working man (i.e., pipefitter, veteran, no college degree, said he didn't even own a suit). He ran a brilliant campaign as an independent --- yet the folks in Nebraska still returned to office a SuperPAC backed incumbent who hadn't held a town meeting since 2017 and apparently increased her net worth 10 times while in office (per her financial disclosure forms).

A lot of the vote was (1) I always vote Republican, (2) Sexist, racist, anti-LGBTQ, and (3) For "traditional values." And the vast majority of their beliefs driven by right wing lies.

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Now this make more sense than what Babel was babbling about.

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We don't have to lie when we have the truth about the orange buffoon from his own mouth.

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There is lots of truth in what you say. The Trumpers attracted simple people using simple entertainment by Trump and other comic politicians. The Democratic message is not as simple as Trump's entertaining messages. There is nuance and novel ideas to Democrats' messaging. I think most simple people, and that means most of the country, can't handle the subtleties. I'm not giving up, but just stating my perceptions.

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You have Soros. Ask obama, bidens polosi, and the likes for donations, they made millions while in office. Just look at their net worth before going to DC and now. You have your billionaires.

The country rejected the lefts extreme ideas like trans for children, sexualizing children in schools, pedophiles, pedophilic parades around small children, mandates for jabs,

the hand holding to the WEF, and I could go on and on. I guess its hard to think it was the policies the left was throwing out there, the country rejected. It wouldn’t have mattered if it was a purple man or a yellow alien, we wanted to end the extreme ruining of our country. We put up with Biden/Harris for 4 years. We are worse off from that. The majority of people who are aware of these things, are tired of it.

With all the issues you have with Trump, why didn’t you see that during his term in 2016? These fears are all from MSNBC playbook. They want the WEF to run here in the US! That is what this is about. So they demonize those who don’t play. This is BIGGER then Trump and Harris. Look who is running things above them! The WEF as an agenda. US is in the way AGAIN, with Trump.

Lets stay out of war and come together as Americans. Division is intentional! Remember that when your media is telling you who to hate.

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You state to "remember that when your media is telling you who to hate." ....as you stress the hate for the democrats. HMMMM? Donny Boy's MAGA is the party that sold everyone that we are the evil party of perverts. Which is far from the truth. Trans are such a small percentage of the population, yet it was treated as a HUGE thing. Pedophiles?? Good lord, give us a break. tRump was hanging with Epstein, he was charged with sexual assault by multiple women. I just can't believe the blindness from the right. Put up with Biden and Harris. I'd like to know what that even means. The economy is booming. Buden faced a major health crisis. Just like Obama had to deal with the housing crisis. Both eventually helped the US recover better than any country globally.

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Where are all the missing children from the border the government reported as missing? Remember when democrats were concerned about ‘the children in cages”? I’m just saying consistency is key. If you are bothered by all the issues you have with Trump, one can’t keep ears and eyes closed with Clinton, Obama and Biden. Political sides should NOT matter, correct?

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Where are the missing 1,400 that were ripped from their parents arms? How about the 5k that were also traumatized by that action and may still be dealing with mental issues from that Zero Tolerance Policy. I just shared an article about the lies regarding 300k unaccompanied children. They are not missing and have never been reported as such. The issue was a paper shuffling problem. They were and still are with whoever they went to. Because the border officials have decided not to deport many of them, they have never pursued looking for them. Maybe get your facts straight and we can have an educated discussion.

Political sides do matter. Seems many former republicans agree with this fact. Many I wouldn’t have formerly agreed with have stood their ground against MAGA and trumpism. You don’t like those three presidents doesn’t mean the rest of us feel that way. And we don’t base it on politics. We base it on character and morals. And now you will throw out a blowjob with Clinton. SMH. He removed a large portion of our deficit. And both he and Obama had 8 straight years. If Biden hadn’t lost ground due to his having CoVid for a second time and due to his age, he too would have had 8 straight years.

People didn’t vote for Kamala for many reasons: They didn’t know her. Some asked “Where was Biden on the ballot?” She’s a woman. She can’t handle the tough jobs. She’s black. Or she’s confused about being black. She’s a whore who slept her way to the top. She’s gonna pay for trans surgeries for criminals (something she said in 2019 but no matter if this was from the past that they ran an ad millions of times. Two actual had that happen. TWO.)

She’s far left. (Even though she campaigned with a far right Repub)

Saying she called him Hitler when she said no such thing. The list of lies about her is long.

Here’s where I have an issue, though. No matter what tRump did or said it was sane-washed by the media. Grabbing pussies literally never mattered. Cheating on all three wives never mattered. Paying off porn stars never mattered. Talking about sexual things on stage in front of children. So unpresidential. Calling Pelosi a bitch. Telling people her husband was having a gay affair after having his head bashed in. Name calling everybody who was his “enemy within.” Calling us Marxists and communists. Vance calling himself a never-tRumper and called him Hitler (not Harris) Vance called childless cat women unable to vote wisely. And lied that Project

2025 was going to be used, which now they are admitting it was the plan all along.

I’m still getting texts trying to make sure I’m a Republican. Why? Because he will NEVER be the president for all of us. He hates DemonCrats. His posts on media proves this. He is just disgusting. PERIOD. That has nothing to do with my politics. It’s just a fact.

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And most Republicans made their millions before they decided to run for office. Get real, Babel.

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More importantly, we need to have a very compelling articulate message around what we stand for, the key policies we will drive and why it will improve the lives of people. We’ve got to stop bashing Trump (Even though it’s hard) And instead convey our own compelling message. “Compelling” being the keyword. Not just compelling to ourselves, but to every day Americans that feel forgotten.

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If articulate was the answer Harris had it. The dem message needs needs to be presented more like wrestlemania and less like CSPAN. Maybe the Masked Politician or Dancing with the Legislator would draw a more engaged public...

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I agree

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I agree - and now figure out how to deliver the message so that it actually gets to the misinformed

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These are working class people who simply don't have time for anything but a job and taking care of family. They are not going to care about what ChatGPT has to say.

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Working class does not mean stupid. They listen to the likes of rogan, carlson, and fox spews, so they are engaged. Unfortunately, they are just engaged in mental garbage...

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I didn’t say stupid, I said busy. Replacing the personalities they have trusted for years with a chat prompt is totally misguided.

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The fact that the "Grab them by the pussy" comment was news to so many 1st time voters is evidence that we have to change the way we share information with the younger generation.

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Holy moly!! I'm speechless! I did this and shared the narcissistic political predator definition and behaviours to my FB feed. Drumpf fits every single behaviour, I'm verklempkt. I fear for the World.

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Seriously, you are calling a chatbot a "credible source"??

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They definitely do no understand what they are voting for! I have a friend who has voted Democrat all her life, who was sucked in to vote for Trump and when I got mad at her she didn't understand why. She thought "Biden should have just fired the Supreme Court and made new laws to protect abortion when he had the chance.". Most regular Joe's out there have NO IDEA HOW ANYTHING WORKS in our government.

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This is a great idea. We know we can pull off digital gatherings because folks did it for Kamala, and they did it rapidly with a lot of energy. Based on the reality that most of America is tuned out, and when they DO engage digital content it's in an algorithm echo chamber, I think about what other media we can use. Flyers, postcards with a question like those posed in the post, something.

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During his 2018 campaign for Congress Joseph Kopser did one of the best things I’ve ever seen a candidate do, i.e., he did periodic livestreams from his kitchen. The topic, of course, was campaign issues. I loved them because they were extremely informative and leisurely. Kopser took the time necessary to explain in full a public policy issue and his thoughts on it. There was no media to chop his words into 30 second soundbites. ( As I recall, they were on Sunday evenings and usually ran about 30 minutes.)

During his runs for higher office, Beto O’Rourke would livestream from his van as he traveled around the state/country. People would text in questions to the staff which he would answer as he drove from town to town. From the perspective of someone who believes in open, transparent government and accessible government officials, the livestreams were unforgettable.

Fast forward to 2024 and North Carolina Congressman Jeff Jackson (now that state’s Attorney General - Elect) did his own take on this outreach method. He did short pieces (about 3 – 5 minutes) discussing key issues before Congress and/or giving viewers an inside view into Congressional operations. Those videos appeared on all the typical platforms but wisely texts of those appearances were available as well. As you can see from the photograph above, when he was in North Carolina, he recorded those videos from his kitchen.

If the Democratic Party is interested in my advice, I’d recommend that they begin a live 30 – 60-minute Sunday evening outreach program (9 p.m. Eastern time) with a rotating series of guests, broadcasting from their kitchens. I’d use the first half hour to discuss a scheduled topic (e.g., the closing of rural hospitals or options to ensure the solvency of the Social Security system). I’d open the last half of the program to questions from the public.

I’d consider a radio call-in show as well – perhaps during afternoon drive time. When I lived in Baltimore, the now late Mayor William Donald Schaefer had a weekly half hour call-in program on WBAL radio. It was “can’t miss” programming.

Although Kopser and Jackson operated solo, I’d look for a host/set of hosts to help shape the conversation. Names that come to mind, because of their experience as elected officials and their comfort on air, include the aforementioned former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke, former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, current New Jersey Senator Corey Booker, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, about to be ex-Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and about to be ex-California Congresswoman Katie Porter. The goal should be to utilize hosts from various parts of the country with diverse government/public policy backgrounds. Look for hosts that would be excellent at Educating & Engaging the audience. Look for people (both as hosts and guests) that are good at starting a dialogue. (Source: https://sharonlawrence.substack.com/p/elections-breaking-down-the-red-wall-a0b)

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This is a fantastic idea. How do we get this before those folks and help promote?

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I pitched it through LinkedIn to a few people .. no chance to respond yet. I'm guessing that a few hundred likes and restacks will help. I will use these comments to promote as they echo what I've heard from others.

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Excellent suggestions! Some great avenues to reach voters to inform them about issues in their neighborhoods, their state and the country.

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After I thought about it I realized Al franken would be an excellent host too!

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This is a great idea on many levels - keeps the base engaged on a much more regular basis, diverse opinions on these topics encourage critical thinking, sharpens how points are made - many more reasons. Add Pete Buttigieg to the list of speakers - I’d love to hear Pete at any event line this.

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Add Jamie Raskin and the group from The Bulwark and you’d have a solid start! We need to be out there constantly!

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Yes, Bulwark folks, Adam Kinzinger, and others. We clearly won't agree on all the just the act of engaging in civil conversation and debate would really move the needle back towards civil society. We can all agree, for example that the misogyny (e.g. Your Body, My Choice memes that are going around now") cannot stand.

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There's plenty of people to add. Jamie is one of those that was part of the circular firing squad for Biden. He lost credibility when he joined that chorus to me any way. I am sure there are plenty that would love to hear him speak. But others will remember him speaking out too.

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I would volunteer to "work" at one of these events near my home. As a retiree with daughters, I would even go to more distant events to help out. The infiltration of the right-wing "broadcast" (figuratively, not literally) has to happen.

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Couldn’t agree more

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I am with you Sandi!

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Where do you live? I am in Indiana.

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I live in the mid-atlantic area as well as overseas half the time.

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I agree

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We also need to take this to the red districts. We cannot run away. We need a blue turning point. The Rs have shown their hand and now it is time to capitalize on what the American people have revealed to us. No crying. Get organized, rebuild and let’s get this done!

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This probably needs to happen, like, right now.

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If I was American I would. What do you think about joining forces with Simon Rosenberg and repurposing the Hopium grassroots? That was a truly impressive grassroots movement

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Good idea. The time for being reactive has long passed.

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YES 1000X yes, but WHY WAIT? If stories are accurate trump voters are getting drips and drabs of the consequences- we need to start today not after the trump community has a chance to further poison the information system. Google searches for “What is a tariff?” allegedly spiked since the election. START now with the truth.

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Yes, I definitely would attend and I know others who would so much like to attend as well. I absolutely agree with this concept.

I’m positive I/we could get a small caravan to go.

I’m now residing in Georgia, USA and there are more left leaning and persuadable voters than I imagined. Many Georgians simply are unaware of what the democrats positions and the policies are.

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Set up splashy events in the swing states first—and fine-tune them before going nationwide in time to coordinate with run-up to the 2026 off-year elections.

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We need wealthy lefties to step up.

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I think the money to fund these would be there in a heart beat. Not only from the wealthy left but from many upper middle class - people with disposable income who are bored with the deluge of Act Blue requests that simply become annoying, especially when the funding doesn’t appear to deliver results

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Yes, yes, yes.

We must see the DNC respond to what we The People want. Still heartbroken over Bernie Sanders being taken from us.

The excuse that the Republicans won’t let us must stop.

The Politicians must DO for us.

BTW, the Jamie Raskin “Class” with Brian Tyler Cohen on YouTube, and similar educational spots, are invaluable we need a healthy diet of these to be consumed.

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Bernie was just reelected to another six-year term in the Senate

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Jamie Raskin is a great advocate , but when he was on Maher b4 the election he seemed totally oblivious and pie in the sky about the fascists on the march. Maher (who I cannot stand) kept asking him, yeah a Constitutional amendment sounds nice BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Biden and Kamala just seem to have rolled over for these monsters and have hope that the American people will see how reasonable they are with the peaceful transfer of power, meanwhile Trump has taken over and maybe there won't be elections ever again. Mehdi Hassan is really good, I have stopped watching MSNBC for the most part because they bashed Biden and it's all the same drivel all day/night. We need young fresh voices like Adam Mockler. He's liberal without being a whiny baby or caricature of a liberal. Tennessee Brando is good too. I believe Meidas Touch is a good start for this kind of thing. Politics girl is great too. I liked her on CNN, although Cable news is unwatchable now. Katy Tur, Chris Hayes blech. Maddow is ok, but preachy We need people who aren't afraid to be brash and are straight up. We are under attack and had better mobilize quick to combat this. I love Buttigieg he did great on Jubilee. That format was really engaging.

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Oh , yes . I was flooded , flooded with text messages.

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That's exactly the point - a bottomless reservoir of wealthy reactionary money is fueling all of the above, and the tricky bit for a progressive Dem breakout - if only on a small scale - is funding, and how do they go to deep-pockets supporters whilst simultaneously arguing against wealth accrual, massive inequities, unfair tax breaks, yadda-yadda? Go the small-donor route? Well, that's where it's at today, and absolutely cannot compete on scale...the great conundrum: attack the class from whom one is trying to obtain funding. Solve that, we're in business.

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I’m perfectly willing to help fund a “left/sane” network through monthly/yearly subscriptions, but we need someone like Mark Cuban to help us build the infrastructure. I’ve been listening to progressive radio for decades and they’ve been screaming this the entire time. Free Speech TV (FSTV) runs in donations from the public. They’re constantly begging for money. You NEVER see this on the right because it’s funded BIGLY! We need help!

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Having said all that, the examples of Meidas and Zeteo, coming literally out of nowhere to gain billions of hits in a short period of time is very heartening, and can serve as an organizing/funding template to begin to fill progressive space.

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I would watch or attend! I would volunteer also! Let’s make it happen.

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So how do we start this?

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We have the best musical talent in the world on our side!!! We are wasting this mega chance to kick Magat ass........Lets get Progressive media on the road before the followers of the Orange cult shut it all down for us.

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One hundred percent agree and it should be started NOW with the help of the Bulwark and Lincoln Project people. They are better at messaging. If we don’t change we will never win. How frustrating is it that Biden did enact legislation that helps the working class and literally the electorate has no clue. Do we really think that if Trump had brought broadband to rural areas that he would not have advertised this ? It’s going to drive all of us mad when Trump is going to take credit for everything that the Dems have done in this administration and it will 100% work.

But at the end of the day, whose fault is this, the Dems! We don’t know how to cope with an apparatus that Lies and fear mongers and it’s not that we should do this, but we need to start pushing back, I think this article has great ideas. THE biggest weakness for Dems is their lack of effective messaging. . Biden never used his bully pulpit. Such a shame . Rick Wilson has been saying this for years.

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100%. Democrats messaging sucks. No one knows what Biden has done. Cuban is a great person for this and all the musical acts is a great start.

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Admittedly, I am one of those people who gives a healthy eye-roll to these conferences. However, particularly with this election cycle, I felt a little adrift. I don't watch MSNBC, and many of the folks I encounter day to day are on the opposite side of the aisle. If we did this on the Left? I'd absolutely go to listen to the speakers. A huge draw would be the sense of community a conference like this would foster. It's a fantastic idea, and I would totally attend.

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100% agree. I am ready to do my part!

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I would attend/view/volunteer. We Democrats need to do better with messaging. Count me in.

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