Living rent free in Jesse's head...LOVE it!!! Also, the interview with President Biden was really, really well done. When you have FOX "hosts" panicking / upset - you know you're on the right path. Keep it up!!!

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I haven't watched the interview yet. I will probably cry so I am waiting until I can handle it. I will miss Biden so much. He has never gotten the respect and credit he so deserves.

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Please watch it when you get the chance...he just lays it out there with the truth, and Ben does a great job of asking the questions without any snark or "gotcha" moments. And sending a virtual hug in advance (if you do end up tearing)!

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I will watch - at some point. It's so hard. I never watched Hillary's concession speech. When I heard Ben interviewed the President, I knew it was done without snark and "gotcha" moments. I knew Ben would let Biden answer and not move on to more "gotcha" questions. I will take that virtual hug bc I know I will tear up - heck I tear up just thinking about it.

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You are so right about the short shrift that the mainstream media has given Joe Biden. He comes from the previous generation of men of honor and integrity and that describes so few of today's politicians. He will go down in history as the most consequential president of the modern Era and his accomplishments will benefit the next generation and their children. I just hope that the democrats will prevent Deadbeat Donnie from doing too much damage to his legacy.

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Agree 💯.

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I have never seen so many rich entitled people who probably have pretty much everything they want in life be so jealous, petty, and angry. It’s psychopathic to me. But they’re paying attention because MTN is doing something awesome!!!! Such HATERS they are🤣

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Like Trump and Musk, they think they are better than others but they are really insecure psychopaths.

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Or just psychopaths.

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Musk and wife Donna are both narcissitic personality disorder bum-fc@k buddies. Attention and adulation is what they are addicted to. President Musk paid millions for the attention he now gets.....

These NARCs could not care less about the millions of true voters that will suffer from not being paid during this clown show shutdown.

A horrific text book case of Narcissim is about to unfold.......

Not enough people heeded the warnings from the last few years.........the next 4 years........musk oil/orange insanity

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That is why people with these types of disorders should never be allowed into positions that affect the lives of others. Psychological tests must be administered to anyone wanting to hold office.

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That's why they need the money. It's the only way they can feel a semblance of validation for their miserable, self-centered lives.

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BINGO! This could be why so many wealthy men and women are disordered, with a few noted exceptions. They can also force people who do not want to deal with their nasty selves to do so via job creation or proximity to social networks like pageants, news outlets, etc.

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They're living proof that money can't buy happiness. Or respect. Especially greasy Murdoch money. All that gets you is tawdry status symbol crap and disdain from decent people. It can't fill that gaping black void where a heart and soul are supposed be. And it can't get rid of a mother's disappointment in you. That's what really eats at Jesse.

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Like the title of Mary T’s book, “Too Much and Never Enough.”

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Mary knows whereof she speaks!

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It would be so easy to gain his mother's respect back. He just has to quit being a money-greedy liar.

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There's the rub. As the Danish prince would say.

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Now I have to look up what as the Danish prince would say means!

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It's one of Hamlet's lines from the play.

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Ahhhhh - I saw it twice and didn't remember that line. Thank you!

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That made me laugh. But so true.

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I just had to finally look up the background of this asshat Jesse Watters whom I despise. Look at his Wikipedia. This is not someone who grew up poor and hungry. He is privileged. He comes from a Democratic highly accomplished well to do and LOVING, supportive family . His mother is a child psychologist and his ancestors were publishers, doctors, lawyers, politicians even Dem assoc Supreme Court Justices in Kansas and Colorado. In a 2019 article in The Atlantic his mother saw his politics change in college (where Tucker Carlson also went). He has been at Fox since he was in his 20s starting with Bill O'Reilly. That's all I had to hear. That's where his "gaping black void" -(love that description)came from. He is sexist, racist, and a misogynst and cruel. That's the culture of Fox--from the top down. Murdoch-Ailes-O'Reilly-Tucker-Hannity, et al. He did not come from a greedy, disgusting dysfunctional family like Trump.

I couldn't love it more that Anne Watters is a Meidas Mighty!!! I'm kvelling!. Sigmund Freud couldn't help JW at this point he is so fucking brainwashed and pathetic. I'm sure it hurts his mother. Even Moms of serial killers love their kids.

There are plenty of incredibly rich people who are decent, charitable, pay their taxes and are humble. It's what you DO with the money when you have it. You either become a force for good or you become the Mango Mussolini or one of the most evil James Bond villains that even Ian Fleming himself could not have dreamed up... Elon Musk . "Drunk with power" as my late father used to say. Watch out Donald. Be careful what you wish for. You let the Trojan horse in. Elon is going to destroy you and take the rest of us with him. Musk is the most dangerous man alive.

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Like everything except “Elon is going to destroy…..and take the rest of us with him”. THAT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN because of the MEIDAS MIGHTY👍🏽

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Thank you Vincent. Stay positive for the many of us who are still in hysterics 🙏 but Yay Meidas Mighty!!!

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It's really sad the way he turned out - by choice - because he was raised to be better than this. But from the time he first started getting attention as Bill O'Reilly's aging frat boy side kick, something went horribly wrong. He found out he would be rewarded for behavior decent people find repugnant, and the rest is history. I feel awful for his mom. It can't be easy knowing millions of people see her son as the nasty, cackling MAGA clown he's become. But all of this was his choice. He chose to put money and celebrity where his heart and soul should be. No wonder he's an empty vessel that can never be filled.

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Totally agree. If you've never seen his Wikipedia page I encourage you to look it up. Eye opener to his character.

Here's a gift article from.The Atlantic 2019 article. First time I'm doing this and hope it works!


She said It was college where he changed. This is a text she sent him that he read on air during one of Trump's impeachment hearings. "Please be assured that despite your WRETCHED political orientation I love you forever!” Now it's 6 years later and we are in Nazi Germany and her son is one of those MAGAs who got us here. I'm old enough to be his Mom. I would be heartbroken.

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The link works like a charm! Thank you for sharing it. My heart breaks for her, too.

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You are very welcome Jane! I'm glad to know it worked.

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Mango Mussolini is Musk's meat puppet.

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I hurt for Watters mother. I can't imagine her disappointment. I know there was a time he read her texts and made fun of them. He's despicable.

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Like I said I really knew nothing about him until today except that he is buffoon and a major asshole and totally despicable.. 'I'm not a mom, but if I was, and was a child psychologist to boot, there have to be times she lays in bed.at night with her husband and wonders what they did wrong. it's sounded like he needed a lot more tough love rather than "hated what you wrote tonight but love you to pieces honey bunny" But good for her for not inviting him to Thanksgiving. I'm sure most people were dreading him anyway. There's an expression from.William.Shakespeare's King Lear " Sharper than a serpents tooth is an ungrateful child". How true. How painful.

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Moms have their boundaries no matter if they’re a psychologist or not. The word “no” is a complete sentence.

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Petty is the operative word!

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Be fair.

Jesse Watters got everything he thought he wanted and lost his mother's and family's respect.

He's not bright enough to realize the money isn't going to make him a man.

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That is becasue all their money and power is to compensate for something they lack--a conscience and a soul. They see so many people with next to nothing who are happy and can't fathom it. They don't get that no matter how much money they have; they can never be satisfied because they are walking black holes of darkness.

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All those rich people you write about are likely hollowed out shells of human beings. Money without happiness, is as useless as a cigarette machine in a lung cancer ward.

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And they're doing it with love and compassion. Does Jesse Waters even know what they are?

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And, they're miserable with having so much money but no real power and control over other people, (which they'll not ever have because that's not how life truly works; you know, what with free will and all). They're also the same people that don't want others telling them what to do.

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Ignoring bullies, walking away and going “no contact” also deprives narcissists and sociopaths of their “source.” If they can get a reaction from us, positive or negative, it still feeds their empty bottomless pits where their souls should be. I don’t watch the MSM news for this reason and turn off the radio when I hear the orange blob’s voice.

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With narcissists, ignoring is best, for one's sanity. However, with these news media mega millionaire types, mocking is a very good approach. All narcissists hate being mocked because their egos can't handle the truth. The mocking pretty much sums up who they are and they hate it. JMO

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It was a really good interview. You have great interview skills as well! Super relaxed, down to earth, straightforward questions w/o being in one’s face or gotcha games. It felt like sitting in a living room, curled up on a couch, a relaxed and comfortable conversation. AND YET YOU WERE IN THE WHITE HOUSE WITH THE MOST (positively!) CONSEQUENTIAL PRESIDENT SINCE FDR!!! —> 💯 A+++++‼️

(No wonder JW’s mom likes you better than her own kid! Well, duh!!! 😂🤣😆‼️)

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Agree! That’s another great Biden trait. He works for the people, he genuinely cares. And he listens! And Ben listened too, didn’t lay in wait for a gotcha moment, didn’t ignore or focus instead on the next question. Imagine that! Two people visiting and actually listening to one another! Ahhh, the lost art of real conversation!

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You know where Jesse can go…I don’t need to say it. What a turd. 💙🇺🇸

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"...Mommy..mommy it's dark down here"

"Shut up, Jesse...or I'll flush it again!"

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Jealous people, like Jesse Walters, are inadequate. The only way they can make themselves feel important is by criticizing others.

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😂😂😂 he's jealous that another man 👨 got his mother's attention. You guys Ben, Brett, and Jordy are her new sons. And so that makes him seethe with jealousy. I'm sure not being invited for Thanksgiving to his mother's house stings him badly till this day. Lol.. He has no morals. Perhaps when he finds it , he and his mother can resume having a relationship.

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Oh he has morals—he just threw them out the window. Just like the rest of them, one day he will realize that it wasn't worth the paycheck.

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These Magats like Watters have burned the bridge of morality behind them. There is no hope for his kind.

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That interview with Biden was great! My husband and I talked about it at dinner last night. We were just very happy because it was all positive with no contentiousness.

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Nice work Ben. Building a media network based on democratic unbiased values is something Jesse will never do. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and the entire MTN community. We’ve all got our work cut out for us in the coming year.

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Does Jesse eat his own bullshit?

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I wouldn't put it past him.

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Screw him and his fans! They are certainly screwing the rest of America! 🇺🇸

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More like throwing us under-the-bus.

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Jesse Watters has a very punchable face. Now that I don’t watch Morning Joe, I get my morning news dose from Meidas!

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Fantastic! Just goes to show how living with ethics and values of kindness and honesty are the foundation for living your best life:) Unfortunately, too many people are blind to this and the darkness they create makes them and others live in the shadows.

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Since they are independently wealthy, why can't they just retire and leave the rest of us alone? Oh that's right, they're not happy unless they're making somebody miserable. Very sick people.

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Jesse makes my skin crawl! Go Meidas!! 💪🏻💪🏻👏🏻👏🏻💙🇺🇸💙😎😎

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The fact that Jesse makes millions is the biggest travesty. What a whiny little shit

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I love It How They Wish They Were As Good As You Guys Are Speaking The Truth And Having Integrity Which Botox Jesse Or Fox Doesn’t Have Any Let Alone Knows What It Means.

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Oh man! Jesse's mom is a ninja! Putting a bug in his ear about your interview with the President was Jedi mind trick level reverse psychology. And, of course, Jesse walked right into it. Thanks, Jesse's Mom!

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