My suggestion: let's take Trump, Vance, Mike Johnson and the rest of Putin's puppets and send them to the front lines in Ukraine to make peace. If they can.

No, Zelensky should never resign. His people want him and he's doing a remarkable job.

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Unlike the scumbag president, Zelensky has a mandate, and it's real.

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I unapologetically HATE trump. Even more so after the last few days. Something wrong with his leg?? Oh boo hoo. What a terrible shame if he weren't able to play golf anymore.☹️😱😡🤬🖕

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I agreed so much with you Gloria. My concern is that if the leg problem is a symptom of something more serious as a circulatory or cardiovascular problem or a neurological affecting his brain (or whatever he has inside his cranium)

Don't forget that vice Manchurian Candidate managed by Peter Thiel is ,by law, his natural successor. Could you imagine? Going from bad to worse?

Thanks for your comment 👍

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The couch fucker has no fan base and not a cult leader.

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Unfortunately Ricardo is right. It doesn't matter if he has no fan base. He would be President and.believe it or not, I think he is more of a danger.than Mango. Trump is a puppet with Putin and Elon pulling the.strings. Couch-fucker is a Yale law school graduate and way smarter and therefore much more dangerous. Usha clerked for Roberts and Kavanaugh. Even Vance says she's smarter than him. Plus has was bought by Peter Thiel who is just one of the worst human beings alive.

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/XPe0yuFjZQ

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Yeah but third down is MAGA Mike, Christofascist to the core. Trump does have a certain evil genius at hand picking a team of deplorables far more deplorable and equally out of their league as he is. Like a scumbag life insurance policy.

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Well then at least it’s one down, and a dozen or more to go! Just have to stay at it!!

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True. Let's hope that whatever the heck is wrong with Dump's leg is contagious--wipe out the whole fam damily!!!

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😄 thanks for your reply Julie.

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Yeah, right there with you. Everybody he plays with says he cheats. Surprised? Nope. He's a walking turd show. People sign up to play with him so they can say they played "with the president." There is no honor in Trump and none in the suckups that kiss his butt! Disgusting--the entire gang including Vance, Graham and Johnson.

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I would love to know what he has on Lindsey Graham. Everyone knows he's gay. . But he's in a southern conservative religious state where the older people there will go to their graves still believing Liberace was straight. There must be a dossier or pictures of him in S&M gear or dressed in drag. Like Herbert Hoover-type FBI files where.Trump can blackmail him.

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ESPECIALLY Lindsey Grahm!


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I don't think anyone wants to play golf with him anymore. Every time I see media footage he's sitting by himself in the golf cart

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You always reap what you sow.

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True. This administration is sowing destruction. They will be met by the same. I fully expect "something unexpected" to take the wind out of the orange ogre's sails shortly. He's filth personified and so is his hand-picked team of cadavers.

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I just hope the reaping happens in time to save our country; it may already be too late without some major intervention. He's screwed with our finances, our cyberspace, working on the legal system which he's already compromised; etc. How's Joe looking about now. We're going to need someone with his statesmanship skills quickly.

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"We're going to need someone with his statesmanship skills quickly."

Zelensky !

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I voted for HER. I wish Harris would have won. We could be looking at more good economic growth. We would still be friends with other democracies.

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Yes! And, after Trump and Vance's deplorable little show Zelensky now has allies standing by his side. Think other countries are going to support us so long as we have Humpty Dumpty and his sh*t show in office? No! Bannish them to Russia.

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And South Africa, Australia and Germany......

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Don't forget the architects of project 2025. After all, they're the folks who wrote the blueprint for what's happening right now. Interesting many of them are currently cabinet members or Federal employees. Talk about a dei hire. Wow! 🤬

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Yes, and I wish people would start realizing that even getting rid of Trump and Vance, we still have the project 2025 authors

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None of those fuckers have the Dumpty charisma. They are used bags of dog poop.

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Lol. I think you’re too kind.

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Charisma? I thought that was bluster! Barack Obama has charisma; Trump's not even a good bullshitter. Have you ever looked at the people at those rallies?

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"Charisma. Noun. A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm"

It can be good or evil. Hitler had charisma. All dictators have charisma.otherwise who would follow them. That's why they needed Donnie in the WH as their trojan horse who was Elon and he has been working undercover with Trump and Putin for a few years. No one else could have pulled off what he did that's how desperately they needed him to win and SCOTUS who must have their laundered money in the Cayman Islands and off-shore accounts as the last piece of the puzzle. Immunity.

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I hate it when people describe the cheap hood Trump as charismatic. He knows how to manipulate the media. Is that charismatic?

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We will tear project 2025 down. They must all be nazis that wrote it. Their names need to be published on billboards they want to ruin our country. It will not happen.

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Exactly! I read somewhere that so far they've rolled out 35% of project 2025..

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I don't believe it because they're getting the "what for" from multiple lawsuits and losses in court. I think their claims are just more BS. Let's remember DODGE had 21 techs walk out last week! That's not part of their rollout so I think they're just blowing smoke. The Resistance is giving them difficulty in achieving even their short term goals.

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I am encouraged by the rulings in federal courts, but is cheap hood Trump abiding by the rulings? I can't keep track of anything any more.

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Why do you see that as a problem? At least some of the P2025 authors were in the White House during Trump I. IMO the bigger problem of "getting rid of Trump in advance" gives us President JD Vance, whose big backer is Peter Thiel. Short version: Unless Trump strokes out, we're stuck with him.

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Good point. We'd have to get rid of all three. the deranged Psycho Bimbo Rude Egotistical a**hole in the Oval Office, the VP Idiot, and most of all the muskRAT. He's the most dangerous of all of them. What the heck is his real function--aside from making sure the Dictator Criminal makes this country identical to Russia/China/North Korea. Bet he's getting paid, too. what happened to cutting the budget? How about cutting out HIS salary????? He's got millions and doesn't need the money, that's for sure. He needs to be put in prison along with the Dingbat who lives in the Oval Office. The Oval Office and the White House are going to have to be thoroughly sterilized/fumigated/and detoxified when his a@@ is booted out of there.

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Need to get rid of Mike Johnson as House Speaker. He is in line to replace Trump and Vance as President.

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Somehow and I don't know how: it hasn't been done before, but the entire election process is at the very leased compromised. It was a fraudulent election certainly at the presidential level and should be thrown out andthe perpetrators of the crime charged as traitors.

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Cowards can be taken down but, it takes ALL of us to keep up the resistance. We the people have the power, sooner than later our power is going to be too much for them. Fight, fight, fight it's our country and not a south African's country.

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I actually had meant to say both Trump and Vance. Stupid AI!

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They're are powerless without Trump in the driver's seat which is why it was imperative for him to win. I do not accept that he did, in fact, win. But, without him they are a ship without a rudder.

Trump is a figurehead--a straw man--that's all. He is ignorant, illiterate and stupid. They could put a document in front of him declaring him DOA and he'd sign it!

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The scary thing is at this point Putin is running/influencing at least parts of the country already. His little muskrat is doing a lot of damage.

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Trump, Musk and Rogan need to be careful because all it would take to hold them hostage is one tech-smart kid to mess with their programming. Just one. Never know who they may be taking for granted (along with us of course).

But, let them mistreat just one somebody with the knowledge to cause a systemic disruption and they're all history. I'm hoping that's exactly what happens.

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I can see it! You know his wonder boys can’t be all that great given the shape of his businesses and you know he can’t be paying the much.

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The project nuts can all be fired and some charged with crimes as well

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But it would at least be a start. And we need to start somewhere ASAP!

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DEI means Donald, Eric Ivanka. That's DEI.

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DEI means “Deport Elon Immediately.”

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!!! Brilliant!

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Accurate. When Trump's power and influence begin to wane, watch how quickly and quietly they begin to slip away (Lindsey Graham style). I'm betting Nikki Haley is dancing for joy that she moved away from Trump right now.

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Project 2025 is a project of the Heritage Foundation (HF).

During the fight for gay marriage I used to follow Heritage Foundation very closely.

They live streamed the retirement party of Ed Fuhlner, one of the 3 original founders of HF. During the party many people spoke about the honoree Ed Fulhner, and then it was Ed Fuhlners turn at the microphone.

He asked for a priest to come up and join him and introduced his as Father (XYZ I forget the priest name). And then Fuhlner said, "On every single trip on the company plane I took Father XYZ was with me. On every trip Father XYZ was at my side."

THAT is when my eyes opened wide, Heritage Foundation is STEALTH Catholic organization. Once you know that, all their policies make sense. They are simply a STEALTH Catholic organization taking the thin veneer of a non profit think tank, but that is not who they are.

I checked many times and they never posted the video from the retirement party on line, I watched it as it was streamed on line, but they never posted a recorded version of it on line and I FULLY understand why. As it completely EXPOSED who they are. Hertigage Foundation is a STEALTH Catholic organization.

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I thought we'd put them on a plane and just fly them right into Russia, where they can stay the rest of their disgusting, trairorous lives! They want to be Russians and kiss Putin's ass... they can live in Russia!

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Use DonOLD's OLD plane. NOT AF1.

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Great idea!!!

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got HIMARS?😼

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Yes, Ma'am. Let's just ban the whole bunch of 'em along with their families. They don't deserve to be in our land.

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As if peace is transactional anyway?!!

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Roger that. ✊🇺🇸😎

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He cares about the Ukraine. These assholes here are nazis and don’t care. They just lie.

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"Stop Elon Musk from killing Social Security!

Elon Musk calls Social Security "the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time". Musk made it clear that he's going after Social Security, in a new interview with Joe Rogan, calling it a "Ponzi scheme", and complaining that Americans are...LIVING TOO LONG. For his part, Rogan did not push back one iota on the absurd and incredibly false smears of one of our nation's most important benefits programs. "If there ever were a more perfect encapsulation of MAGA it's this: a dumbass explaining something he doesn't understand to a bigger dumbass too dumb to challenge him, who after a classic dumbass beat simply answers 'AAAAOOH'", wrote furious correspondent Francesca Fiorentini on Twitter. Elon made it clear that he is incapable of comprehending how Social Security works, complaining over and over about how it doesn't bring in enough revenue — because it's not supposed to, it's not a profit-generating venture, it's a program created to ensure the American public can retire and live with some semblance of dignity — which Elon clearly feels is a luxury that only the ultrawealthy deserve to enjoy."


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If the US taxed Musk and other billionaires on their wealth and raised the cap, social security would be solvent for years. Bannon is a tool but he said it is a huge mistake to go after Medicaid and Social Security. They want a war. This would be it.

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Rogan is failure at comedy and other endeavors who has a very big mouth. Perhaps Spotify subscribers might find other sources for music and stop subsidizing another morally bankrupt company that outs profits first?

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The Tea Party started with millions of pissed off old people. What do you think they will say about Musk? Look out below!

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Musk attacking Social Security may be his downfall. Political suicide. Call your Congressmen's offices tomorrow. Flood the zone with outrage. STOP MUSK!

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There's some "tickle-down" I can endorse.

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It's a real good thing there's no Republicans on social security, which BTW is self-funded. It adds NOTHING TO THE NATIONAL DEBT.

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And as far as I’m concerned, Elon Musk can take his algorithms and stick them up his a$&

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Joe Rogan is a sellout! Once he made that big deal and is now a multimillionaire, he thinks he belongs at the table with the billionaires and that they are listening to what he has to say, when really he's just a big goon to them! They are just using him because he has a large audience not because they respect him. It's because he believes their BS and sits their star struck while they talk It's disgusting to watch if you ask me. I quit. In my world there is no longer Joe Rogan! A person that would give people like them a stage to spread their bullshit on, 🤯, I'm done. I've heard that from quite a few people... He'll get what he deserves for joining and believing in a pile of crap like Trump!

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Social Security used to be called the "third rail" of politics. Elon attacking old people may be the stupidest thing I've seen a smart guy do. How many million workers paid into Social Security for more years than Elon has been on the planet? How many are going to call their Congressmen tomorrow? And the White House? And their governor?

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Omg the ignorance is worse than a covid pandemic. And far more deadly.

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Elon is a virus. Just had his 14th child. For the life of me I cannot see why any female would have a child with him--other than, of course, the obvious--a free ride to not having to work for a living.

He's probably trying to get ready to repopulate the Moon with his offspring after he's done raping the Earth.

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You think so much like me.. Those women are as nuts as he is. I finally had to look some of them up. I found an interview in Rolling Stone online from maybe a couple of years ago about Grimes...the mother of the prop he carries around his neck. All she was talking about was going with him to Mars too. But recently one of their kids was sick and she was reduced to having to post on X to get his attention because he won't answer her or speak to her. One of his first set of IVF twins with the 1st wife is transgender and despises him (I personally think that is what set his major insanity off. He's such a Nazi supremecist he can't deal with the fact that child came from his "superior" genes) So Grimes and the 4th mother were having babies at the same time and Grimes didn't know. The 4th one I think is suing him. She may be the only one who actually slept with him. (insert vomit emoji which I don't have on my kindle). Yes, instead of using his billions to help humanity he is spending it to control the world and get to Mars (just him and a few women and his spawn) and why HE needs those rare earth minerals. For his chips and AI. He won't make it to New Jersey. He is looking rough. And he's manic. He can't get the words out when he speaks. He is neglecting his businesses. He will OD or have a heart attack from those massive amounts of drugs he takes 🙏

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Of course they're now calling for Zelensky to resign, so Putin can install his puppet in Ukraine.

The Trump regime is just checking off Putin's Wishlist at this point.

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Speaking of Putin's wish list, I read yesterday that Hedseth directed the military cyber organization (CISA) that tracks & thwarts foreign cyber spies from accessing sensitive US systems & infrastructure to CEASE operations against Russia!

In other words, inviting the enemy in the front door🤨

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Let’s call for Graham’s and Johnson’s resignation. I will be calling graham’s office on Monday. Call your representatives people. Make our voices heard.

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Ms. Lindsay needs to go.

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And he/she can take his ruby red slippers with him!

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There are not enough words to describe how despicable Mike Johnson is. He's evil wrapped in the bible masquerading as a christian. The deliberate attack on President Zelensky was horrible. The man is fighting a war and fat orange man and his hillbilly vp treated him with complete disrespect. And an early painful death to the scum who tried to embarrass President Zelensky for not wearing a suit.

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That was Marjorie Taylor Green’s boyfriend 🙃

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In our house we call her Baboon Bitch. Classless.

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True. Vance and Trump, and now Rubio, are America’s Hitler, Himler, etc. What a disgrace they are ‼️

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And MTG is drooling at the prospect of being the modern Beast of Belsen

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Well, “beast” is correct!

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Looks like MTG is hoping to be a host for yet another Musk baby. She's old for the job, but no doubt she'd jump at the chance.

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Shudder…. please tell me this is not real....they are each barely human themselves

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I see the resemblance. Maybe in her DNA.

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she looks like an albino monkey

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"Josh Shapiro Fought Trump—And Won. Here’s How. Governor Josh Shapiro tells me about fighting back, winning, and standing up for what’s right." (Ben Meiselas and MeidasTouch Network)......


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Correction " vice Manchurian Candidate it's not a trump's puppet, it's Peter Thiel 's puppet which is much worse.

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I agree 100%. Peter Thiel's name should be spoken loud and in caps everywhere.

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Absolutely. Let’s not forget Vance was his brainchild along with 2025. These are scary scary characters with billions and billions of dollars to throw away.

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Right on target Mary. If no we're for Thiel vice Manchurian Candidate would be just one more lawyer trying to find clients. Thanks for your comment 👍

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Yes because who else did Couchfuck Vance audition for when he was practicing his lines for this performance? THIEL!

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Thiel is like a puppeteer hidden in the dark while they pull the strings and makes the puppet perform at their will.

I think that's the right analogy.

Thanks for your reply Nancy.

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I am so glad hearing people finally talking about that very, very dangerous and evil Peter Thiel. Elon gets the press because he's so insecure and insane and makes a complete fool of himself daily with the Nazi gangsta outfit and bling and chainsaw. You would never see Peter Thiel do that. He works in the dark like a mole or a creature hidden under a rock. Quiet but deadly. I read his wikipedia page and got nauseous. And of course another science fiction addict. These billionaire.tech bros are into very weird things. They think they are going to be the ones.to cheat death. Thiel is into life extension (he wants to be frozen then thawed out). Hope it's soon and he melts.

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Hooray for fuel giant Haltbakk Bunkers for refusing to sell to American military or companies - including US flagged ships at Norwegian ports. Thank you.

This is what it is like to become a pariah nation!

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Read Newsweek article. The Norwegian government is still going to supply fuel. 😡

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link to the Newsweek article?

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Sorry Barry. This electronically challenged gal needs to figure that out ASAP. Haltbakk said no but Norwegian government said yes. Yesterday's Newsweek article.

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Dragging his leg, huh? Maybe a stroke or two? We can dream . . .

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More like a load in his xxl undies.

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Thanks! I really needed a laugh today.

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Oh let’s hope!! 🤞

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Is there some sort of stroke spell we can cast?

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I've been all for this!!! We can decide on a particular date/time and we can all direct our 'energy' at his black heart and just give it a BIG squeeze and not let go (since we all love it/him so much). What have we got to lose?

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Every day I dream and hope.

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Me too. I get so excited with my daily KARMA list 📃 Then I wake up and see Rupert Murdoch is still breathing while my beloved Gene Hackman dies in such a horrible way. Life is not fair.

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"victim shaming" (Precisely.) "Russian state media says maybe Trump went a little too far." (Whoa! And that's REALLY saying something!) "Elon Musk posted on X that the US should withdraw from NATO and the UN." (Oh, thank you, Leon! We are so happy to have a South African advising us on international affairs.) "No fuel to Americans! We have today been witnesses to the biggest shit show ever presented live on tv by the current American president and his VP." (Gotta love those Norwegians!) Rep. Harshbarger, R-TN told constituents that "she didn’t know who Trump pardoned exactly." (FOTFLMAO!!!)

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Zelensky is a hero. Trump and Vance are traitors.

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Thank you Ron. Have you noticed the comments are changing? We are all bringing links with us. I joined a protest on Saturday in Red, New Milford, CT. 100 participants. It was a lively group. Everyone had big signs. Cars that went thru the Main Street intersection in town in the majority honked and waved. Only one fellow came thru the line and said go trump. Which I’d quite amazing for New Milford. I read this interview with Paul Krugman and Nathan Tankus about the infiltration of the payment systems and thought it worth sharing https://substack.com/@paulkrugman/note/p-158117457?r=fa5ey&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action. This is also related https://open.substack.com/pub/criticalresistance/p/update-the-fdic-just-stopped-disclosing?r=fa5ey&utm_medium=ios

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That article and interview were enlightening to say the least.

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I read it very slowly. Will need to read it again. The two articles together plus another article i read about trumps crew trying to end fdic insurance on Friday are a horrifying package

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It infuriates me that all these Republicans are echoing Trump's Russian propaganda that Zelensky is "not ready for peace". Of course Zelensky wants peace...a just and lasting peace for Ukraine who has been oppressed for 3 years. He shouldn't have to sell out his county's natural resources or give up territory to the oppressor to get that peace.

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Does anyone hear nails on the chalkboard when Leavitt talks. She is dumb and cocky and way too immature for the important job of Press Secretary. It amazes me how many Republicans felt that Zelenski was disrespectful in the oval office. Were they watching the same thing I watched? Trump couldn't hold a candle to him and I was so, so happy to see JDs vacation ruined in Vermont. I bet he never goes back there and I am sure he won't be missed.

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The strategy of the Trump administration is to reverse everything: good is bad, bad is good, an attack on Ukraine was a response to Ukraine attacking Russia, etc. Everything we see and hear is foretold, but so is the end foretold as well.

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I agree that town halls have become an effective strategy. I just emailed my Congressman (Rouzer in NC) to demand one and plan to email others. Let's all email our congressmen and congresswomen and demand town halls. We need to unify and vocalize our anger in an organized way.

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