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Tommy Dumberville once said the 3 branches of the government are the president, house and senate. Honestly, I don’t think it’s a stretch to require members of Congress demonstrate a basic understanding of the 3 branches of the government before assuming their seat. Thanks, Alabama.

As for Lindsey: keep twisting yourself in knots to justify your soulless enabling of Trump. You have always known better. No pity here.

Creepy JD. That’s it. Time for a shower.

Kudos to IGs for calling out the limits on Tweetolini’s power. Do not obey in advance.

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I think you maybe on to something… imagine if politicians had to take (and pass) a civics test before assuming elective office. That I’m afraid would have profound implications for our current government… and just maybe get us out of a hell of a mess.

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When a would-be candidate walks into a courthouse to file an application to run for office, they should be given the same citizenship test anybody who wants to receive US citizenship has to pass. 80%, I think. If the candidate doesn't pass, they can't file to run for office. They can take the test again in 30 days. Furthermore, if they take it three times without passing, they have to wait 5 years before trying to run again.

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That’s a Great idea!!

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Tuberville is dumber than a box of rocks, but the people who voted for him are even dumber.

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He was a football coach and HAS no government experience. He is a MAGA and has absolutely NO sense! He won in Alabama because he's popular and that's THE ONLY REASON! I live in his district in Alabama, and I did NOT vote for him. Now, he is putting in a bid to run for Governor, so he'll be leaving the WH early next year! Can't be soon enough. I hope he loses the Governor's race and then he'll be done! The LT Governor is just as popular and well liked, so hopefully he will win and Stupidville will be displaced! The MAGA's in Alabama are the reason why Alabama is the poorest state in the Union! I retired her because it's very reasonable to live here and I have family here! We are all democrats but definitely outnumbered!

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One of the things that has disappeared from most school curriculum is Civics. I think that no one should graduate even middle school without being able to pass the Civics test that immigrants who want to become American citizens have to pass.

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It’s still being taught to some degree in schools, with the exception of 8 states.

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I agree as Civics are not taught in schools now.

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Also drug and criminal background checks.

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DJT should be forced to pass a civics test before taking the oath, but we all know he’d never pass bcuz he’s stupid.

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And get paid minimum wage.

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FEDERAL minimum wage.....

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Especially for the presidency.

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I believe that candidates should be required to work at least one election before they can declare. Knowing how elections work is fundamental.

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Used to be you had to take the same citizenship test they give to people to become citizens, to pass from Jr high school to high-school at least in California.

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Jan 27
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Would he be allowed to have the test read aloud to him?

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Oh i think we know the answer to that!

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Tweetolini - Love It!

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The man doesn't even live here and the fools in this state elected him anyway. This is the 6th most corrupt state in the nation and everyone knows it and yet they just keep re-electing the same corrupt people and the state just keeps getting worse and worse. Huntsville is booming inspite of what the idtiots in Montgomery do and yet Huntsville is in a district with a rep that is about as ignorant as Tuberville, Doug Strong.

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