Tommy Dumberville once said the 3 branches of the government are the president, house and senate. Honestly, I don’t think it’s a stretch to require members of Congress demonstrate a basic understanding of the 3 branches of the government before assuming their seat. Thanks, Alabama.

As for Lindsey: keep twisting yourself in knots to justify your soulless enabling of Trump. You have always known better. No pity here.

Creepy JD. That’s it. Time for a shower.

Kudos to IGs for calling out the limits on Tweetolini’s power. Do not obey in advance.

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I think you maybe on to something… imagine if politicians had to take (and pass) a civics test before assuming elective office. That I’m afraid would have profound implications for our current government… and just maybe get us out of a hell of a mess.

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When a would-be candidate walks into a courthouse to file an application to run for office, they should be given the same citizenship test anybody who wants to receive US citizenship has to pass. 80%, I think. If the candidate doesn't pass, they can't file to run for office. They can take the test again in 30 days. Furthermore, if they take it three times without passing, they have to wait 5 years before trying to run again.

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That’s a Great idea!!

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Tuberville is dumber than a box of rocks, but the people who voted for him are even dumber.

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He was a football coach and HAS no government experience. He is a MAGA and has absolutely NO sense! He won in Alabama because he's popular and that's THE ONLY REASON! I live in his district in Alabama, and I did NOT vote for him. Now, he is putting in a bid to run for Governor, so he'll be leaving the WH early next year! Can't be soon enough. I hope he loses the Governor's race and then he'll be done! The LT Governor is just as popular and well liked, so hopefully he will win and Stupidville will be displaced! The MAGA's in Alabama are the reason why Alabama is the poorest state in the Union! I retired her because it's very reasonable to live here and I have family here! We are all democrats but definitely outnumbered!

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One of the things that has disappeared from most school curriculum is Civics. I think that no one should graduate even middle school without being able to pass the Civics test that immigrants who want to become American citizens have to pass.

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It’s still being taught to some degree in schools, with the exception of 8 states.

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I agree as Civics are not taught in schools now.

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Also drug and criminal background checks.

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DJT should be forced to pass a civics test before taking the oath, but we all know he’d never pass bcuz he’s stupid.

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And get paid minimum wage.

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FEDERAL minimum wage.....

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Especially for the presidency.

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I believe that candidates should be required to work at least one election before they can declare. Knowing how elections work is fundamental.

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Used to be you had to take the same citizenship test they give to people to become citizens, to pass from Jr high school to high-school at least in California.

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Jan 27
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Would he be allowed to have the test read aloud to him?

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Oh i think we know the answer to that!

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Tweetolini - Love It!

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The man doesn't even live here and the fools in this state elected him anyway. This is the 6th most corrupt state in the nation and everyone knows it and yet they just keep re-electing the same corrupt people and the state just keeps getting worse and worse. Huntsville is booming inspite of what the idtiots in Montgomery do and yet Huntsville is in a district with a rep that is about as ignorant as Tuberville, Doug Strong.

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Dear Meidas and especially Ron Filipkowski, THANK YOU! Thank you for existing, Thank you for your work and dedication. As a lifelong political junkie, I can’t remember expecting a news report as much as I expect yours every time. As a Meidas readers and a paid member out of Montreal (Québec) I am the living proof that your reach go way beyond the USA. Keep on the good work, and thank you and goodnight (Edward Murrow :-)

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I'm taking my summer vacation this year in Saguenay.

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Hey, Mario: We LOVE that you reached allll the way back here to comment! We love our Canadian Cousins!

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I endorse everything Mario said! From Meidas paid subscriber in Australia. I look forward to reading Ron Filipkowski's detailed newsletter every day (night, for me).

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To English writer Nate Wright...

Cracking, good man! 🔥

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To any hackers out there, I would love to see that essay posted on the home page of the White House.

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What he said about Trump is some of the funniest stuff I have ever read. The Brits do have a great sense of humor.

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Love it!!!! Unfortunately it's so true!

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They nailed him (47)

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I agree entirely!!

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Tuberville has the IQ of a deflated football.

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My husband a retired sports writer interviewed dumberville. Said knows nothing about being a coach and the dumbest senator in the senate.

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It's almost as if Tommy Tubesteak was the Congressional equivalent of a parody account.

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Almost as useful too.

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Shame on those Democratic senators. Appeasers all. Vance believes in nothing but his own ambition. Thanks, Ron, for doing the crucial work of keeping us informed 🙏

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Wow unless I miss read that it kind of looks like Tom Homan insulted the pope is that correct??

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Dear Tom - the pope's biggest problem is American "Catholics" like you who found a new "pope".

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Yep, but from what I've seen, Homan is insulting to ANYONE who hears him speak. Obnoxious bully.

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I never understood how someone so consistently unsavory ever even got or kept a job. What's his secret?

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the orange menace LOVES unsavory....

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He’s going to a hot place

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I hope the Pope bans him from the church for being an un-repentant, arrogant ass.

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Thanks for another excellent summary, Ron. Your dinner looked delicious. Jesse is a jackass. Nate White's description of Trump was succinct and spot-on. Leave it to a Brit to sum up Trump in three words: Fat. White. Slug.

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Yeah, my mouth watered at the pic of your dinner. I love to shop and cook for my family also. My oldest son and I have an informal competition to see who can cook the best meals. He did ribs yesterday - omg are they good (don't tell him I said that!).

We especially like to make pizza from scratch - make the dough, make our own sauces, shred the cheese from a mozzarella block, etc. It's a family event.

Jesse Waters is such a pussy. He shows his insecurity and weakness with comments like that.

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I've said this on other sites, but I'll include it here:

Open letter to "Trump" voters or those who didn't vote for Biden:

You hated what Biden supposedly did to Afghani helpers to the troops, so you voted for POS or stayed home. POS has suspended ALL refugee claims including those Afghani helpers because he hates everyone who isn't white or rich and can bribe him.

Seniors, you thought the POS was the “cats' meow” and cared about you, so you voted for him. His stooge Johnson is pushing a bill to cut Medicare to the bone to pay for tax cuts to billionaires. And cuts to Medicaid - you know, that help that will pay for you in nursing homes when your family doesn't or can't afford to. The POS also cancelled all of Biden's efforts to cap drug costs. Enjoy paying thousands of $$$$ to stay alive.

Food costs: you believed the POS when he said he'd cut food prices because he said so. Let us know how it goes when you can't get food because the workers who picked them and packed them have been kicked out of the country. And he's going to F*up the coming bird flu that will start impacting people.

People in disaster areas: you voted for him because you believed his lies about FEMA. Enjoy the next disaster, talking to you folks in the hurricane areas, he's cutting FEMA to 25% of its current budget, and wants to completely end it. Oh, and if you happen to live in a blue state, kiss any help goodbye.

People on airplanes and in cars: POS fired the head of the TSA and advisory groups to protect our roads and airspace. Enjoy flying!

People who are benefiting by Biden's infrastructure bill to build roads, bridges, etc. especially in red states. The POS suspended all payments to build roads, bridges, etc.

People who were fans of Gaza: Enjoy the carnage to come because Bibi and the POS are best buds and don't give a damn about Palestinians.

Hispanics: You really thought he wouldn't go after you? How about going after your parents, your siblings, your children?

Buyers of electronics, cars, clothing, etc. You really believed that tariffs would be paid by the countries they come from? POS knows less about tariffs than your 6-yr-old.

Military: among his "achievements" is getting a Defense head who couldn't get hired at Walmart and thinks the women who fly planes, and do nearly every other job a man does should go home and knit. He also wants to eliminate all those nice "entitlements" you get like the VA, disability pay, etc. And enjoy the wars he wants to start with our NATO allies. And you know darn well, he'll betray every secret he can to Putin or Kim or Li if the price is right.

Enjoy and remember, you did this.

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Wow. Incredibly well said.

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Thank you. And every day, I can add to it. More than discouraging.

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I want to have this printed on t shirts! ;) You just summed up our families point of view.

My husband is just waiting for the maga people in our lives, who make us listen to clap-trap to stay friends with them, to issue any complaints and he will pounce on them.

Won’t do it us good or heal our damaged democracy but damn, it might just feel good for a few seconds.

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A little long for a t shirt. 😊

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Fred Wellman summed it up perfectly!!! “The dumbest motherfucker on Earth is president.” 👍

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That may be one of the most true statements I have read.

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And if you think about it, that assessment can be applied to every item Ron wrote about today.

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Ron, you are the reason I became a paid subscriber to this Substack.

I look forward to reading your news bulletin every day.

Thank you for all of your precious time.

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Tommy Tuberville is a poor excuse for a Congressmam. Not at all educated on things he speaks out about and obviously doesn’t realize how dumb he comes across or he might be a little quieter. Go back to coaching, Tommy. Maybe you were “smarter” in that profession.

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Same with Combeover Comer 🤕🤮🤬 Biggs running for Governor in Arizona 🤔👎 The guy is not even capable of saying anything honest!

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I used to live in Biggs district I moved to get out of his district but still would up in his district. It wasn't until redirecting that now Greg Stanton is my rep. A nice moderate dem. Biggs is a major MAGA assclown. I don't want him as governor. Every republican that has been governor effed up the economy here.

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I truly believe Tuberville was dropped on his head as a baby.

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At least twice.

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That's a rather diplomatic number, I think. 😂

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How do these guys get voted in?

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NO critical thinking.

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No he wasn’t

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Wasn’t better as a coach

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“Even tumbleweed can be nice and green and rich and it's not gonna burn. You don't even have to remove it. It's not gonna burn. But it's just dry. So I hope you can all get together and say I'm so happy with the water that's gonna be flowing down." “

No, a tumbleweed is a dead thistle bush. It has expired, bought the farm. It’s not going be green unless someone spray paints.

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Jeff Tiedrich talked about tumbleweeds in his substack today too. Dumpy is such an effing idiot.

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Fred Wellman summed it up perfectly!!! “The dumbest motherfucker on Earth is president.”

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You ever see the Dead Parrot Sketch by Monty Python? Yeah, it's very that.


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Talk about congressmen that have totally lost their soul. Hard to choose the worst one but Lindsey right up there….too bad South Carolinians can’t see that.

Saw a great cartoon a couple days ago…..the devil and another poor soul are standing outside the pearly gates trying to get in. The poor soul has a gun and says to St. Peter…”Pardoned means I can bring a gun in”. With that the angel at the gate says “ I don’t care WHO you say pardoned you. He holds no jurisdiction here!” 😂

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This South Carolinian can see that. Lindsey Graham is an embarrassment. I can't for the life of me figure out how he keeps winning elections. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, I don't know.

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Another SC voter here. He only wins because he has an R next to his name. Too many voters here are very one-dimensional, no common sense, no logical thinking, facts don't matter. The MAGAts in all their glory.

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Excellent reporting as usual. Thank you so much for your commitment and hard work in bringing the truth to all of us!!

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Sickening and Disgusting.These people are insane and those democrats who voted for maga are pigs like Trump and Maga.

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I am truly surprised by Tim Kaine.

Fetterman is just another Joe Manchin.

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My question is why? Why did these democrats vote for Kristie Noem?

Fetterman clearly lost a bit with his stroke . But the rest of these people , the women especially , it does not make any sense at all .

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Agreed why are the democrats so spineless? Whatever w Fetterman and his physical ailments, no excuses. He is spineless to vote for any of them also. This is so much a part of how things got to this point.

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I think Fetterman is succumbing to the aftereffects of his stroke (or strokes). My father went down a few rabbit holes after his. Then again, Dad was about 20 years older.

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Me too very disappointing but at least there voters see there true colors now.

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I didn't expect the Democrats to vote as a block against every Trump nominee, as appalling as they are, so by your standards I am now a MAGA pig.

RFK,Jr. And Kash Patel are the nominees who need to stopped.

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The fact that any democrat voted for Kristi Puppy Killer is maddening. They are traitors to the constitution for putting that woman in charge of anything!

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Fetterman, in particular, can get fucked.

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Do you honestly expect the Democrats to vote in lockstep against every nominee?

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Yes. It is the only way to fight the MAGAt coup. Lockstep is why the Repubs have been winning, even when their causes are questionable.

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