"Pimp cane"? That ignorant hag. What about her vaping and groping? These people are truly beyond belief.

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I hope that goes viral. They are simply awful people, pimp cane!!,🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I especially loved the Ukrainian journalist’s reply, about what makes her four year old son anxious, and the STFU at the end. With this cutting off aid and intelligence sharing I will no longer be shocked at how cruel, unethical, unfit and unqualified the GOP is. This is like shooting fish in a barrel. Concentration camps now seem a distinct possibility if they can do this😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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And there will be plenty of MAGAS to serve as camp guards. We are living in Nazi Germany.

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Yes, Linda, we are. How much did it cost taxpayers to send those two DOGE dudes to CA to literally harass federal workers, Kristi Noem polygraphing employees to find leaks of ICE raids?? She’s the Eva noBrain to trump’s Shitler. I’m most scared for Ukraine right now. That’s Nazi level cruel shit right there😡😡😡😡🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

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Noem, Bondi, and Leavitt look like Irma Griese, the Auschwitz guard who was executed for war crimes. Come to think of it, all the MAGA hags look like Griese.

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I'm not sure the Aushwitz guard had a choice! Nope, these are worse!

They would have enjoyed that job!!

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True. And they all face a similar fate. Germany's leaders failed right along with Der Fuhrer. They've sealed their fate, and America is fighting back from all sides. They have no escape. Down with MAGA. Up with MTN and The Meidas Mighty.

We're not going anywhere. The fight for Democracy grows louder every day.

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I can't wait until the day when these MAGA assholes are in the dock for treason/terrorism, warcrimes, subversion and financial crimes.

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WE can only pray that Europe can summon the will of Churchill!

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They're the ones scared right now. Recent decisions in court by federal judges have gone against MAGA. This is only the beginning. Pushback is in flight.

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That's true in the deluded mind of Trump and MAGA. The reality is the Resistance has emerged, and it's growing by leaps and bounds! MAGA'S plans have a monkey wrench to deal with, and, its MTN and the Meidas Mighty.

Suffice it to say we are not going to have containment camps like we once did after Pearl Habor. Japanese Americans were hoarded off to camps, and Trump wants to do the same to any of us (regardless of skin color or ethnicity).

It ain't happening. We're not going down that way. Brookie (Mrs. Ed) is jumping for joy. Says she found (Attorney, Marine, Semper Fi) Ron Philipkowski on X and now follows him! Right On, Brookie! 🏆

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What does “MTN” mean? And who is “Brookie”?

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MTN is the MeidasTouchNetwork. Brookie is Brooklyn, my wife. When she’s on here she signs herself as Mrsl Ed.

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MTN = Meidas Touch Network

Brookie is Ed Garland’s beloved

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Yes but Hitler did commit suicide. His reign did not continue. This reign will be fought by Jesus and He knows the enemy quite well.

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Sorry, I'm not Christian and his reign will not be fought by Jesus. It will be fought by every single one of us humans no matter what our religion is or isn't.

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After watching Chunk's "Apprentice," He just gets weaker with age. There is not one thing original about him. Nothing. Nor is Shady or F Elon original. All bots.

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unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration!!

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I think Numbnuts et al. are seriously plotting to annex Canada and Greenland. All his actions indicate that, not the least being every single cabinet pick refused to say they would not follow a presidential order EVEN IF IT WAS AGAINST THEIR OATH TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, particularly SecDef Hegseth and OMB head Russ Vought. We better not be in denial about that possibility -- as so many were and still are, who kept saying "Oh, he doesn't really mean that."

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Then we will be at war with NATO. Maybe NATO can save us.

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That's why Agent Krasnov is planning leave NATO. I hope you're right if it comes to that, but we have a bigger arsenal. What a horror show.

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Internationally signed agreements mean NOTHING to Heil trump, nothing. I hate the man so MUCH, like I just really really hate him.

Watch, it will no be too long from now, there will be a court order, he will disagree with it, say it was a crooked judge and refuse to obey a court order.

This is what I am curious as Hell about (gosh I am swearing today 🫢). It is about the uS Marshals who accompanied the Dodge bros into that African Support independent organization that congress established. I forget the exact name of it. I read many articles about what happened there and I read the entire court brief from the organizations lawsuit. Why US Marshals? US Marshals are law enforcement from the Judiciary. I do not see how it was legal for US Marshals to accompany DODGE to that African Support organization.

US marshals chase ppl who flee during a court trial for example, they protect judges, but they do not have any mandate to do what they did. Rachel made a big issue of it on her Friday show and I so hope she is able to run that down. US Marshals report to the judiciary, so why were they running a law enforcement operation to let DODGE into a building?

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Marshals are part of the Dept of Justice, reporting to the AG, not the judiciary. I think the question Rachel raised was whether these men were really marshals or just said they were. Since this whole DOGE thing is like a live action video game, the latter is plausible.

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It looks like the US Marshals are set to locate and apprehend anyone who defies a court order. I'm excited to learn that fired and displaced veterans are organizing! The Resistance is growing.

The courts are not doing Dumpty's bidding. He's suffering losses, and he's running to SCOTUS, pleading for help. If he's in contempt of court, we may see a whole new consequence.

We have his number. He "doesn't have the cards." He's failing, and it's happening on a "YUGE" scale. LOL 😂

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yep...me too.

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Damn straight!

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Better stock up on ammunition before he outlaws the sale to civilians.

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I don't even own a gun; I was referring to the US military. But your point is well taken, seeing as how the J6 types are already armed to the teeth and many pro-democracy folks have neither guns nor ammo.

There actually was a full-on govt. coup in Wilmington, NC in 1898. Before it took place, white folks bought up all the available weapons and ammo in Wilmington, so they started buying the stuff in surrounding areas. Highly recommend the book: Wilmington's Lie by David Zucchino: https://www.supersummary.com/wilmingtons-lie/summary/

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Many of us are armed (legally or otherwise). This ain't our father's America where only 'certain groups" burned crosses and used guns. Not by a (pun intended) a long shot.

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No worries. Every time something prohibited--be it ammo, alcohol, drugs, or guns the black market springs into action. Right now, there are multiple ways to acquire guns and ammo. So, let him prohibit whatever. He won't be successful. He's an idiot.

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OMG this was a gut punch, Robin. Thanks for the warning. The Resistance is probably better-armed than most people realize.

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I hope so. This is exactly why I have always opposed gun control laws, forced buybacks, etc.

I didn’t *really* foresee an actual dictator, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to have seen the likelihood of armed conflict coming more than a decade ago. I was writing in 2008 about the increasing loss of civil liberties, de-arming the population, and increasing police brutality mirroring the early stages of Hitler’s rise. But even without a dictator, the possibility of civil war between us and them has been brewing for a very long time.

I just wish I could still afford a gun, ammo, good instruction, and lots of practice. I need a fairy godmother.

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We saw it in the Reagan years: mean, ugly, insulting, contemptuous. It's been getting worse ever since. I no longer think we can avoid something like a civil war, if we're not already in it.

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Yup! The script is being flipped! Project 2025 and Mr. Stupid are facing an onslaught of protestors who are keyed up. linking arms, organizing against them. They have no defense, and they'll wind up like what happened to Germany. It is inevitable. They've got a hole in the boat, and they're sinking.

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Who's sinking? What happened in Germany was workers, unionists, Jews, and others protested or were simply targeted scapegoats, so Hitler's storm troopers shot them, beat them up, and/or sent them to concentration camps.

If you were referring to Hitler's end, that only came on the backs of millions and millions dead, wounded, or ruined by the wars he caused. If anyone starts WWIII it will be Cap'n Bone Spurs.

And this time there's a new wild card: Artificial General Intelligence. I'll bet Musk is feeding all the data he's illegally accessed into Grok, his AGI entity that was last in the race ... until he illegally downloaded our data, a true goldmine no other AGI developers have access to.

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Yes, I watched it. Insanity reigns.

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Yes, the word disgust doesn't cut it anymore-barely did in 1.0!

We need a new word! Vile gets closer!

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Well little Lauren likely knows a pimp cane when she sees one.

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Now that's close to the truth! Probably the Boss in her last job!

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And yet she was in the Oval Office "blessing" trump! Perhaps the fact that you usually get on your knees to pray was giving her ideas. . .

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Ignorant Hag ! Love it!!

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No kidding!! Yet they call us hateful and liars.

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Send Bobo back to the circus 🤡🎪

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Isn’t it disrespectful to a person to refer to his cane, which is a necessary mobility aid, as a pump cane? Isn’t she going to be reprimanded? Of course not! I’m so sick of these idiots! I’d challenge anyone to find a shred of decency among any Republican! They are despicable!

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Yup! Way over the Ripley's limit for plausability!!

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Pinpoint cane? What's that?

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Musk calling Poland's Foreign Minister a "small man" and telling him to be quiet is really the last straw. Deport Apartheid Clyde, the Ketamine Kid.

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Elon is drunk on himself and power. Here's hoping his pride will cometh before his fall.

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Drunk on himself, power and ketamine.

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Two speed freaks in power. We are in big trouble.

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Did you know Musk tweets all this time he is destroying our country, he tweets and retweets an average of 141 times a day (and night)?

This is mania...

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He is a drug addictd meglomabiac; like trump on Adderall; that,s why they are up all night terrting in a manic frenzy. God help us!

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It has to-If Fools rush in-he's at a gallop, and will be blamed for everything when Trump dumps him!!

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I keep wondering if he has someone tweeting for him. How is it even possible? He must be sleep deprived on top of mentally ill and drug addled.

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I think Trump is worried that if it ends bad, Musk will trash him on X and let out all the things the King said and did-lots of lies too! Looks good on Orangeman!!

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And may the fall be from a very high bridge. Permanently.

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Head first

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A consummation devoutly to be wished.

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Poland Foreign Minister to Musk: You’re not the boss of me! Mothafucka!!

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Here's toast to "Tesla shares and a loss of 750 billion! He creates historic losses unaware! Oh, Magoo, you,ve don it again!!

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Depose and deport.

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Waiting to see what happens if he's ordered to sit for a deposition. If he defies the order, will he be held in contempt and arrested?

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Well, the orange fascist ratted him out as being the head of Doggie shit so if he gets deposed, he should be compelled to go and if he doesn’t , deport the mofo.

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South Africa knows what to do with him, the racist pig.

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Arrest, jail, stop all government contracts, revoke his citizenship & deported if he refuses or lies.

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I agree! Today’s entire post was extremely upsetting, but I thought the comment by musk to the Polish foreign minister was the most telling.

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I’d already felt sorry for the Vances’ daughter when JD snatched away a just-sipped glass of chocolate milk, barking, “That’s enough for today!” (Her brother got to keep his.) Now it appears the tot gets walked, like the awkwardly escorted canine who went out a-campaignin’ just once. Wait a few years, when she finds out what happened to her reproductive rights.

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Since vance lied and other countries called out his whining about nothing at all. I'm laughing it's the world having to tell us the truth as these fake republicans just breathe lies in and out. It's gross

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You're right! Going back to the lady holding the sign, "this is not normal"

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Hideous man.

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You just knoe that Vance is sorry that his wife pushed out a daughter instead of another mini-JD.

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Uh, JD is responsible for that. His sperm determined the child’s sex. So he can kick himself.

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When I learned why my sulky parents were “stuck with all those girls,” I got a good laugh.

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Yes, J.e.D. is a protegy of Guliani, complete with drippy hair colouring and awkwardness when inter-mixing with humans! MAy his car horn get sruck behind a group of Hell'Ss Angels!!

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That picture of these fake Christian’s praying it’s absolutely disgusting. Skanky boebert, the orange menace, and the other 2 just looks so fake! The worse people to do be doing anything in god’s name. It’s truly blasphemy!

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One day a lightening bolt will come down as they fake pray

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I am eager to have one of those flaming Starlink missile pieces land on Musk, Trump and Vance, all at the same time. Plus Marjorie Taylor Greene's creepy boyfriend reporter. Just a nice big KABOOM. That would make me a happy person.

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I was going to say that

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I was going to say something very similar to that!

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Well, they are probably praying silently that no blacks or Latinos move into their neighbourhood!!

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I feel sorry for JD Vance's kid if indeed she was afraid. I feel a hell of a lot more sorry for the Ukrainian children that JDV's boss has condemned to terror, injury and possible death, just because he is a narcissistic, heartless f*cking moron. Slava Ukraini!

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Wouldn’t he have had secret service protecting him on his walk? Do you mean to tell me that Shady Vance can’t protect his daughter even with a pack of bodyguards? He’s pathetic. A whiny little man.

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I feel glad that at least a cat or 2 were spared!

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The man who strips a country of its defenses and lets bombs fall in that country that kill three year old children is also a “shit person” by his own definition.

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JD Vance is scum.

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What an asshole!! Can’t take the heat!! Probably cried till his mascara ran!

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Just when Trump takes away Ukraines ability to target their missiles Putin orders the murder of civilians and the US does what at the UN?

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Hello, Ron.

Your work is the reason that I am a paid subscriber here.

Thank you for all that you do.

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Me too, Ron's work is my main go to for news.

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Me as well!

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Agree with Walz and Raskin! Be loud, be bold, be everywhere ✊🏼

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And find good strong Democratic candidates to run against R candidates. Like who can defeat TX R Senator John Cornyn who just filed for reelection.

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Would love to see Crockett send them all to the moon. She says Cancun is worse. ???

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It sucks but no one is going to unseat Cornyn.

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Don't be so sure!

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JD wrote “while walking my 3 yo daughter”…… what?

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Was she on a leash?

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Think she was in a stroller. But it was weird wording. Is today his first day on planet earth? 🙄

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He has the same awkward vibe as Ron DeSantis, who is an extraterrestrial in a skin-suit trying to learn to be human.

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Don't forget the white go go boots!

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Probably on a leash.

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Like Elon does.

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He was using her as a shield.

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ré: It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a shit person.”

Tell that to Marge Green, Shady Vance; she followed and harassed the parents of children who had been massacred by a gunman around and accused them of being liars and actors who made the whole thing up.

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Shady Vance. Perfect name for him.

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Taking the kid out knowing he will attract that is horrid! His private school but be just his family! Probably tells the kids itis just because daddy is so important making America great again!

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Big boo hoo! Feel sorry for Ukrainian children who have died since US stopped sharing intelligence with Ukraine you big baby.

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Thank you

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that ho sure knows pimps!🤡

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