… Trump’s Trade War escalates as Canada, Mexico, and China announced that they will retaliate against the US by imposing tariffs and fees on American products in response to Trump’s new tariffs on their countries.
I have never before rooted against the USA, my home, my country. But in this nonsensical trade war with Canada and Mexico, I hope they clean Trump’s clock.
It is embarrassing and a shameful way to treat our neighbors, our friends.
It is embarrassing. More and more I believe that Teump is in serious cognitive decline and that Project 2025 and Musk are pulling the strings. They prepare the EO's for Trump to sign, he signs, wanders off to play golf.
That's exactly what's going on. Musk is running the show and once they have as cabinet in place, they're going to invoke the 25th Amendment and make Vance president. Vance is much more involved in Musk and Peter Thiel's destroy-the-world scheme. Trump is the useful idiot they're using to get complete control.
My concern goes one step further. I worry that they will skip Vance and simply install Musk as our leader. After all, they don't seem to care much about minor technicalities in the Constitution.
Exactly my own fear--who's got the keys to the treasury dept. and the team in place to cut off all disbursement of monies to the every program and grant and funding in the country??? It ain't Trump. Trump hasn't got a clue because he can be easily manipulated by praise and flattery. Don't think for a minute that Musk is unaware of this. I'm pretty sure that for all his lack in people skills, Lone Skum can turn on the charm to get what he wants. Musk is the unreconstructed South African fascist in this scenario--Trump is just the dope on a rope.
MAGA isn't in love with JD, and they like his wife even less. Their devotion is to Trump, and Trump alone. But it's becoming more apparent by the day that Trump is but a figurehead in his own administration. Musk is pulling all the strings. And now that he's had a taste of power, JD can take a flying leap. He won't easily depose Elmo from his Prime Minister job.
Vance may not be liked by the MAGAts, but they aren't in power, the broligarchy is. Vance is their guy, they don't care 2 hoots about the MAGAts, no longer need them (at the soon to be nonexistent) elections, and just used them to get the first front man elected.
Yes, exactly. MAGAs are in their Finding Out era right now as they realize that The Felon was serious last summer when he said, 'I don't care about you; I just need your votes.' They laughed it off then, but who's laughing now?
On the broligarchy having Vance as their guy, a few months ago I would have agreed with you. But now? Musk is running the U.S. government with The Felon's OK. The bros don't need Vance anymore.
No one likes the Vance (bedbug in YIddish). He was the least liked member of Congress after Cancun Cruz. But that would be in keeping with the idiocy of the MAGA crowd. If the Muskrat and the Project 2025 crowd try it? That may be the straw that breaks the MAGA back.
At first glance, you're right, Vance is a creepy, needy loser who doesn't seem to be able to overpower Trump. But if this reporting is accurate, he doesn't need to be. His backers, led by Musk, will do all the heavy lifting. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1847705710206857270.html
I know, agree with you, but he is has one thing in common with the Convict-in-Chief, he has failed at everything after leaving Yale, where he was a DEI student, he has no friends, he can do them no favors. His backer is Peter Thiel another Afrikaner- strange all these racist feel so at home in the US. Thiel and the Muskrat are not buddies.
I think you're exactly right. I will give Trump a month at this rate. And I don't think Trump will really care, he got what he wanted his get out of jail free card and now he can just go cheat at golf the rest of his life.
Agreed. Thiel forced Trump to choose Vance as vice president........a long history there. I think they want a front man for some time to come, and Vance is sooooo much smoother then Trump.
It will be nearly impossible, unless the MAGA cultists that worship Trump turn on him. Then, congressional Republicans might decide being reelected is more important than falling in line for Vance.
As much as I don't want my retirement funds and Investments to be screwed I really would like every maga person to be impacted so bad that they're living in the gutter drinking sewer water that's what they deserve
What if Elon makes a phone call to a Senator and offers him $10 million to vote as he directs? Or $100 million? Can he be prosecuted for felony bribery?
If Elon called a senator and made an 'offer', I would assume he's libel for bribery. If Musk/Trump made a threat of primary-ing that person, I would assume they could be held for serious threat. The question is not whether or not they could, or should be, held for criminal activity, the question is whether they WOULD BE.
Was Trump's 'suggestion' to Zelensky that he open an investigation into Biden upon thinly veiled threat of withholding already Congressional-approved funding a violation of law. Yes, of course it was. Did he survive an impeachment? Yes, of course, he did.
Well yeah. Seems like he should be arrested for taking over the payment systems! He doesn’t have clearance to have access to all that information. And seems like Bessent is not upholding his oath to the constitution by letting Musk have this unfettered access. I have always said Heritage Foundation is only using Trump. They’ll let him enrich himself but Vance is who they wanted. But now maybe it is Musk. They will just use Vance to occupy the Oval Office. It’s all so mind boggling!
I totally agree, they’ve been looking for a puppet to advance their agenda and they found him, a bat shit crazy puppet! And they’re all on board with his lunatic co-President because everyone can scream and holler about him while they stay in the background pulling the strings. What a mess. I don’t know how we’re going to find a way out of this.
Attorneys should have been in DC District Court this morning demanding a cease and desist order, a TRO, and a warrant for Musk's arrest. Members of Congress should be forcing their way into every office Musk has occupied. Nobody is doing a damn thing except whining and issuing sternly worded letters. Our Dem members of Congress don't give a damn. We are screwed.
Thank you, Mr. Howard. Mainers are practically in Canada as it is. Most sane Americans love our neighboring countries to the North and South. Trump, although he demands the absolute personal loyalty of his minions, has never been a paragon of trustworthy loyalty himself. Quite the reverse.
Trump has noticeable cognitive issues and his latest insanity of undermining our closest allies with an incredibly stupid trade war, is a result of an infection of imperialism that has gone to his brain (what there is of it) and is no doubt being egged on by Putin, Musk and Vance.
I feel the same way. Trump refuses to accept that these tariffs cause the prices of goods to go up for consumers. I feel so terrible for Canada and Mexico, who are our neighbors and friends. We are likely looking at stock prices falling and inflation rising again.. Trump is a stupid man who aims to undo all the economic good that Biden/Harris did.
I think that he knows exactly what he is doing and relishes the ability to control and punish our country for not giving him his desired100% support/loyalty. He doesn't care if it also punishes MAGA because he doesn't need them anymore. So what if his red states are hit the hardest by some of Canada's tariffs? That will make them even more susceptible to being modern day slaves. Hartmann explains:
No. What part of the the statement "they are the minority party " do you not understand. We are dealing with a MAGA trifecta. You want "no backbone?" Take a look at what passes for the Republican party. At the rate they are going, they are going to have to be tested for oral STDs.
The Democrats are trying, but it's like the firefighters in L.A. Whenever they think they have a handle on some man made crisis, the Convict-in-Chief starts another brush fire that turns into a 5 alarm conflagration before you can say boo. There are only so many fires that can be contained at one time.
I do think it may be time for Schumer to go home and play with his grandchildren- funny how everyone was so willing to push a very fine president out the door, but no one ever suggests that for other leaders in the party.
I've wanted Schumer to retire for at least two years. When I retired, I got the heck out of the business I spent most of my life doing--I took up other crafts and goals.
Why the heck can't these old farts get themselves out of the game? One thing I learned while in my work life: no one--and I mean NO ONE--is irreplaceable. There is always someone, willing and ready if perhaps not quite as experienced, waiting to step into the space you leave behind.
They don’t have duct tape over their mouths. If you saw today’s demonstration. They are raising some hell, but it’s hard when the Democrats are the minority party. There are two ways of doing business, there can be screaming and yelling and carrying on - that get’s everyone’s attention but it’s a lot easier to shut down. Then there is the way of being quiet and getting all the machinations in line and then making the move. My money is on the second method. The MRat keeps hogging the scene and the Convict-in-Chief aids and abets in the effort.
yes. I wish the DNC Dems would take notes. Now the new Chair of the DNC want to investigate and form theories of why we lost a winnable election. JUDAS H. PRIEST, DNC--get your thumbs out of your butts and DO SOMETHING. Don't just sit there formulating this and that reason. We lost; get out there and be fekking LEADERS!!!
"The overwhelming support for impeachment shows that the American public is not willing to accept King Trump," said Alexandra Flores-Quilty, Free Speech for People campaign director, in a Thursday statement. "We need bold leaders in Congress willing to stand up and hold Trump accountable for his abuses of power and initiate an impeachment inquiry."
The petition, which was launched on Inauguration Day, calls on Congress to initiate an impeachment investigation into Trump based on potential violations of the U.S. Constitution's emoluments clauses, his pardoning of insurrectionists who took part in the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, and his "unlawful" and "corrupt" campaign practices."
Most of the reasons people cited for voting for Trump are inaccurate, based on lies and overall ignorance of voters, too often willful ignorance, and, of course, the sexism and racism that runs through the veins of this country. You get what you voted for!
Let’s not normalize calling him President-elect. Felon-elect works for me, or just Trump.
I retired saying/typing “President” (when referring to Trump) until noon on January 20, 2029. Then he’ll just be the former convicted felon. That's it.
Time to wear these kinds of tee shirts the next four years! 👇
Enforce the Constitution . Stop the circular democratic firing squad. Deal with the issues at hand with some courage. Stop being mmilqtoast fucjing wimos
Are you aware and ok with the fact that your Social Security Number, tax information, banking details and other financial information has been turned over to Elon Musk - a billionaire born in another country?
Do you want all information about the US Government and our citizens in the hands of a single man who is posting on X that his computers are currently accessing the US Government payment system? Musk claims he is doing this to decide which government payments should be stopped, even though these payments have been approved by our Republican and Democratic representatives and cover expenses related to nursing homes, schools, Medicaid, Meals on Wheels and other programs that support US Citizens and our standing in the world.
If you are not ok with this - particularly if you voted for Republicans and live in a red state - please contact your representatives immediately and tell them you do not support this.
This goes beyond politics. It is a constitutional crisis.
The more calls and messages your reps and senators receive, the more likely they are to quickly do something about this.
I spent the weekend leaving messages. I've sent emails. I am so damn angry with Democrats. Musk has no security clearance. He hasn't been vetted by Congress. But he bullies his way and takes over our financial information. He controls social security. I actually got an email from Bernie Sanders asking for $27 'to turn this around'. I responded how I felt. All of them - House and Senate - should have gathered together and in front of cameras screamed people were going to lose their social security. That would have awakened alot of Maga. You're right. This is a constitutional crisis.
With WHO? They are the minority party. They are doing everything they can as a minority party. Unlike parliamentarian kinds of government, we can't vote the government "no confidence" and shuck the bastards out. Is main stream media paying attention? No. They have all kissed the gross derriere of the Convict-in-Chief. Please, place your anger at the party that is allowing this to happen - the MAGA party. Work for putting the Democrats back in charge, give, if you are able, to organizations that are filing suits. If you live in a red state or a republican district, approach the Democrats and ask what you can do to help - starting now. And bad mouth the adjudicated rapist to any and all who will listen. It should be easier after today.
Just contacted my Rep and Senators a few minutes ago. It helps to let them know this is not a political issue; it is a serious concern about who has access to information that is protected by the Privacy Act.
I don't think my reps - Sen. Ted Budd and Rep David Rouzer, both nutso Republucans - will give a flying f*** if I call and leave messages. Messages can be deleted. They can be ignored. I have emailed them and told them both that I intend to make everyone in my district aware that they voted against funding the FAA in 2019, and I intend to write a letter to our local paper saying so. However, our paper is owned by USA Today, whatever their company is, and I'm pretty sure they won't publish anything against the new regime. I am an off-the-charts (angry) introvert, so going to meetings and protesting publicly is off the table. What exactly is it that we're supposed to do?
Most do keep track of the topic and views in every phone call or phone message. They want to know if a significant number of constituents are angry. They might not change their positions, but they could if they think they might lose the next elections.
Betsy, looks like you're doing your best. Don't blame yourself.
Personally, I think the much-discussed Indivisible org. should be organizing some heavy street demonstrations about now. Are they/we not aware that as we 'speak', German cities have tens of thousands of people in the streets demonstrating against the AfD? Where are we in terms of popular 'uprising'?
Denny, AfD is the far-right party in Germany, now trying to align with more moderate parties to form a coalition. It has all the beliefs that MAGA has.
In English, it means Alternative for Germany. 'Germany' in German is Deutsch.
Call back when you can get a live person to answer. Don’t give up. Keep calling, writing all congress men and women letting them know you are speaking up for the American people and this is not ok.
Thank you MeidasTouch for your reporting. I am constantly hoping that the destruction of our country will not be a total destruction, and that the fascist billionaires will crash and burn. They are too stupid and arrogant to realize that they are careening off of a steep cliff.
John, don't doubt yourself -- you do , very much, know what you're talking about. And it may, indeed, come to street fighting to stop this. Hope not, of course, but when push comes to shove....
I was particularly heartened by Justin Trudeau's remarks that he is targeting red states with the imports and tariffs. I never thought I'd feel so divided from my countrymen. I have great empathy, but honestly I've tried respectfully talking truth to Trump supporters from where I was raised in rural Pennsylvania. It's like they drank watered-down Kool-aid. I'm is pleased that I moved to Connecticut 20 years ago and am surrounded by like-minded people!
Trump 's insane clown actions might just cost his buddy Polievre a chance to be Prime Minister. Suckung up to Der Trumpfer isn't playing well in Canada.
Yes, I believe Canada is further unifying over Trump and his cult. They won't support any Trump-like pretender...they're wary. And, apparently smarter!
Oh, they are smarter. I don’t think we are considered the smartest kid in the class just the most loyal and kinder kid who will step in when a bully comes on the playground. In many ways, of course, we are smart. Biden certainly turned over an excellent platform for the next administration. So much done. None of it reported. But here we are just into our third week and Trump has taken credit for much of it, which will continue. He has nothing to offer but the grift of a master class con man who today has a wannabee scientist inventor who made his fortune on our tax dollars (government contracts) nobody citizen with the keys to the Treasury. Just like the documents Trump stole, so will he steal the money. Certainly, none of it will go his debts.
The Canadians are livid over Trump. If anything, a show of what Poilievre would be like must have dissuaded our sensible Canadian neighbors to rethink populism as an alternative, and I pray that is so.
Are you kidding? This is what I felt. We the people of this country do have friends. We are beloved and in small and great ways will be supported by the allies and friendships our parents and grandparents solidified.
In several posts this week upon reflecting it was during a time Trump was putting “conditions” that needed to be met for California to receive federal aid and at the same time despite threats from Trump our allies and neighbors Canada and Mexico galloped in equipped with the equipment and the firemen to help; plus the people of Japan sent the people of California $2 million dollars and besieged but big hearted and beautiful Ukraine offered to send fire fighters whom they stated have much expertise in fighting the type of fires experienced in California.
Trump has enemies. We have friends. At any rate long story short — last week it was my thinking we should send letters and cards thanking our allies for their past support, reaching out to them as Americans to express we do not support the actions and inaction (in the case of Ukraine) of our POTUS and hold dear every kindness they have bestowed on our country over the years. It would be a way to assure our allies in a personal and tangible way that Americans have not left their allegiance to them. We are under siege. My thinking is those cards, letters, faxes, emails of thanks (or maybe a valentines) should be sent to Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, Denmark and Panama.
I never in my entire life though I would live to see the utter insanity enveloping our country. And WHERE IS THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP? WHERE? WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY? Have they been bought out too? Are they cowards? Does Trump have kompromat on them all ? ALL OF THE ABOVE???WTAF?
Indeed, Christopher, where are they -- where are Kamala, Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Jasmine Crockett and other strong communicators talking directly to the American people? Talking directly in special-purpose rallies, on any podasts they can get onto?
DNC, stop sending donation emails and get your butt out in front.
Yup! I’ve been asking the same thing. It’s not time to be nice nor “bipartisan” nor civil. ITS TIME TO BE PISSED! ITS TIME TO DEMAND ACTION!
If any Democrat senators approve any of Trumphuk’s cabinet nominees or that of FBI Director nominee Krazzy Kash Patel, they should be “primaried” and pilloried!
Where’s Obama? Where’s Harris? Where’s Biden? The Clintons??? Stand up, speak up?
Frankly, I’m scared. Will my social security even get paid to me this month? Next month? We have a lot invested in our home. Should we sell? Leave our money in the bank? Take it out and do what with it I’m not sure. This is so unsettling for us older folks.
Most of us who are sane and informed are scared, infuriated, heartsick….. I’m fortunate to have wonderful neighbors and close friends whose values and politics align with mine, but they are not as engaged in this political battle in the way I am. No judgment. They participate in their own ways. I’m a retired teacher, who taught in schools with insufficient retirement plans, so social security is critical for me, too. (Never dreamed that would be the case.. but, here I am.)
I tend to prefer hunkering down and doing my opposition calls and emails, etc on my own. After Nov, I pushed myself a bit to see if a newly forming Indivisible group in my city might be a good fit for me. It’s helped me feel less afraid because I am working beside my local people in community, and working towards the same goal. I still have my moments (hours, days), but it’s given me the experience of truly “being in it together.”
I blather on with all of the above to give you a sense of one person coping as best she can. And I encourage you, if you aren’t already involved in a local group, to see if there a group near you that you might join. Local Democrats, Working Families, Move On, Indivisible. I’m sure there are plenty more, too.
I hope this helps even just a bit. MLK’s wisdom to “Fight chaos with community.” All the best. ✨
Colleen, looks like you're doing all the rights thing for you. I understand your fears about social security being all you have -- many of us are in that situation.
I would just suggest one thing for your next Indivisible meeting -- encourage them to get CROWDS out in the street -- like is being done in Germany right now. All the best.
Also in a blue dot (NC). I surely hope you can begin to recognize some folks who are trustworthy. Thank you for reminding me to be truly grateful for reliable relationships. (As I have often said about my car ownership, I used to go for cute, but now I value reliability.) May you be safe and protected from all danger and harm. Truly.
I have never before rooted against the USA, my home, my country. But in this nonsensical trade war with Canada and Mexico, I hope they clean Trump’s clock.
It is embarrassing and a shameful way to treat our neighbors, our friends.
Such stupidity.
And JD Vance remains as creepy as ever.
It is embarrassing. More and more I believe that Teump is in serious cognitive decline and that Project 2025 and Musk are pulling the strings. They prepare the EO's for Trump to sign, he signs, wanders off to play golf.
That's exactly what's going on. Musk is running the show and once they have as cabinet in place, they're going to invoke the 25th Amendment and make Vance president. Vance is much more involved in Musk and Peter Thiel's destroy-the-world scheme. Trump is the useful idiot they're using to get complete control.
My concern goes one step further. I worry that they will skip Vance and simply install Musk as our leader. After all, they don't seem to care much about minor technicalities in the Constitution.
Exactly my own fear--who's got the keys to the treasury dept. and the team in place to cut off all disbursement of monies to the every program and grant and funding in the country??? It ain't Trump. Trump hasn't got a clue because he can be easily manipulated by praise and flattery. Don't think for a minute that Musk is unaware of this. I'm pretty sure that for all his lack in people skills, Lone Skum can turn on the charm to get what he wants. Musk is the unreconstructed South African fascist in this scenario--Trump is just the dope on a rope.
Yeh. Only I have refined his name from Leon Skum to Lyin Skum.
I’m wondering how the MAGA cult would react to dumping Trump. Are cult leaders easily shunted aside? Not sure JD has the juice.
MAGA isn't in love with JD, and they like his wife even less. Their devotion is to Trump, and Trump alone. But it's becoming more apparent by the day that Trump is but a figurehead in his own administration. Musk is pulling all the strings. And now that he's had a taste of power, JD can take a flying leap. He won't easily depose Elmo from his Prime Minister job.
Vance may not be liked by the MAGAts, but they aren't in power, the broligarchy is. Vance is their guy, they don't care 2 hoots about the MAGAts, no longer need them (at the soon to be nonexistent) elections, and just used them to get the first front man elected.
Yes, exactly. MAGAs are in their Finding Out era right now as they realize that The Felon was serious last summer when he said, 'I don't care about you; I just need your votes.' They laughed it off then, but who's laughing now?
On the broligarchy having Vance as their guy, a few months ago I would have agreed with you. But now? Musk is running the U.S. government with The Felon's OK. The bros don't need Vance anymore.
No one likes the Vance (bedbug in YIddish). He was the least liked member of Congress after Cancun Cruz. But that would be in keeping with the idiocy of the MAGA crowd. If the Muskrat and the Project 2025 crowd try it? That may be the straw that breaks the MAGA back.
At first glance, you're right, Vance is a creepy, needy loser who doesn't seem to be able to overpower Trump. But if this reporting is accurate, he doesn't need to be. His backers, led by Musk, will do all the heavy lifting. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1847705710206857270.html
I know, agree with you, but he is has one thing in common with the Convict-in-Chief, he has failed at everything after leaving Yale, where he was a DEI student, he has no friends, he can do them no favors. His backer is Peter Thiel another Afrikaner- strange all these racist feel so at home in the US. Thiel and the Muskrat are not buddies.
I think you're exactly right. I will give Trump a month at this rate. And I don't think Trump will really care, he got what he wanted his get out of jail free card and now he can just go cheat at golf the rest of his life.
That is what I think too, JD is gonna 25th Amendment Trump and seize power.
Agreed. Thiel forced Trump to choose Vance as vice president........a long history there. I think they want a front man for some time to come, and Vance is sooooo much smoother then Trump.
And then how hard will it be to impeach Vance?!?
It will be nearly impossible, unless the MAGA cultists that worship Trump turn on him. Then, congressional Republicans might decide being reelected is more important than falling in line for Vance.
As much as I don't want my retirement funds and Investments to be screwed I really would like every maga person to be impacted so bad that they're living in the gutter drinking sewer water that's what they deserve
Well, they are probably convinced it's just koolaid!!
They wouldn't care - they'll think they're doing it for their "Dear Leader" and of course blame everything on the left
What if Elon makes a phone call to a Senator and offers him $10 million to vote as he directs? Or $100 million? Can he be prosecuted for felony bribery?
He paid $290 million for his White House office and control of the Treasury and other departments. Why not just buy Congress too? Who will stop him?
Not Congress, they're for sale for sure!
He can't offer a bribe, but gratuities after the fact seem perfectly acceptable to our Supreme Court.
Now called tips and untaxed
If Elon called a senator and made an 'offer', I would assume he's libel for bribery. If Musk/Trump made a threat of primary-ing that person, I would assume they could be held for serious threat. The question is not whether or not they could, or should be, held for criminal activity, the question is whether they WOULD BE.
Was Trump's 'suggestion' to Zelensky that he open an investigation into Biden upon thinly veiled threat of withholding already Congressional-approved funding a violation of law. Yes, of course it was. Did he survive an impeachment? Yes, of course, he did.
Well yeah. Seems like he should be arrested for taking over the payment systems! He doesn’t have clearance to have access to all that information. And seems like Bessent is not upholding his oath to the constitution by letting Musk have this unfettered access. I have always said Heritage Foundation is only using Trump. They’ll let him enrich himself but Vance is who they wanted. But now maybe it is Musk. They will just use Vance to occupy the Oval Office. It’s all so mind boggling!
I totally agree, they’ve been looking for a puppet to advance their agenda and they found him, a bat shit crazy puppet! And they’re all on board with his lunatic co-President because everyone can scream and holler about him while they stay in the background pulling the strings. What a mess. I don’t know how we’re going to find a way out of this.
Attorneys should have been in DC District Court this morning demanding a cease and desist order, a TRO, and a warrant for Musk's arrest. Members of Congress should be forcing their way into every office Musk has occupied. Nobody is doing a damn thing except whining and issuing sternly worded letters. Our Dem members of Congress don't give a damn. We are screwed.
Who’s Bessent?
the new Secretary of the Treasury and a total asshole.
Congress should be screaming for Bessent to resign, but they won't. Utter cowards and quislings.
Don't fèl bad about your country
Canadian love the American people
We have fought and died together for our freedoms
We stand with our friends
Much appreciated. We will have to figure out some secret way for you to know who's on your side. It's hard to do here. This is really very sad.
Thank you, Mr. Howard. Mainers are practically in Canada as it is. Most sane Americans love our neighboring countries to the North and South. Trump, although he demands the absolute personal loyalty of his minions, has never been a paragon of trustworthy loyalty himself. Quite the reverse.
Trump has noticeable cognitive issues and his latest insanity of undermining our closest allies with an incredibly stupid trade war, is a result of an infection of imperialism that has gone to his brain (what there is of it) and is no doubt being egged on by Putin, Musk and Vance.
We are friends but the criminal Musk and FELON tRump are your enemies
I feel the exact same way you do.
Me to!!
Yes, J.e.D. Vance is Gollum on steroids!
I feel the same way. Trump refuses to accept that these tariffs cause the prices of goods to go up for consumers. I feel so terrible for Canada and Mexico, who are our neighbors and friends. We are likely looking at stock prices falling and inflation rising again.. Trump is a stupid man who aims to undo all the economic good that Biden/Harris did.
I think that he knows exactly what he is doing and relishes the ability to control and punish our country for not giving him his desired100% support/loyalty. He doesn't care if it also punishes MAGA because he doesn't need them anymore. So what if his red states are hit the hardest by some of Canada's tariffs? That will make them even more susceptible to being modern day slaves. Hartmann explains:
The problem is that we, the American people, are the ones who will suffer.
Canadians have more backbone than the Democratic party.
No. What part of the the statement "they are the minority party " do you not understand. We are dealing with a MAGA trifecta. You want "no backbone?" Take a look at what passes for the Republican party. At the rate they are going, they are going to have to be tested for oral STDs.
So true. Also true the Dems need to get some.game. make the turds use their backbones,not their knees.
The Democrats are trying, but it's like the firefighters in L.A. Whenever they think they have a handle on some man made crisis, the Convict-in-Chief starts another brush fire that turns into a 5 alarm conflagration before you can say boo. There are only so many fires that can be contained at one time.
I do think it may be time for Schumer to go home and play with his grandchildren- funny how everyone was so willing to push a very fine president out the door, but no one ever suggests that for other leaders in the party.
I've wanted Schumer to retire for at least two years. When I retired, I got the heck out of the business I spent most of my life doing--I took up other crafts and goals.
Why the heck can't these old farts get themselves out of the game? One thing I learned while in my work life: no one--and I mean NO ONE--is irreplaceable. There is always someone, willing and ready if perhaps not quite as experienced, waiting to step into the space you leave behind.
Losing doesn’t mean they have to have duct tape over their mouths. They can still speak to the people and raise some hell. They are failing.
They don’t have duct tape over their mouths. If you saw today’s demonstration. They are raising some hell, but it’s hard when the Democrats are the minority party. There are two ways of doing business, there can be screaming and yelling and carrying on - that get’s everyone’s attention but it’s a lot easier to shut down. Then there is the way of being quiet and getting all the machinations in line and then making the move. My money is on the second method. The MRat keeps hogging the scene and the Convict-in-Chief aids and abets in the effort.
yes. I wish the DNC Dems would take notes. Now the new Chair of the DNC want to investigate and form theories of why we lost a winnable election. JUDAS H. PRIEST, DNC--get your thumbs out of your butts and DO SOMETHING. Don't just sit there formulating this and that reason. We lost; get out there and be fekking LEADERS!!!
I agree, forget about analyzing the last election.
Rally the Democrats to mass demonstrations.
Rally the opposition, THAT is how you attract ppl to the Democratic party.
Invertebrates have more backbone than either party.
"The overwhelming support for impeachment shows that the American public is not willing to accept King Trump," said Alexandra Flores-Quilty, Free Speech for People campaign director, in a Thursday statement. "We need bold leaders in Congress willing to stand up and hold Trump accountable for his abuses of power and initiate an impeachment inquiry."
The petition, which was launched on Inauguration Day, calls on Congress to initiate an impeachment investigation into Trump based on potential violations of the U.S. Constitution's emoluments clauses, his pardoning of insurrectionists who took part in the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, and his "unlawful" and "corrupt" campaign practices."
Most of the reasons people cited for voting for Trump are inaccurate, based on lies and overall ignorance of voters, too often willful ignorance, and, of course, the sexism and racism that runs through the veins of this country. You get what you voted for!
Let’s not normalize calling him President-elect. Felon-elect works for me, or just Trump.
I retired saying/typing “President” (when referring to Trump) until noon on January 20, 2029. Then he’ll just be the former convicted felon. That's it.
Time to wear these kinds of tee shirts the next four years! 👇
Impeach the MF!
I refer to the president as President Bob = bloated orange baboon. I will never put the word president in front of Trumps name.
I get it. And that name is funny, but maybe too funny for the present danger
Read this about ballots not getting counted it will piss you off
Sorry hit wrong key. Read this about ballots not being counted
I say FELON tRump and never call him a leader or ant thing noting power. Never use the P. word referring to FELON tRump
Keith Olbermann. Impeach multiple times. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TwIAhtSVJbY
Right. That's going to go places in the Republican-dominated Senate, House, and Dumpy's pet DoJ.
Pretty impressive to have a petition for impeachment launched on Inauguration Day. That’s a first.
Enforce the Constitution . Stop the circular democratic firing squad. Deal with the issues at hand with some courage. Stop being mmilqtoast fucjing wimos
Are you aware and ok with the fact that your Social Security Number, tax information, banking details and other financial information has been turned over to Elon Musk - a billionaire born in another country?
Do you want all information about the US Government and our citizens in the hands of a single man who is posting on X that his computers are currently accessing the US Government payment system? Musk claims he is doing this to decide which government payments should be stopped, even though these payments have been approved by our Republican and Democratic representatives and cover expenses related to nursing homes, schools, Medicaid, Meals on Wheels and other programs that support US Citizens and our standing in the world.
If you are not ok with this - particularly if you voted for Republicans and live in a red state - please contact your representatives immediately and tell them you do not support this.
This goes beyond politics. It is a constitutional crisis.
The more calls and messages your reps and senators receive, the more likely they are to quickly do something about this.
This is a hostile takeover of the US government bordering on a coup.
It is a coup in progress.
Couldn’t agree with you more. 👍
I spent the weekend leaving messages. I've sent emails. I am so damn angry with Democrats. Musk has no security clearance. He hasn't been vetted by Congress. But he bullies his way and takes over our financial information. He controls social security. I actually got an email from Bernie Sanders asking for $27 'to turn this around'. I responded how I felt. All of them - House and Senate - should have gathered together and in front of cameras screamed people were going to lose their social security. That would have awakened alot of Maga. You're right. This is a constitutional crisis.
With WHO? They are the minority party. They are doing everything they can as a minority party. Unlike parliamentarian kinds of government, we can't vote the government "no confidence" and shuck the bastards out. Is main stream media paying attention? No. They have all kissed the gross derriere of the Convict-in-Chief. Please, place your anger at the party that is allowing this to happen - the MAGA party. Work for putting the Democrats back in charge, give, if you are able, to organizations that are filing suits. If you live in a red state or a republican district, approach the Democrats and ask what you can do to help - starting now. And bad mouth the adjudicated rapist to any and all who will listen. It should be easier after today.
Just contacted my Rep and Senators a few minutes ago. It helps to let them know this is not a political issue; it is a serious concern about who has access to information that is protected by the Privacy Act.
I don't think my reps - Sen. Ted Budd and Rep David Rouzer, both nutso Republucans - will give a flying f*** if I call and leave messages. Messages can be deleted. They can be ignored. I have emailed them and told them both that I intend to make everyone in my district aware that they voted against funding the FAA in 2019, and I intend to write a letter to our local paper saying so. However, our paper is owned by USA Today, whatever their company is, and I'm pretty sure they won't publish anything against the new regime. I am an off-the-charts (angry) introvert, so going to meetings and protesting publicly is off the table. What exactly is it that we're supposed to do?
Most do keep track of the topic and views in every phone call or phone message. They want to know if a significant number of constituents are angry. They might not change their positions, but they could if they think they might lose the next elections.
Betsy, looks like you're doing your best. Don't blame yourself.
Personally, I think the much-discussed Indivisible org. should be organizing some heavy street demonstrations about now. Are they/we not aware that as we 'speak', German cities have tens of thousands of people in the streets demonstrating against the AfD? Where are we in terms of popular 'uprising'?
Per an announcement in a nat'l call, Indivisible is having a demonstration in Washington DC on Mon Feb 3.
What’s the AfD?
Denny, AfD is the far-right party in Germany, now trying to align with more moderate parties to form a coalition. It has all the beliefs that MAGA has.
In English, it means Alternative for Germany. 'Germany' in German is Deutsch.
Call back when you can get a live person to answer. Don’t give up. Keep calling, writing all congress men and women letting them know you are speaking up for the American people and this is not ok.
Musk brought in illegal servers to download our personal info. Put this pig in jail.
As I don't fly, have only Sickles , I can only say if FELON and Elonia show up at my domicile there will be violence
Madness. Total madness by a morbidly obese, barely literate puppet of the Heritage Foundation, Putin, and Xi. We are in the fight of our lives.
Trump is threatening to cut off all aid to South Africa. Apparently land redistribution is being considered and Apartheid Boy is freaking out.
The Wall Street Journal is begging Trump to call off the tariffs. He doesn't want to hear it. I hope his mouth-breathing yahoos choke on them.
Fuck Sinema. And fuck Fetterman, who voted for Bessent, the man permitting Musk to destroy the government.
Since hedge funds are betting on a stock market crash, they have already moved their money.
Fetterman isn't a DINO. Watch him switch parties or go Independent, caucusing with MAGA.
Who are Sinema and Fetterman?
He did cut SA off
Does he know it's a BRICs member - maybe he meant Spain?
I hate that Trump and his buddies won't suffer pain like the rest of Americans. He will have a special place in hell for eternity.
I probably don't know what I'm talking about but Musk and his storm troopers need to be stopped, violently if necessary.
Thank you MeidasTouch for your reporting. I am constantly hoping that the destruction of our country will not be a total destruction, and that the fascist billionaires will crash and burn. They are too stupid and arrogant to realize that they are careening off of a steep cliff.
God, I hope you're right.
I agree
Along with some other “people” being taken out
John, don't doubt yourself -- you do , very much, know what you're talking about. And it may, indeed, come to street fighting to stop this. Hope not, of course, but when push comes to shove....
I was particularly heartened by Justin Trudeau's remarks that he is targeting red states with the imports and tariffs. I never thought I'd feel so divided from my countrymen. I have great empathy, but honestly I've tried respectfully talking truth to Trump supporters from where I was raised in rural Pennsylvania. It's like they drank watered-down Kool-aid. I'm is pleased that I moved to Connecticut 20 years ago and am surrounded by like-minded people!
Trump 's insane clown actions might just cost his buddy Polievre a chance to be Prime Minister. Suckung up to Der Trumpfer isn't playing well in Canada.
Yes, I believe Canada is further unifying over Trump and his cult. They won't support any Trump-like pretender...they're wary. And, apparently smarter!
Yes we are the Canadian Meidas Maple Mighty🍁🍁♥️♥️
Oh, they are smarter. I don’t think we are considered the smartest kid in the class just the most loyal and kinder kid who will step in when a bully comes on the playground. In many ways, of course, we are smart. Biden certainly turned over an excellent platform for the next administration. So much done. None of it reported. But here we are just into our third week and Trump has taken credit for much of it, which will continue. He has nothing to offer but the grift of a master class con man who today has a wannabee scientist inventor who made his fortune on our tax dollars (government contracts) nobody citizen with the keys to the Treasury. Just like the documents Trump stole, so will he steal the money. Certainly, none of it will go his debts.
It is political suicide in Canada to not follow the anger and will of Canadians
We are united unlike our neighbors
The Canadians are livid over Trump. If anything, a show of what Poilievre would be like must have dissuaded our sensible Canadian neighbors to rethink populism as an alternative, and I pray that is so.
Are you kidding? This is what I felt. We the people of this country do have friends. We are beloved and in small and great ways will be supported by the allies and friendships our parents and grandparents solidified.
In several posts this week upon reflecting it was during a time Trump was putting “conditions” that needed to be met for California to receive federal aid and at the same time despite threats from Trump our allies and neighbors Canada and Mexico galloped in equipped with the equipment and the firemen to help; plus the people of Japan sent the people of California $2 million dollars and besieged but big hearted and beautiful Ukraine offered to send fire fighters whom they stated have much expertise in fighting the type of fires experienced in California.
Trump has enemies. We have friends. At any rate long story short — last week it was my thinking we should send letters and cards thanking our allies for their past support, reaching out to them as Americans to express we do not support the actions and inaction (in the case of Ukraine) of our POTUS and hold dear every kindness they have bestowed on our country over the years. It would be a way to assure our allies in a personal and tangible way that Americans have not left their allegiance to them. We are under siege. My thinking is those cards, letters, faxes, emails of thanks (or maybe a valentines) should be sent to Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, Denmark and Panama.
There will be 50 protests of the new administration at 50 State Capitols
2/5/2025 at noon local time
State by state Details can be seen at r/50501 on reddit - spread the word!
Oh! Canada! 🇨🇦 Hold strong!
The meth lab below you is igniting
Musk is a sick a sick sociopath pathological lier juds like Mr Orange.
Twins with a different name and hairline!
Thanks we need to remember evil must not prevail
I never in my entire life though I would live to see the utter insanity enveloping our country. And WHERE IS THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP? WHERE? WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY? Have they been bought out too? Are they cowards? Does Trump have kompromat on them all ? ALL OF THE ABOVE???WTAF?
Indeed, Christopher, where are they -- where are Kamala, Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Jasmine Crockett and other strong communicators talking directly to the American people? Talking directly in special-purpose rallies, on any podasts they can get onto?
DNC, stop sending donation emails and get your butt out in front.
Show, don't tell.
I know where are they
Yup! I’ve been asking the same thing. It’s not time to be nice nor “bipartisan” nor civil. ITS TIME TO BE PISSED! ITS TIME TO DEMAND ACTION!
If any Democrat senators approve any of Trumphuk’s cabinet nominees or that of FBI Director nominee Krazzy Kash Patel, they should be “primaried” and pilloried!
Where’s Obama? Where’s Harris? Where’s Biden? The Clintons??? Stand up, speak up?
Frankly, I’m scared. Will my social security even get paid to me this month? Next month? We have a lot invested in our home. Should we sell? Leave our money in the bank? Take it out and do what with it I’m not sure. This is so unsettling for us older folks.
Most of us who are sane and informed are scared, infuriated, heartsick….. I’m fortunate to have wonderful neighbors and close friends whose values and politics align with mine, but they are not as engaged in this political battle in the way I am. No judgment. They participate in their own ways. I’m a retired teacher, who taught in schools with insufficient retirement plans, so social security is critical for me, too. (Never dreamed that would be the case.. but, here I am.)
I tend to prefer hunkering down and doing my opposition calls and emails, etc on my own. After Nov, I pushed myself a bit to see if a newly forming Indivisible group in my city might be a good fit for me. It’s helped me feel less afraid because I am working beside my local people in community, and working towards the same goal. I still have my moments (hours, days), but it’s given me the experience of truly “being in it together.”
I blather on with all of the above to give you a sense of one person coping as best she can. And I encourage you, if you aren’t already involved in a local group, to see if there a group near you that you might join. Local Democrats, Working Families, Move On, Indivisible. I’m sure there are plenty more, too.
I hope this helps even just a bit. MLK’s wisdom to “Fight chaos with community.” All the best. ✨
Colleen, looks like you're doing all the rights thing for you. I understand your fears about social security being all you have -- many of us are in that situation.
I would just suggest one thing for your next Indivisible meeting -- encourage them to get CROWDS out in the street -- like is being done in Germany right now. All the best.
Working on it this morning! Thanks.
I'm a blue dot in a red sea of hell. You are lucky. I trust No-one. In my own Country. It's all happening, Just like that
Also in a blue dot (NC). I surely hope you can begin to recognize some folks who are trustworthy. Thank you for reminding me to be truly grateful for reliable relationships. (As I have often said about my car ownership, I used to go for cute, but now I value reliability.) May you be safe and protected from all danger and harm. Truly.
You too Colleen. Be safe.
Wow, just insanity riding into 2025 ...
Jeez - it’s terrifying. 😥