… Bradley Bartell does not regret voting for Trump despite the fact that his wife from Peru is now in ICE custody after she was detained at the airport coming back from their honeymoon in Puerto Rico.
I was in tears reading the Time reporter's account of what happened to these men The horror they're feeling must be unimaginable. These are human beings!!
I read it too, and it really touched me in a profound way.
Like really really profound.
"I'm not a gang member, I'm a barber 😢. 😢. 😢"
OMG it just breaks your heart.
I only wished the story was longer, much longer.
I also thought, now here is a story that will never get published in the Washington Post. They will not buy the photographers pictures and publish them and publish the first person account of what happened on the other side. You won't find this at the Washington Post.
It breaks my heart to see what this despicable administration is trying to do to the American people. They are trying to break our spirit. But that is when I fight back. Some people have said these are the end times. The whole world has gone crazy. There are protests in Turkey and riot police were turned on the people. Netanyahu is bombing Palestine. I don't know if these are the end times. I just know I will not stop fighting against the evil MAGA people. My voice as small as it is will be heard.
Our small voices combined are a very loud voice of resistance. I hope to have the strength to continue to speak up to my end on this earth. I am not wealthy, but I am a human with empathy and moral compass.
Exactly. Forcing them to strip their clothing and wear prison garb, the crude buzz cuts, being shackled and physically abused. These actions all follow the Nazi playbook. I doesn’t matter what these individuals were accused of, they are entitled to due process under the Constitution. Utterly disgraceful and inhumane.
Fear nothing. His threats are not stemming the flow of the Resistance led by MTN and the Meidas Mighty. Fear is what MAGA is exhibiting and they have every right to be fearful. They are losing. America is winning.
Stay the course. Never give up the ship (of Democracy and Freedom!)
Fortune--good or bad--has nothing to do with overcoming evil. Action, on the other hand, has everything to do with demanding change. Eyes on the prize!
"Power concedes nothing without a demand." -- Frederick Douglass
It won't stop there. Now they're going after Cubans who voted in huge amounts for Trump. This is inhumane and should be dealt with ASAP!! Bring these poor souls home. My heart breaks for them. What kind of people do these things to other humans??? We know!!
Nazi ppl. It's so sad and scary what's going on now. My fkn ancestors fought this shit already. Who would have thought we'd be doing it again... EVER. I REFUSE to back down or be quiet. Fuck that, while I am breathing I will fight for democracy. And yeah, I'm just 1 old lady but I'm a mad old lady. Dangerous combo
I'm not religious, but a sponsored White House Easter egg hunt makes me think of the Bible story of the money changers in the temple, for some reason. Those who sanctioned sending immigrants to an El Salvador prison deserve the worst fate possible.
yup he's had a lifetime showing us what he will do with it but now it's buckets full more than any other "scam/grift" he's ever thought up...it only took you a matter of minutes/hours to point that out thank you thank you...I was a bit slow to see it...
My dog says, “Thanks!” all the way from Doggie Heaven. He was my first GSD, imported from Germany fully trained. I learned a lot about being the pack leader . . . a totally new experience for me.
Is the White House Historical Association in tRump's right pocket or left pocket? As if that slimy grifter would let even a penny he could steal get away from him.
Trump has in mind to build a huge very expensive Ballroom on the back side of the White House. One like the one he has at MAL! Making this donation will help him put that stupid idea on the WH Priority List, together with making a cement patio out of the Kennedy Rose Garden. This patio is like one again in FL! Believe this historical society WH restoration group will hold Trump off since it has a strong influence of what is allowed and not at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Many fingers crossed!🤞
Good luck with that. He'll just arrest, deport, jail, or whatever he wants, to the historical society WH restoration group. Doesn't sound like they will have much power over him.
This man and his regime is an abomination. No shame. No humanity. He, Musk and Putin clearly rigged the election so that they could violate our country in the way they’re doing. This is like a home invasion of our country. A full violation in every way shape and form. Exactly what you would expect from serial criminals.
The disillusionment is that we have no law and order officials to protect us and our country from these criminals.
It's US. There is no "someone else" that is going to save this country. IT IS US! So FIND YOUR 1776 SPINES, AMERICA! This country already overthrew a disgusting oppressor who wanted to crush us as KING. SHOW UP IN NUMBERS TOO BIG TO IGNORE. FASCISTS only have POWER if you GIVE it to them!!
I'm surprised every member of the US Jewish community isn't up in arms about this. They or their families have seen it all before - and know that "going along to get along" does NOT work with Fascists!
True. I am still looking for the groups who voiced support for this orange creep to come forward; Asians for Trump, Blacks for Trump, Hispanics for Trump, Muslims (Detroit) for Trump, LGBTQ+ for Trump, and mega churches for Trump.
I'm including the men and women in Law Enforcement and the US Military. Not everyone is on board with this horrific administration, and it's high time voices of opposition and condemnation come forward from all sides, regardless of race, creed, age, color, sexual orientation, religion, or political party.
If we do nothing we aid and abet what we are experiencing, and that doesn't sit well with the orange ogre. People are on the move, linking arms and standing against all that is evil. They shall not prevail. There are too many of us right-thinking Americans called to action to resist the "king of the Gadarenes!"
Well, he is fighting, isn't he? Fighting for his next paycheck. Outside of that, it's just smoke, mirrors, and political shenanigans where he's concerned. Toss in wimpy Josh Hawley and Nikki Haley.
It may appear that way for the moment. However, there are Universal laws that no one should violate. The consequences are great. Up with MTN and freedom. Down with tyranny.
Read? Read? Seriously, he hasn't picked up a book since college, and then it was only for show, not to read. His daddy picked out his grades with a payment to the college and to his professors.
Agree. They'll have to deal with Karma. One way or another the evil they are perpetrating will find its way back to each of them. If not personally, someone they love and care for will be caught in the crosshairs of "What goes around comes around."
Still won't affect them - sociopaths/psychopaths are incapable of feeling sympathy/empathy for others, it's part of the mental illness they suffer from. So they don't "love and care" for anyone but themselves. They wouldn't be able to do this if they felt anything at all for anyone else.
Karma is no respecter of persons. The manner in which each offender is recompensed has little to do with feelings--theirs or anyone else's. The operation of the Universe is out of their control--as it is with ours.
Therefore, feelings and/or opinions about what hand is dealt, and to whom is meaningless. They care about who/what they care about. We the people are not in the mix.
They shall continue in their pursuits, but a price is going to be paid in accordance with what each "actor" has earned. Evildoers find themselves at the bottom of the trash pile never understanding how their "perfect plans, perfect executions" failed. MAGA is a trainwreck.
Seeing the word Mahalo gave me a flashback to 2013 when Hawaii held hearings on gay marriage. OMG! I listened to the entire hearing live and I was in a waaay waaay different time zone, it went on for 12 hours. For 12 hours I was glued to my computer screen. The Hawaiian word that came up over and over again which I learned at the hearing is, Ohana (I seem to recall it being just hana?) , meaning family. The Mormons brought people in from the other islands by the church full and they testified over and over and over. After a while it became easy to pick out the Mormons. But the Catholics were there in force also. Over and over I heard, "That is not Hana (or Ohana) [meaning family]. I'll never ever forget it, "That's not Hana"
I so remember this absolute bitch legislator a woman, I forget her name, if I could have reached my hand through the computer screen and strangled her I would have. The way she talked about ppl who are LGBT, I swear if I ever saw her today I would spit in her face. I seem to recall she lost her next election, she was a real bitch.
I have not thought about those days in years, probably a decade now, but seeing you write "Mahalo" it brought back those memories. And in the end they are SWEET memories as the Legislature in Hawaii PASSED the bill in December 2013.
Ohana has so much meaning in Hawaii…from the keiki to the kupuna, we always believe, well I surely do, in the ohana and that it takes a village to raise a child. You may be physically away from Hawaii, but you have the heart and spirit to be a part of the Hawaii ohana🙏
I don't remember her name, i do remember she was young and pretty and she wore white, I was researching this to see if I could find out who she was, THIS! The below, THIS is what I remember so very well. I watched every single minute of live public testimony on the bill for gay marriage in Hawaii. I watched every minute of it hearing over and over and over again how gay ppl were not acceptable, how gay people were not like them, like everybody else. I listened to that for 55 hours straight, I think one day was a 12 hour day, 12 hours straight. And never bent. Every organized major religion was against us, but we FOUGHT, and we WON. We beat them.
I am not gay, only a staunch supporter, WE turned public opinion to love and acceptance. IF gays and their supporters could beat out every organized religion and change hearts and minds, then I see no reason WHY we cannot beat Trump. I have been in hard fights before, I KNOW, if we all stick together, if we literally fight hard enough, we can beat Trump too.
Meidas Touch is extremely important to this battle. Extremely important.
I have been in a similar battle with gay rights, we won not because we had mainstream media on our side, we won because of the proliferation of independent blogs and twitter. It was independent blogs where most of the information gathering was shared. We gathered together on blogs.
It is exactly blogs like this that bring us together NOW to fight against Trump, to fight against the white male patriarchy, we derive strength from each other. We inspire each other, and that happens right here on Meidas Touch. AND other blogs on Substacck. Substack has literally become the resistance, but for me, Meidas Touch is the place I enjoy and share the most on.
This is from the NY Times
Gay Marriage Battle Nears End in Hawaii, the First Front Line
Nov. 8, 2013
Bishop Larry Silva of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu warned in a letter to parishioners that allowing same-sex marriage would open the door to incest and polygamy and cause poverty and juvenile suicides.
To allow a full airing of views, the Legislature said any citizen could comment. In what some called a “public filibuster,” religious opponents mobilized, accounting for most of the more than 1,000 people who testified for two minutes each, during 55 hours of hearings over five days this week.
Both sides claimed to represent the true “aloha spirit.” Some ethnic Hawaiians tearfully said the bill would destroy their culture, and the opponents’ television and radio ads described as endangered the Hawaiian heritage of “ohana,” or family, of “mothers and fathers caring for each other and their keiki,” or children.
"The man asked for his mother, then buried his face in his chained hands and cried as he was slapped again." does this sound like something a gang member would do in front of his fellow gangbangers?
That’s Elon’s point of view… from South Africa .. where a brilliant African leader was imprisoned for many years for political action (speaking/writing/leading his people) to F R E E D O M….
In reality, I'm guessing they really don't care about lacken Riley, let's see did they donate any money to her family to her funeral expenses, did they send an email? Did they drop in? Did they send a card?. none of that happened. These people do not give a flying fuck about any human except white Christian piece of shit fucking American men..... Not even if you're a christian woman, you don't count .....what a surprise
Every murder of an innocent is tragic, but you don't see this kind of cruelty against American citizens who commit these crimes. Look at how they lionized Kyle Rittenhouse.
"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s boyfriend has a wild idea for dealing with vandals targeting Tesla dealerships.
Speaking on a broadcast Thursday, the reporter for Trump-loving Real America’s Voice suggested the vehicle manufacturer may need “Kyle Rittenhouse-style” armed guards at its outlets."
“Maybe it’s time to go full-on Kyle Rittenhouse-style security and start having armed security guards in front of a dealership,” Brian Glenn said. “If I was in charge of a dealership, that’s exactly what I would do because they are absolutely destroying a brand.”
SO agree! When I am privy to conversations of this kind, i like to inject an idea with regard to "race:" The fact is, HE WAS A MAN who preyed upon a woman who was alone -- can we just establish the REAL common denominator going on?
If they really gave a shit about Lakin Riley's death then they would have taken her name off of the bill like her mother and father asked them to. They don't care in the slightest, she's just a good story to justify their hateful bill.
At the same time, side with a war criminal. Killer KGB GOON ,and say how much they trust and believe his every word . Putins cruelty and lawlessness is killing tens of thousands. Trump complicent in it all. All his chaos is killing people. Daily.
That is a haunting and horrific description of how those people kidnapped to El Salvador are being treated. What's also concerning is they're slapping and physically abusing them in front of a reporter. So if they do that to them in public, what are they doing to these people in private?
My wife is from New Zealand. She's a dual NZ-Croatia citizen and travels on her NZ passport. She does all the entry visa, always when she comes to America. She was scheduled to come to New Orleans in April. I told her she's not going to NO, and generally not coming here with the current atmosphere, for the foreseeable future. We've read the stories of those who have been detained for no reason, other than being from another country. I'm not going to risk her safety.
My husband is a naturalized American citizen for 25 years with duel citizenship with St Kitts/Nevis… we have our global entry security… but SKN is now on some kind of “watch list”… we will not be traveling out of the US for probably the next 4 years. That means not seeing our kids, grands and new great grand. 😞
I read that. It seems they've placed several Caribbean resort destinations on the "yellow" watch list. It includes Antigua/Barbuda and St. Lucia, in addition to St. Kitts/Nevis, just saying they need to correct their "deficiencies." What are the "deficiencies," no one seems to know. Very sorry you can't visit your kids, grands and the new great grand.
Yes… our daughter said nothing “official” has come from the US. Seems SKN has a reciprocal agreement with Cuba for exchange of citizens for eduction and work opportunities.. Nit sure if that is the reason for the “ yellow listing”.
And I wonder how many AMERICAN citizens have thought about what happens when they leave the country. Will the NAZI Trump goons let us back in? We love going to Europe. But I can see these FASCIST PIGS trying to control our movements and keep us in, or keep us out. They don't care that it's ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They're lawless FASCISTS.
Do you ever get to see her? My heart breaks when a couple are split up. This country is on the brink of violence, I know it. I want to leave with my 77yr old husband, but he loves his doctors! If I had courage...
We see each other quite a bit. I'm the "commuter" in the marriage. My wife's professional and private life is in NZ. More than happy to fill that role. We did make it back a couple of weeks ago for her professional stuff. The customs guy barely looked up while stamping her passport, and said enjoy your time here. Probably saw the long line behind us. We do keep a fairly low profile whenever we travel.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but we still live in the United States of America...right? If so, why do we have Communists, Fraudsters, Hucksters, Racists, Con Artists, Extortionists, Black Mailers, Idiots and Morons running this country? He's going to lock people up who disagree with him, he's offering corporate sponsorships to those who contribute to him, his butt buddy muskrat, is paying for people's votes? This is all just un-fecking-believable!! And any dumbass magat who believes the orange felon is doing what's right for the country, has drank way too much of the Kool-Aid. Sorry I'm ranting, but thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. 🤬😢
It's not the same USA, clearly, yet so many are still denying the obvious, probably because it's too horrible to contemplate. But it's real. If I hear "this is not who we are" one more time, I'll go mad. It IS who we are now, and you can't change or fix what you don't acknowledge. We are living in a police state and need to rise up in huge, unstoppable numbers to end it before we're all under 24 hour surveillance and deported to El Salvador.
Anyone -- and that includes brown nosing oligarchs -- who thinks it couldn't happen to them is living in fantasy land. Cheers for all the courageous law firms, reporters, and public servants who are standing firm against the Nazis speaking truth to power ... and for the Meidas Mighty and our intrepid editor Ron Filipkowski!!
Every time I hear “this is not who we are” I react just as you do. It IS who we are, thanks to the MAGAts. My only consolation is knowing karma is a bitch!
I read it all Shirley and I couldn't agree with you more.
Our supposed allies are now issuing travel warning about visiting the United States, and the sad part is, they are right to do it.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be an American traveler traveling in any western democracy right now. I read on BlueSky a guy said they were touring Mexico but he and his partner agreed to only speak French while they were in country as a precaution. Just think about that.
It is the destruction of our relationships with our allies that is so so so worrisome.
And the scary part is is that we are living in the country where other countries are telling their people not to come to. Beginning to feel like we are North Korea.
From the inside cover of Alexei Navalny's book 'Patriot'..."Navalny takes on the members of the regime, convinced they are wrecking his country, acting solely in their own interests, and have no desire to improve the lives of ordinary people."
You are working with the logical premise that there will be national elections in future allowing people to vote out these blatantly evil fascists.Understandable because that's the "normal"progression of the election and voting laws in our nation.
Daily we witness the criminal behavior ,the twisting and corrupting of laws by this administration.
It's not too far -fetched to imagine that there will be some kind of manufactured incident in order to lock down the nation ,create a police state and usher in martial law. Elections will be "postponed". There is nothing that this insane want to be dictator and his entire administration won't do to retain power. Hitler ,Putin,Orban ,and other dictator/autocrats are Trump's inspiration
Today's bulletin was particularly heartbreaking and enraging. I'm overwhelmed and can only imagine how painful it must have been to sort through even more of this horrid material and distill it down to not one wasted word. Best single source of news around. Thank you, Ron, for everything you do.
Incredibly inclusive and coherent report. Government administration is a collection of dishonest, ignorant sickos. Hope the semi- literate little thug in immigration ends up in jail, and that Bondi, one of the two blonde vipers, loses her license (You're not in Florida anymore).
This Trump 2.0 is so much worse than I ever imagined that it would be. And both Parties in Congress stand mostly silent while our nation is dismantled.
Isn’t that what the Nazis did to their prisoners, shave their heads. It’s a form of dehumanization on purpose.
I was in tears reading the Time reporter's account of what happened to these men The horror they're feeling must be unimaginable. These are human beings!!
I read it too, and it really touched me in a profound way.
Like really really profound.
"I'm not a gang member, I'm a barber 😢. 😢. 😢"
OMG it just breaks your heart.
I only wished the story was longer, much longer.
I also thought, now here is a story that will never get published in the Washington Post. They will not buy the photographers pictures and publish them and publish the first person account of what happened on the other side. You won't find this at the Washington Post.
Yes. You've made a great case for abandoning legacy media and coming here for the truth. Good for you!
It breaks my heart to see what this despicable administration is trying to do to the American people. They are trying to break our spirit. But that is when I fight back. Some people have said these are the end times. The whole world has gone crazy. There are protests in Turkey and riot police were turned on the people. Netanyahu is bombing Palestine. I don't know if these are the end times. I just know I will not stop fighting against the evil MAGA people. My voice as small as it is will be heard.
Our small voices combined are a very loud voice of resistance. I hope to have the strength to continue to speak up to my end on this earth. I am not wealthy, but I am a human with empathy and moral compass.
Our fellow Americans.
Exactly. Forcing them to strip their clothing and wear prison garb, the crude buzz cuts, being shackled and physically abused. These actions all follow the Nazi playbook. I doesn’t matter what these individuals were accused of, they are entitled to due process under the Constitution. Utterly disgraceful and inhumane.
There is no Constitution in TRUMP’s White House… Just read a bit more of his ‘staff’ representing US ALL in Russia..
we will be fortunate to make it through this year ‘2025 …
I fear we are heading for civil war. There are rumors that Trump will establish martial law April 20.
Fear nothing. His threats are not stemming the flow of the Resistance led by MTN and the Meidas Mighty. Fear is what MAGA is exhibiting and they have every right to be fearful. They are losing. America is winning.
Stay the course. Never give up the ship (of Democracy and Freedom!)
Let him try…I am sure Judges will block him…
Fortune--good or bad--has nothing to do with overcoming evil. Action, on the other hand, has everything to do with demanding change. Eyes on the prize!
"Power concedes nothing without a demand." -- Frederick Douglass
It won't stop there. Now they're going after Cubans who voted in huge amounts for Trump. This is inhumane and should be dealt with ASAP!! Bring these poor souls home. My heart breaks for them. What kind of people do these things to other humans??? We know!!
Nazi ppl. It's so sad and scary what's going on now. My fkn ancestors fought this shit already. Who would have thought we'd be doing it again... EVER. I REFUSE to back down or be quiet. Fuck that, while I am breathing I will fight for democracy. And yeah, I'm just 1 old lady but I'm a mad old lady. Dangerous combo
But, but! We knew Tramp was a snake when we/they picked him up!" Are we surprised at the level of inhumanity, cruelty and pure evil? We shouldn't be.
I recall reading about a once-powerful Pharaoh who had a son. His heart was
stone cold until ...
I was horrified. They shaved their heads, like in Nazi deathcamps!
Yeah, we're just outsourcing it now.
Welcome to the USA which is now being RUN BY NAZIS.
It makes it easy for them to identify inmates.
I'm not religious, but a sponsored White House Easter egg hunt makes me think of the Bible story of the money changers in the temple, for some reason. Those who sanctioned sending immigrants to an El Salvador prison deserve the worst fate possible.
If the White House Historical Association accepts any monetary from this corporate sellout they deserve to go under.
I’m guessing that’s a fig leaf for where the money will end up.
yup he's had a lifetime showing us what he will do with it but now it's buckets full more than any other "scam/grift" he's ever thought up...it only took you a matter of minutes/hours to point that out thank you thank you...I was a bit slow to see it...
Nice dog! Hope the money for egg rolls makes it into an educational fund for someone’s children…
My dog says, “Thanks!” all the way from Doggie Heaven. He was my first GSD, imported from Germany fully trained. I learned a lot about being the pack leader . . . a totally new experience for me.
Trump's pockets are BULGING.
Is the White House Historical Association in tRump's right pocket or left pocket? As if that slimy grifter would let even a penny he could steal get away from him.
This has me so pissed off. They are making AN EASTER EGG ROLL, into another grift for the felon.
Trump has in mind to build a huge very expensive Ballroom on the back side of the White House. One like the one he has at MAL! Making this donation will help him put that stupid idea on the WH Priority List, together with making a cement patio out of the Kennedy Rose Garden. This patio is like one again in FL! Believe this historical society WH restoration group will hold Trump off since it has a strong influence of what is allowed and not at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Many fingers crossed!🤞
So the fool can “dance” to YMCA!
Good luck with that. He'll just arrest, deport, jail, or whatever he wants, to the historical society WH restoration group. Doesn't sound like they will have much power over him.
Don't believe for one second that any of the money will go to where the MAGA MAROONS say it will.
"Christ is Risen" Sponsored by Papa Johns
"He's Risen Indeed" Sponsored by Amazon
This man and his regime is an abomination. No shame. No humanity. He, Musk and Putin clearly rigged the election so that they could violate our country in the way they’re doing. This is like a home invasion of our country. A full violation in every way shape and form. Exactly what you would expect from serial criminals.
The disillusionment is that we have no law and order officials to protect us and our country from these criminals.
It's US. There is no "someone else" that is going to save this country. IT IS US! So FIND YOUR 1776 SPINES, AMERICA! This country already overthrew a disgusting oppressor who wanted to crush us as KING. SHOW UP IN NUMBERS TOO BIG TO IGNORE. FASCISTS only have POWER if you GIVE it to them!!
I'm surprised every member of the US Jewish community isn't up in arms about this. They or their families have seen it all before - and know that "going along to get along" does NOT work with Fascists!
True. I am still looking for the groups who voiced support for this orange creep to come forward; Asians for Trump, Blacks for Trump, Hispanics for Trump, Muslims (Detroit) for Trump, LGBTQ+ for Trump, and mega churches for Trump.
I'm including the men and women in Law Enforcement and the US Military. Not everyone is on board with this horrific administration, and it's high time voices of opposition and condemnation come forward from all sides, regardless of race, creed, age, color, sexual orientation, religion, or political party.
If we do nothing we aid and abet what we are experiencing, and that doesn't sit well with the orange ogre. People are on the move, linking arms and standing against all that is evil. They shall not prevail. There are too many of us right-thinking Americans called to action to resist the "king of the Gadarenes!"
Chuck Schumer needs to go if he is just sitting back waiting for 2026. The country is in crisis NOW!!! He needs to be fighting now!!
Well, he is fighting, isn't he? Fighting for his next paycheck. Outside of that, it's just smoke, mirrors, and political shenanigans where he's concerned. Toss in wimpy Josh Hawley and Nikki Haley.
We don't need that because he may not be in that seat next time
Right This Second Yes he does!!!!
There will be no elections in 2026 or ever again. Not unless they are rigged by Musk's "algorithms".
It may appear that way for the moment. However, there are Universal laws that no one should violate. The consequences are great. Up with MTN and freedom. Down with tyranny.
The Trump regime and the Republican FASCIST party are simply EVIL. They are the party of death, destruction and cruelty.
Yes. Doomed to utter failure.
You're not alone in that thought. It crossed my mind when I first read about it.
Yes, like - you know - the "tRump Library"...LMFAO!
Trump library? What would it contain? The alphabet? He obviously doesn’t or can’t read
If it's the books that Deadbeat Donnie has read it will only be a shelf in the corner of a room with his pictures on the wall
Read? Read? Seriously, he hasn't picked up a book since college, and then it was only for show, not to read. His daddy picked out his grades with a payment to the college and to his professors.
Agree. They'll have to deal with Karma. One way or another the evil they are perpetrating will find its way back to each of them. If not personally, someone they love and care for will be caught in the crosshairs of "What goes around comes around."
Still won't affect them - sociopaths/psychopaths are incapable of feeling sympathy/empathy for others, it's part of the mental illness they suffer from. So they don't "love and care" for anyone but themselves. They wouldn't be able to do this if they felt anything at all for anyone else.
Karma is no respecter of persons. The manner in which each offender is recompensed has little to do with feelings--theirs or anyone else's. The operation of the Universe is out of their control--as it is with ours.
Therefore, feelings and/or opinions about what hand is dealt, and to whom is meaningless. They care about who/what they care about. We the people are not in the mix.
They shall continue in their pursuits, but a price is going to be paid in accordance with what each "actor" has earned. Evildoers find themselves at the bottom of the trash pile never understanding how their "perfect plans, perfect executions" failed. MAGA is a trainwreck.
Ron…you are phenomenal! Mahalo for your dedication to educate us and keeping us well informed. 🙏🙏🙏
Seeing the word Mahalo gave me a flashback to 2013 when Hawaii held hearings on gay marriage. OMG! I listened to the entire hearing live and I was in a waaay waaay different time zone, it went on for 12 hours. For 12 hours I was glued to my computer screen. The Hawaiian word that came up over and over again which I learned at the hearing is, Ohana (I seem to recall it being just hana?) , meaning family. The Mormons brought people in from the other islands by the church full and they testified over and over and over. After a while it became easy to pick out the Mormons. But the Catholics were there in force also. Over and over I heard, "That is not Hana (or Ohana) [meaning family]. I'll never ever forget it, "That's not Hana"
I so remember this absolute bitch legislator a woman, I forget her name, if I could have reached my hand through the computer screen and strangled her I would have. The way she talked about ppl who are LGBT, I swear if I ever saw her today I would spit in her face. I seem to recall she lost her next election, she was a real bitch.
I have not thought about those days in years, probably a decade now, but seeing you write "Mahalo" it brought back those memories. And in the end they are SWEET memories as the Legislature in Hawaii PASSED the bill in December 2013.
Ohana has so much meaning in Hawaii…from the keiki to the kupuna, we always believe, well I surely do, in the ohana and that it takes a village to raise a child. You may be physically away from Hawaii, but you have the heart and spirit to be a part of the Hawaii ohana🙏
Was that tulsi gabbard? The female legislator?
Upon further research I believe the one I am rembering is Representative Sharon Har
I don't remember her name, i do remember she was young and pretty and she wore white, I was researching this to see if I could find out who she was, THIS! The below, THIS is what I remember so very well. I watched every single minute of live public testimony on the bill for gay marriage in Hawaii. I watched every minute of it hearing over and over and over again how gay ppl were not acceptable, how gay people were not like them, like everybody else. I listened to that for 55 hours straight, I think one day was a 12 hour day, 12 hours straight. And never bent. Every organized major religion was against us, but we FOUGHT, and we WON. We beat them.
I am not gay, only a staunch supporter, WE turned public opinion to love and acceptance. IF gays and their supporters could beat out every organized religion and change hearts and minds, then I see no reason WHY we cannot beat Trump. I have been in hard fights before, I KNOW, if we all stick together, if we literally fight hard enough, we can beat Trump too.
Meidas Touch is extremely important to this battle. Extremely important.
I have been in a similar battle with gay rights, we won not because we had mainstream media on our side, we won because of the proliferation of independent blogs and twitter. It was independent blogs where most of the information gathering was shared. We gathered together on blogs.
It is exactly blogs like this that bring us together NOW to fight against Trump, to fight against the white male patriarchy, we derive strength from each other. We inspire each other, and that happens right here on Meidas Touch. AND other blogs on Substacck. Substack has literally become the resistance, but for me, Meidas Touch is the place I enjoy and share the most on.
This is from the NY Times
Gay Marriage Battle Nears End in Hawaii, the First Front Line
Nov. 8, 2013
Bishop Larry Silva of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu warned in a letter to parishioners that allowing same-sex marriage would open the door to incest and polygamy and cause poverty and juvenile suicides.
To allow a full airing of views, the Legislature said any citizen could comment. In what some called a “public filibuster,” religious opponents mobilized, accounting for most of the more than 1,000 people who testified for two minutes each, during 55 hours of hearings over five days this week.
Both sides claimed to represent the true “aloha spirit.” Some ethnic Hawaiians tearfully said the bill would destroy their culture, and the opponents’ television and radio ads described as endangered the Hawaiian heritage of “ohana,” or family, of “mothers and fathers caring for each other and their keiki,” or children.
I am so sorry you have to stomach the rhetoric for the rest of us. I am flipping off about every other sentence between tears
"The man asked for his mother, then buried his face in his chained hands and cried as he was slapped again." does this sound like something a gang member would do in front of his fellow gangbangers?
Fuck these assholes.
MAGAs are just plain mean. To them it's now unfashionable to have compassion. Sick, sick, sick creeps and sadists.
Apparently (fact check, please), Elon said that America’s greatest weakness is “empathy”.
Our greatest strength as humans!
That's Elon's greatest deficiency. And the red Nazis. And the entire Numbnuts administration.
I read that!💔
That’s Elon’s point of view… from South Africa .. where a brilliant African leader was imprisoned for many years for political action (speaking/writing/leading his people) to F R E E D O M….
So cruel and MAGA absolutely loves it. Such evil
They only want the money that Putin Jr will give the Salvadoran s. The tactics used are pure fascism!
Laken Riley's murder was a tragedy. As usual the GOP and MAGA are cynically exploiting her death to advance their agenda of cruelty and lawlessness.
In reality, I'm guessing they really don't care about lacken Riley, let's see did they donate any money to her family to her funeral expenses, did they send an email? Did they drop in? Did they send a card?. none of that happened. These people do not give a flying fuck about any human except white Christian piece of shit fucking American men..... Not even if you're a christian woman, you don't count .....what a surprise
Thoughts and prayers—🤮🤮🤮—as usual. Like they actually pray to anyone but their orange jesus. (That small “j” is deliberate.)
I'd bet money they wouldn't correctly pick her out of a line up
Every murder of an innocent is tragic, but you don't see this kind of cruelty against American citizens who commit these crimes. Look at how they lionized Kyle Rittenhouse.
"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s boyfriend has a wild idea for dealing with vandals targeting Tesla dealerships.
Speaking on a broadcast Thursday, the reporter for Trump-loving Real America’s Voice suggested the vehicle manufacturer may need “Kyle Rittenhouse-style” armed guards at its outlets."
“Maybe it’s time to go full-on Kyle Rittenhouse-style security and start having armed security guards in front of a dealership,” Brian Glenn said. “If I was in charge of a dealership, that’s exactly what I would do because they are absolutely destroying a brand.”
Come on out bitch boi...brian
See what happens.
Bring marge The bounty hunter with you
SO agree! When I am privy to conversations of this kind, i like to inject an idea with regard to "race:" The fact is, HE WAS A MAN who preyed upon a woman who was alone -- can we just establish the REAL common denominator going on?
If they really gave a shit about Lakin Riley's death then they would have taken her name off of the bill like her mother and father asked them to. They don't care in the slightest, she's just a good story to justify their hateful bill.
At the same time, side with a war criminal. Killer KGB GOON ,and say how much they trust and believe his every word . Putins cruelty and lawlessness is killing tens of thousands. Trump complicent in it all. All his chaos is killing people. Daily.
I hope that poor child is resting in peace among the exploitation
Just like Putins enemies falling out of windows.
That is a haunting and horrific description of how those people kidnapped to El Salvador are being treated. What's also concerning is they're slapping and physically abusing them in front of a reporter. So if they do that to them in public, what are they doing to these people in private?
Their heads were shaved like in Nazi death camps. I found the treatment horrid, that's what awaits everyone unless we resist with vigor soon
I do believe most of these men were sent to their deaths. MAGA is mourning the fact they couldn't be publicly executed.
My wife is from New Zealand. She's a dual NZ-Croatia citizen and travels on her NZ passport. She does all the entry visa, always when she comes to America. She was scheduled to come to New Orleans in April. I told her she's not going to NO, and generally not coming here with the current atmosphere, for the foreseeable future. We've read the stories of those who have been detained for no reason, other than being from another country. I'm not going to risk her safety.
You are wise.
You are not over reacting at all.
My husband is a naturalized American citizen for 25 years with duel citizenship with St Kitts/Nevis… we have our global entry security… but SKN is now on some kind of “watch list”… we will not be traveling out of the US for probably the next 4 years. That means not seeing our kids, grands and new great grand. 😞
I read that. It seems they've placed several Caribbean resort destinations on the "yellow" watch list. It includes Antigua/Barbuda and St. Lucia, in addition to St. Kitts/Nevis, just saying they need to correct their "deficiencies." What are the "deficiencies," no one seems to know. Very sorry you can't visit your kids, grands and the new great grand.
Yes… our daughter said nothing “official” has come from the US. Seems SKN has a reciprocal agreement with Cuba for exchange of citizens for eduction and work opportunities.. Nit sure if that is the reason for the “ yellow listing”.
And I wonder how many AMERICAN citizens have thought about what happens when they leave the country. Will the NAZI Trump goons let us back in? We love going to Europe. But I can see these FASCIST PIGS trying to control our movements and keep us in, or keep us out. They don't care that it's ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They're lawless FASCISTS.
Do you ever get to see her? My heart breaks when a couple are split up. This country is on the brink of violence, I know it. I want to leave with my 77yr old husband, but he loves his doctors! If I had courage...
We see each other quite a bit. I'm the "commuter" in the marriage. My wife's professional and private life is in NZ. More than happy to fill that role. We did make it back a couple of weeks ago for her professional stuff. The customs guy barely looked up while stamping her passport, and said enjoy your time here. Probably saw the long line behind us. We do keep a fairly low profile whenever we travel.
Smart 👍.
Really unbelievable how stupid tRump voters are
That's why they're so easy to indoctrinate.
I think the dude thinks he can just emigrate to Peru. Or find a new wife?
Well,he is a cultist. So it's not too much of a stretch to see he isn't mentally, connected?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but we still live in the United States of America...right? If so, why do we have Communists, Fraudsters, Hucksters, Racists, Con Artists, Extortionists, Black Mailers, Idiots and Morons running this country? He's going to lock people up who disagree with him, he's offering corporate sponsorships to those who contribute to him, his butt buddy muskrat, is paying for people's votes? This is all just un-fecking-believable!! And any dumbass magat who believes the orange felon is doing what's right for the country, has drank way too much of the Kool-Aid. Sorry I'm ranting, but thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. 🤬😢
It's not the same USA, clearly, yet so many are still denying the obvious, probably because it's too horrible to contemplate. But it's real. If I hear "this is not who we are" one more time, I'll go mad. It IS who we are now, and you can't change or fix what you don't acknowledge. We are living in a police state and need to rise up in huge, unstoppable numbers to end it before we're all under 24 hour surveillance and deported to El Salvador.
Anyone -- and that includes brown nosing oligarchs -- who thinks it couldn't happen to them is living in fantasy land. Cheers for all the courageous law firms, reporters, and public servants who are standing firm against the Nazis speaking truth to power ... and for the Meidas Mighty and our intrepid editor Ron Filipkowski!!
Every time I hear “this is not who we are” I react just as you do. It IS who we are, thanks to the MAGAts. My only consolation is knowing karma is a bitch!
Totally agree.
FASCISTS only have POWER if you GIVE it to them !
I'm hearing, "I'm trying not to pay too much attention to what's going on". SMH
I hear that too. It's a fatal error.
"If I don't look at it, it's not there. . ."
I had an aunt that tried that with breast cancer.
Didn't work. . .
Better pay attention or you will be blindsided!
I read it all Shirley and I couldn't agree with you more.
Our supposed allies are now issuing travel warning about visiting the United States, and the sad part is, they are right to do it.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be an American traveler traveling in any western democracy right now. I read on BlueSky a guy said they were touring Mexico but he and his partner agreed to only speak French while they were in country as a precaution. Just think about that.
It is the destruction of our relationships with our allies that is so so so worrisome.
And the scary part is is that we are living in the country where other countries are telling their people not to come to. Beginning to feel like we are North Korea.
The loss of tourism dollars will be one more factor contributing to the wrecking of our economy.
I agree with you totally. Go ahead and rant.
We live in America, but not in a democracy.
Does not regret his vote 🤦♀️
Ikr? Upon return from honeymoon what? Divorce him! #notsorry
They always tell themselves that they are special and immune
Agree ... but i also kind of wonder if he fears further action(s) if he admits he has regrets
You are much more gracious than me. I can’t seem to give them credit to have thought it that far through.
🌞 thinkn they are accustomed to covert and manipulative responses as immigrants -- i think I'd be well versed, lol, but just sayn ;D
MAGA Maggot has no brain to use to regret his vote. That's how Trump wants them, clueless.
That must have been a heck of a honeymoon if that's what he is focused on. His vote.
D Wolf
I know, right?
🤦♀️. 🤦♀️. 🤦♀️
From the inside cover of Alexei Navalny's book 'Patriot'..."Navalny takes on the members of the regime, convinced they are wrecking his country, acting solely in their own interests, and have no desire to improve the lives of ordinary people."
Doesn't that sound just like us?
YES! Yes it does MAscrappy!
It sounds exactly like us now.
This evolving Civil War is between the Oligarchs and Middle Class America https://bit.ly/4ipr9bH
Who’s going to win? Cash or Class? The oligarchs are outnumbered and class will vote out the Nazis(aka Republicans)
Take the Oligarchs/Nazis out and then TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM
In the 1950’s the tax rate for the wealthy was 70%!!!! Today 42% in the US for the top 1% and that’s generous EU countries 50%
This is why we have a wealth gap in this country
You are working with the logical premise that there will be national elections in future allowing people to vote out these blatantly evil fascists.Understandable because that's the "normal"progression of the election and voting laws in our nation.
Daily we witness the criminal behavior ,the twisting and corrupting of laws by this administration.
It's not too far -fetched to imagine that there will be some kind of manufactured incident in order to lock down the nation ,create a police state and usher in martial law. Elections will be "postponed". There is nothing that this insane want to be dictator and his entire administration won't do to retain power. Hitler ,Putin,Orban ,and other dictator/autocrats are Trump's inspiration
carry on you are doing well
I don't believe that! He either doesn't care or hates his wife...either way he prob hates his wife to not regret
Well he said it “crossed his mind” to move to where his wife will be. They were on their honeymoon.
He’s just a selfish jerk.
SELFISH, EGOTISTICAL POS. I hope he gets what’s coming to him.
Don't forget his son. What a completely selfish slow-learner fool (the father, not his son).
Today's bulletin was particularly heartbreaking and enraging. I'm overwhelmed and can only imagine how painful it must have been to sort through even more of this horrid material and distill it down to not one wasted word. Best single source of news around. Thank you, Ron, for everything you do.
Completely agree.
To the point where I dread Wednesdays and Saturdays because there is no bulletin on those days. I miss it on Ron's off days.
Wed. you get Ron's Uncovered podcast. Saturday is a day of rest for our overloaded minds, broken hearts, and especially for Ron and his family.
Incredibly inclusive and coherent report. Government administration is a collection of dishonest, ignorant sickos. Hope the semi- literate little thug in immigration ends up in jail, and that Bondi, one of the two blonde vipers, loses her license (You're not in Florida anymore).
This Trump 2.0 is so much worse than I ever imagined that it would be. And both Parties in Congress stand mostly silent while our nation is dismantled.
Dismantled? More like forcibly raped...and by the First Rapist himself.