He's the dumbest person's worst instincts come to life

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Actually you can also say anyone who supports him or treats him as serious is not to far behind him in lacking intelligence and good judgement.

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Why does anyone expect this devolving sociopath to have any sense of the behavior of normal people?

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Who does this? I swear he never ceases to amaze me😳SMH

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or disgust me.

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That too!!

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Agreed here!!

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What an absolutely putrid fool this creature is. The embodiment of pure evil. Please, america, send this man to jail as soon as he loses in a landslide. Eradicate the GQP and their scorched earth policies of hate, death, lies and destruction.

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I hope the Rabbi had the good sense to snatch the prayer book from him and have it disinfected!

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Nope, he wanted it.

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Sure he wanted it, look at his face, read what’s going through the grift machine! Can we do this prayer book with a gold cover with my picture on it? Can we add the constitution, bill of rights, Gettysburg Address? How much could we get for it. $100, $500, or even $1000? Maybe I add a piece of my tie as a book mark, wow easy $5000!

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No matter what he says, Trump speaks for the 74 million people who voted for him and are different from him by degree, not by kind.

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There are lots of experts, psychiatrists and others who have a different explanation. It's not true that half of Americans are narcissists. Trump has mesmerised poor, uneducated (and greedy, power hungry) people, creating a cult. He continues to use his rhetoric to inspire fear. That's the key ingredient. It's a perfect storm drawing upon (sadly) pre-existing racism and misogyny, etc and the growing disaffection of the public as they realise the American dream is actually not possible. (All the money is being sucked up to the top .5% of the wealthy but Trump has effectively blamed it on migrants, etc. That idea sits better with a public who are obsessed with fame and fortune. They don't want to blame wealthy, white men who appear successful.

(Come on justice system! Get this guy into a prison cell... after which many or most cult members will return back to normal. Then we have to work hard at combating the problems that 'Trickle down economics' has created over the last 40+ years. We now know that wealth at the top doesn't trickle down to the general population. It aggregates.


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Dr. Brandy Lee has known of his threat to millions for close to a decade. I'm sure you have kept yourself apprized of his diagnosis by the world's most respected psychiatrists. If not, Meidas Touch Network's Anthony Davis and Dr Lee present weekly on his podcast.

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Thanks for your good response. My comment is only suggesting MAGAs all share some of Trump’s characteristics.

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Making himself look ridiculous is nothing new for DarnOld, but he has outdone himself by donning a yarmulke.

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I know! It looks so ridiculous!

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I'm amazed it didn't immediately ignite!

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I saw that and hoped it would catch fire.

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Jews for Hitler?! The world is a madhouse!😒

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I'm guessing then, not actually a real jew. But what do I know anymore?!

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Mel Brooks should write the movie “ The Producers II, and cast Scott Baio and Jon Voight in the leads

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The reality that an individual that is lawless, divisive, violent, an unmatched liar and sexual predator would assume that those that have written prayer in that sacred scribe/book would WANT his "signature"...need any more proof of his psychotic level of narcissism. This fact is blatant. Hundreds of his previous actions, including Jan. 6, have already proven that this same narcissistic psychosis prevents him from behaving safely in society, much less in a position of power.

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Very... No, Extremely well said! Thank you💙

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Be strong Pamela. Not even Trump can toe the scales of justice forever. I truly believe that Newton's third law of motion, or action and reaction (wherever a force or action is applied their will be an equal and opposite force or reaction) applies in judicial settings. The scales of justice are always going to be pressing for an equilibrium. Whereas here, yes, Trump has his popularity, his lawyers, and his radical followers (shadows to be more succinct) but, pulling the scales back toward center are folks like yourself, like Jack Smith, Meidas Touch, MSNBC, those wonderful and steadfast fighters on the left in Congress, etc. Thanks Again.

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Please forgive my their, there. So shameful.

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trump thinks he's god, but he's an ignorant fuckwit.

What did the Rabbi say?

I feel like this has to have a punchline.

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My punchline would be "shove-it".

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I would like him to autograph a full confession to his crimes.

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That would be a miracle indeed.🙄

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Best observation yet!! I'm 💯% in favor!

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Any questions? He hasn't an ounce of respect for the sanctity of prayer. He cannot be humble anytime, anywhere.

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I am an atheist, but I thought you were not supposed to desecrate holy books by modifying them or let’s say autographing them. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

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Generally, that's correct, but there are exceptions. For example, my communion prayer book was inscribed by the bishop who performed the service, who wrote a blessing in it. Trump autographing and religious book seems like sacrilege to me. These text are not for collecting celebrity signatures. He's clueless, not surprisingly.

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I also had my First Communion prayer book signed by a bishop, however he was not an adjudicated rapist and 34x convicted criminal and the signature included a blessing.

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If he has no problem desecrating our flag, why would he think twice about "some book" (his perspective)? I'm betting he's offering, and thinking he's doing the rabbi a favor, because the resale value with his signature is what's getting calculated in his head. 🙄🫤

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At least he's not hugging the prayer book like he hugs (humps??) flags.

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The stench of Trump. Who wants that?

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The Flies that swarm his poop emoji aura sure do!

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Trump, Hitler, and a Rabbi walk into a bar….

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You mean Trump Hitler, a rabbi & who's the third?

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Ok , Elon Musk

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Although Elon wouldn’t walk in but he would hop into the bar like a coked up bunny😹

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Good one. Musk is allowing antisemitic conspiracies to be spread on his social platform X the latest one that Jews are responsible for hurricane Helene which was also cited by everyone’s favorite right wing Republican nut job MTG who is racing Trump to the bottom of the cesspool.

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I’ve been saying it for years that Elon Musk is a real life James Bond super villain

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Please God🙏🏼 let the Rabbi escape out the backdoor.

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ooooh that's scary for trump and hitler

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Do not be fooled. The man does not like Jews, nor does he like Blacks or Browns or Asians or Muslims or Gays or Women or School Children or Veterans or Poor People or Disabled Persons. His list goes on. He has never been and he will never be a President for all the people.

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