Who on earth is going to put a stop to this Piece of Excrement running wild???

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I have started a “list of Trump nicknames” and wanted to let you know I’m adding Piece of Excrement to it. Thank you :)

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He’s a “ Fucking Piece of Excrement “, now I feel better!😊

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I’ll add that too! 🤣

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/6Yyj8iSZmR

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Susan, you have added depth and weight to the English language, and that is appreciated.

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I’m very “ honored”😁

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"Excrement" is far too civil.

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And he’s is a schmendrek for sure😄

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Speaking personally, I'd excise the 1st syllable & label him simply "drek," which is basically the same thing as your accurate descriptive w/out the gerund adjective. 🤣

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Schmendryck, mein landsman, I heard from a good friend the other day that vance is the Yiddish word for bedbug. If it's true, then wowie!

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Drek for sure!!!! 💩💩💩💩

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For sure! Though it may be too nice

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There you go! I knew you'd come up with another one--or at least refine that one!

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Don't forget "Cheeto-Christ Stoopid-Czar"

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Kudos to Randy Rainbow for "Cheeto Christ Superstar". That's one of my favorite R.R. parodies 💙

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I love that kid. Brilliantly talented and fun. Articulate to a fault.

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orange mango Mussolini cartoon character!

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Yup! Stepford Wife for sure.

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"StepInShitford Wife" maybe?

Ah, I've had way too much fun in my lunch hour for a Monday ..

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Wow that’s good, adding to the list!!!

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Add this one to your list: Demento Stinkolini

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"That's MISTER Stinkolini to YOU, Sir!!!"


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Don't forget what he calls his Slovenian acquisition. Word is the word is c**t.

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Hey, I have some mostly naked "modeling" shots from Malaria's famous modeling career if you want some. Right off the internet. Just search for Melania modeling photos. Unfortunately the site that came up has cropped photos; I have the really sleazy ones, and they're really revolting. Slovenia, you can do better than that!

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C**t should not be used as a pejorative. Use the word whore instead.

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Curt? Can't? Chit? Cent? Cyrt? Cvyt? Czst?

I feel a song coming on...

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OMGosh LOL 🤣

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I saw Sir Wideass of Orange on a Boston Globe post. I kinda liked that one.

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Was Sir Wideass just SITTING on that post or was he actually PLANTED upon it, like something out of some Italian cannibal exploitation flick?

It IS Boston, after all...

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Proper Boston Sensibilities! :-)

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He's worse than shit on the bottom of my shoe.

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Shorten POSTUS to POS (piece of shhhhh)

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Comrade crap-in-pants

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Orange Monster

Liar Liar

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I use POS (president Orange Snake), previously just Orange Snake. POS also has another meaning.

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Dumb dumb on “polite” sites and kid safe sites.

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Lol… we referred to him as the orange shit stain on American history!

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If you're still on this site--look at my comment. I'd sure, however, that all the words I have on my list (and I even left some out on that comment) are all the ones you have on yours!

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Someone posted that they have named their toilet The Gulf of Trump and poop is called Musk. "Honey, did you leave a Musk in the Gulf?"

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Hasn't it always been called that? I know, I know...but it does have a ring to it. As in 'gotta go take a musk' or 'gotta go clean the gulf of trump'. Actually, I prefer the term 'trump dump'.

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Oh that’s good!!! 😂

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... Still calling my bathroom My SCIF...

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Fabulous! Funny! Fitting!

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I needed to laugh 🤣😂 tyvm for all the wonderful new nicknames for orange dumpy felon

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Giggle, giggle, giggle! LOVE IT! Obviously, I really NEEDED your comment!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! Please send us more! (UM.....of your comments that is, not the.......well.......um.....other stuff...)

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The Dow Jones Index down 800 points this morning. All because of Musk and Trump whipsawing unemployment and tariffs. Recession? Or worse? Look out below!

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Graceless. Dysfunctional. Dipshits in charge.

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You’re too kind.

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You nailed it.

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where is all the maga outrage, they can't blame President Biden.

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Protests. If you’re in DC 3/14/25 Friday at noon. EVERY ABLE PERSON ❤️💙❤️💙❤️

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I can see the protests becoming huge as the months go by and the shit hits the fan harder and harder. The USA is crumbling and only the people can put a stop to it. Go for it people get rid of the virus

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I agree - we need to be LOUDER NOW...seriously...and beyond d.c. we have to show the naysayers what a truly enraged population looks like

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I wish I was there!!!

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I cannot get to DC. Are we holding protests in other states at the same time.

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Yes. Organize friends. Especially friends who’ve been laid off. Or just friends. Call 202-334-2121 that Congress and Senators. Call your governor. Or check out State Democratic Party. They’ll know. Thanks. We need to do this. Big time. Please make a sign n bring it🇺🇸💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️

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Wish I could! Live too far away (Washington State) and can't couldn't even afford to get there.

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Do something else. Call your senators and congresspeople. Every day bug the sht outta them ok

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Especially in Red states!

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In process.

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By working on the Republicans like Bacon of Kentucky…who disagrees with Trump…It would be great if someone like him could encourage other Republicans to get encouraged to stand up…wouldn’t that be something?

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Tell those scared of being primaried Republicans that if they let the orange felon destroy the country being primaried will be the LEAST of their worries

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Good thought.

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Maybe the big bucks in private equity will try to stop it? Meiselas said private equity is tanking, which is a tiny silver lining?

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Just wait, says Brooklyn "Brookie" (Mrs. Ed). She says somebody is going to go "postal" on his a**. He keeps effing up peoples' lives and he thinks he's beyond being reigned in? He ain't. Just wait. The "All hell is going to break loose" applies to him and his drug-taking freak of nature aka Musk.

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Wait, what? “Brookie” actually said that? Oops; are you referring to your spouse? What a weird coincidence because the new head of Dept. of Ag was referred to as Brookie on Fox News yesterday. I knew it was too good to be true . . . LOL. Best to the Missus.

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We are the power.

We are proud and loud and powerful and NOT VIOLENT AMERICANS 🇺🇸

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You better no be too nice

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Great. We are the power. Remember this. No more division guys



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All of us together, we can protest by any means necessary under this corrupted farce of an administration.

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It's called GOOD TROUBLE!

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Don’t think. Just do something. Anything. This is outta control 🇺🇸

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Fk them like Lutnick. To busy shorting the market with bozo.

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WE ARE! Let's impoverish these MFs!

Shutdown 315! Put your credit cards away. Pay off your debt. Shop local and only corporations that fight against this, such as Costco. Use Goods Unite Us app to figure out who to support and who to boycott. Let's him them in their stocks and support only businesses that support our values. Capitalism at it's finest!

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Bwahahaha- you are so right. I have 2 dogs and I picked up some piles this morning that had more value than Trump.

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making sure you have Manchurian Canteloupe and Mango Malfeasance :)

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Yes but let’s be fair you can always remove excrement from your shoe.

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Speaking of Bezos, Ruth Marcus, columnist and Associate Editor of the Washington Post, has resigned.

Will Lewis refused to print a piece she wrote criticizing the recent decision not to print dissenting viewpoints in the Opinion section.

Ruth Marcus has been at The Post for many years.

Jeff Bezos is destroying his reputation as quickly as Musk has.

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Good. Let them all go face down in a batch of wet cement. Sick of all the BS.

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Oh wow! Ruth Marcus. Soon to be on Substack where journalistic freedom still reigns. I like her.

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Yes, she was one of my favorites when I was a subscriber of WaPo. It’s heartbreaking what Bezos is doing.

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At least the mask of pretense is off. WaPo is finished. So many institutions falling.

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Bezos wants to remember the people got him where he is now buying all his stuff on Amazon. I have cancelled my Amazon Prime account and buy from Temu, Shein, etc yes they are Chinese but better than these nazi scumbags

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What a F’n joke! So this “dividend check”!Will help reduce our deficit? The MAGA republicans need to stop blaming Biden, for the destruction being done by their felon leader and the Muskrat!

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Somebody needs to call Judas. Thirty pieces of silver ought to do the trick. This orange-faced mthfkr needs an old-fashioned attitude adjustment.

The instant a journalist asks him a question he doesn't know the answer to or doesn't want to answer, he counters with an insult: "You've lost your credibility." WTF? Dumbass MFR needs to be Baker Acted like yesterday.

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This all trump’s fault not Biden!!!

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Absolutely right!

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Only people with common sense knows this but not MAGA…

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rump is crashing humanity at the moment

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Good choice of words. At this point, my retirement funds are actually secondary to my worries about humanity.

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Mine, too--and I'm retired and don't even have a lot of money.

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Same. And apparently we might get a check signed by Trump himself to represent all the savings from DOGE. Somehow I doubt that a check for $18 (a guess) will compensate for our losses in the market. Never mind the cost of the stunt itself, of sending out paper checks.

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Where is the Babushka lady when we need her?

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Ukraine being bombed

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The "Trump Touch". Everything he touches turns to 💩

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Trump is full of lying bs. IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!

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Too bad it won't happen because the republiCRAPS have all the control and they still think he's God.

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Biden’s fault is totally BS.

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It all tracks that is all trumps fault.

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People believe this crap?

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The creeps who voted for him do--or they do unless and until they personally lose their sh*t at home and on the job.

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Maybe not even then. They willingly died of Covid, in ironclad denial.

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Stupid people, stupid games and stupid prizes.

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You made my morning, Ed. I was in a devolving conversation on another Substack thread for calling MAGAs “stupid”. How can there be any debate?

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agreed - for fun when you have a strong stomach, look at the BS they post on Fox news clips etc...they think we are all hysterical and they love it. It's tragically sad and predictable

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Exactly. What are we going to do about it? I’m searching for scheduled protests near me and nada/zip/nothing. We must take to the streets asap.

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You are exactly right. Those who remember we took to the streets during the Vietnam War and it caused President Johnson not to run again because of the TET offensive by the North. It worked and Nixon began the pullout. I remember the riots and Chicago Convention. A mess and then Kent State. But do Magadonians even know what TET was? Do they even know what Chicago is! They probably think it's a Broadway Play. Are we in the same mode? Of never learning lessons from our past? It's time to bring it on and vote Blue everywhere on any election.

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I’m old enough to have lived through those years. Civil rights movement, anti war movement, Women’s movement, Earth Day - all of these were won because thousands went to the streets. I’m ready. Didn’t think I would have to at my age but for f’s sake this is serious people!

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There is a "be careful" caveat. We make too much noise and he justifies declaring Marshall law. I'm very worried about that potential turn of events. Not to say, I wouldn't go to jail to fight this MF.

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He'd have a tough time getting federal judges to go along with his insane declaration. Besides. it'd be dangerous for him since we don't know if there's a Brutus in the WH. And .. "A funny thing happened on the way to the forum." 😉He's the one who's got to be careful.

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Same here. I have grandkids! I'm fighting for them.

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Condemned to repeat the past because history wasn't taught. Tech replaced everything. Read Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity.

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Bill, I do remember! I was and am right there with you! Then and now!

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I was in the thick of it. I was in the Marines and fought in the Battle of Hue in Early 68. I went down and was medivaced out. So I was home to see Chicago and Johnson and Nixon. I began to believe in the protests because the Battle was won but I could see the war would lose. It's because the ARVN South Vietnamese Army mostly did not give a shit. They just wanted to go home and many did during battles. I was young and ignorant at that time and I grew up fast and could see how protests in mass can work. We need that now!!!

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Bill, thank you for your service. I was 1Y due to being deaf in one ear since birth. I can't begin to imagine what you and your fellow Marines went through. I only know that my best friend returned a changed person. I'm also sorry for what so many Vietnam vets suffered from the public when they returned. I'm glad you are here today!

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Bill I did not serve, missed the draft by a year but have studied history and know the Battle of Hue was a gruesome affair. USMC was amazing.

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If you have any blue representatives let them know they need to hold the line on the budget even if it means the Republicans cause a shut down. No playing nice, no bipartisan support until they stand up and get control of the executive branch and then negotiate in good faith with guarantees. If you have red reps, let them know they need to worry more about their constituents than Trump and Musk because their jobs are on the line

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Where are you? In the St. Louis metro area there have been and will continue to be protests. Already scheduled. I think they are everywhere. Please keep looking. We need everyone.

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Google Indivisible. They have all sorts of information for your area. If you just google Atlanta protests you will see many have been taking place already.

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Thanks, Georgine! (DUH--I should have thought of that.....!)

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I watch the news all the time. (Not just the same station.) I must be too upset to pay attention because I don't remember seeing anything om the news about protests in the St. Lous area (or not too many others). Now I'm wondering, did the Dictator Criminal Demented Deranged Psycho start stifling free speech, etc., so that's why? I know that dips**t and the Wonder muskRAT are working on it.

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where do you live? there are huge protests happening in every city almost daily. 3 or 4 this past week here in Cincinnati, OH

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I live in Wyoming where only 32% of us vote Democrat. We lose every election. If we wanted a major protest it would make the Republicans start another Johnson County War like they did in 1890. It was the worst part of Wyoming history where Texas gunmen were hired to being down the free range loving ranchers. All supported by our Governor who also knew about the hanging of Cattle Kate and her Boyfriend Journalist who told the truth.

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I’ve lived in Wyoming three different times, and feel your pain. Don’t forget Matthew Shepherd.

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Tax payer revolt. Risky unless it’s massive.

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Tea Party.

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Plenty is being done. You may have to travel to join a protest. Look for Show Up on Facebook. If all else fails. start canvassing where you live. Build where you are.

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I’ve been to three protests in my small town recently. We have an active chapter of Indivisible, which is often an organizer.

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Super Duper!

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He's so fill if shit if course his people will believe they will get a check f djt and president musk,!

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If he sends a check, nobody should deposit it. The money likely won't be there. What a crock of BS he is. There has got to be a way to rid ourselves of this demonic, sold out idiot. There just has to be!

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Excellent point. totally agree. All those checks are going to bounce, anyway.

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What an idiot. I guess it's whatever lies you can sell your followers. They seem to believe whatever he can blame on someone else.

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Which Trump has gotten away with his entire life. Blame others. How did people fall for this? It’s so obvious.

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You're right. He thinks he's untouchable. There is a person in jail right now who also thought he was untouchable. Actually, there are two persons locked up. Both are like Trump: sexual perverts, liars, and cheaters. One of the duo lived in one of Trump's buildings!

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Jeffrey Epstein was a locked up pervert. Until he wasn’t locked up anymore.

Just curious who you’re referring to; seems like all the perverts got pardoned or . . . some other form of release.

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Puff Daddy and “I Believe I Can Fly” Robert “R” Kelly. These two ingrates are not part of the JAN gang. They’re just as filthy, however, as the Dumpster.

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Oh yeah. Hard to keep track of all the miscreants. I’m outraged about the Tate brothers being brought back from Romania, when nobody was clamoring for that. Women should all be very afraid. Misogyny is in the march and it’s not even subtle. Countdown to when Puff and Kelly are set free by Trump.

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I hear ya'. My wife and daughters are fearless. The girls are just as handy with self-defense as our boys. We raised 'em up that way. So, fear isn't an issue. Preparation is. Besides, 911 isn't as instant a guarantee for relief. We like to say, "Call 911! Tell 'em to bring lunch and an extra body bag!"

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Which Trump has gotten away with his entire life. Blame others. How did people fall for this? It’s so obvious.

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The check will be worthless when our economy is tanked. He only knows how to bankrupt himself and now the USA😡

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Check what's he's dine to crypto

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Tanking, I hope? Apparently Trump is serious about a national crypto reserve! That’s reason enough to launch a tax payer revolt . . .

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TSLA down 13.5% . If no one buys it has to do down.

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Telsa now down 15.5% for the day. Dow futures down 1130 pts today brought to you by Trump.

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