It's the orange clown. He is not my president and he will never be my president. I will do whatever I can to fight against his insanity and greed. Same with muskrat. They are despised by all people who love the truth, democracy and we will defend our Constitution.
Yes I think it's getting time to dump that not picked now compost due to no immigrant farmers available up wind to the disgusting slime stupid fat pig Donald where ever he is Marr locco beach, upwind Doral, up wind Oval
we must give the Donald something that he understands is his doing!! He will understand eventually I think when he is finally put in jail!! leading an insurrection puts him out of office? how about 2025's chaos and resulting Cuo now??
I know that federal game they tried it with me a couple times as a fed employee "hit him hard and fast" it didn't work we know how to tuck and roll !!
HE'S NOT EVEN A PRESIDENT. He's a mobster. He had no intention of making America great again. All he's doing is looting the treasury to hoard more money, seeking to punish people who have called him out on his crimes, and being a king for his own self-aggrandizement.
The people that worship him are complete brainwashed lunatics.
He's a very sick and deranged person who has no business being free in this country because he doesn't care about anyone but himself.
I'm so pissed what he's done with elon musk in on the grift. They're both complete psychopaths killing people to save their billions. It's disgusting and disgraceful.
Mobsters have a code beyond greed and and they are's a bit of an insult to mobsters but I get your point 100% and agree he is dangerous and sick... also what about the Republic Party who are continuing to back his agenda...some of them must have morals but are simply cowards and greedy.
haha you're right and i appreciate the perspective about a code beyond. And yes I've seen interviews where Dems say that there are Rs that disapprove but they seem to fall in line anyway. But did you see what the Kansas senator did with speaking out about USAID? I wonder how that will play out.
yes Donald is not smart enough to be a mobster, Donald is a stupid buffoon, and easily manipulated by the highest bidder! Elon is still throwing him money so he can buy in! he was probably somewhat honest he "didn't read the 2025 900 pager plan"! but lied and did know about it!!
they are just using him, including Elon while he dismantles connections, he has with pending lawsuits including his current grudge with South Africa neither one care about us, they never did! it's all about them like most any Narcist. They must be stopped their on track with that 100 day plan it appears even with 70 lawsuits pending??
Trump is the village idiot, with a significant following of his own kind. Musk is the evil genius. Both are power-hungry sociopaths and in combination are the most poisonous threat ever to confront this country.
agreed he left South Africa when Mandella moved in had some money and invested in an electric car company. he definitely is a Narcist that can be evidenced by how he insults people that call him out . He's reckless as evidence by laying off Nuke monitoring employees. Bird Flu employees? inflating numbers on what he claims he's saving! it's going to cost us much more he does not deserved a tax break!! Donald is just going where he's pointed by the ones that bought him!! Reckless Elon is doing some major damage and no one can stop him??
Ben and Team, you are making me more and more proud of being part of the GREAT family of the Midas Mighty. Your strength and enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you
I totally agree that their strength and enthusiasm is contagious. I'm a blue half speck in a red red sea and this group keeps me going! We cannot give up or give in an it would be easy to do without a strong leader and support group and that's what I get here. I'll never know if any of my small actions matter, but I do believe that if we all (close to 4 million of us!) do small things or better yet big things for those who can, we will make a difference. When I read on Jessica craven's Chop Wood Carry Water's Sunday Extra Extra editions where she shares positive accomplishments from the past week, I notice many are at the state level and we need to pay a lot of attention to what we can do there.
I really believe that sea is getting diluted with BLUE! all over the country, no one is immune to the attacks, the failures, the nightmares Orange turd is causing in every area of policy, and soon the economy will catch up to it. Red states are not just not immune, they have no inoculation at all to the economic collapse :( But if anything will create the red dots to change color, it's that.
There are some red dots that are changing! In my little red town, there are quite a few people that have walked over their snow-covered fields to take down all of their signs and Sunkist Stalin flags. This is working! Keep up the great work. I appreciate your truth and integrity. Don't back down to a small, minded man with a fragile ego!
What is really sad is that Biden's infrastructure was really concentrated more in the red states and there seemed to be little appreciation for that. I am wondering with all the nonsense that Trump is doing if that is going to be cut off?
It sure has put the GOP in a bind..they have to support trump but it will be very obvious (well maybe not unless the Dems get their act together and make it very obvious) that cutting off the funding the Biden admin put in place will hurt the locals. Possibly a lot...just like cutting off FEMA funds to FLA. LA, Alabama, Texas.... I will be surprised if any GOP folks choose their constituents over trump, but maybe one or two will.
I wonder if the Dems would literally blast red states with billboards and ads making these points, if it would make any difference, especially now that Canada was/is specifically targeting them with tariffs, etc.?
Very good article...I like having all the statistics in one place. I don't think the red states are flippable any more (but I'd sure like to see what they will do when the federal funding that supports them is ended...they don't have enough income to raise stat taxes to make up the difference) but there are those swing states and if somehow we can make sure the all votes are counted, and somehow not have musk controlling the vote counting, I think we could win back a majority in both houses. It seems to me it is critical that we support local state campaigns so we can get honest folks in office who will somehow prevent musk from controlling the vote counting. If musk is smart enough to rig th elections. surely some billionaire who till now has been not in the public eye can hire some who can outsmart the muskies. Mother Jones reports that America has close to 1,000 billionaires, and while most of them only care about making money, maybe, just maybe there are a few who could band together and work for liberty and justice for all and they could hire folks who would make elections legal and fair .
Ben you continue to be the new Voice of America. Your teaming up with Jim Acosta was a brilliant move. Keep these interviews coming. Stay strong. Be safe.
What a great idea!!!! Ben and Jimmy. Like Ben and Jerry's, but instead of ice cream, Ben and Jimmy could present the different flavors of democracy like freedom of speech, free and fair elections, etc.
The rapist, criminal, insurrectionist is such a moron that he doesn’t even know that he’s being used by the Muskrat, Stephanie Miller and Putin. He’s a pathetic little being.
Why hasn’t the undercover video of Vought been put out be democratic congress in which he discusses his plans to put the President and his Christian Nationalism in place. These plans are currently being put in place in real time by the president. It’s really going to happen. Americans need to know this.
".Defying Hitler......The Germans who resisted Hitler".....right now I am on page 131 and it is very uplifting........sadly aurhor Gordon James passed away but his work lives on.
The torch of resistance to tyranny is being passed on. It is up to us to hold it high and light the way to freedom.
If only he could confirm he’s not stupid, if only we actually knew how smart he is? The little hands make him appear shorter but how could we know unless he tells us he’s smart?
For Melania nude shots.... Russian state TV is the go to ........the new Melania Playboy channel.........Russian dudes are sevicing themselves to bare ass second lady shots..........(mushroom boy is the first lady definatly)
Justin would never go for a Magat woman.......botox hair extensions.....fake eyelashes.......breast implants......fake personality.......fake christian nationalist......made in china cross MAGA hat........miss anything???
Melania was just missing her secret serviing man that day.......LOL!!!
Canadian border is the 49th parallel and it is going nowhere....ever!!!
He is corrupt to the core and so are his acolytes. The country has installed a monster and it will take an awakening of everyone to move the needle toward his removal from the highest office in the land. He's "livid" at Democracy as he tries to become "one of the boys" like other demigods he openly pays homage to. He is an amoral, decrepit, evil, bought and paid-for tool of America's enemies. His allegiance to evil leaders is on full display.
His promises handshakes and oaths of office are meaningless. Chief Justice Roberts should have insisted he place his hand on the Bible when administering the Presidential Oath of Office instead of permitting him to raise his right hand and keep his left hand at his side.
SCOTUS is tainted and they along with this evil administration have earned a no-confidence vote from many of us. Word we heard was the FBI and Secret Service "had their hands full" protecting former POTUS Obama. If that is true then they've got a much more difficult job protecting the king of corruption! We should have had HRC as the first female POTUS followed by former Vice President Kamala Harris. Instead, Trump sold a package of BS with no guarantees, no warranty and no refunds.
Someone said: "We have the government we deserve." Well, we were aided by the Electoral College and the fools who stayed home along with the numbskulls who voted for him.
Roberts is another one of Trump's thugs, just tries to hide it with that black robe. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh will do anything to keep Trump safe. Probably same can be said about Barrett. With 6 (Un)Justices jockeying for Trump's favor, America doesn't stand a chance.
It definitely sounds like your team has THE hedge of protection around you, sent by Almighty God. God is love and truth. Need I say more?
I wonder if Chump is trying to figure out who your WH insider is? Teehee 🤭
Thank you for keeping the world informed of Chumps backhanded lies and sneaky trickery. It needs to be exposed, like the fraud/con, limp d*ck, 🍊, hair piece wearing, POS that he is.
And may no weapon formed against you (MTN) prosper. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏽
"God is love and truth." Are you referring to the God who either helplessly stood by and let Trump be elected, didn't care that he was, or actively helped him be elected?
When trump orders the US Military (think Blackhawk choppers buzzing protest crowds) to contain and disperse protesting American's, we will be in a whole new era of crisis.
Like you I fear this is in our not too distant future.
Hey Trump, if you're reading this - you suck, you orange faced git 🖕
It's the orange clown. He is not my president and he will never be my president. I will do whatever I can to fight against his insanity and greed. Same with muskrat. They are despised by all people who love the truth, democracy and we will defend our Constitution.
Love the name “Muskrat”!
I call him melon husk because all he's good for is the compost heap
Even the compost heap is to good for him. He would rote the veggies!
Yes I think it's getting time to dump that not picked now compost due to no immigrant farmers available up wind to the disgusting slime stupid fat pig Donald where ever he is Marr locco beach, upwind Doral, up wind Oval
we must give the Donald something that he understands is his doing!! He will understand eventually I think when he is finally put in jail!! leading an insurrection puts him out of office? how about 2025's chaos and resulting Cuo now??
I know that federal game they tried it with me a couple times as a fed employee "hit him hard and fast" it didn't work we know how to tuck and roll !!
HE'S NOT EVEN A PRESIDENT. He's a mobster. He had no intention of making America great again. All he's doing is looting the treasury to hoard more money, seeking to punish people who have called him out on his crimes, and being a king for his own self-aggrandizement.
The people that worship him are complete brainwashed lunatics.
He's a very sick and deranged person who has no business being free in this country because he doesn't care about anyone but himself.
I'm so pissed what he's done with elon musk in on the grift. They're both complete psychopaths killing people to save their billions. It's disgusting and disgraceful.
Mobsters have a code beyond greed and and they are's a bit of an insult to mobsters but I get your point 100% and agree he is dangerous and sick... also what about the Republic Party who are continuing to back his agenda...some of them must have morals but are simply cowards and greedy.
haha you're right and i appreciate the perspective about a code beyond. And yes I've seen interviews where Dems say that there are Rs that disapprove but they seem to fall in line anyway. But did you see what the Kansas senator did with speaking out about USAID? I wonder how that will play out.
thank you! I will check it out
yes Donald is not smart enough to be a mobster, Donald is a stupid buffoon, and easily manipulated by the highest bidder! Elon is still throwing him money so he can buy in! he was probably somewhat honest he "didn't read the 2025 900 pager plan"! but lied and did know about it!!
they are just using him, including Elon while he dismantles connections, he has with pending lawsuits including his current grudge with South Africa neither one care about us, they never did! it's all about them like most any Narcist. They must be stopped their on track with that 100 day plan it appears even with 70 lawsuits pending??
Trump is the village idiot, with a significant following of his own kind. Musk is the evil genius. Both are power-hungry sociopaths and in combination are the most poisonous threat ever to confront this country.
Muskrat is no genius, inherited wealth like his puppet. Hires young kids with brains to do all the work. Muskrat & Rump, mobsters for hire.
agreed he left South Africa when Mandella moved in had some money and invested in an electric car company. he definitely is a Narcist that can be evidenced by how he insults people that call him out . He's reckless as evidence by laying off Nuke monitoring employees. Bird Flu employees? inflating numbers on what he claims he's saving! it's going to cost us much more he does not deserved a tax break!! Donald is just going where he's pointed by the ones that bought him!! Reckless Elon is doing some major damage and no one can stop him??
Let’s remove genius from that sentence.
Not my president either!!!
JADS: Jim Acosta Derangement Syndrome. Commonly found with orange faced gits. Democracy is the only cure:
Acosta Derangement Syndrome: love it because they'll hate it
The gammers , complainers, the orange coated framers with Don the Kon Kult Klaim-ers
Shore up mates, this is gonna be a long one ….
Orange grifter
Ben and Team, you are making me more and more proud of being part of the GREAT family of the Midas Mighty. Your strength and enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you
I totally agree that their strength and enthusiasm is contagious. I'm a blue half speck in a red red sea and this group keeps me going! We cannot give up or give in an it would be easy to do without a strong leader and support group and that's what I get here. I'll never know if any of my small actions matter, but I do believe that if we all (close to 4 million of us!) do small things or better yet big things for those who can, we will make a difference. When I read on Jessica craven's Chop Wood Carry Water's Sunday Extra Extra editions where she shares positive accomplishments from the past week, I notice many are at the state level and we need to pay a lot of attention to what we can do there.
I really believe that sea is getting diluted with BLUE! all over the country, no one is immune to the attacks, the failures, the nightmares Orange turd is causing in every area of policy, and soon the economy will catch up to it. Red states are not just not immune, they have no inoculation at all to the economic collapse :( But if anything will create the red dots to change color, it's that.
There are some red dots that are changing! In my little red town, there are quite a few people that have walked over their snow-covered fields to take down all of their signs and Sunkist Stalin flags. This is working! Keep up the great work. I appreciate your truth and integrity. Don't back down to a small, minded man with a fragile ego!
What is really sad is that Biden's infrastructure was really concentrated more in the red states and there seemed to be little appreciation for that. I am wondering with all the nonsense that Trump is doing if that is going to be cut off?
It sure has put the GOP in a bind..they have to support trump but it will be very obvious (well maybe not unless the Dems get their act together and make it very obvious) that cutting off the funding the Biden admin put in place will hurt the locals. Possibly a lot...just like cutting off FEMA funds to FLA. LA, Alabama, Texas.... I will be surprised if any GOP folks choose their constituents over trump, but maybe one or two will.
I've posted this before. Hartmann's article would lead me to believe that the GOP would take Trump over the needs of the Red States.
I wonder if the Dems would literally blast red states with billboards and ads making these points, if it would make any difference, especially now that Canada was/is specifically targeting them with tariffs, etc.?
Very good article...I like having all the statistics in one place. I don't think the red states are flippable any more (but I'd sure like to see what they will do when the federal funding that supports them is ended...they don't have enough income to raise stat taxes to make up the difference) but there are those swing states and if somehow we can make sure the all votes are counted, and somehow not have musk controlling the vote counting, I think we could win back a majority in both houses. It seems to me it is critical that we support local state campaigns so we can get honest folks in office who will somehow prevent musk from controlling the vote counting. If musk is smart enough to rig th elections. surely some billionaire who till now has been not in the public eye can hire some who can outsmart the muskies. Mother Jones reports that America has close to 1,000 billionaires, and while most of them only care about making money, maybe, just maybe there are a few who could band together and work for liberty and justice for all and they could hire folks who would make elections legal and fair .
Ben you continue to be the new Voice of America. Your teaming up with Jim Acosta was a brilliant move. Keep these interviews coming. Stay strong. Be safe.
Yes, teaming up with Jim Acosta was brilliant!
Dream Team 👍
Hey what about bringing Jimmy Kimmel on to fuel the derangement syndrome??
What a great idea!!!! Ben and Jimmy. Like Ben and Jerry's, but instead of ice cream, Ben and Jimmy could present the different flavors of democracy like freedom of speech, free and fair elections, etc.
One of the best ideas ever
That is a FANTASTIC idea! The Pudgy putin wannabe would loose his mind!
I like it !
Yes! Friday night comedy recap 🤣
The rapist, criminal, insurrectionist is such a moron that he doesn’t even know that he’s being used by the Muskrat, Stephanie Miller and Putin. He’s a pathetic little being.
Don’t forget Vance’s puppeteer, Peter Thiel
Steven Miller,
Stephanie Miller (free is one of us.
Oh,I think you’re talking about Stephen Miller, the human pustule.
All I'm saying is
the Revolution will not be televised
Make no mistake, it's happening right now.
Can you feel it?
National Strike incoming!!
A total economic shutdown!!!
shut it all down, baby
now you can STFU and eat your goddamn money
a friend is calling these 2 weeks America's digital Pearl Harbor - I agree
Why hasn’t the undercover video of Vought been put out be democratic congress in which he discusses his plans to put the President and his Christian Nationalism in place. These plans are currently being put in place in real time by the president. It’s really going to happen. Americans need to know this.
Should strike christian from that label. Nothing christian about these nutters. They spew too much hate and have no empathy.
We are in this fight for as long it takes.
".Defying Hitler......The Germans who resisted Hitler".....right now I am on page 131 and it is very uplifting........sadly aurhor Gordon James passed away but his work lives on.
The torch of resistance to tyranny is being passed on. It is up to us to hold it high and light the way to freedom.
Is it true his IQ is only 73? And he’s only 5’10?
I have shoes with higher IQs
Are all narcissists short? The ‘little guy syndrome’ perchance?
I think Napoleon might have been taller.🤣
If only he could confirm he’s not stupid, if only we actually knew how smart he is? The little hands make him appear shorter but how could we know unless he tells us he’s smart?
Well his smartness indicator will tell all every time he opens his mouth.
Narcissist believe in their own fantasy. Seldom see the error in their ways. Classic.
Nah, I spent 20 long years with one before finding the strength to get out and he’s 6’2” 😂
Sorry it took so long. Congratulations, how are you doing ? 👏
When’s the last time we saw Meliana? How many times will we see her body double this year?
For Melania nude shots.... Russian state TV is the go to ........the new Melania Playboy channel.........Russian dudes are sevicing themselves to bare ass second lady shots..........(mushroom boy is the first lady definatly)
When she kissed Newsom in CA. That's the last time I saw her.
Was it the body double that tried to pick up Justin Trudeau?????
That double was very close indeed.
Hmmm...annexing Canada could open up a whole new set of opportunities for Melania to flirt with Trudeau.
Justin would never go for a Magat woman.......botox hair extensions.....fake eyelashes.......breast implants......fake personality.......fake christian nationalist......made in china cross MAGA hat........miss anything???
Melania was just missing her secret serviing man that day.......LOL!!!
Canadian border is the 49th parallel and it is going nowhere....ever!!!
Canadians coast to coast say.......F-YOU DONALD.
Hi IQ 🤣
He is corrupt to the core and so are his acolytes. The country has installed a monster and it will take an awakening of everyone to move the needle toward his removal from the highest office in the land. He's "livid" at Democracy as he tries to become "one of the boys" like other demigods he openly pays homage to. He is an amoral, decrepit, evil, bought and paid-for tool of America's enemies. His allegiance to evil leaders is on full display.
His promises handshakes and oaths of office are meaningless. Chief Justice Roberts should have insisted he place his hand on the Bible when administering the Presidential Oath of Office instead of permitting him to raise his right hand and keep his left hand at his side.
SCOTUS is tainted and they along with this evil administration have earned a no-confidence vote from many of us. Word we heard was the FBI and Secret Service "had their hands full" protecting former POTUS Obama. If that is true then they've got a much more difficult job protecting the king of corruption! We should have had HRC as the first female POTUS followed by former Vice President Kamala Harris. Instead, Trump sold a package of BS with no guarantees, no warranty and no refunds.
Someone said: "We have the government we deserve." Well, we were aided by the Electoral College and the fools who stayed home along with the numbskulls who voted for him.
Roberts is another one of Trump's thugs, just tries to hide it with that black robe. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh will do anything to keep Trump safe. Probably same can be said about Barrett. With 6 (Un)Justices jockeying for Trump's favor, America doesn't stand a chance.
SCOTUS has earned a no confidence badge from many of us. America is fighting back and the Resistance is growing. No king, no dictator for the USA.
"This is what dictatorship looks like. We're now in a coup". (Robert Reich)
Good morning Meidas Mighty 🌞
It definitely sounds like your team has THE hedge of protection around you, sent by Almighty God. God is love and truth. Need I say more?
I wonder if Chump is trying to figure out who your WH insider is? Teehee 🤭
Thank you for keeping the world informed of Chumps backhanded lies and sneaky trickery. It needs to be exposed, like the fraud/con, limp d*ck, 🍊, hair piece wearing, POS that he is.
And may no weapon formed against you (MTN) prosper. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏🏽
"God is love and truth." Are you referring to the God who either helplessly stood by and let Trump be elected, didn't care that he was, or actively helped him be elected?
And no, you need not say more.
Fuck Trump
I fear the coming crisis when Trump gives an illegal order to the Military
What happens?
It is essential for autocrats to control the military
Me too David, me too.
When trump orders the US Military (think Blackhawk choppers buzzing protest crowds) to contain and disperse protesting American's, we will be in a whole new era of crisis.
Like you I fear this is in our not too distant future.
This us terrifying
Letting Musk into CIA and Military leaves America defenseless if he accesses the secrets. He's too vulnerable to pressure from China
With the Executive, Justice, Supreme Court all compromised
Republicans are silent
Democrats are limited in their tools for push back
The FBI and federal law enforcement are decapitated
Congress, the courts, the 2nd amendment and the military are all that's left
Bros, love your work. Long time watcher. Remember to keep some respect and class. I am Australian but I stand with you for truth and democracy.