The Constitution requires at least a two party government. But we need to make magas extinct. They are not true, honorable Republicans like McCain and Goldwater.
or Lincoln or my grandfather or father who were e honorable, egalitarian, and financially conservative (me, very blue since '62, but I learned a lot from them!).
You need a new party in place of the Republicans. And a third to keep the other two honest and focused. For too long, partisan based polarization has ruined your government.
?????? Why are we still peeling this stinky rotten onion? Can’t wait until the GAME OVER light flashes on the Empire State Building or the new Time Square billboard!
Trump won’t care. He will freeze the funds, anyway. The SCOTUS know they are powerless to stop this runaway train. The SCOTUS made all of this possible.
This is what total incompetence gets you Donnie Boy. Other than being an extremely mean SOB, he is not real bright. His only skills are conning and bullying. Wake up MAGA supporters. You will be impacted by his BS as well because he does not care about anything or anyone other than himself. He has used you to reach his goals which do not have your benefit in mind.
they are too ignorant to see it now. The hunch coucher JD is going to get thrown under the bus sooner than later. The orange mango cartoon character shows no loyalty to anyone.
True Republicans who actually care about the country need to make a new party and dissociate from the Republican/MAGA brand. Having two good parties is important to see a wider variety of ideas on the table.
At this time, we need to get these essentially outsiders out of the government, as they don't care about either party in general, but only care about filling their pockets
True Americans would be prudent to look to alternatives to the Uniparty Duopoly for candidates that actually represent their interests, instead of the Military Industrial Complex, Prison Industrial Complex and Israeli Industrial Complex.
Things have to be beyond obvious for this court to go against trump. Interesting they are doing it from time to time...first time they's stood sort of for the Constitution. Totally unrelated sort of , has anyone (or everyone) read about the Ides of March campaign to have millions of post cards sent to trump at the white house on March 15 telling him how much se disapprove of him? If even 1/4 of the Meidas Mighty could send one that would be great! I'm trying to come up with something short, to the point with some specifics and no emotion/personal attacks to put on mine.
I thought it was Great idea to send President Zelensky postcards of apology and to tell them that's not who we are as Americans. I bought 30 at the post office and passed them out to friends and family. Here's the address:
Awesome!! I just sent one today...sadly I don't have any friends to share with (it's not that I'm not friendly, I just live in a 100% maga area and lost my friends to maga).
As a DLCC Delegate, I will be meeting with Senator Slotkin and All of the Michigan legislators on the 18th at our DLCC Meeting in Novi, Michigan. As the Designated Speaker as a Vietnam Veteran, I will speak and update what is happening at the VA, and what/who is putting them and their families in Peril to Veterans & Active Military. I always mention that if they want to receive Intelligent, Professional, Honest Global News, they should subscribe to Meidas Touch. Keep Exposing how Sick, Traitor MAGA are putting our Military in Peril by removing Honorable Generals and putting a Drunken, sexual predator Moron in charge of the DOD!
Alito’s dissent raises the question of his mental competence. Who would say that a holding that an incurred debrt must be paid is “stunning?” Are we seeing dementia?
Why doesn't the orange dictator just set up lodgings for all his lawyers in every state 🤡 so at least the taxpayers are not being charged for the travel expenses 🙄 and maybe the local jails can feed these bottom feeders while we're at it
How bout this for a start! 1st Amendment! Why is tRump allowed to broadcast lies online but "WE THE PEOPLE" can't answer him. His comments, we can't answer!? WHY!? GD IT!
No offense, but y'all are working under the assumption that a) there will be mid-terms in the first place and b) that there will even be a country left at that point.
My concern also. Musk bought tRump the presidency and I suspect he will be involved in the mid-terms. He's having fun and relishes being popular. Also the power
I only want a hear..,The Russian president has been ejected from the WH & MAKE REPUBLICANS EXTINCT!
The Constitution requires at least a two party government. But we need to make magas extinct. They are not true, honorable Republicans like McCain and Goldwater.
I concur!!!
or Lincoln or my grandfather or father who were e honorable, egalitarian, and financially conservative (me, very blue since '62, but I learned a lot from them!).
I think Lincoln would be considered a Democrat in this day and age.
"What's in a name?" (Romeo and Juliet)
Me too! Don't want to hear what Crimes he keeps committing, but what finally will PUT IM IN JAIL!!!
You need a new party in place of the Republicans. And a third to keep the other two honest and focused. For too long, partisan based polarization has ruined your government.
More losses we hope. The court has to protect Democracy
Or not. What did Roberts do that made Komrade Krasnov[trump] thank him. Why did he say "Thank you again. Thank you again. Won't forget it"?
A free pass to do whatever he wants when acting as President.
?????? Why are we still peeling this stinky rotten onion? Can’t wait until the GAME OVER light flashes on the Empire State Building or the new Time Square billboard!
Trump won’t care. He will freeze the funds, anyway. The SCOTUS know they are powerless to stop this runaway train. The SCOTUS made all of this possible.
I don't think SCOTUS likes him thumping their noses in defiance. They can rule on future, more important cases to him, in a different light.
You NEVER bite the hand that has control of how your life will be in the future.
I do believe that SCOTUS has a pride issue.
Unfortunately, Thomas and Alito will continue to side with him on everything, legal or not.
lThe Supreme Court gave the Orange Felon immunity. What were they thinking????
Now the criminal is a king.
This is what total incompetence gets you Donnie Boy. Other than being an extremely mean SOB, he is not real bright. His only skills are conning and bullying. Wake up MAGA supporters. You will be impacted by his BS as well because he does not care about anything or anyone other than himself. He has used you to reach his goals which do not have your benefit in mind.
they are too ignorant to see it now. The hunch coucher JD is going to get thrown under the bus sooner than later. The orange mango cartoon character shows no loyalty to anyone.
I think that Vance is thinking about how long before tfrump
Crocks for him to take over
Impeach both of them now!!
You have that right Patrice.
EXPOSE/RESIST/REMOVE LIAR, Convict/Traitor Trump!! Impeach!!
True Republicans who actually care about the country need to make a new party and dissociate from the Republican/MAGA brand. Having two good parties is important to see a wider variety of ideas on the table.
At this time, we need to get these essentially outsiders out of the government, as they don't care about either party in general, but only care about filling their pockets
True Americans would be prudent to look to alternatives to the Uniparty Duopoly for candidates that actually represent their interests, instead of the Military Industrial Complex, Prison Industrial Complex and Israeli Industrial Complex.
Things have to be beyond obvious for this court to go against trump. Interesting they are doing it from time to time...first time they's stood sort of for the Constitution. Totally unrelated sort of , has anyone (or everyone) read about the Ides of March campaign to have millions of post cards sent to trump at the white house on March 15 telling him how much se disapprove of him? If even 1/4 of the Meidas Mighty could send one that would be great! I'm trying to come up with something short, to the point with some specifics and no emotion/personal attacks to put on mine.
I thought it was Great idea to send President Zelensky postcards of apology and to tell them that's not who we are as Americans. I bought 30 at the post office and passed them out to friends and family. Here's the address:
President Volodymyr Zelensky
Embassy of Ukraine 🇺🇦
3350 M. St. NW
Washington DC 20007
Awesome!! I just sent one today...sadly I don't have any friends to share with (it's not that I'm not friendly, I just live in a 100% maga area and lost my friends to maga).
Yes, I am trying to think of something that would really target a narcissistic psychopath.
For years, I sent post cards to clients, family, and friends as I traveled in Europe, UK, Japan, Canada. Many folks shared how much they enjoyed it.
Another splendid account of current court shenanigans!! Thanks you two...
Legal AF on YouTube -- please subscribe!!!
I have been for a long time. Thank you
As a DLCC Delegate, I will be meeting with Senator Slotkin and All of the Michigan legislators on the 18th at our DLCC Meeting in Novi, Michigan. As the Designated Speaker as a Vietnam Veteran, I will speak and update what is happening at the VA, and what/who is putting them and their families in Peril to Veterans & Active Military. I always mention that if they want to receive Intelligent, Professional, Honest Global News, they should subscribe to Meidas Touch. Keep Exposing how Sick, Traitor MAGA are putting our Military in Peril by removing Honorable Generals and putting a Drunken, sexual predator Moron in charge of the DOD!
Thank you for your service on our behalf! Much success to you and Sen. Slotting at the Nov, MIi meeting
Alito’s dissent raises the question of his mental competence. Who would say that a holding that an incurred debrt must be paid is “stunning?” Are we seeing dementia?
Why doesn't the orange dictator just set up lodgings for all his lawyers in every state 🤡 so at least the taxpayers are not being charged for the travel expenses 🙄 and maybe the local jails can feed these bottom feeders while we're at it
How bout this for a start! 1st Amendment! Why is tRump allowed to broadcast lies online but "WE THE PEOPLE" can't answer him. His comments, we can't answer!? WHY!? GD IT!
Trump: "Make America Great Again."
Global Community: "Make America Go Away!"
No offense, but y'all are working under the assumption that a) there will be mid-terms in the first place and b) that there will even be a country left at that point.
My concern also. Musk bought tRump the presidency and I suspect he will be involved in the mid-terms. He's having fun and relishes being popular. Also the power