this is bonkers!!

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This union RN can't wait to vote against every single Republican from the top of the ballot to the bottom. By mail!!

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If you can, vote in person. I don't trust DeJoy's post office during this election.

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You can also drop off your absentee ballot at your county clerk's office. And many counties have secure ballot boxes which are not part of the postal system.

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Thank You, Meidas Touch, for bringing this to the American people. We are more and more, counting on you for the Truth and the Facts. Your doing the hard work that Corporate Media has neglected!! Will be reStacking ASAP 💯👍💙🇺🇲🇺🇲🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Thank you for reading and for sharing!

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Pathetic but still dangerous. Trump is a malignant narcissist psychopath.

But worse, he's a pawn of the ruthless dictator Pyutin.

Trump is the Moscovian candidate.

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This made my blood boil

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Wake up America Trump is gonna take us back.Overtime pay is deserved.

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Watching Sunday Morning today saw fourth graders who speak four languages, study how to understand and determine fake internet sites. Mind blowing compered to our sad ill informed students and public. Look at that sad group.

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I felt sad, too. As a retired teacher I wished our children were being given the kind of education children in Finland are receiving.

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I can see it now 12 day work weeks, doing away with child labor laws, and sweat shops. How can anyone NOT see it? Frankly the reality is he is certifiable. Why the Rep party never put a hold on this looney is beyond my understanding.

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How to Prevent "GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock GOP worship of dictators

❤️ Grow joyful unifying structures

❤️ c 1st 📈


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I wish more people understood what was going on.

I am just worried about how he is going to cheat after the election.

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I watched that YouTube video!

Thank you for sharing!

That’s exactly what’s going on now!

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You forgot one more thing on your list. When caught with a smoking gun in your hand standing over the dead body, DENY IT anyway.....

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And Trump has never done a single minute of overtime the whole of his life. Too busy playing golf or screwing pornstarts.

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The guys totally brain dead projecting everything he is doing

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In Australia we use a word to describe people like Trump. It is more accurate and sweeping than amateurish psychological diagnoses, begins with C, ends in t and rhymes with punt. In his case capitalising the letters and ending it with an exclamation point is encouraged for grammatical accuracy.

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One is notified that the ballot has been received when voting by mail. Vote early enough so you’ll *know* if there’s a problem by Election Day. One can always vote with a provisional ballot then, if necessary.

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Oh. how I wish the WaPo and NYTs did coverage like you just did. Thank you!

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This fool suggested a f@#$n Purge. 😐

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I have nerve worked for a union company. I didn't have to bcuz everywhere I worked they treated their employees with pride over time pay for over 8 hours. every holiday pay if worked time n a half Sunday double time 401-k full health n dentist ins I don't have anythi against the union but it was no need for one. For each yrs u worked equal 1 wks pay family n sick leave I talkn about 30 yrs ago Trump n JD want to take all that away what kind of ppls is Trump supporters. I forgot to mention paid sick days.

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