The CONVICTED FELON is the one who is deranged. His current LIES, contrasted with his earlier statements praising Kelly, show just how disloyal he is to anyone and everyone.

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The perfect example is rudy. Rudy sold his soul to the devil but two beautiful sweet ladies from Georgia get to collect.

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Yes they did.

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Justice has been served. What a creep Rudy is

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Thanks for saying what HAS been true since 2015 when the POS slithered down that escalator...BE RID OF HIM NOW and in PRISON where he can do no more DICKTATOR-WANNABEE_ing.

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And will throw anyone under the bus when he is through with them or they "displease" him. He is a blithering buffoon! VOTE BLUE

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Just wish Kelly hadn't taken so long to mention this important info. Wonder what finally provoked him to do it now. Conscience finally got him?

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As a retired officer the protocol is generally not to speak out, but I think his conscience for the better of him. However I see no valid reason that Bob Woodward kept silent until his book came out.

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Yes, I wondered that, also. Thank you for reminding me. I see no reason for that unless he wanted a tantalizing promo for his book. He should not have waited this long, either.

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The guy who interviewed him said it was trump saying he'd use the military against American citizens like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. He said he'd been trying for a long time to get him to put his comments on the record and even convinced him to let him record it and release the recordings so trump couldn't deny Kelly made the statements and he won't have to be interviewed about it again.

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“Enemy within” is reportedly what crossed the line.

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yeah, i think you are right

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I agree. People are finally getting rhe courage to stand up against this dangerous whack job!

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You mean John Kelly

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Pretty bad typo … at least they got it right in the Title!

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Right. Mike Kelly is a Trump sycophant and unfortunately my congressman, but a 4 star general he ain't.

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I used to think his supporters belived his lies but now I think they know he lies but they really just don't care. There is so much evidence out there of the thousands of lies he's told, he has yet to win in any court case concerning fraud or slander. He is an adjudicated rapist. They know he leaves their cities lacking resources from his refusing to pay for the security those cities can't refuse to supply. They know he is a racist, they know he threatens the liberty of half the country as well as the free speech of the media. They know who he is but will still vote for him. So who is worse, the conman or the conned who are willing victims? I guess that's off topic but he's calling a decorated 4 Star General who is also a Gold Star father a liar and really is there a more proficient liar on the planet than djt? It is unfathomable to me that Harris and trump are close in this election just like it's unfathomable to me that anyone would take the word of trump over General Kelly.

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Really it is.

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I kind of disagree because Trump has convinced so many of his supporters to accept his lies as truths. The huge crowds he gathered once upon a time needed to believe those lies. He entertained them and I'm sure a few of those folks know the truth but the vast majority, only watching the edited, whitewashed "news" on FOX, have had their simple minds easily manipulated by a 21st century 'snake oil salesman'. There are millions of stupid people, gullible people, and Trump knows just how to make them love him. Have you seen the comedians and interviewers who go to those rallies and ask questions about important issues and policies. The rally goers have no clue what reality is and make no sense with their answers. They just repeat Trump's talking points and they would happily follow Trump to hell and will never know how easily they were exploited.

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And I actually think we're both right. There are many of his cult who are there because of a permission structure he has created that lets them get away with hating all different groups based on things like race or sexual orientation. Those people don't care if he lies. When I hear someone at his rally claim Obama is really running things or some other wild claim trump's made I know you're right. And sadly many of those stupid gullible people sit in Congress. The worst group of them are the ones who support him that KNOW exactly who he is but do it solely because he has an (R) behind his name. Especially people like Mitch McConnell, they give the mangoed menace credibility he does not deserve.

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Trump didn't write this Truth Social!

Because it's not in word salad?

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There's no weave.

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John Kelly is a decorated 4-star Marine General. Donald Trump is a despicable and pathetic human being who only cares about one thing…himself. I know who I believe.

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I can still see Kelly at a press conference when he berated U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla, as an “empty vessel.” Politifact rated Kelly’s assertions as a lie. It is alleged that he was told by Trump to go to the press conference. Rep. Wilson is a black woman. The story Kelly related was a personal reflection.


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Damn, I had forgotten about that. He is an ass.

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Truth will defeat the mango Mussolini. Come on people speak up!

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Trump hires only the best, he said. First Kelly was appointed Secretary of Homeland Security then as Trump’s Chief of Staff. Funny how Kelly is weak and incompetent as soon as he speaks the truth.

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It’s the same shit from the orange con man !! Everyone is a low life or dumb if they don’t kiss his ring!!

Projecting much !!

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Lawd Almighty make it stop!

Trump go away, just go.

Lawd, I am so damned tired of this man!

When he finally goes to Federal Prison, I think that is the only thing that can shut him up.

There is a very long sentence for espionage in his not too distant future.

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