I would LOVE to see the running total of costs. Also, can we also have a running total of how much taxpayers are paying Melanoma to live in Trump Tower? She will not live with Assolini, but we shouldn't have to pay. BLEH
The Way Donnie looks in His golf gimmick clothes- he needs a lot of salad- I recognize him as the Munchurian Canidate. Rumors had it that Nero fiddled while Rome burned-- Donnie wacked balls while Democracy took a dump.. Just look for the humor-- it is Ironic- and HERE
Remember he was crying during the campaign that he would have no time to golf. Actually he has spent more time on the golf course than in the oval office, and when there, it is all photo opts.
🤣🤣🤣oh I thought it was Cruella! Thank you for the update. She’s still a Russian asset as well, remember how they would brag how many languages she knows…
And her parents who are assets lived in our White House🤬
I don’t know if the in-laws are actual assets, but they lived well in communist Slovena because they were (I believe prominent) members of the communist party.
Did Donald get the five bullet what did you do this week? Signing a host of executive orders to disrupt the legal issues ? .the last term donalds.executive time was over half the day where he watched tv!. Now? All day?
He's above the law now! Not above impeachment! Can we list the treason acts?? or just start with article 14 leading an insurecttpion his last term! Now? The 34 time convicted felon, sex offenders is leading a coup!! Holy shit!!
A chicken in my backyard to lay eggs? It costs money to house and feed the chickens. Why should I spend money for shelter and food for a chicken that’s gonna produce a few eggs. This administration is SO FAR REMOVED FRIM REALITY. trump should wave his magic wand, or musk could easily buy out the egg market and fix the whole problem in an instant. Let’s keep barking about the price of eggs because that seems to get under trumps skin. He should be held accountable.
Stephen Colbert on the late show had a hilarious skit about egg prices versus keeping chickens. He researched it and it costs far more over a year to keep chickens than it does to buy eggs. Here is the particular episode on Spotify:
Ohh Drat-- Some cities and municipalities have ordinances concerning farm animals and foul.. (plez check). Chicken poop.. Duck poop.. Bird poop is a major concern and drawback-- A chicken may lay 2 to 4 eggs.. not quite a happy breakfast meal- and not every day. The logical solution is multiple hens.. free range- in your yard and domain, walk carefully.
I do think It is a real stretch to have a chicken as a support animal - cry foul if you must- but don't lay an egg.. man.
I think Heinrick Himmler when combining Eggs with Government suggestions....
That’s a great idea. Could it run as a chyron/ticker on conservative tv stations? Or on buildings with digital displays? Or digital billboards in prominent places? Fabulous, illuminating idea.
Any such display should also carry the sum of social support dollars taken from regular Americans and/or the average savings Trump’s tax cuts for the rich will give each billionaire/millionaire.
If that’s too much info for a chyron/ticker, any combo of the above would work. But all of the above would fit on old-style billboards or large format postcards distributed everywhere, but especially in red districts & swing states.
He’s still overcharging the Secret Service and making money off of his trips. It’s costing the local police in FL a fortune. And apparently he plans to spend more time at Motel-a-Lago and bring more foreign dignitaries there this time. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/09/trump-golf-trips
Like, at least a week ago! This administration has been disastrous, incompetent, racist, and just blatantly outright corrupt. The one thing good i believe is happening from all this is Republicans are being exposed to many of their constituents as greedy, evil people. Pity its too late for now, but the wave is coming off the shore, and it's a giant blue tsunami.
He TOLD his supporters they didn’t have to vote during the campaign but then corrected himself to say “after this election.” (The first was more honest because the election like the one in 2016 was in fact rigged. He must have gotten a signal that it didn’t sound good.) We should take him at his word.
I wish this was the case. My son‘s dad has his head so far up this guy’s rear end, he is convinced Trump is going to save the world. He told me he’s excited that Trump is working with Putin… I will never stop regretting procreating with him. (I am not saying, I regret having my child, you guys know what I mean.)
Absolutely. There’s no getting through to him. Our son is autistic. Dan’s orange cheeto Bestie is actively trying to make sure that our son is not successful, and he supports that, too. Dude has no clue. And I can’t even say I hope he gets what he voted for, cause it would affect my little guy. I’m very stressed about this.
It’s a shame who didn’t die, Dump? Hopefully you’re not talking about my child… I’m not actually sure who this reply is to, it sent me a notification saying that you replied to my comment though.
I’m still trying to figure out Substack, so I can’t tell if this reply is to our thread that we were talking about, or this reply is to the original comment from Erika.
"Let them eat cake" The phrase is used to symbolize Marie Antoinette's obliviousness to the social problems of the time. The story goes that she said this in response to being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. The anecdote fueled French Revolutionary rage, leading to her tragic end. OFF WITH HIS HEAD
And she was raised rich so she could have been so oblivious that she really didn't know that cake was a luxury and bread was a staple, or that people could have so little that they couldn't eat.
No matter. In present times we can learn all that stuff and never say anything that clueless. Sharpen the guillotine and tighten up the trebuchet, some FAFO lessons need to be learned.
Donald K & Sharon H— Can we leave guillotines & trebuchets out of this discussion?
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as they say.
The Trump camp doesn’t need excuses to resort to horrendous practices. We see his chosen leaders, some of whom have had opponents and dissenters thrown from windows & helicopters & shoved down staircases (allegedly).
Is now the worst president in history…worse than Biden who left him a great economy- lowest unemployment rate, inflation dropping below 4%, pay down on national debt!!!
I’ve owned chickens and it requires a considerable investment. I live in an area where it rains a great deal so they require a covered chicken house with top to bottom fencing because they are easy prey for fox, coyotes, dogs and other predators. They need nesting boxes, feeding and watering devices, hay, and feed. Not to mention the time it takes to clean their pens, feed and water them and collect their eggs daily. It could only be a fucking moron to propose backyard chickens as an economical fix for the average family to solve their unaffordable egg problem.
Wish the Dictator Criminal Psycho would have chickens on the White House lawn...... Obviously, bird flu is horrible and spreads quickly, BUT just picture that happening to the dump's brood.....,and if he got it. Only problem is, I would never wish something like that on any chickens at all.....It's mean of me to even make a comment about it. (Obviously, however, I didn't change my mind about posting it.....)
We need to start a cost ticker tape tracking how much his Mara-Lago commutes and never ending vacation are costing the Country.
I would LOVE to see the running total of costs. Also, can we also have a running total of how much taxpayers are paying Melanoma to live in Trump Tower? She will not live with Assolini, but we shouldn't have to pay. BLEH
Love the Assolini!!
Careful that kind of talk can get you put in prison these days🤣
Just the opposite -- we need to shout it from the roof tops every day: assolini, assolini assolini - get some ovaries dude
Jeezus it wuz only a lil' humour fer the weekend, exhale.
Here, try this: "Love the assholini? Try the tossed salad for only another $4.99 at Olivefascism Garden!"
Assholini, Cheeto-Christ StupidCzar, R. Smelly, McDonald, Barren VonSchitzennpantz, The Manchurian Cantaloupe, Incontinental Divider, IMPOTUS, Count Flatula, Vladdie-Schlong Begs, go ahead, start shouting...
The Way Donnie looks in His golf gimmick clothes- he needs a lot of salad- I recognize him as the Munchurian Canidate. Rumors had it that Nero fiddled while Rome burned-- Donnie wacked balls while Democracy took a dump.. Just look for the humor-- it is Ironic- and HERE
I'll shout to all of these!! Thanks for your wit and charm!
I'll shout to all of these!! Thanks for your wit and charm!
Sheesh chill he was siding with you with some humour 🤦🏻♀️
Remember he was crying during the campaign that he would have no time to golf. Actually he has spent more time on the golf course than in the oval office, and when there, it is all photo opts.
LOLOLOL - Love your language skills - perfect!
Kate is reported and blocked.
You still suffer pathological Brain Fog by putting this retarded link up.
Block and report
Why? And why is it mentally challenged?
This is why I'm blocking you "kate".
🤣🤣🤣oh I thought it was Cruella! Thank you for the update. She’s still a Russian asset as well, remember how they would brag how many languages she knows…
And her parents who are assets lived in our White House🤬
I don’t know if the in-laws are actual assets, but they lived well in communist Slovena because they were (I believe prominent) members of the communist party.
This site tracks the time spent golfing but I think they should add the cost. https://trumpgolftrack.com/
Did Donald get the five bullet what did you do this week? Signing a host of executive orders to disrupt the legal issues ? .the last term donalds.executive time was over half the day where he watched tv!. Now? All day?
He's above the law now! Not above impeachment! Can we list the treason acts?? or just start with article 14 leading an insurecttpion his last term! Now? The 34 time convicted felon, sex offenders is leading a coup!! Holy shit!!
Thanks for this. I just went there & made your suggestion to the site team. Maybe if a lot of us do, it will happen.
I did that yesterday. I’m sure we’re not the only ones asking for that information to be added!
I read some where on Substack last week that his golf outings have cost taxpayers 11 million so far.
Do it please. Want to know also.
And Vance's ski vacations.
Don't forget the muskRAT'S.
The unelected swine making life difficult for battlers while doing noodle brain’s dirty work should be relieved to The RSA.
Good question- who is paying the muskrats and how much???
That is an excellent idea! How about helping launch this idea, Ben??
I hope this comment and others about chumps golfing extravaganzas catches their eye and they report the sh*t out of it!!!
A chicken in my backyard to lay eggs? It costs money to house and feed the chickens. Why should I spend money for shelter and food for a chicken that’s gonna produce a few eggs. This administration is SO FAR REMOVED FRIM REALITY. trump should wave his magic wand, or musk could easily buy out the egg market and fix the whole problem in an instant. Let’s keep barking about the price of eggs because that seems to get under trumps skin. He should be held accountable.
And what about all the people who don’t live in a home with a backyard? People live in apartments and condos in cities. Just plain stupidity!
It's like "let them eat cake"
More like "let 'em eat shit"
Let them raise eggs!))
Stephen Colbert on the late show had a hilarious skit about egg prices versus keeping chickens. He researched it and it costs far more over a year to keep chickens than it does to buy eggs. Here is the particular episode on Spotify:
Rounding off, I think it was about $700 to rent a chicken to lay about $350 worth of eggs, < or >.
Ohh Drat-- Some cities and municipalities have ordinances concerning farm animals and foul.. (plez check). Chicken poop.. Duck poop.. Bird poop is a major concern and drawback-- A chicken may lay 2 to 4 eggs.. not quite a happy breakfast meal- and not every day. The logical solution is multiple hens.. free range- in your yard and domain, walk carefully.
I do think It is a real stretch to have a chicken as a support animal - cry foul if you must- but don't lay an egg.. man.
I think Heinrick Himmler when combining Eggs with Government suggestions....
all his personal expenses we pay versus all the ACTUAL savings the doge douchenozzles have found (not much) in an easy-to-read graphic design.
Also the DOGE boyz salaries of six figures per boi. How much is that costing us?
That's a GRAND A idea and worth looking into making it happen.
Great idea. Does the United States government have to foot the liquor bill down at Maga Lardo? Yikes
Great point-writeoff for entertaining the Kennedy center stowaways!!
Of course--and the government is run by OUR taxes. And the Dump gets paid by US. So, yes.
This is the same guy who accused Obama of wasting time golfing instead of doing his job. Every criticism is a projection with this guy.
I read that when Trump goes to play golf it costs the American people $18,000,000. That’s right eighteenth million dollars.
That’s a great idea. Could it run as a chyron/ticker on conservative tv stations? Or on buildings with digital displays? Or digital billboards in prominent places? Fabulous, illuminating idea.
Any such display should also carry the sum of social support dollars taken from regular Americans and/or the average savings Trump’s tax cuts for the rich will give each billionaire/millionaire.
If that’s too much info for a chyron/ticker, any combo of the above would work. But all of the above would fit on old-style billboards or large format postcards distributed everywhere, but especially in red districts & swing states.
Fabulous idea bDawg!!
There's this: https://trumpgolftrack.com/
He’s still overcharging the Secret Service and making money off of his trips. It’s costing the local police in FL a fortune. And apparently he plans to spend more time at Motel-a-Lago and bring more foreign dignitaries there this time. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/09/trump-golf-trips
Hello. While crashing the economy and cutting massive government institutions and jobs.
Agree that runs at the bottom Ben!
This dude needs to be impeached/arrested!
Like, at least a week ago! This administration has been disastrous, incompetent, racist, and just blatantly outright corrupt. The one thing good i believe is happening from all this is Republicans are being exposed to many of their constituents as greedy, evil people. Pity its too late for now, but the wave is coming off the shore, and it's a giant blue tsunami.
How about a strait jacket. Put him in a round room and tell him there's a penny in the corner. Lock him up and throw away the lock code.
yup - and jailed - or better yet - sent to Guantanamo
hahahaaaaa t-Rump choice-- water board or surf board) both hilarious
R Pelton-What about a boat with an electric motor?
mpeach the bastards. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach
He needs to be in a mental institution--along with his VP and Boyfriend, muskRAT.
Every week.
Don't shut up, people. Shut DOWN Trump and his enablers.
I am more and more convinced that Trump and his government never expect to have future elections. He doesn’t care what the American people think.
I can’t hit like but that’s what they’re thinking. Bad news we have to stay on top of this to squash it
That's it, for sure!! After his Napoleon quote, he should end up on an island alone, just like his hero!!
He TOLD his supporters they didn’t have to vote during the campaign but then corrected himself to say “after this election.” (The first was more honest because the election like the one in 2016 was in fact rigged. He must have gotten a signal that it didn’t sound good.) We should take him at his word.
Penny O’—That’s been my thought all along, but if that’s so, what will he need all these butt-kissing Congress people for?? They should consider that.
Good question.
The only person who believes he's saving us billions is him. Anyone who isnt delusional knows the truth of the matter.
I wish this was the case. My son‘s dad has his head so far up this guy’s rear end, he is convinced Trump is going to save the world. He told me he’s excited that Trump is working with Putin… I will never stop regretting procreating with him. (I am not saying, I regret having my child, you guys know what I mean.)
So, your ex is also delusional
Absolutely. There’s no getting through to him. Our son is autistic. Dan’s orange cheeto Bestie is actively trying to make sure that our son is not successful, and he supports that, too. Dude has no clue. And I can’t even say I hope he gets what he voted for, cause it would affect my little guy. I’m very stressed about this.
I can't even imagine
Hating myself because of this.
Yeah, let's not do that. It's not like your ex had a flashing neon sign declaring he was a problematic pos. There's no way you could have known
Thank you. We actually had a lot of the same views when we were
together. He has gotten more hateful over time. Guess it matches the Right’s agenda.
You're very welcome. Life is hard enough without beating yourself up over past decisions.
I expect Usha is going through a similar recognition.
I have always been a Bernie style leftist but my ex-wife has definitely moved left since Trump. I guess he makes you pick a side!
Don't beat yourself up, hindsight is always 20/20 …. unless your a MAGA
You have no reason to hate yourself. Orange man is doing this
Hey, at least you have some goodness still!!
NO! Not your fault, we can't be expected to know how someone will turn- or turn out, that's impossible.
Give yourself a break and hate Dumpty instead.
Never beat yourself up over others. You are obliged to be a free thinker.. Your opinions matter and your input helps solve problems.
If not part of the solution- it becomes part of the problem
You're not alone! some people will pay 100 bucks for an egg and figure it's an investment, and keep it under their pillow!!
How about under their um....well.....you know.....they certainly don't want their investment to crack.....guess pillow is better........
It’s a shame he didn’t die from complications of childbirth.
It’s a shame who didn’t die, Dump? Hopefully you’re not talking about my child… I’m not actually sure who this reply is to, it sent me a notification saying that you replied to my comment though.
Sorry, I meant your ex.
I’m still trying to figure out Substack, so I can’t tell if this reply is to our thread that we were talking about, or this reply is to the original comment from Erika.
It's cost us about $13 million in golf trips so far.
Let them eat gruel. Son of a bitch.
Trumpf drivels gruel.
"Let them eat cake" The phrase is used to symbolize Marie Antoinette's obliviousness to the social problems of the time. The story goes that she said this in response to being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. The anecdote fueled French Revolutionary rage, leading to her tragic end. OFF WITH HIS HEAD
And she was raised rich so she could have been so oblivious that she really didn't know that cake was a luxury and bread was a staple, or that people could have so little that they couldn't eat.
No matter. In present times we can learn all that stuff and never say anything that clueless. Sharpen the guillotine and tighten up the trebuchet, some FAFO lessons need to be learned.
Donald K & Sharon H— Can we leave guillotines & trebuchets out of this discussion?
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as they say.
The Trump camp doesn’t need excuses to resort to horrendous practices. We see his chosen leaders, some of whom have had opponents and dissenters thrown from windows & helicopters & shoved down staircases (allegedly).
Everything trump touches dies
May that also apply to air force one.
Truly!!! This one needs to be gotten rid of altogether. Him and the other 2
space force, isn't it?
Unfortunately it doesn't apply to himself!
Except HIM!!!!!! That REALLY is too bad.
He continues to play golf with taxpayers money, while cutting programs for children who need this money. He is such waste.
Wait. Are we ready to claim Trump
Is now the worst president in history…worse than Biden who left him a great economy- lowest unemployment rate, inflation dropping below 4%, pay down on national debt!!!
I think #45 and #47 are in a dead heat for last place 😒
4+5=9 and 4+7=11; both sums together are 911.
Oh GEEZE!!!! Hate to say it but it really seems like it's an omen. Very interesting, Steve. Creepy, too.
Also, Biden, #46, was a 10.
I hope Joe is well enough to know how much he was appreciated!
He clearly IS!
I hope NO Democrats will vote for this CR. Let the Republicans shut the government down!
Yes, it can be worse.
Couldn't be worse than it is now!!
It already is worse. No matter how bad we think it is, it's worse because we don't know the whole story.
The good news is, things that can't go on forever,
While he wastes our taxes whacking a couple balls to avoid the dumpster fire he started in Washington?? LOL
Across the country and globe....
I’ve owned chickens and it requires a considerable investment. I live in an area where it rains a great deal so they require a covered chicken house with top to bottom fencing because they are easy prey for fox, coyotes, dogs and other predators. They need nesting boxes, feeding and watering devices, hay, and feed. Not to mention the time it takes to clean their pens, feed and water them and collect their eggs daily. It could only be a fucking moron to propose backyard chickens as an economical fix for the average family to solve their unaffordable egg problem.
Chickens in the backyard can also bring in bird flu.
And there are zoning issues.
Will they inject the chickens with bleech??? And feed them invermectin....whatever that shit is???
Wish the Dictator Criminal Psycho would have chickens on the White House lawn...... Obviously, bird flu is horrible and spreads quickly, BUT just picture that happening to the dump's brood.....,and if he got it. Only problem is, I would never wish something like that on any chickens at all.....It's mean of me to even make a comment about it. (Obviously, however, I didn't change my mind about posting it.....)
Well, a MORON did suggest it........
Exactly. To hear a hilarious take on this, listen to Stephen Colbert on his Spotify show about raising chickens vs buying eggs, bird flu, etc:
We have a better idea Donnie—get whatever you deserve! The arc of justice is coming for your miserableness…
Thank you Ben. Somewhere today I read that in 49 days he had time to order a new air force one for $240,000,000 which had glitches. https://www.airwarriors.com/community/threads/new-air-force-one.50866/
May it have glitches while he's on it.
Forgive me Lord., but Please let it. 🙏🏽
The trick is to get him in the plane ✈️
No problem if it's a big, shiny, new plane, preferably with his name on it as well as Air Force One.
I know it won't be long before it is fitted with Acorn stairlift!!
If he gets any fatter they'll need a crane.
Yup, his insides are, not atypically, a dumpster fire!
No, I wish no harm to the crew or other passengers.
Trump is moving classified doc's to Mar a Lago again. All availabke for the highets bidder 🙄