You guys are great. Can you sell a Meidas Mighty Tshirt? I'd love to wear one.

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I would definitely buy one! Would be a great conversation starter and way to bring more attention to Meidas Touch!

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Yes ditto that, a t-shirt would be great!

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yes I would love one!

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Google Meidas Touch merch. They have great stuff!!

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Indeed. But nothing that's specifically "Meidas Mighty" :) https://store.meidastouch.com/

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I'm in for a "Meidas Mighty" hat to go with the T-shirt!!!

How about a "Meidas Mighty" patch to put on the back of a jean jacket!!!

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Dec 18
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Hey......Make Meidas Mighty flags to fly at protest marches.

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Dec 19
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A long sleeved version please!

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Yes please! Its winter, and besides that, some of us are old and gave up on short sleeves long ago.

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Me, too!!!

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A t-shirt would be fantastic. I’d buy one!

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I would buy two! One for me and one for the hubs. 💯

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Go to meidas on YouTube click on thier logo, theres a couple ques.

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They have tee shirt and stuff on their YouTube channel. I have a Legal AF, Midas hoodie and coffee cup.

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Try this.



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Helen I don't know if this works but just maybe..


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I would love to have a Meidas Mighty T-shirt.

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Yes, sir. I would proudly wear one. Hell, what about a hoodie, baseball cap, sticker for my bicycle panniers, sticker for my car, yard sign, the works.

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You brothers would rip Trump to shreds! We so need these fighting words and posture. This idiot is nothing but a blustering bully. Damn ABC and any other network or platform that caves to him. With you 100% - time to stand up and say FU to Trump!

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What the country needed right after Joe Biden was elected were tribunals that punished ALL of the MAGA coup actors with either prison, fines and expulsion from politics. That would have set the necessary precedent about what political behavior was acceptable and what wasn’t. But that’s not Joe. Biden believed in the goodness of Americans. He bet on the love of goodness and fairness to beat MAGA at the ballot box. But the plan did not work and now we are facing the consequences!

I will be wearing this "Totally Unhinged Radical Liberal" t-shirt the next four years 👇


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You are so right. Uncle Joe is a lovely, caring man who actually had a great presidency, with the exception of appointing Merrick Garland to AG. We needed to hold Trump to account, something that has never happened.

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agree, Garland has been a BIG disappointment. I don't understand why Biden didn't give him a pink slip? after the January 6th committee laid out SO much information - why didn't Garland take that & run? or is he just scared of trump? if so, he should have resigned....

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Bevre12: Uncle Joe is a loving caring man who has colluded with that loving caring man Netanyahu in his ongoing war crimes against the Palestinian people and his destruction of Gaza. Hell no - these actions are not the legacy of a great presidency. Not now. Not ever.

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Yes, imagine how many Palestinian people may have survived, if Uncle Joe had cut off $$ & weapons to the bully Netanyahu.

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Love you Ben, and Brett and Jordy!

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Thank you for standing up against this imposter…. We need all the help we can get!!!!

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We have your back because you have ours!

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Go for it! And so far the Des Moines Register is holding firm!

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If people want to support the Des Moines Register which plans to fight Trump’s frivolous law suit, you can get a digital subscription for $25 for 24 months. I just signed up. (Really you read that price correct).

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Guess I’m going to go and get myself a subscription

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I'll definitely look into this. Thanks!

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https://www.desmoinesregister.com for anyone looking to subscribe, as I just did. Of course, if they cave I will un-subscribe. :-)

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Yes- if they cave, I would unsubscribe as well. Their initial reaction was a strong ..”bogus lawsuit and we will defend free press”. But they will be getting lots of pressure. I don’t think there is anyway Trump could win in an actual trial so I hope they stay firm!

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Just subscribed. Great idea to do this. I looks like a pretty nice newspaper, better than my local paper here in NJ. I wish them all the best.

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Thanks for the link. I just subscribed in solidarity.

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Can we sue him for PYSD seriously he is like my ex husband and hell my own brother who have all taken advantage of me and treated me like crap! I am tired of him and musk of getting away with everything

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We need a class action lawsuit against DJT and the lies we Americans have had to endure. It’s definitely over 30,573 at this point. He owes us!

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Class Action suit O hell ya..Id sign up to be a plantiff..damn straight! Every damn time I hear the Idiot speak or see his face. I get so damn anxious nauseous and more Then as I hear about appointments his staff/cabinet Imy mind felt like it exploded my anger and fear went hrough the roof..I'm terrified foir my girls and for everyone I know. The people that will be in the vonshitstain administration will try to destroy anything everything that America stands for and represents. If these rascist greedy corrupt unqualified scum do what say they say they want to do, millions of people will be affected in many different ways.. most will be devastated financially The consequences of this administration could be catastrophic in all areas of our lives

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If he sues, can you counter sue and force a recount so he has to prove he won?

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We need you at this important time. We support you!

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Trump has such a weak ego, easily triggered. A fragile man

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Easily triggered = easily manipulated.

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Sadly,Putin and others know this as well.

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Thank you for standing strong for/with us. We need to not falter! Let’s take our country back from these bottom feeding scum suckers!

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I've love love the medias touch dudes!!!!! Finally good people who will stand their ground and will NOT KISS THE RING!!!! We are all standing with you

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Love this! Finally someone standing up to him! He thinks if he threatens suing them they will back down. So over him and isn’t even President how did we get here 😢

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Dec 18
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I agree! Hopefully Friday we will learn more how much interference is! Also, they denied his clearance obviously says something and they reopened the SEC investigation. Space X hasn’t been complying with what is required such as communications with foreign leaders. Oh there is much. Just look at the other countries Putin has been involved in.

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You hear that Donnie?? None of us are going anywhere, not kissing the ring...ever, loser!

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I admire your dedication and hope Trump fails in his quest to use the DOJ to convict and imprison without due process


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You guys rock! How about a Meidas Mighty Tshirt? I'd proudly wear one.

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