People want the truth and they know the White House will spew forth nothing but lies and brimstone for the next 4 yrs. So they turn to the one source they know will never lie to them; the Meidas Touch Network!! Keep up the Fabulous Work!!

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Becoming a Founding member of MTN is the best investment in freedom, democracy and society I have made in 2025.

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Bill nailed it.

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I would still like to see you give serious coverage to credible evidence that musk assisted T in stealing this election

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I agree with you. There are so many reports that both Trump and Musk have said that there was election fraud. Where is that being investigated? It is we the people who are fighting the orange clown and his minions. What are the Democrats doing?

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Do you listen to Jessica Denson’s reporting on this issue? Very enlightening

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Is her reporting on Substack? Never heard of her

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Again. Ask them


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Didn't those two say that BEFORE the election? I don't remember. If that's the case, they were setting the stage to yell and scream if trump lost.

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I think it was a couple of days ago that I had posted something similar and another commenter shared this link to articles explaining that he stole the election through voter suppression activities vs antics with voting machines.


I don't know if this guy is someone to support, but have to say the article got me thinking and looking harder at the issue. We have to know the reality if we are to fight effectively. I look forward to hearing more on this if anyone has more info.

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I trust Greg Palast. I have read his columns for years. He and Thom Hartmann have a YouTube post together, discussing this same subject. Well worth watching!!!

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I agree!

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The voting machines were tampered with and votes changed from Harris to Trump. A lot of ballots were thrown out. Someone from OK said last night that Harris won and those ballots were never submitted. Count should not be final until all ballots from all states have been included in the count. Criminals everywhere trying to destroy us.

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Ask the people in charge. Write or call your Congress people. Ben can't go investigate like he is in the justice dept. He is doing a great job and has his hands full. WE all need to help

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Yeah write to your representative.

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Better yet CALL your Representatives and call the DAILY. About all issues. It’s important they HEAR from their constituents. They tabulate EVERY call. Call whenever you think it’ll help or not- it WILL.

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VOTE NO ON VOUGHT. FOR OMB. Stop project 2025

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We can demand enforcement of the Constitution

Article 2 section 1 of US Constitution:

"The president shall at stated times recieve for his Services a Conpensation, which shall neither be increased nor dismissed during the Period for which he shall be elected, and he shall not recieve within that Period any other Emolument from the United States , or any of them".

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Legally he should be removed on this basis alone

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Absolutely, agree 💯

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Only one problem. HE already got away with breaking that very clause. In first Felonious Term.

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Harris should have demanded an audit of voting records immediately after results were announced. Baffled why she rolled over

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Tara Dublin went into that big time on her substack. Whatever happened to an investigation is a mystery that should be solved

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I don't think that was her decision unfortunately. I don't know. Dems (I am a Democrat) need to push back a little (PLEASE!)... would prefer a LOT, like AOC, Jasmine, Elizabeth Warren...so many more and would welcome Meidas Mighty individuals sharing their thoughts and information in this regard.

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Like Hilliary

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Check out voter suppression attempts in North Carolina Supreme Court Election. After 2 electronic counts AND a hand count the Democrat candidate Allison Riggs won by 700+ votes. The Republican Jefferson Griffin sued to have overseas voters votes thrown out because they did not (NOR WERE THEY REQUIRED) provide a photo ID. If this doesn’t work then they are going after 60,000 voters who registered to vote prior to new regulations for voter registration. Again, they were not required to do this! If Griffin wins the case it’s in your face voter suppression, the Republicans choosing what votes they’ll accept and denying the legal election of an individual. If they’re permitted to throw out 60,000 legal votes who is to stop them from throwing out 100,000 next time if 500,000? THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR ALL OF US.

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Thank you for that information... Why wasn't that a big deal?!!!!!!!???!!!!???? Did I somehow miss this? 😡🤬

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I'm convinced that Musk made it happen. Just my 2 cents...

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But Ben with his reach can also put pressure on. He has been dismissive of this topic in the past and said T won the election fairly.

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It is over. He is President. We have to stay focused on that and do what we can to stop his evil nonsense.

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Personally I'm hoping is gun toting base turns on him and is billionaire cronies when it dawns on them how thoroughly they were deceived and screwed

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Honestly, I don't see the majority of MAGA turning on Trump. They voted for Trump bc of his racism and his going after everyone he hates: the "woke", "DEI", Dreamers, marginalized people, Democrats who don't kiss his ass - unlike Fetterman. We can hope for a miracle but I would not count on it. As far as I am concerned, I would settle for them staying at their Diners being ignored by the media. Yes, another miracle I can hope for 🙏🏻

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Calling attention to election fraud can't hurt can it????

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Even better put in an article calling for his impeachment and do it repeatedly whenever he's breaking the law. Set up an investigation on and on like the Republicans did with Benghazi. Where are the large protests in DC! They terrify Republicans and are a strong visual.

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I've already posted the new articles for impeaching tRumputin, but Substack seems to hate the truthful fight to be shown. Democracy Voices have been systematically silenced ever since nov 6th 2024, America!!!!!!!!! We've been getting drowned out, America!!!!!!!!!

Of course that Washington DC as the most-Democratic voting American Territory should've NEVER EVER allowed the quisling terrorist traitor tRumputin&his cult of death to invade it again and complete their putsch they had started on Jan 6th 2021!!!!


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You think with a Republican House AND Senate that's ever going to happen? Let alone the Supreme(ly corrupt) Court Majority won't bail him out ... though I dream of that happening

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No. Not at all. Everything helps.

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I agree it's over, but to just sane wash this will make it hard, if impossible to win unless we do the same thing...is that what you want?

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Sane washing NEVER. I'm never forgetting what's at stake. America.

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Ever since the nov 6th 2024 I knew the results couldn't be accurate!! Soon throughout this past November onto December 2024, the professional experts Stephen Spoonamore's Duty To Warn Letters, SmartElections. us, Greg Palast, Dire Talks on YT etc... explained with evidences how eVIlonmusk criminal fingering of the election results to create "drop-off effect" on behalf of tRumputin-tRumputinist purges of Democratic voters and other voting suppression tactics-terrorist putin's of russia bombing threats to Democratic places etc... totally distorted the results!! But, bizarrely, the public in USA and too many Democrats immediately jumped to attack even a thought of questioning the election results, let alone ask for a hand recount, obviously forced into stockholm syndrome of false equivalences with "conspiracy, theories, election deniers, insurrectionists" of jan 6th 2021 - something so refutable that is incomprehensible that Democrats didn't refute these false equivalences and instead with confidence of doing their jobs and President Biden's Presidential Immunity Powers asked for the hand recounts!!!!! it is totally, utterly bizarre how and why Democrats folded to tRumputin's quisling terrorism so fast!!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree

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Jan 28
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Excuse me - if you legitimize the billionaires' technological manipulations of stealing the elections - what hopes and perspectives can you have for ever in the future having an indeed free and fair election?? I really didn't think something so elementary needed to be even harped on about. So, it's not either or exclusionary - but, both - expose the tRumputinist quisling terrorism of the past and of now and future!!

Please, this is not any sort of a personal "attack" on you, I as a sincere, honest, realistically grounded and solution-oriented person simply speak my mind when it's so obviously needed someone has to. If you have a problem with my critical thinking, then, have Substack, violate me, censor me again&delete again my comments as they did yesterday...... "good luck".....

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The thing is, the posters all sound like MAGA 2020. We thought that was complete bullshit. And, I hear the same from our camp now. So, the election is fucking over and now, stopping the felon has to be primary.

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@ Cliff R Floriot, this one above me is an example of a willful downing-krueger syndrome of cognitive dissonance founded on FALSE EQUIVALENCES!

Whoever launches perverse lies how supposedly Democrats who want full truth and nothing but the truth sound like magats - that one is actively sabotaging Democracy and is a tRumputinist in his/her soul who drowns out the real pro-Democracy voices in this most critical situation of to be or not to be. And then a such a person/person gets into ad hominem attacks, quarrels etc.... and demoralizes pro-Democracy camp. that is how and why Democrats lose and USA is easy to be hijacked by terrorist putin of russia through their quisling agent tRump&his cult......

But, yes, absolutely my whole point IS that stopping the felon has to be primary! And, is there a specific example what exactly have Democratic politicians since the damned and cursed nov 6th 2024 done anything about it?? I wish there was!

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Jan 29
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Oh, a life-long repukkke who voted for tRumputin in 2016 (he thinks that wasn't bad enough already!!) Cliff R Loriot is telling me how he's an expert in psychology and psychiatry loooool AND how has a nerve to defame me, libel me and slander me with his quasi-"expertly" diagnoses, even though from my first comment on - I clearly pleaded with him i.e. Cliff R Loriot NOT to start becoming personal just 'cause he chooses to disagree with me. Ain't that typical from repukkkes, folks ..............

Guess what, Cliff R Loriot - my recommendation for you is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztiinciP0-0

I do NOT need a life-long repukkke who voted for tRumputin in 2016 tell me anything about the MTN as I've known it all waaay before you yet I'm younger than you!! you're too little too late for to say anything, Cliff R Loriot!!

As to Substack and me and My Subscriptions to Substack channels and My Democratic Activism in general, I've written before my comments got deleted by Substack. How they got deleted I've partly described also of what I know from my part, in my other comments - if you care to, go find them and read them, you old grasshopper!! The other part of Substack's part how I got tricked to click a wrong button when I only wanted a break from Substack, NOT to remove my comments or content from it - that is Substack's part to explain!! 'cause their customer support representative at first said - would restore My Account and after having asked me for my subscriptions and heard what they were (all Democratic and Liberal), the customer support representative suddenly changed the story how it's impossible to restore My Account.... All that I wrote about - who wanted to read, could, it's certainly available. But, you, Cliff R Loriot refused to care to know about the truth yet take a "liberty" for yourself to judge me, so typically life-long repukkke. F..k you again, Cliff R Loriot!!

p.s. one more address to me by your or similar to your ilk part to me - you're getting reported and blocked, Cliff R Loriot.

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Jan 28Edited
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Please - defeating and DISallowing the convicted criminal felon tRumputin&his quisling terroristic cult - was supposed to be actually the most routine thing!! although am fully aware of all the obstacles made by the corrupt system in USA. The very least - Washington DC as the most Democratic-voting American Territory where the terrorist already committed his terrorism - should've NEVER EVER been allowed to him&his to intrude in again!!

The transiency of our one and only lifetime does NOT give us the time for getting obfuscated!! - although I appreciate the wisdom by Sun Tzu and am fully aware of it. That what Sun Tzu said - he said to those who only start fighting not to the veteran fighters in Democratic Activism like those of us who are and me!!

Democrats' strategy of decennial-long-appeasement obviously hasn't worked for most part and it's the most traumatizing thing to me to even have to say it as I've been Democratic Activist ever since even before the start of this new millennium. If it has - we wouldn't have been in this situation. One thing is obvious - it is impossible to coexist in one and the same country in this shape and form with tRumputin&his!! Find peaceful and negotiated but effective and real ways to territorially part ways away from them!! The time is flying!! Hold on to what we've got i.e. Blue Counties, Townships, Municipalities, join them together even/if when exclaves, enclaves etc... i.e. cut the losses and run away from the tRumputinists!! Starting with correctly reclaiming Washington DC as the most Democratic-voting American Territory would be a start!! Have signed countless petitions for decades that Washington DC gets its Statehood but nothing happened.

And the reason I'm here on Substack is because my Gmail is almost 200 000+ emails overflooding with Democratic Activist emails, my every moment of every waking hour has been occupied by Democratic Activism (that is my volunteering and donating i.e. losing my money I barely have) - yet Democrats keep losing. That is an insupportable state of affairs!!

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Jan 29
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What wrong issues do you argue Democrats focused on? Why not being more specific?

Sir, if you're STILL denying that eVILonmusk fingered this 2024 election, I'd rather spare me of communicating with me. We'll agree that we disagree and go our own ways!

Have a good night!

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Sad but very true. We are going to be very distressed for 4 years. But we can't stop calling it out. No distractions. Get him where we can

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I am so proud to be one of the people who humiliated Trump.

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Ohhh, ME TOO!

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Toping it off is that Donable Lector is the poster child,self-loving ,self centred narcissist...........so it hits him multiple times harder that a normal human being

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Let’s keep holding live events at the same time as he does! Literally taking his Audience way from him

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Yes, that is a great idea and proactive thinking!!

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Thanks MeidasTouch I’ll bet Donnie‘s got his brown high heels on today trying to be as big as you.

You guys are really hitting him where it hurts! RATINGS! He’s obsessed.

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As the tiny small orange man would say “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” 💙😂🤣

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I noticed that the Amazing Talking Yam* was groveling on the floor before he was surrounded by SS agents, at which time he reared up on his hind legs and delivered the deathless "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" sound bit**. <s> Such courage. </s>

* h/t to Charles Pierce of Esquire magazine.

** a play on "sound bite" as "sound byte", each of which is comprised of 8 sound bits. So, 1/8 of an actual sound byte. Weak nerd humor, I know. 45 years of programming computers will do that to a person.

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Weak, NO! 😂Let's put together a Revenge of the Nerds!

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Thank you!

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Please, it's not even funny anymore in a joke to liken anything of ours to tRumputin!!

btw., he was staged to be "attempted to be assassinated" - by HIS OWN CULT, NOT by us who had nothing to do with his world to begin with!!

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People who have been living their lives with no interest in politics are beginning to open their eyes and they need a reputable source of information they can trust with all the BS being spewed on Main Stream Media…and Meidas Mighty is it! Thank you a million times for your fearless fight you are leading against the worst of us! 🇺🇸🌹

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Being here and engaging with other Meidas Mighty to support each other is something we CAN DO. At a time when the orange felon wants us to lose hope, get lost in despair and feel hopeless let’s continue to support this platform and each other! We’re not alone!

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Thanks Cathy. That's Ben and the other MeidasMighty job description. They are doing a great job 👏

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Yes, but it's also equally important - not to get complacent but to be raw-realistic fighter and self-defensive!!

The NONtRumputinist and better yet ANTItRumputinist Americans simply must march on Washington DC with the Factual Argument of Washington DC being the most Democratic-voting American Territory and liberate it from tRumputinist quisling terrorism!! Did you not learn from Dr. Martin Luther King and Civil ad Human Rights Movements of 1960ies that were essential elements for Modern American Liberal Democracy??

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DC IN 2017. THE BIGGEST crowd Orangina ever drew. Against him ! Hence, my digust that Americans would let their be a 2.0 repeat. Crushing.

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So then why is/are he&his allowed to defile with their evil presence the most Democratic-voting American Territory such as Washington DC they hate so much? they've ALREADY for most parts destroyed The US Constitution - it's fait accompli i.e. done deed!!! they already talk about post-constitutional "USA". When an evil, monstrous fait accompli i.e. done deed is already done - then the victim i.e. us STILL has/have to find ways to handle even a such a situation as the life and time still go on!! Adjust and renovate the strategies and solutions, unprecedented as they may be - because this situation IS totally unprecedented!!!

Washington DC and other Blue Counties, Townships, Municipalities, Territories must NOT be ever given to them - that's all we Democrats have!! tRumputinists already have territorially larger parts of USA, Democrats must ensure to have at the very least what is BLUE according to the voting results!!

FOLKS, START RESISTING tRumputinist terrorists, AT LONG LAST!!!

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He was voted in. Supposedly. It is Sane or Insane. Not R vs D He projected his plans to others and said how awful they were. But they were his wishes all along. Whoever believes him got played by a con man. Many tried to tell them. Now we all have to suffer for their blindness

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How come it isn't R vs D when Rs have chosen to be and still are his cult??

There is nothing of Liberal Democracy in USA except for Ds and/or, partly, Independents i.e. those Independents who caucus with Ds and apolitical people. So, still, a relative majority of USA's population!! That relative majority of USA's population now must rise up into a United Front Against tRumputinists and For Saving Liberal Democracy in America! So, hold on to the Blue Counties, Cities, Townships etc..., cut the losses away from red, have the NONtRumputinist and better yet ANTItRumputinist folks from the red into the Blue (and the red ones from the Blue into red) i.e. swapping the population as much as possible and run away from the red before anyone ends up dead!!

The rest of your comment - I know, you didn't tell me anything I don't know already.

Look for a solution!! Refuse to suffer for his cultists' blindness!

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I’m not sure if any of the MM have tried to communicate to the Whitehouse but I did try this morning just to offer a little well earned feedback. What a surprise! There is no contact page anywhere. Joe had one and I used it regularly. I guess if you’re executing the will of the people you don’t need any feedback? If anyone finds a link, please post. Great job MTN. (https://www.whitehouse.gov/)

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Good luck. You think the white house wants our opinion anymore

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They are going to get opinions if they like it or not!

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You too! Great press on your part, let's keep looking for their contact page!!

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Doesn't look like they have an e-mail address. As of 1-25 only a mailing address is listed:


Guess he only wants to be contacted through Truth Social or X.

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through Lie Antisocial.

Folks, you have to deconstruct the quisling pos tRumputin in every single detail!!

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Oh Ben, this is fabulous news. Yet another example of how your channel is growing. It shows us that most Americans are paying attention and are hungry for the truth. Please keep up the fight and your dedication to bring us the facts and the truth every single day. You're the best!

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Medidas is winning. We must get behind you in numbers too huge to dismiss. The rest of media machine should try returning to real journalism. Their days are otherwise quite numbered.

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Every chance I get, I promote MeidasTouch.com in my posts on Quora. There are many in the Quora community who are already part of the Meidas Mighty. I just want there to be more! Way to go, Ben, and MeidasTouch.com!

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Congratulations! Keep up the great work. The People who Care movement is growing!!

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Get the word out! Fighting! 💪💙

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Yesss! 🙌🏽🙌🏽💙🇺🇸

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Well done!

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