Many Trump supporters are confronting unexpected hardships, from strained family ties to financial setbacks, as the reality of Trump’s policies hits home.
I'm afraid it is. The corporate machine has bent every effort to create generations of unthinking slush heads who bow to their every whim. I don't see any glory in ruling over a bunch of morons, but power is a heady wine.
We did and tried to warn them. But their up trumps ass attitude shielded them from hearing and understanding the truth. Wish I had a buck for the times I told people.... educate yourself, ask questions. And many I asked them how they're going feel dying stupid.
It was so frustrating to hear people that I personally know act as if it was no big deal Trump got elected. I have countless posts from the MTN, Justice Matters, etc., that spell out exactly who Trump is, but they ignored the posts. I’m not going to blame the democrats. I’m going to blame the voters. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who this guy is.
The results of this election reveal that a significant portion of the voting population may not have realized they were voting for a convicted sexual predator and a narcissistic political predator and all the people he will surround himself with. Many people understand, on an emotional level, the fear of having a predator in their neighborhood — a fear that often surfaces when local authorities notify residents of such individuals moving nearby. Without this notification, people might remain unaware, as predators often hide their true nature.
We must educate people about predators’ traits and behaviors to empower them to make more informed decisions. This awareness enables them to choose how to respond effectively. One accessible way to spread this knowledge is through AI tools like ChatGPT (
Instead of merely telling people, we should show them. By encouraging them to consult credible sources, like ChatGPT, they can receive consistent definitions and descriptions of predator behaviors.
Here's how: instruct them to ask ChatGPT, "Please define a sexual predator and a narcissistic political predator, along with 25 or more examples of their behaviors."
After receiving the initial response, they should type "continue" to explore deeper layers of information. They should repeat the “continue” process 3 to 5 times.
Try it yourself to see what insights you gain — then share this process with others!
These are not people who could ever learn to use AI, or would even believe the results if they could. They will not “explore deeper layers of information.” Many of them are functionally illiterate. They are only interested in seeing and hearing their baser instincts reinforced by right-wing media, if they consume any media at all. I want to feel sorry for them, because they are ignorant and foolish, but I can’t because they are cruel; cruel even to themselves, though they don’t know it.
Stupid and ignorant. They listen to whomever (whoever) tells them what to do. When people attack me I showed them proof against what they were talking about and fought me all the way. Then tried to force their lies on me. Told one guy... give me a link proving your point and I'll try to believe you. Crickets.
Well. Look who their “dear leader” is! People who worked in his first administration reported that he couldn’t read or comprehend much of anything. If he didn’t, he just changed the subject or walked out! The only thing that Drumpf has ever cared about is what people think of him! Even then he can’t understand that the majority of the citizens don’t like him and never have!
Another example of a conspiracy theory. Talk about something and they've got to stir up the pot. Just let it go. Look it up yourself before spreading what may be lies.
There you go. Did you read the article? Not a damn thing said about the covid vax. And you took it, twisted it all to hell and posted it here. Let's show more maturity than MAGA'S. Read and research.
A friend of mine in Netherlands response when I said this; you are already a 3rd World Nation. You have minimal safety nets and heath care is a right in most other Nations. You are already behind the world on what matters. Ouch. True!
That seems to be the goal of the maga folks...according to quality of life rankings the US is usually currently in the top 15 to 10 ish. The countries that trump wants to be most like, Hungary and Russia are much much lower and North Korea will not share any info to be measured. Trump does not like any of the nations consistently ranked above the US.
Blame Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Jack Welch, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Sinclair stations, Reagan and Republicans repealing the Fairness Doctrine, AM Reich-wing radio spewing hate 24/7, and billionaire monopolies of US media. The movies Network and Broadcast News predicted where we were headed.
I am blaming people voting for tRump because they got caught up in his bullshit, hatred, racist & he only has to pay out some money when he was convicted for rape. Now they are going to have to pay the piper for that vote of stupidity.
They don’t get their news from traditional sources, they get headlines from social media which is here to stay, unfortunately. They are low information voters, mostly from uncredible sources. We must use social media tools and create our own to grab people’s attention and educate them.
Exactly! If they had reported on his goblets as much as they did on Biden, he wouldn’t have gotten elected dog catcher! Maybe if they had reported on all the women who accused him of assault…especially Katie Johnston who was 13 when he raped her at Epstein’s! Or maybe printed actual copies of Epstein’s records. Or maybe reported more on the 82 year old cancer patient that he had evicted from her apartment snd stole every thing she owned! Or maybe about the barely legal girls from third world countries that he brought here to work as models but actually used as an extension of Epstein’s operation! He brought them in promising $60,000+ for two years. Took their passports and forced them to model nude for his pals. And when their visa was up, he paid them just $3000! Or maybe if they had done interviews with all the people that he cheated in business? The fact is, all but a few of the reporters were terrified he’d sue them! And yet he didn’t sue Lawrence O’Donnell or Rachel Maddow etc. He didn’t do it because he knew he’d lose…they told the truth and he knew it!
I can’t help but get some schadenfreude from this, they brought it on themselves. What blows my mind is how they’re playing the victim in all of this, their shitty choices just hurt so many and showed them to be small minded, hateful bigots and yet they cry, “how could this happen?” The people who cut them off are not the assholes in this, it’s called having core values and morals and boundaries and not wanting to be around toxic people (which his supporters are). To me, this is common sense, his supporters sided with hate, racism, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, violence, etc, why would any decent kind, compassionate, empathetic human being would want to subject themselves to that level of toxicity?! I see the people who cut them off as the real victims, these jerks showed them how much they don’t give a shit about these people and then whine when they understandably tell them to shove it and try to guilt trip and manipulate their way back in, and get attention and sympathy from others for it, which frankly tells you all you need to know about every single one of them, they’re entitled, they’re arrogant and they’re toxic to the core and it’s no one’s fault but their own.
Absolutely. It is beyond opinions. Why would we want to spend time and relationships on people who have already made the decision to hate, attack others, and call themselves Christians while breaking every commandment.
all of what you have said plus the frothing hate and disgusting superior attitude that seems to come with all of their opinions. Unfortunately their "buyer's remorse" isn't just going to hurt them it will also kill alot of good people.
And all the small minded little boys & girls don’t get to play insurrection with Maga - no more rally’s playing dress up in dtrumpfs image - sure he so relieved to shake them all off his coattails…
I listened to the video of the young lady and to some of the examples and I thought the lady and some of the others were just dupes. They were caught in the wrong information bubble. They are in a cult. People leave cults when something opens their eyes. Some will join the other party one day if we don’t convince them that Democrats are just as hateful as the Republicans.
Confession: I used to be a Republican. I left in the summer of 2015 when I saw that the hateful bully would be the leader of the party.
I have Republican friends and family members. They are good, kind people and I can’t understand how they could vote for such a man. I think they don’t believe he is such a man because their media covers for him and because they believe the fear he has spread through that media. I won’t cut them out of my life unless they become bad people. Holding a sign that said, “Your body my choice” might do the trick. Otherwise we just don’t talk politics unless it can be a calm discussion to foster understanding.
My personal belief is that shunning family members for their beliefs is harmful in many ways. That’s what cultish religions do and it’s more likely to push them further away than convince them that they are wrong. It doesn’t reflect well on the one doing the shunning in the eyes of others either.
I think we should speak out and reach out. Not shun and isolate.
I think each situation is individual and should be treated accordingly. I have cut people out of my life while I kept a few that I believe are basically good and reachable. But I couldn’t tolerate the self righteous racism/ sexism anymore. I admit I never confronted them, because that’s not my personality. I just got “really busy”. Life is too short, there are so many other things that bring me joy and peace.
These are grown people. It is their responsibility as citizens to educate themselves. It's not that hard at all. Intellectual curiosity costs nothing. They are lazy, stupid, or evil. That's the options. I choose to spend my time around people that believe in basic human rights and dignity.
My partner (a trumper) and I are one argument away from a permanent split. He doesn’t even believe dfg knows about Project 2025!!!!!! Soooo out of touch with reality 😭😭😭
When you talk to people about project 2025 and explain The Heritage Foundation has created policy proposals for every Republican admin since 1981, and that Trump implemented 2/3 of the policy proposals within the 1st year of his first admin, they still don't believe he'll follow them this go around. Jeez! What do you have to do?!
Stupid or brainwashed, it’s not worth spending your life with him if he’s willing to rationalize his decision. It tells a lot about his underlying beliefs, and you will probably see those in his behavior more and more.
I'm pretty sure that most of his supporters don't even know what Project 2025 is. Not only are they misinformed, they are uninformed, but when the shit hits the fan, they are going to learn the hard way. Unfortunately, the ones who did not read into the BS and actually paid attention to what was being said are going to have to pay for the others' stupidity.
They will deny or interpret misinterpret even if you read it to them verbatim. He’s the cult leader - most people in that situation don’t want to admit they’re wrong. It will require catastrophic consequences before they blame him.
No idea how you can live with a trumper. God forbid you get pregnant & don't want it or have a bad pregnancy & need medical assistance. He'd let you die.
Have some self respect & kick him to the curb where he belongs. Adios ahole.
I find it appalling that so many Americans know so little about their own country and how their government works. Having lived in Europe for over 5 years (for business), I learned that even second graders there (W. Germany) knew more about my country than I did. Lesson learned, very quickly. Even more appalling was that when I returned to the US, my sis-in-law, who was a high school teacher, told me that she was not interested in hearing about it.
I think ignorance can be changed. Ignorant people don’t know what they don’t know. If subjects like civics and citizenship were taught in all schools and necessary in order to graduate, it would go a long way toward changing the disturbing reality of the state of our education systems. That, in my view, would also apply to homeschooling, and be required for college admissions.
I’m old enough to have had a civics class, but it didn’t go far enough, and as I recall, it was boring, so I probably didn’t pay much attention. Example of teaching style: in my Junior year in high school, I flunked American history. I needed it in order to graduate, so I took it over in my senior year. Different teachers. I ended up with a grade in the mid 90s. The difference was that the second teacher made history interesting and alive.
I know it’s shocking, isn’t it? It’s also very embarrassing! lol. I’m doing my best to rectify that now, I had government in school though, but I’m sure they didn’t teach us enough.
100% agree! I thought I was well informed about U.S. History and government, but the information I learn through her essays has shown me how woeful my education was. I love reading them daily and the details I gain from them. The biggest lesson is how often we've repeated mistakes made in our history and are about to do it again.
My SIL is gone now. This was several years ago, but things have not changed over the years. Maybe the close proximity of the countries in Europe to one another has something to do with it. I don’t know. But I took it seriously.
My favorite is the woman who was so happy that Obamacare was going to be canceled--- BECAUSE THE ACA IS SO MUCH BETTER!!! You should have seen her face when she was told that they are the same thing. The stupidity is truly astounding.
And this is less than a week after their misguided decision to elect a proven criminal, racist, rapist, liar, and conman. Just wait until the days following Jan. 20. Wouldn't I love to see a huge turnout at the Capitol to protest certifying the vote, armed with nothing but signs and their moral consciousness.
It's also a religious Catholic vote for the Hispanic community. They will regret that as soon as Stephen Miller takes over rounding up all ,in his words, none Americans.
That is what we talked about, even before we started hearing it. So many voters don't understand what they are voting for. I mean.... if the candidate does not understand tariffs, then it means too many voters don't either, and believe him when he says it will bring more jobs. Voting for him will affect us all, but the self-centered voters who voted for trump will pay, often more than many of us who did not (think: women, farmers, Latinos, small businesses.)
More jobs, the same jobs that the migrants have been doing for the past 70 years ! Jobs Americans don’t want to do, can’t do, or can’t afford to do. funny thing about US consumers, they like lower prices !
Wrong! Americans want things for free. I’m not talking about immigrants, I’m talking about my fellow countrymen who are jealous of what they see as someone getting a break or a favor that they don’t have access to. They can’t understand how someone gets a Christmas bonus and they don’t, or how someone gets free tickets to the Super Bowl or winds up with a free turkey or got a special deal (they think) on a new car. Americans sometimes make me sick.
Trump played his supporters, but they should have heeded the many red flags and warnings, especially about Project 2025. Trump used, abused, lied, etc., to get votes. He doesn't care about his supporters; only about power and money. Trump is morally bankrupt. He is a 77+ has been, or I should say, he never was anything but a loser. The drama and toxicity surrounding him is unbelievable, and of his own creation, because he is severely ill with the cancer of severe narcissism. He is useless to the USA, and needs his power completely taken away, before he destroys democracy in the USA, and leaves us in shambles.
It's just fucking sad that the voters were so uniformed about who they voted for. We need more rich democrats supporting truthful journalism online and everywhere.
The majority of Americans are going to find out quite soon, the consequences of their vote. I will not hold myself back from saying, "I told you so." I'm gonna say it where appropriate.
I did like the song in the middle of the video.
EDIT to add: What really pisses me off are the damned Teamsters. Biden LITERALLY saved all their pensions. And the Teamsters did not endorse Harris.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s administration on Thursday announced the infusion of nearly $36 billion to shore up a financially troubled union pension plan, preventing severe cuts to the retirement incomes of about 350,000 Teamster workers and retirees across the United States."
This is why trump loves the uneducated. How could you not know any of this stuff? Who believes your kid goes to school and has their sex changed? Who takes the word of a habitual liar?
We need a more educated electorate if this country has a prayer of surviving imo. Of course, it may be too late!
I'm afraid it is. The corporate machine has bent every effort to create generations of unthinking slush heads who bow to their every whim. I don't see any glory in ruling over a bunch of morons, but power is a heady wine.
Social Media will be the demise of our country. No longer is there a trusted source where the truth can be found.
I think that people did not do their own homework.
We did and tried to warn them. But their up trumps ass attitude shielded them from hearing and understanding the truth. Wish I had a buck for the times I told people.... educate yourself, ask questions. And many I asked them how they're going feel dying stupid.
It was so frustrating to hear people that I personally know act as if it was no big deal Trump got elected. I have countless posts from the MTN, Justice Matters, etc., that spell out exactly who Trump is, but they ignored the posts. I’m not going to blame the democrats. I’m going to blame the voters. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who this guy is.
Fox and the RW podcasts and RW radio too
The results of this election reveal that a significant portion of the voting population may not have realized they were voting for a convicted sexual predator and a narcissistic political predator and all the people he will surround himself with. Many people understand, on an emotional level, the fear of having a predator in their neighborhood — a fear that often surfaces when local authorities notify residents of such individuals moving nearby. Without this notification, people might remain unaware, as predators often hide their true nature.
We must educate people about predators’ traits and behaviors to empower them to make more informed decisions. This awareness enables them to choose how to respond effectively. One accessible way to spread this knowledge is through AI tools like ChatGPT (
Instead of merely telling people, we should show them. By encouraging them to consult credible sources, like ChatGPT, they can receive consistent definitions and descriptions of predator behaviors.
Here's how: instruct them to ask ChatGPT, "Please define a sexual predator and a narcissistic political predator, along with 25 or more examples of their behaviors."
After receiving the initial response, they should type "continue" to explore deeper layers of information. They should repeat the “continue” process 3 to 5 times.
Try it yourself to see what insights you gain — then share this process with others!
These are not people who could ever learn to use AI, or would even believe the results if they could. They will not “explore deeper layers of information.” Many of them are functionally illiterate. They are only interested in seeing and hearing their baser instincts reinforced by right-wing media, if they consume any media at all. I want to feel sorry for them, because they are ignorant and foolish, but I can’t because they are cruel; cruel even to themselves, though they don’t know it.
The right wing seems to vote against their own interest regularly, so I ask are they really so stupid and ignorant? Or are they just rascist?
Stupid and ignorant. They listen to whomever (whoever) tells them what to do. When people attack me I showed them proof against what they were talking about and fought me all the way. Then tried to force their lies on me. Told one guy... give me a link proving your point and I'll try to believe you. Crickets.
You can’t educate those that don’t want to be educated, they don’t want to hear anything that won’t fit into their tiny closed minds.
And trumps cutting funds for education.
Well. Look who their “dear leader” is! People who worked in his first administration reported that he couldn’t read or comprehend much of anything. If he didn’t, he just changed the subject or walked out! The only thing that Drumpf has ever cared about is what people think of him! Even then he can’t understand that the majority of the citizens don’t like him and never have!
Too much work. They'd rather get their info from fox and Tucker.
No thank u! I’ve had the Covid vaccine every time it’s been offered! I’m healthier for it!
STFU, ted! Take your conspiracy theories back to X. We're not interested.
Another example of a conspiracy theory. Talk about something and they've got to stir up the pot. Just let it go. Look it up yourself before spreading what may be lies.
Good one 😅😂😂 👍👍 is a bot. Just blocked it.
Let me guess- you supported RFKJr but voted for tRump…
There you go. Did you read the article? Not a damn thing said about the covid vax. And you took it, twisted it all to hell and posted it here. Let's show more maturity than MAGA'S. Read and research.
Don't be such a fool.
Oh brother.
Get away.
I never thought I'd be living in a Third World country, but it seems that we are devolving into a turd world country.
A friend of mine in Netherlands response when I said this; you are already a 3rd World Nation. You have minimal safety nets and heath care is a right in most other Nations. You are already behind the world on what matters. Ouch. True!
That seems to be the goal of the maga folks...according to quality of life rankings the US is usually currently in the top 15 to 10 ish. The countries that trump wants to be most like, Hungary and Russia are much much lower and North Korea will not share any info to be measured. Trump does not like any of the nations consistently ranked above the US.
Blame Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Jack Welch, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Sinclair stations, Reagan and Republicans repealing the Fairness Doctrine, AM Reich-wing radio spewing hate 24/7, and billionaire monopolies of US media. The movies Network and Broadcast News predicted where we were headed.
I am blaming people voting for tRump because they got caught up in his bullshit, hatred, racist & he only has to pay out some money when he was convicted for rape. Now they are going to have to pay the piper for that vote of stupidity.
They don’t get their news from traditional sources, they get headlines from social media which is here to stay, unfortunately. They are low information voters, mostly from uncredible sources. We must use social media tools and create our own to grab people’s attention and educate them.
Absolutely true.
The media have blame in all this. They glossed over his lies and corruption for profits.
Exactly! If they had reported on his goblets as much as they did on Biden, he wouldn’t have gotten elected dog catcher! Maybe if they had reported on all the women who accused him of assault…especially Katie Johnston who was 13 when he raped her at Epstein’s! Or maybe printed actual copies of Epstein’s records. Or maybe reported more on the 82 year old cancer patient that he had evicted from her apartment snd stole every thing she owned! Or maybe about the barely legal girls from third world countries that he brought here to work as models but actually used as an extension of Epstein’s operation! He brought them in promising $60,000+ for two years. Took their passports and forced them to model nude for his pals. And when their visa was up, he paid them just $3000! Or maybe if they had done interviews with all the people that he cheated in business? The fact is, all but a few of the reporters were terrified he’d sue them! And yet he didn’t sue Lawrence O’Donnell or Rachel Maddow etc. He didn’t do it because he knew he’d lose…they told the truth and he knew it!
The Department of Education also has a bullseye on it. Just enhancing private schools for the rich, and destroying anything that helps "commoners" .
I can’t help but get some schadenfreude from this, they brought it on themselves. What blows my mind is how they’re playing the victim in all of this, their shitty choices just hurt so many and showed them to be small minded, hateful bigots and yet they cry, “how could this happen?” The people who cut them off are not the assholes in this, it’s called having core values and morals and boundaries and not wanting to be around toxic people (which his supporters are). To me, this is common sense, his supporters sided with hate, racism, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, violence, etc, why would any decent kind, compassionate, empathetic human being would want to subject themselves to that level of toxicity?! I see the people who cut them off as the real victims, these jerks showed them how much they don’t give a shit about these people and then whine when they understandably tell them to shove it and try to guilt trip and manipulate their way back in, and get attention and sympathy from others for it, which frankly tells you all you need to know about every single one of them, they’re entitled, they’re arrogant and they’re toxic to the core and it’s no one’s fault but their own.
Absolutely. It is beyond opinions. Why would we want to spend time and relationships on people who have already made the decision to hate, attack others, and call themselves Christians while breaking every commandment.
all of what you have said plus the frothing hate and disgusting superior attitude that seems to come with all of their opinions. Unfortunately their "buyer's remorse" isn't just going to hurt them it will also kill alot of good people.
Agreed. Consequences of their actions, shot themselves in the foot.
You said it perfectly m
Well said!!!
And all the small minded little boys & girls don’t get to play insurrection with Maga - no more rally’s playing dress up in dtrumpfs image - sure he so relieved to shake them all off his coattails…
I listened to the video of the young lady and to some of the examples and I thought the lady and some of the others were just dupes. They were caught in the wrong information bubble. They are in a cult. People leave cults when something opens their eyes. Some will join the other party one day if we don’t convince them that Democrats are just as hateful as the Republicans.
Confession: I used to be a Republican. I left in the summer of 2015 when I saw that the hateful bully would be the leader of the party.
I have Republican friends and family members. They are good, kind people and I can’t understand how they could vote for such a man. I think they don’t believe he is such a man because their media covers for him and because they believe the fear he has spread through that media. I won’t cut them out of my life unless they become bad people. Holding a sign that said, “Your body my choice” might do the trick. Otherwise we just don’t talk politics unless it can be a calm discussion to foster understanding.
My personal belief is that shunning family members for their beliefs is harmful in many ways. That’s what cultish religions do and it’s more likely to push them further away than convince them that they are wrong. It doesn’t reflect well on the one doing the shunning in the eyes of others either.
I think we should speak out and reach out. Not shun and isolate.
I think each situation is individual and should be treated accordingly. I have cut people out of my life while I kept a few that I believe are basically good and reachable. But I couldn’t tolerate the self righteous racism/ sexism anymore. I admit I never confronted them, because that’s not my personality. I just got “really busy”. Life is too short, there are so many other things that bring me joy and peace.
These are grown people. It is their responsibility as citizens to educate themselves. It's not that hard at all. Intellectual curiosity costs nothing. They are lazy, stupid, or evil. That's the options. I choose to spend my time around people that believe in basic human rights and dignity.
I couldn't agree more, Ashleyboop. Well said !!!
My partner (a trumper) and I are one argument away from a permanent split. He doesn’t even believe dfg knows about Project 2025!!!!!! Soooo out of touch with reality 😭😭😭
If you’re married better split before the no fault marriage goes into affect & the man gets ti decide if u divorce.
When you talk to people about project 2025 and explain The Heritage Foundation has created policy proposals for every Republican admin since 1981, and that Trump implemented 2/3 of the policy proposals within the 1st year of his first admin, they still don't believe he'll follow them this go around. Jeez! What do you have to do?!
You can't fix stupid people, and their stupid decisions
Stupid or brainwashed, it’s not worth spending your life with him if he’s willing to rationalize his decision. It tells a lot about his underlying beliefs, and you will probably see those in his behavior more and more.
I'm pretty sure that most of his supporters don't even know what Project 2025 is. Not only are they misinformed, they are uninformed, but when the shit hits the fan, they are going to learn the hard way. Unfortunately, the ones who did not read into the BS and actually paid attention to what was being said are going to have to pay for the others' stupidity.
They will deny or interpret misinterpret even if you read it to them verbatim. He’s the cult leader - most people in that situation don’t want to admit they’re wrong. It will require catastrophic consequences before they blame him.
They can’t admit that they are fools!
Show him trumps, “agenda 47”. It’s almost identical
JFC - WTF just happened to our world🤬
No idea how you can live with a trumper. God forbid you get pregnant & don't want it or have a bad pregnancy & need medical assistance. He'd let you die.
Have some self respect & kick him to the curb where he belongs. Adios ahole.
Am in my waning years so there are lots of other issues at play. I march, write letters and postcards, etc while he does nothing activist. Still……
Split now. Don't drag it out.
Time to go..
Time for you to move on!
I find it appalling that so many Americans know so little about their own country and how their government works. Having lived in Europe for over 5 years (for business), I learned that even second graders there (W. Germany) knew more about my country than I did. Lesson learned, very quickly. Even more appalling was that when I returned to the US, my sis-in-law, who was a high school teacher, told me that she was not interested in hearing about it.
There's already people googling what tariffs are and if they can change their vote... 🤦🏼♀️
Yup, too bad they didn’t decide to google BEFORE they voted
And all they had to do was change channels from FOX to understand the real result of tariffs. It’s one f the reasons Trump lost in 2020!
Can't cure the virus of ignorance.
I think ignorance can be changed. Ignorant people don’t know what they don’t know. If subjects like civics and citizenship were taught in all schools and necessary in order to graduate, it would go a long way toward changing the disturbing reality of the state of our education systems. That, in my view, would also apply to homeschooling, and be required for college admissions.
The result of cutting civics classes. Expect more of the same when the repugs gut the Dept of Education.
I’m old enough to have had a civics class, but it didn’t go far enough, and as I recall, it was boring, so I probably didn’t pay much attention. Example of teaching style: in my Junior year in high school, I flunked American history. I needed it in order to graduate, so I took it over in my senior year. Different teachers. I ended up with a grade in the mid 90s. The difference was that the second teacher made history interesting and alive.
I loved history class and social studies (now civics). My downfall was Algebra and you are correct, teachers make all the difference.
I know it’s shocking, isn’t it? It’s also very embarrassing! lol. I’m doing my best to rectify that now, I had government in school though, but I’m sure they didn’t teach us enough.
Read Heather Cox Richardson’s Substack. She’s a brilliant historian and will also bring you up to date on politics.
100% agree! I thought I was well informed about U.S. History and government, but the information I learn through her essays has shown me how woeful my education was. I love reading them daily and the details I gain from them. The biggest lesson is how often we've repeated mistakes made in our history and are about to do it again.
Yes, I agree.
Is your SIL a Trump supporter?
My SIL is gone now. This was several years ago, but things have not changed over the years. Maybe the close proximity of the countries in Europe to one another has something to do with it. I don’t know. But I took it seriously.
My favorite is the woman who was so happy that Obamacare was going to be canceled--- BECAUSE THE ACA IS SO MUCH BETTER!!! You should have seen her face when she was told that they are the same thing. The stupidity is truly astounding.
And this is less than a week after their misguided decision to elect a proven criminal, racist, rapist, liar, and conman. Just wait until the days following Jan. 20. Wouldn't I love to see a huge turnout at the Capitol to protest certifying the vote, armed with nothing but signs and their moral consciousness.
There is a Womans March scheduled a couple of before the election with ones to be announced for the same day around the country as well.
Oops, I believe the date is actually the 19th, but you can check on their website and sign up for updates on other locations to be announced.
Karma is a bitch
The Hispanics that voted for him are going to find out. Women are already finding out.
It's also a religious Catholic vote for the Hispanic community. They will regret that as soon as Stephen Miller takes over rounding up all ,in his words, none Americans.
That is what we talked about, even before we started hearing it. So many voters don't understand what they are voting for. I mean.... if the candidate does not understand tariffs, then it means too many voters don't either, and believe him when he says it will bring more jobs. Voting for him will affect us all, but the self-centered voters who voted for trump will pay, often more than many of us who did not (think: women, farmers, Latinos, small businesses.)
More jobs, the same jobs that the migrants have been doing for the past 70 years ! Jobs Americans don’t want to do, can’t do, or can’t afford to do. funny thing about US consumers, they like lower prices !
Wrong! Americans want things for free. I’m not talking about immigrants, I’m talking about my fellow countrymen who are jealous of what they see as someone getting a break or a favor that they don’t have access to. They can’t understand how someone gets a Christmas bonus and they don’t, or how someone gets free tickets to the Super Bowl or winds up with a free turkey or got a special deal (they think) on a new car. Americans sometimes make me sick.
? and your comment has what to do with the jobs the work the migrants are doing
Yeah, but we’re all gonna suffer
Trump played his supporters, but they should have heeded the many red flags and warnings, especially about Project 2025. Trump used, abused, lied, etc., to get votes. He doesn't care about his supporters; only about power and money. Trump is morally bankrupt. He is a 77+ has been, or I should say, he never was anything but a loser. The drama and toxicity surrounding him is unbelievable, and of his own creation, because he is severely ill with the cancer of severe narcissism. He is useless to the USA, and needs his power completely taken away, before he destroys democracy in the USA, and leaves us in shambles.
It's just fucking sad that the voters were so uniformed about who they voted for. We need more rich democrats supporting truthful journalism online and everywhere.
I'm not quite back yet.
Still struggling.
But I have to say, Bret is right.
The majority of Americans are going to find out quite soon, the consequences of their vote. I will not hold myself back from saying, "I told you so." I'm gonna say it where appropriate.
I did like the song in the middle of the video.
EDIT to add: What really pisses me off are the damned Teamsters. Biden LITERALLY saved all their pensions. And the Teamsters did not endorse Harris.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s administration on Thursday announced the infusion of nearly $36 billion to shore up a financially troubled union pension plan, preventing severe cuts to the retirement incomes of about 350,000 Teamster workers and retirees across the United States."
Read the whole thing here:
They voted to "own the libs" but they really just owned themselves. Womp womp.
Ignorance is bliss - until it comes and bites you in the butt. Too bad, so sad.
This is why trump loves the uneducated. How could you not know any of this stuff? Who believes your kid goes to school and has their sex changed? Who takes the word of a habitual liar?