It’s a scary situation when you have a deranged person running for president in the first place. It’s even scarier, knowing he has millions of followers who will do anything for him and we know that includes violence. Trump can’t escape Project 2025 because that’s how he is supporting him. We all know he has no original thought, except how to screw people out of money and be the most popular person around. Let’s make sure he can’t take our country back to 1825! Vote Blue!!

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And what can we do about it? I never would have believed America so many bigoted people living here. And that is what it is. That is what keeps him going. He has nothing to say about America. He has no plan of his own. Only the 2025 and some of Musk's Fascist ideas.

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Ohhh kaaay , so he’s saying for the last month or so that he doesn’t know anything about 2025 It is the usual bullshit lying from him that we always knew it was.

It’s always nice when we get proof that he’s full of crap. Isn’t all this lying which is causing terrible problems, emotional problems, and just plain terror among the victims of this last hurricane grounds for arresting him?

He is now a terrorist! He’s terrorizing and endangering all of those victims of the terrible hurricane last week and now the upcoming one will be worse! He should be arrested for the lies that he and couchfk are perpetrating, causing more chaos and pain and possibly death.

Who can do something about this? Who the hell can do something about this and get him and his mini me off the airwaves -they should be locked up in a dark closet somewhere so they can’t have any more effect on people already suffering, without their bullshit!

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Did he though? I highly doubt HE actually wrote the forward. He’s a moron with a third grade vocabulary. He just put his name at the bottom. But your point’s well taken. He’s a theocratic fascist power monger from hell who’s fully on board and in bed with Project 2025.

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He has neither the intellect nor the attention span to write a comprehensible foreword.

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Funny, I can’t find where it’s number 1 at Amazon

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The GOP has been captured by fraudsters & power by any means authoritarians. The projection & propaganda never stops.

Trump & Vance can’t handle the truth threatening fact checkers, whistleblowers & truth tellers with retribution. https://wapo.st/3XXgHPt

Trump & MAGA whine about booming Bidenomics:

Trump’s economic plan would increase the nation’s debt by more than twice the amount of Harris’s plan according to a nonpartisan group that advocates for smaller government deficits. Dem admins created 98% of jobs since 1989 while GOP lost jobs & ballooned the deficit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbPBuk5QoV8 https://www.crfb.org/papers/fiscal-impact-harris-and-trump-campaign-plans?utm_campaign=wp_power_up&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_powerup

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The quote as you rewrote is incorrect (age should be gave) so I was confused at first…whatever. The real question is does anyone actually believe he could write anything, much less a forward to a book😂

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He doesn’t have the attention span nor the intellect to write anything comprehensible.

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You can’t have it both ways. Either you know them or you don’t. Too late now. Let’s be certain Trump is outed for this in a big way.

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Always the liar, he is wedded to P 2025, no ?

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The GOP has been captured by fraudsters & power by any means authoritarians. The projection & propaganda never stops.

Trump & Vance can’t handle the truth threatening fact checkers, whistleblowers & truth tellers with retribution. https://wapo.st/3XXgHPt

...while Trump & MAGA whine about booming Bidenomics. Dem admins created 98% of jobs since 1989 while GOP lost jobs & ballooned the deficit.

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"Highly respected" economist? I say, WHAT? Oh, sure, just like Cokehead Kudlow is a Nobel-quality "financial analyst and economist". JFC, more "only the best people"...BASTA!

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He is now incapable of telling the truth. He has convinced himself that the lies he tells is the truth. There has to be a psychological name for this. I think he has devolved into his own fantasy reality and that is very scary.

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One fact should be made abundantly clear; Stephen Moore IS NOT an economist! He has an MA in economics from George Mason. Basically, an MA says that you are prepared to teach the subject - not practice it.

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How is adding 25% to the national debt by giving billionaires an entirely unnecessary tax cut an economic miracle. Americans, normies at least, are so sick of the Mango Mauler that we want to hurl at the sight of him and actually do when we hear his Queen's honk. He needs to take his orange cloven hooves and move on along with his malevolent, chrome-domed sidekick, the evil liddle eunuch, the hatemonger, Stephen Miller who got his tiny rocks off caging children. Richard Spencer said they were "friends" in college.

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Florida please remember a car or truck or home can be replaced. A life can't. Help a friend or neighbour and get out of harms way. Listen to the forces on the grywho are there to help and do not trust miss information posted on the media.

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Who knew tRump could write? Maybe a ghost writer!

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It is totally appalling that "Anyone" at anytime would EVER vote for the most evil, psychotic, and non empathetic FELON in this country!

Please please think about all he has done and said and if you really want him to have the nuclear codes again! He is mentally unstable and Putin's best "patsy" and pawn. Don't let this happen!!!

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Well of course J.D. All Grifts lead back to trump. It seems donOLD's claws are into All things Bad,bad for the American people and the World. I'd just like to wakeup one morning and not hear a bloody thing about this shit-heel. But hey, you've written a Good piece this evening and I will be reStacking ASAP! Thank You 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊

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The American people, the Russian people, the Haitian people. None of it matters to this rapidly devolving sociopath, just the highest bidder.

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