MLK would be the first to applaud a massive protest against DJT & his goons including the GOP & the halfwits that voted for the Trump asshole. How the Dems let this scumbag back into the Whitehouse is beyond comprehension. I want to wake up from this hideous repeat nightmare.
Martin Luther King would not advocate returning hate for hate and vitriol.
His movement pushing back against a culture across the land of lynchings and abuse of power lead to the miracle of peaceful protest. He led the oppressed to follow him in strong not hateful words where he opened a vision of how things will be "I have a dream." And that lead to people embracing reaching the place of their dreams thru peaceful protest.
It is not peaceful protest if we restack hate and repost hate and respond to hate. Just like the abusive authority of old that would skin and hang a black person for no cause and set fire to their home where their families were driven out -- it made things worse to protest violently and present as a threat to authority.
Trump is an authoritarian, and he is limited today as to what he can do to all of us; that includes the MAGAs. He needs MARTIAL LAW. Are you going to throw a tiny stone and be part of it or resist hating back and spreading it? Your call.
Do not respond to the MAGAs set upon us today. They are just as much a victim to Trump's insidious reaching for a reason to declare martial law. Take a pass on all of it. I've gone to other sites where we are represented thru posts made as vile and obscene and full of hate for the MAGAs. I don't align with that at all.
We are all being set up to clash and provide a basis for Trump declaring MARTIAL LAW.
Forewarned is forearmed. Now I'm heading out for a long walk on a beach where I will greet everyone with a smile and a good word MAGA or not. We have more in common than we do not. The last bastion that will fall is our unity any shred of unity that today does remain or can be revived.
MLK ardently believed in protest. As someone else posted, MLK would most definitely be leading the protest. I suggest you educate yourself before posting again. You are unfortunately embarrassing yourself.
I will DEFINITELY be watching "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Historical Perspective" on Prime Video and "Boycott" on Max. Anyone have recommendations for anything else on the tube?
Prime Video is Amazon, owned by Jeff Bezos., who is owner of The Washington Post, and is now kissing the ring of King Don. Bezos will reportedly be on the dais tomorrow with King Don, along with his pals Zuckerbeg and Musk.
A boycott of all things Amazon might give Bezos pause. Probably not, but you never know till you try....
I've been thinking about my Amazon reliance. I'm going to start weaning off. Anybody know of places to order that will deliver? I'm thinking maybe Costco? Walmart may just be another wolf in disguise. I'm hoping to find some place.
An alternative method: Use the Amazon online catalog to locate what you are looking for. Then locate the website of company that makes/provides the article you are looking for. Order directly from them.
I do not have a prime membership. But I do order from Amazon but not often. Prime costs $139 per year plus tax and shipping is free. Otherwise the shipping fee is $7 per order. Then it is cheaper to pay the $7 per order if you do less than 20 orders per year. But with none of the prime extras.
Costco and Twitter are both good or go directly to the source of the item you want to order. I closed my Amazon account and anything to do with Amazon. I let them know why I was closing the account.
If I want something I go directly to the source or just find another source. It takes longer but that is how it was before Amazon. I can remember that period of time and even before that time when I had to go outside and shop in person. I go online for lots of stuff but from the beginning never got roped into Amazon. Even at Whole Foods where all your data is being collected and your shopping list is downloaded and on tap forever; it may be convenient but at what cost. I want to return back to the analog days. It is still there just untapped. It was lovely though. People were more engaged with each other which builds a visual memory of your life not a virtual one.
But it is a good place to shop -- Walmart and employs people like me actually, like you in fact, regular folks working hard to provide for their families -- retirees who need a few bucks to get by -- we need to stop hating our fellow man -- are you afraid of them? What have they done? They dress up in costumes and we make fun of them online. I've seen the extent of some of it and do not align with any of it at all. Trump is going to use hate to divide and incite violence for an excuse to declare Martial Law. It can be avoided by getting out there and looking your neighbors in the eye offering a smile and a kind greeting then moving on -- they are in just as much pain as we are today -- don't you see it?
I don't give my money to places that give it to the Convicted Felon, that's all. I don't do Hone Depot or Chick-Fil-A either. I never said I HATE them. You did.
I'm going to an MLK Celebration today. I volunteer in my community, I work the election polls. I see what MAGA has done to people: 1) you can't fight brainwashing and 2) you can't fix stupid. They aren't in pain, they are gloating over "owning the libs". I just ignore them and choose not to shop at their stores. But hey, you do whatever you want. It's still a sort of free country.
I am not giving up Amazon. There's plenty of other places to shop online but they don't have the supply and delivery service of Amazon. I shop other places online but I would never give up Amazon. It is too convient. That is a boycott you will never win. He is global.
I’m also holding out for some of the currently perceived “villains” to end up being insider double agents. I think there’s hope for Zuckerberg and Bezos. Zuckerberg and his wife were visibly uneasy at the inauguration…then later trump stated how he hated FB. LOTs of people are holding their noses and pretending to be trumpers.
I am aware, believe me. I checked on everything the tRUMP Oligarchs own and go with whatever alternatives I can. In this case, I only found one movie about MLK's life that was streaming (I was shocked actuality), so I looked into ownership of Prime Video and he owns a "small portion". So excuse me, just sharing the info I found.
There is something local in your community giving a nod to MLK. I'm heading out right now. Leaving my blue screens at home! I don't want to join in any group events, but that is my personality. Just reading his final speech or any of his speeches can be the wind beneath our wings today.
BTW, Sundar Pichcai, the CEO of Alphabet Inc owns Google who owns YouTube and is number 3 of the richest CEOs in the USA and is attending the inauguration tomorrow...
What a small group constitutes this ruling class! If we all share the advice above on how to obtain materials other than Amazon, and keep going to the sources, we might have some effect on them.
My prime renews in March, I'm NOT renewing, I've already removed my credit card after my last order was on cyber Monday - their 1 day delivery is is now a week & I've only watched a hand full of movies on prime - he can pound salt!
Today I watched Roku’s live TV focused on several episodes of Midsomer Murders and this evening decided to see what RuPaul Drag Queen Race is about. It’s rather funny. Might watch it again at noon tomorrow to keep myself from crying!
Look oi YouTube for MLK documentaries , there's many & there may be 1 that you have never seen.
Here in 🍁 we don't have Martin Luther King Day unfortunately :( & we should , we weren't taught black history in school we had to learn about ourselves. Born in 1975, I didn't see colour, almost ½ of my family married black many from Detroit Michigan & I have a lot of 1st & 2nd cousins 181 on my father's side alone, not including the 3rd+ (my father the youngest of 13). The uptick in white nationalism, racism, religion that we're seeing today is unpresented that we didn't see back then, it was probably there but not in our faces like it is now 🌎 wide especially for my whole family & my young grand children being called racist names😢 by kids learning hate from their parents 🤬
My late parents taught us so much, brought us to the underground railroad museums, shared our family history involvement. We're a Secular nation, some families went to church & I've got nothing against them. Our Sundays were big family dinners once the nice weather came after Shirley Temple, NO house could hold us all. Cold months were "ON" & "IT", documentaries, Nature of things, National Geographics. Now we have YouTube , Prime ++++
Boycott Amazon. I closed my Amazon and Prime Video account. There are enough other sources to watch that show on. I am also thinking of closing my Bank of America account since they donated to the orange clown. Also thinking of trading in my iPhone and all apple related products since they donated millions to the orange clown.
Good for you. How about TikTok , did you do the same with that? Your battle with these businesses is not going to hurt them. They are all global businesses. What you don't buy is replaced by 10 that will.
I have a feeling Dr. King would be supportive of that? Jim Carter also, he wouldn't have had the same vane of recognizing a past president vs how he will look inside the Capital Building now?? Of course they won't reverse or admit they made a mitake! Its migrants and Dems fault? Eisenhower who started the tradition was a.Republican I think anyways!! So glad to see Bush snub the slime orange jesus!!
While you listen to KLove, you could turn your TV on to something other than the inauguration and turn the sound off. Every TV not tuned to the inauguration makes a statement.
That was my take on it. Or volunteer somewhere anywhere. Or donate -- maybe to homeless puppies and kittens -- give to an animal shelter in your town -- better yet give to a human being shelter -- personally I'm going into a state of torpor. With a short break for a walk on my favorite beach then a hot coffee and mingling as I go shop to shop in a little town nearby where the people are friendly and everyone knows my name.
Easy Daphne.... He's on OUR SIDE! Ben is also an admirer of MLK as all of us with a soul are! His job here is to warn us of the Magat attacks on a free press.... something Dr. King would have approved of! If you haven't donated to Ben's Substack.... DO IT! He's doing us a huge service committing to this media!
My understanding is that a lot of MLK footage has been appropriated by the family to protect his legacy. Just thinking this might make it difficult for MTN to cover. Also they could be accused of misappropriation if they did this. There must be so many channels covering MLK. It might be helpful to point people to them here?
Here’s a running list of people/businesses who have supported Trump and/or project 2025. PLEASE let me know if there are others! This is a community effort 💪
Thank you for the lists! I'm not too surprised by the names and businesses. I find it very interesting that most of the people on the list I have never cared for. The men are pretty obvious....usually white narcissists who think they are the greatest gift to humankind. Brady is one of the worst. Every one of the men have problems with real women. Jenner is a surprise. I would think the homophobes would freak out. Kevin Costner needs to be on your list. He is a republican narcissist. Mel Gibson is so deranged I can't believe anyone listens to him but I guess he fits the profile. "Dr Oz" needs to be added also.
Well I have NEVER watched Oz in my life, but i somehow know he is one of the junk medical posers, not sure how I know that, but it must be pretty obvious if it's got thru to me - so how comes others are missing that information ?
I cancelled my Amazon prime. Not a big deal but if millions of us do perhaps they might notice that we're all not happy about the entire corporate world deciding to let corruption become the new American ethos.
Probably not.. bc HE doesn't supports Unions. Unfortunately he already shafted a group of Firefighters who HE promised to help. (Previously announced the same.)
Cancel it anyway. I cancelled mine some months ago. We’re gonna get through this together. All of us. Even though we don’t know each other, together we stand (against those sons of bitches). Divided we fall.
Downloaded this app. It is a bit clunky, but I like that it rates companies by degrees, not just black and white. Sorry, I can't add the screen shot. Thanks for the tip. I will share it with others.
“The retailer, which is 80% owned by employees and directors of the chain, with 20% belonging to members of the founding family, in response to calls for a boycott of its stores and outrage on social media channels, over the weekend moved swiftly to distance itself from Fancelli, and condemned the events following the rally.”
Boy, this is tough. Google AND Apple?? I'll do what I can. Working on lessening Amazon. Never shopped at Walmart. There is good information in this list. Thanks.
Guy and Paris Hilton are shockers for me! Geez.....Carrie Underwood, what a disappointment--guess she is too buy touring to read all the misogynistic messages from King Maggot.
Wow thanks for sharing! When will Donald base wake up and realisze Donald was just lying to them! He would say anything to get elected and not go to jail! So the fools have that plan circulating for us all to see? Now that s really stupid! We must derail it!!!!
Thank you!!! Its great!!! Youre fine. .01% is better then nothing. Sorry, cant find the comment I made earlier, ilor your reply. Its sad how many of the oroducts I use are Republican backed. I never knew. So e things, though, I nee, some, have no good alternatives. They have positioned themselves well. I will def consult this list, though, when running errands. Again, thank you!!!
So glad they are noticing Meidas Touch and we are living in their brains. Great going Meidas Touch just keep forging forward. They just can't come to us when they are stabbed in the back.
Exactly! Best thing to do is call that person out!! Expose the Jackle!!! It only takes one person to start a herd! A blind mob! We saw you do it Jan 6 convicted felon, sex offender Donald!! Saw how Jr had a stake in it emailing Meadows! They haven't changed!!
I spent most of the day encouraging hundreds of people too spend inauguration day liking MTN articles and videos. got lots of positive responses from many people. We have each other‘s back.
Meidas Touch Network has raised over  $50,000 For the Humane Society today. They set a goal of $10,000, they surpassed that and are over $50,000 and shooting for $75,000. Woot!!
Yes, the word is spreading all over BlueSky, Threads, & TikTok before it shut down. To have your tv ON all day but tuned to any channel not airing that fuckery. If tvs aren’t on, they won’t count toward the percentages that will make his inauguration the lowest rated show in history. That will be so great & make him so angry.
Not scared either but you have to wonder why they are? Their dear Lord and Savior “won” the election, pulled a fast one with TikTok, got away with all his crimes and disappointed his rape victims. They should be very happy. They shouldn’t be threatening or scaring other Americans. So why aren’t they happy?
Some of these people probably know that Trump played them for suckers regarding the economy. Wait til their communities are affected by deportation and their friendly landscaper, mechanic, driver disappears.
They are scared. They’ve seen our posts against 45 all over the Internet. They were afraid they will have to admit they are wrong. That is something, these kind of people, can’t do.
That is a really huge part of it, a person has invested so much of who they are, they’ve made “family” in that community, & they know if they change & call out the lies & fraud, their community of trump worshippers will turn against them.
They will no longer “belong” there.
It’s a really hard pill to swallow.
My only living sister is one of the cult, along with almost all the rest of my family. I don’t speak with them very often. It’s really awful.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know how many people who are convicted of 34 counts and labeled a convicted felon become one of the richest, most powerful men in the world. It seems like he got rewarded for being a convicted felon. He’s also above the law now and has billionaires eaten out of the palm of his hands. He’s more powerful now than the first time when he wasn’t a convicted felon.
All the money he has comes from corruption, payola, bribery. That’s all Truth Social stock is, a cover for bribery; billionaires who want a regulation loosened, or a carve-out for their company to not have to have tariffs on their products or industry; easy, just buy a million shares of Truth Social. Same thing with his meme crypto, the $100K wristwatch; just ways to funnel bribes to him.
There is a saying that says, “ When you take a shot at the king, you better take him out the first time.This is because he will get stronger if you miss.” Regarding t/rump, his trajectory mirrors that of Hitler. Hitler was jailed and survived numerous assignation attempts. Despite his survival, in the end Hitler ended up taking his own life in a dark hole in the ground. I am a big believer in karma. What goes around, comes around. When you are as evil as t/rump, sooner or later you pay a price for the things you have done.
It’s Martin Luther King day tommorrow!!! You should be honoring Martin!!!!
We are with you and Martin wherever we are able to be. Exclamation points and all!!!
MLK would be the first to applaud a massive protest against DJT & his goons including the GOP & the halfwits that voted for the Trump asshole. How the Dems let this scumbag back into the Whitehouse is beyond comprehension. I want to wake up from this hideous repeat nightmare.
MLK would be leading the protests
He would be smiling down on us libtards
Martin Luther King would not advocate returning hate for hate and vitriol.
His movement pushing back against a culture across the land of lynchings and abuse of power lead to the miracle of peaceful protest. He led the oppressed to follow him in strong not hateful words where he opened a vision of how things will be "I have a dream." And that lead to people embracing reaching the place of their dreams thru peaceful protest.
It is not peaceful protest if we restack hate and repost hate and respond to hate. Just like the abusive authority of old that would skin and hang a black person for no cause and set fire to their home where their families were driven out -- it made things worse to protest violently and present as a threat to authority.
Trump is an authoritarian, and he is limited today as to what he can do to all of us; that includes the MAGAs. He needs MARTIAL LAW. Are you going to throw a tiny stone and be part of it or resist hating back and spreading it? Your call.
Do not respond to the MAGAs set upon us today. They are just as much a victim to Trump's insidious reaching for a reason to declare martial law. Take a pass on all of it. I've gone to other sites where we are represented thru posts made as vile and obscene and full of hate for the MAGAs. I don't align with that at all.
We are all being set up to clash and provide a basis for Trump declaring MARTIAL LAW.
Forewarned is forearmed. Now I'm heading out for a long walk on a beach where I will greet everyone with a smile and a good word MAGA or not. We have more in common than we do not. The last bastion that will fall is our unity any shred of unity that today does remain or can be revived.
MLK ardently believed in protest. As someone else posted, MLK would most definitely be leading the protest. I suggest you educate yourself before posting again. You are unfortunately embarrassing yourself.
Because no one listened to us
I will DEFINITELY be watching "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Historical Perspective" on Prime Video and "Boycott" on Max. Anyone have recommendations for anything else on the tube?
Prime Video is Amazon, owned by Jeff Bezos., who is owner of The Washington Post, and is now kissing the ring of King Don. Bezos will reportedly be on the dais tomorrow with King Don, along with his pals Zuckerbeg and Musk.
A boycott of all things Amazon might give Bezos pause. Probably not, but you never know till you try....
I've been thinking about my Amazon reliance. I'm going to start weaning off. Anybody know of places to order that will deliver? I'm thinking maybe Costco? Walmart may just be another wolf in disguise. I'm hoping to find some place.
Costco is good. Not as much stuff, but a good company.
An alternative method: Use the Amazon online catalog to locate what you are looking for. Then locate the website of company that makes/provides the article you are looking for. Order directly from them.
I do not have a prime membership. But I do order from Amazon but not often. Prime costs $139 per year plus tax and shipping is free. Otherwise the shipping fee is $7 per order. Then it is cheaper to pay the $7 per order if you do less than 20 orders per year. But with none of the prime extras.
Amazon is a great database, then I buy from the source.
I searched for Amazon alternatives and got a hit with 20 of them.
Go for it.
Costco and Twitter are both good or go directly to the source of the item you want to order. I closed my Amazon account and anything to do with Amazon. I let them know why I was closing the account.
Absolutely, just did the same thing!
If I want something I go directly to the source or just find another source. It takes longer but that is how it was before Amazon. I can remember that period of time and even before that time when I had to go outside and shop in person. I go online for lots of stuff but from the beginning never got roped into Amazon. Even at Whole Foods where all your data is being collected and your shopping list is downloaded and on tap forever; it may be convenient but at what cost. I want to return back to the analog days. It is still there just untapped. It was lovely though. People were more engaged with each other which builds a visual memory of your life not a virtual one.
Walmart is MAGA.
But it is a good place to shop -- Walmart and employs people like me actually, like you in fact, regular folks working hard to provide for their families -- retirees who need a few bucks to get by -- we need to stop hating our fellow man -- are you afraid of them? What have they done? They dress up in costumes and we make fun of them online. I've seen the extent of some of it and do not align with any of it at all. Trump is going to use hate to divide and incite violence for an excuse to declare Martial Law. It can be avoided by getting out there and looking your neighbors in the eye offering a smile and a kind greeting then moving on -- they are in just as much pain as we are today -- don't you see it?
I don't give my money to places that give it to the Convicted Felon, that's all. I don't do Hone Depot or Chick-Fil-A either. I never said I HATE them. You did.
I'm going to an MLK Celebration today. I volunteer in my community, I work the election polls. I see what MAGA has done to people: 1) you can't fight brainwashing and 2) you can't fix stupid. They aren't in pain, they are gloating over "owning the libs". I just ignore them and choose not to shop at their stores. But hey, you do whatever you want. It's still a sort of free country.
Have a nice day.
I am not giving up Amazon. There's plenty of other places to shop online but they don't have the supply and delivery service of Amazon. I shop other places online but I would never give up Amazon. It is too convient. That is a boycott you will never win. He is global.
I’m also holding out for some of the currently perceived “villains” to end up being insider double agents. I think there’s hope for Zuckerberg and Bezos. Zuckerberg and his wife were visibly uneasy at the inauguration…then later trump stated how he hated FB. LOTs of people are holding their noses and pretending to be trumpers.
You make a good point. I don't use Amazon, but I can understand where some do not have a choice, absolutely.
I am aware, believe me. I checked on everything the tRUMP Oligarchs own and go with whatever alternatives I can. In this case, I only found one movie about MLK's life that was streaming (I was shocked actuality), so I looked into ownership of Prime Video and he owns a "small portion". So excuse me, just sharing the info I found.
Hope you post your list. I am sure others beside myself would like to check their list with yours to make sure we have everything covered.
There is something local in your community giving a nod to MLK. I'm heading out right now. Leaving my blue screens at home! I don't want to join in any group events, but that is my personality. Just reading his final speech or any of his speeches can be the wind beneath our wings today.
BTW, Sundar Pichcai, the CEO of Alphabet Inc owns Google who owns YouTube and is number 3 of the richest CEOs in the USA and is attending the inauguration tomorrow...
What a small group constitutes this ruling class! If we all share the advice above on how to obtain materials other than Amazon, and keep going to the sources, we might have some effect on them.
I have signed out of Facebook and messenger….NOT spending ANY money on tangible items….
Making donations to The Carter Foundation, Suicide Prevention, MA Vest-a-Dog, and a couple of shelters!
Then checking out a few opposition organizations to see what they have planned.
Oppose, Resist, Insist!
That's the 💪 energy that we all need to hear & to have! Never give up & NEVER give in,
We're all in this together!
My prime renews in March, I'm NOT renewing, I've already removed my credit card after my last order was on cyber Monday - their 1 day delivery is is now a week & I've only watched a hand full of movies on prime - he can pound salt!
Watch “Idiocracy” the prescient movie about “our” WWF president — then watch and/or read Orwell’s latest “1984” ….
Fatenheit 9/11 makes some prescient points about an unpopular president that were not in regular news coverage.
Oops, spelling error: Fahrenheit 9/11, it should read.
Today I watched Roku’s live TV focused on several episodes of Midsomer Murders and this evening decided to see what RuPaul Drag Queen Race is about. It’s rather funny. Might watch it again at noon tomorrow to keep myself from crying!
If you have TV One in your cable package, I would highly recommend watching it. It's a channel that airs African-American programming.
PBS might have MLK programming today. It would be a better choice than knee bender Bezos’ Prime.
Look oi YouTube for MLK documentaries , there's many & there may be 1 that you have never seen.
Here in 🍁 we don't have Martin Luther King Day unfortunately :( & we should , we weren't taught black history in school we had to learn about ourselves. Born in 1975, I didn't see colour, almost ½ of my family married black many from Detroit Michigan & I have a lot of 1st & 2nd cousins 181 on my father's side alone, not including the 3rd+ (my father the youngest of 13). The uptick in white nationalism, racism, religion that we're seeing today is unpresented that we didn't see back then, it was probably there but not in our faces like it is now 🌎 wide especially for my whole family & my young grand children being called racist names😢 by kids learning hate from their parents 🤬
My late parents taught us so much, brought us to the underground railroad museums, shared our family history involvement. We're a Secular nation, some families went to church & I've got nothing against them. Our Sundays were big family dinners once the nice weather came after Shirley Temple, NO house could hold us all. Cold months were "ON" & "IT", documentaries, Nature of things, National Geographics. Now we have YouTube , Prime ++++
Sorry for my long reply!
I'm going for the Marx Brothers myself....
I ws thinking Shakespare, maybe Richard III?
I am watching the puppy and kitten stream.
Boycott Amazon. I closed my Amazon and Prime Video account. There are enough other sources to watch that show on. I am also thinking of closing my Bank of America account since they donated to the orange clown. Also thinking of trading in my iPhone and all apple related products since they donated millions to the orange clown.
Good for you. How about TikTok , did you do the same with that? Your battle with these businesses is not going to hurt them. They are all global businesses. What you don't buy is replaced by 10 that will.
MAX has many suggestions in the "you may like" section below the Boycott movie info. I found some great ones!
I have a feeling Dr. King would be supportive of that? Jim Carter also, he wouldn't have had the same vane of recognizing a past president vs how he will look inside the Capital Building now?? Of course they won't reverse or admit they made a mitake! Its migrants and Dems fault? Eisenhower who started the tradition was a.Republican I think anyways!! So glad to see Bush snub the slime orange jesus!!
I am listening to KLove radio and they are honoring Martin Luther King. A truly honorable man.
While you listen to KLove, you could turn your TV on to something other than the inauguration and turn the sound off. Every TV not tuned to the inauguration makes a statement.
That was my take on it. Or volunteer somewhere anywhere. Or donate -- maybe to homeless puppies and kittens -- give to an animal shelter in your town -- better yet give to a human being shelter -- personally I'm going into a state of torpor. With a short break for a walk on my favorite beach then a hot coffee and mingling as I go shop to shop in a little town nearby where the people are friendly and everyone knows my name.
Or maybe I’ll do exactly what I did and you can just scroll on by.
Easy Daphne.... He's on OUR SIDE! Ben is also an admirer of MLK as all of us with a soul are! His job here is to warn us of the Magat attacks on a free press.... something Dr. King would have approved of! If you haven't donated to Ben's Substack.... DO IT! He's doing us a huge service committing to this media!
That is a honor to MLK. I am so sure he loved puppies and kittens.
My understanding is that a lot of MLK footage has been appropriated by the family to protect his legacy. Just thinking this might make it difficult for MTN to cover. Also they could be accused of misappropriation if they did this. There must be so many channels covering MLK. It might be helpful to point people to them here?
Here’s a running list of people/businesses who have supported Trump and/or project 2025. PLEASE let me know if there are others! This is a community effort 💪
Thank you for the lists! I'm not too surprised by the names and businesses. I find it very interesting that most of the people on the list I have never cared for. The men are pretty obvious....usually white narcissists who think they are the greatest gift to humankind. Brady is one of the worst. Every one of the men have problems with real women. Jenner is a surprise. I would think the homophobes would freak out. Kevin Costner needs to be on your list. He is a republican narcissist. Mel Gibson is so deranged I can't believe anyone listens to him but I guess he fits the profile. "Dr Oz" needs to be added also.
Oh lawd, I can’t believe any liberal would still be watching Dr Oz’s tv show after his ridiculous run for senator in PA!! He’s such a fraud.
Well I have NEVER watched Oz in my life, but i somehow know he is one of the junk medical posers, not sure how I know that, but it must be pretty obvious if it's got thru to me - so how comes others are missing that information ?
Added, thank you!
I cancelled my Amazon prime. Not a big deal but if millions of us do perhaps they might notice that we're all not happy about the entire corporate world deciding to let corruption become the new American ethos.
I cancelled my Prime and a recent order and gave the worker 5 stars then told them what I thought of Bezos in the comment box.
Wow, good for you. Really great of you to remember to give the worker the 5 stars.
I also said he deserves to be paid more. He does!
This seems like an impossible dream. But, they will be unionized sometime in the near future.
Probably not.. bc HE doesn't supports Unions. Unfortunately he already shafted a group of Firefighters who HE promised to help. (Previously announced the same.)
I went to cancel and just realized that it renewed (auto) Jan 6. Bummer!
Cancel it anyway. I cancelled mine some months ago. We’re gonna get through this together. All of us. Even though we don’t know each other, together we stand (against those sons of bitches). Divided we fall.
1 million % we must stay UNITED. History is watching!
Your Northern Neighbours in 🍁 are standing in solidarity with you!
Thank you.
You might be able to dispute that with some credit cards.
I would give them a call to try to cancel, you may lose a percentage maybe a months worth, give it a whirl you have nothing to lose!
Does anyone know if there is a comparable list of people and businesses who are pro democracy that we should support?
Check out the app called goods unite us
Downloaded this app. It is a bit clunky, but I like that it rates companies by degrees, not just black and white. Sorry, I can't add the screen shot. Thanks for the tip. I will share it with others.
I believe Publix Supermarkets does too. I know for sure they support Governor DiSantis.
Yes, the owner of Publix is super Trump/MAGA.
I thought so. That's why I stopped shopping there. Thank you for confirming that.
“The retailer, which is 80% owned by employees and directors of the chain, with 20% belonging to members of the founding family, in response to calls for a boycott of its stores and outrage on social media channels, over the weekend moved swiftly to distance itself from Fancelli, and condemned the events following the rally.”
Try the Goods Unite Us app.
They left off Gretzky.
No longer the Great One, now just the Greedy One. 👎🏼
Gretzky has been added.
Boy, this is tough. Google AND Apple?? I'll do what I can. Working on lessening Amazon. Never shopped at Walmart. There is good information in this list. Thanks.
Many people are dependent on a lot of these companies. All we can do is all we can do!
Guy and Paris Hilton are shockers for me! Geez.....Carrie Underwood, what a disappointment--guess she is too buy touring to read all the misogynistic messages from King Maggot.
I was shocked to find Mark Wahlberg on that list--and I've watched some of his movies. :(
I can’t find anything about Paris Hilton since she pretended to vote for him in 2016. I may remove her until I find a source that states otherwise.
Wow thanks for sharing! When will Donald base wake up and realisze Donald was just lying to them! He would say anything to get elected and not go to jail! So the fools have that plan circulating for us all to see? Now that s really stupid! We must derail it!!!!
Thanks so much for this list!!!
It’s probably only .01% complete but it’s a start 🥲
Snoop Dogg?!?!?! Sheesh...
“Snoop Dogg wows Trump inauguration Crypto Ball with Bob Marley song”
Add Shania Twain, Gloria Estefan (formerly of Miami Sound Machine), and Rick Springfield to the list. I no longer listen to any of their music.
I can’t find anything definitive about Estefan but feel free to share! The others have been added. Thanks!
a list of desperate has-beens
Thank you!!! Its great!!! Youre fine. .01% is better then nothing. Sorry, cant find the comment I made earlier, ilor your reply. Its sad how many of the oroducts I use are Republican backed. I never knew. So e things, though, I nee, some, have no good alternatives. They have positioned themselves well. I will def consult this list, though, when running errands. Again, thank you!!!
A thousand thanks for this.
So glad they are noticing Meidas Touch and we are living in their brains. Great going Meidas Touch just keep forging forward. They just can't come to us when they are stabbed in the back.
I would argue we're living in their heads. In the space brains would've taken up had they had any.
Totally agree! They need to have that cyber bullying, threatening behavior called out! Would it not be interesting if it was Don Jr.?
Don’t hide their identity. Cowards threaten people. Expose them. They did this; not you.
Exactly! Best thing to do is call that person out!! Expose the Jackle!!! It only takes one person to start a herd! A blind mob! We saw you do it Jan 6 convicted felon, sex offender Donald!! Saw how Jr had a stake in it emailing Meadows! They haven't changed!!
We got your back 💪🇺🇸
Don't block out names...they deserve everything that comes their way when they make threats like this. #FAFO
MAGA = Morons And Grifters Alliance
Love it!
LOVE it 👏❣️
Oh how absolutely 💯 perfect!
They are soooooo triggered I love it ahahahhaha
Puppies and kitties oh my! Awesome. Good job guys. Just the beginning of campaigning for midterms by refusing to bow to negative pressures. Woo hoo!!!
I spent most of the day encouraging hundreds of people too spend inauguration day liking MTN articles and videos. got lots of positive responses from many people. We have each other‘s back.
Excellent idea!! Thanks, I will do that
Meidas Touch Network has raised over  $50,000 For the Humane Society today. They set a goal of $10,000, they surpassed that and are over $50,000 and shooting for $75,000. Woot!!
Thank you for not streaming the treasonous pig’s inauguration. Our family is boycotting it and it’s a relief to know other people are as well.
Yes, the word is spreading all over BlueSky, Threads, & TikTok before it shut down. To have your tv ON all day but tuned to any channel not airing that fuckery. If tvs aren’t on, they won’t count toward the percentages that will make his inauguration the lowest rated show in history. That will be so great & make him so angry.
Why censor their last names? If they are are bold enough to say it with their WHOLE chest- put them on blast.
Ill be watching the puppies and kitty with you!
Same here!
It's interesting that JD Vance is the lead character. Hum...
Not scared either but you have to wonder why they are? Their dear Lord and Savior “won” the election, pulled a fast one with TikTok, got away with all his crimes and disappointed his rape victims. They should be very happy. They shouldn’t be threatening or scaring other Americans. So why aren’t they happy?
Some of these people probably know that Trump played them for suckers regarding the economy. Wait til their communities are affected by deportation and their friendly landscaper, mechanic, driver disappears.
Because when they can’t attack you with facts they will attack you with hate, fear, and threats cause that is all they have left.
They are scared. They’ve seen our posts against 45 all over the Internet. They were afraid they will have to admit they are wrong. That is something, these kind of people, can’t do.
That is a really huge part of it, a person has invested so much of who they are, they’ve made “family” in that community, & they know if they change & call out the lies & fraud, their community of trump worshippers will turn against them.
They will no longer “belong” there.
It’s a really hard pill to swallow.
My only living sister is one of the cult, along with almost all the rest of my family. I don’t speak with them very often. It’s really awful.
Two out of three brothers in most of my family voted for him. surrounded by neighbors who voted for him. I don’t talk to any of them.
Left out in the cold! Could be one reason!
I see what you did there, very funny . Thanks
Pun intended!! 😉
Actually t/rump didn’t get away with everything. While he didn’t receive any punishment, t/rump is still a convicted felon.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t know how many people who are convicted of 34 counts and labeled a convicted felon become one of the richest, most powerful men in the world. It seems like he got rewarded for being a convicted felon. He’s also above the law now and has billionaires eaten out of the palm of his hands. He’s more powerful now than the first time when he wasn’t a convicted felon.
I hear you, but the fact that he is actually bothered by it is some consolation...
All the money he has comes from corruption, payola, bribery. That’s all Truth Social stock is, a cover for bribery; billionaires who want a regulation loosened, or a carve-out for their company to not have to have tariffs on their products or industry; easy, just buy a million shares of Truth Social. Same thing with his meme crypto, the $100K wristwatch; just ways to funnel bribes to him.
There is a saying that says, “ When you take a shot at the king, you better take him out the first time.This is because he will get stronger if you miss.” Regarding t/rump, his trajectory mirrors that of Hitler. Hitler was jailed and survived numerous assignation attempts. Despite his survival, in the end Hitler ended up taking his own life in a dark hole in the ground. I am a big believer in karma. What goes around, comes around. When you are as evil as t/rump, sooner or later you pay a price for the things you have done.
Who get's scared off by Paper Tigers