He's just so sleazy and disgusting. When he was elected, I knew he was bad and already despised

him, but I had no idea how evil he is. Now, I wouldn't put anything past him.

Even more troubling is how many Kool Aiders are following him.

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But does it do like the "Tmex" that Dave Garroway promoted which after being spun around on an outboard motorboat engine " takes a lickin" and keeps on tickin' " and probably sold for about $20.00? Hmm...

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I doubt that many Substack readers under a certain age would know who Dave Garroway was. As the original host of NBC’s “Today” show I remember him, his sidekick, J. Fred Muggs, and those famous Timex watch commercials. What was their slogan: “You can given them a licking but they keep on ticking.”

I’d venture to say that a Trump watch wouldn’t last if you dropped it.

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I'm happy that there is at least one youngster, like myself who remembers Dave Garroway. ;)

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I’m another one who remembers Dave Garroway, I used to own a Timex watch, too.

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They were great watches too and were blessed with no mugshot of "45". ;)

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It wouldn't last if you wore it.

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Or wore it

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I remember those commercials too! Thanks for the laugh!😆

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My pleasure! Thanks for your kind comment

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I thought it was John Cameron Swayze….

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Oh brother,do I smell a Rat?!! Terrific article today,Brett and will be Restacking ASAP Thank You 💯

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The watches are also non-refundable. I found a picture on Google maps of the so called office. One is an H&R Block office and the other is a company with the exact address called https://nextheight.net/mnft-llc. An educational company. This is really suspicious and I think his Court Monitor needs to be involved with this. Who pays up to $100,000 for a watch that is non-refundable? They are not made yet, no shipping date. I also found similar watches for under $100 on Temu. I think Trump is getting them from China and its all a scam. He is peddling political influence and is selling favors for when he thinks he will be President. That is not going to happen and he knows it. How many of our enemies will buy 20 watches from him?? Suite 1309 is a vacant suite with a for rent sign on it. https://www.google.com/maps/@44.7843397,-106.9416804,3a,15y,107.22h,91.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPihAeyUlXjzmVXZ3caourg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkyNS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Hi, Ellen, thanks for your detective work and tracking down a photo of that address. This Google Maps photo with the For Rent sign says "August 2019". Who knows at this point whether it is occupied. P.S. I've posted below that this address is likely one of many many businesses, as there's a company of attorneys there offering corporate/LLC business registrations for Wyoming (beneficial for taxes and business reasons, for out of state and WY-based businesses alike) registered agent services, and virtual office/mail services. https://wyomingllcattorney.com/Wyoming-Virtual-Office

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Perhaps someone who lives in that area can do a closer check, take pictures,or inquire clandestinely and report

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9 mins ago·edited 8 mins ago

We went & looked. Completely being renovated it appears. Not sure how to post the pics. No business appears to be active there.

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The for rent sign & for sale signs are gone. Scaffolding on both sides of the building. No business signs except for a daycare flag on one side. There are piles of construction materials, looks like at least the outside is being renovated.

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Unfortunately, there are probably more than a few people who have $100,000 to spend and who really think they are buying a watch. I expect their experience to be: 1. pay trump. 2. wait for watch. 3. keep waiting.

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Yup! And waiting…And waiting….And waiting………….

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You bet ya! I know it won’t be me or you!

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Wow! And people fall for this crap!! Thanks for the reporting of the nonsense that is trump and his corrupt followers. I’m crossing my fingers for another investigation and lawsuit against the Orange Turd!!

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That would be the only rational, informed suspicion based on everything we know about him.

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DJT stock needs to be monitored to. It went down because he was expected to dump. Now entities can funnel money to him that way with a better ROI. Expect that if it gets back over $20, he will dump quickly.

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Typical. More money laundering from his casino days. Wasn't that big a secret many moons ago

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Great work. No other news company is lifting a finger to check this out.

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This address was site of auction house busted for selling counterfeit goods 3-11-2023 see Sheridan Press article.

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The Wyoming address is likely where the LLC was registered as a business entity and an attorney was the registered agent for them, and possibly for virtual office/mail services. https://wyomingllcattorney.com/Wyoming-Virtual-Office It's unlikely the auction house ever did any onsite business there.

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Sounds like right on brand for Trump.

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trump Crime family is going for cash grabs. I think they understand He is going to lose in November!! This is just the beginning, pretty soon he'll be selling his spit for $50 in a fine plastic cylinder holder with real gold plating LMFAO!

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MAGAts would buy it if he jerked off to a picture of his daughter in a mason jar

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Wonder if he could MANAGE THAT without Viargra, after all Don Old is 78

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Sell Rudy’s pickled kidneys

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What a thought

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Bet the dials drop off within a month

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And corrode before that

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I noticed the there is a law firm at that address called Wyoming LLC Attorney. Looking at their website, I suspect that is the connection. Not sure what their Suite number is, but how they describe what they do fits exactly what that kind of firm would be looking for.

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Holding out for the Trump Butt Plugs.

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Only if they vibrate and play the national anthem

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Add Don Jr and Eric for the Reacharound upgrade

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You mean wJ6 anthem…

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Yes, that would certainly please them more, I'm sure!

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Although on second thought I'm sure a lot of them would prefer the dulcet tunes of "Erika"

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Well that would be the end of the Trump campaign narrative.

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It would be novel to see Trump spend his own money on his campaign

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