He has absolutely no decency. Forever the con, corrupt, criminal . Kemp should kick his stupid lying ass out of Georgia by telling him “ we got this, thanks but no thanks!” He hasn’t and will not contribute a dime!

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It never ends with this guy just when you think it can’t get any worse he shows a new grift!

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Isn’t there a way for crowdfunding sites to prove where money goes? This doesn’t seem legit to me (the « fundraiser », not this article) Tr*mp is notorious for ripping people off in the name of « charity ». (Again I am baffled at how someone like this is seriously a presidential candidate) Go Fund Me should shut down this BS. We all know that no one in need will ever see a penny of it, but I bet tr*mp will.

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All of this money will find its way into tRUMPS pocket. HE HASN'T even contributed nor will he. Grifter is gonna grift!

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North Carolina has a disaster relief fund that people can contribute to. I did, it’s on the state government site.

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Locals in North Carolina are saying don’t give to Red Cross, not enough of the money goes to the effort, give to local organizations. I can’t give you a list but many people can.

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You may also donate to the United Way (there is a specific NC Disaster Relief Fund), All Hands and Hearts, and of course Samaritan's Purse. Any are worthy charities--at least two towns have pretty much been obliterated, and many folks have lost everything. Any and all help is welcome.

45 is not aiding anyone but himself. Don't believe a word out of that grifter's mouth. Thank you for listening.

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So I guess the bill is overdue for Melania's stylist??

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And he always gets away with it in plain sight. He is evil.

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If it were discovered and proven, and of course promoted broadly that Trump was raking 'administrative fees' off this Gofundme campaign for people hurt by the hurricane, that could be an enormous impetus for people not to vote for him. Good catch on this. I hate to say it, but glad there's the possibility of his running a con based on hurricane losses.

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The MAGAts wouldn’t care or believe that he did so. It wouldn’t affect the morons who are going to vote for him, no matter WHAT he did. Like he said, he could kill someone in the middle of traffic in broad daylight on 5th Ave in The City and the MAGAts wouldn’t bat an eye. Especially if the person he killed had a brownish hue. So a little stealing? Big whoop.

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My first response was send some money to the Red Cross, it’ll get where it’s needed. 🤬

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I’ve reported all three GoFundMe accounts & wish everyone would do the same. The larger donations are “off” - why would Musk give $50,000. twice? Dana White multiple donations, and who is receiving the money? Think it’s his “get out of the country if he loses the election” GoFundMe. As much as I’d love to see him leave, possible convictions are more important.

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Trump will put 97% in his pocket. Then he will make a big todo over “him” donating the rest. I sent my concerns to Go Fund Me, directly.

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Remember Steve Bannon has been indicted for his fund the wall scam.

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Disgusting Disgraceful Degenerate Demented


donald trump

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My guess is that hurricane victims will see very little of that money. But frankly, if a person is stupid enough to donate to anything remotely connected to DJT and his family, they deserve to be cheated. Just don’t say you haven’t been warned.

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