Micro stick and overinflated ego, a recipe for disaster..

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Add to the fact that he's rather stupid and we've got a trifecta.

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Also the mentality and temperament of a four year old.

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"The angriest boy in the world"..

Methink Donald was never loved as a child. He does not know what love is and is looking for it all around..

He is a black hole of good feelings, eating those and turning them into crap..

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He was not loved. His mom was out of the picture w illness during the developmental time when toddlers learn empathy and his dad was a cold fish. Read Mary Trump's book about him.

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He is really a very sad person! He needs a great deal of Pray for himself and family.

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Tots and pears from me.

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surrounded by hateful and more competent people who will enact his agenda unless we stop them.

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You got it Sandra!

Let's laugh at the face of anybody telling you how to behave or what to think.. and see how they react.

Anger? Well.. bad answer..

A smile? Maybe there is something to learn..

Be safe 😊

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And that's just Musk .....

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Can't wait for the billionaire bromance breakdown! It's going to be EPIC.

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Thank you for explaining exactly what is happening and going to happen.....I feel better already...Meidas Mighty will answer the call !!

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I do too.

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Patricia, this article helped me a lot as well.

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I think that Elon and company are going to drive the economy into a recession so he and his buddies can profit off the crash. When stocks plummet they will be buying like crazy while everyone else will be selling off trying to capture what wealth they have left. Same thing with the bitcoin bubble that everyone is talking about now, when it bursts every one will wonder what happened.

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Yep, that's the mega wealthy's big plan. They did it in the 1920's. They so badly want their slave labor back.

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I have said it more than once. They are working toward stripping women of their right to vote, and they would like t undo Brown v Board of Education, and then, of course, roll back the abolishing of slavery. I personally don't know any MAGA yet who have come to their senses. Seriously.

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True dat'. Remember the Women's March. Blow that up by half the population that is 18 or older. I'll have my pitchfork in one hand and a bucket of hot tar in the other.

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That maga slogan is to make America great Again when only white people had rights! We are not going back to the 50s and 60s Bobby! It will be a civil war in this country. I really believe that is what they want to happen!

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What they mean is make america great again for the robber baron class. America was great in my childhood. They want to take us BACK to 1885. My grandparents grew up in the depression era. I was fortunate to be white and a child of the 50s, when unions were strong, and no one would have ever thought that we'd be talking about getting rid of Social Security. Of course, this was not the case for our brothers and sisters of color, but those of us who grew up in small town, working class, immigrant midwest did not realize that. I was in junior high before I read (required reading back then) the book, Black Like Me, and was shocked at the racism. I had never known that.

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just like United Healthcare, when they got hacked, allowed the doctors in their network go bankrupt because they weren't getting reimbursed, they bought up those practices for pennies on the dollar, and now they're wondering why the assassin is an internet hero....

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I can't say I am grieved about the loss of the CEO. If more had that happen to them they might think twice about their constant harming of the rest of us. I don't believe any people have won their freedom by asking nicely. I think you get my drift.

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Arlene, messages that let THEM live in fear is a good change of pace. I would love to see a pickup truck with all the felon paraphernalia in pieces on the side of the road! Send them a message about any more of that shit!

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I am a retired RN. I once had a patient tell me that United Healthcare was the best “they cover everything “ I told them yeah they do, but they don't pay their providers. and soon doctors won't take your insurance

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I am even more afraid of the economic damage that they can do with crypto, maybe requiring government recipients (SSA, SSD, OPM retirees, etc.) to receive their monies in crypto instead of dollars. That terrifies me. More blatant theft.

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Naw. Any decent Certified Financial Planner worth the salt will warn you off the crypto craze. It's not backed by anything except wind from Musky's butt and worth as much.

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No decent CFP will be on any of the decision making decisions, though. They plan to rip us all off. Already talk about getting rid of FDIC, the CFPB, anything that protects us from the rapacious ways of the ownership (capitalist) class. I mean, how many of us know personally owners of ball teams, city blocks, the major bank corporations, oil companies, etc. etc. They are the 'movers and shakers' and they do not rub elbows with us commoners and peasantry.

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We won’t wonder what happened. Crypto is a mirage, and any thinking investor knows it and stays far,far away,

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Agree 100%

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The market is due for a correction. Don't panic. Contact your broker. If that fails, get a scrip for Xanax and just drift to 2028.

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ha. not every doctor will prescribe such drugs. And when they come for my social security and my government pension, what then?

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Whose afraid of the blow hard wolf who will huff, abd puff, and blow down nothing made stronger by The Constitution?

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The majority of Americans who support Trump are either willfully ignorant, uneducated, insecure, racist, or selfish. And if/when Trump tanks this country, they'll be the last to accept accountability, just like their president.

Most of the reasons people cited for voting for Trump are inaccurate, based on lies and overall ignorance of voters, too often willful ignorance, and, of course, the sexism and racism that runs through the veins of this country.

Trump spitting in our faces 248 year old Constitutional republic, representative democracy!

That's why I will be wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" shirt the next four years 👇


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Damn!! Right on!!!

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Heather, I purchased LGBTQIA Ally pins…Etsy sells some that are magnets instead of pins, but I have both. I like the magnets because they don’t pit holes in thinner tops

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Naw, 75 million ain't no "majority" in a country of 330 mill. Dumpty got this round by the skin of his veneers.

Personally, I think every Trump voter outta be branded with a red "T" on the forehead.

That aways we can pick 'em out in a crowd.

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All the while his sycophants are scrambling for a place at his feet, crying, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"

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Steve, Because they have seen crime is ignored, violating the Constitution is acceptable. The right wing owned media is really the centerpiece that made this happen. There needs to be CONSEQUENCES!

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I like to think of that, kneeling and squealing. Kinda like Yurtl the Turtle (Moscow Mitch McConnell) mutters under his breath about "not my job".

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I love the illustration of him with his tiny stick! It also depicts him as he actually is. He spews rhetoric to look like the big bad wolf 🐺 to fear,when in reality he's the mouse 🐁 in the corner with a shadow just making it look big and bad. His MAGA followers are scared but talk loud hoping to put fear into us. Well we are not fearful of Trump or MAGA. We'll stand firm and let MAGA know exactly what is actually happening. Let them know he's banking on them to act dump and uneducated just to do his dirty work. Eventually they will see and hear the real weasel.

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And be all the poorer for it. Has any one seen or heard from Mike Lindel? Lol

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And where is JD?

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JD went to NC to blubber that once Trump’s admin takes over, they'll get everything needed to recover ... like magic.

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...and Rudy Giuliani?

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Here he's trying to borrow money anywhere he can get it and sue his current lenders for breach of contract, meaning "I'm too broke to pay U, can I get a break?"

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😂his tiny dick…thinking of Stormy here….

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For a man who's relatively tall, he has a major case of small man syndrome.

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Uh, I am very scared! So many parallels to WW2 era. I hope you’re right.

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Terrific article this evening,Ben, how unfortunate for the World to see this idiot front and center making a fool out of himself?!! Fortunately, we've got you and MeidasTouch Network team to walk us through the bullshit. Thanks, and will reStack ASAP 💯

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On point! "Mattis, a student of counterinsurgency tactics and strategy, sent this advice to his Marine unit only a few hours before they helped kick off the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “While we will move swiftly and aggressively against those who resist, we will treat all others with decency, demonstrating chivalry and soldierly compassion for people who have endured a lifetime under Saddam’s oppression,” he wrote. Credit: Politico

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He may have written it, but it certainly wasn't the way it turned out.

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This is 😨 scary times. Non of the world leaders are afraid of trump, The countries like Russia, China North Korea, will use this to their own avenge.

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Funny how the only people who are afraid of Trump are the people who will be under his regime.

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I am not afraid. But it is going to be a rough for Americans. High prices, they want to cut social security, get rid of health care, cut veterans benefits, get rid of federal workers, and this is just a few things that trump, and DOGE want to cut.

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There is a lot of administrative waste in these benefits. I believe that's what they are trying to get rid of. Not actually cut the benefits s themselves.

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Sadly that is what they told his followers. They want to privatize the government and have it run by people that have companies that will make lots of money and rip off the country.. Civil Servants ( government employees) make a salary and at the end get good benefits. Trumps idea is pay them nothing take away their benefits and place his loyalists in the jobs and pay them a lot!! The placement of billionaires in the government is the first step. They privatized prisons and the company makes money and they can’t keep employees because they give the low wages… sin Florida Governor Desantis has put the National Guard in charge of being guards because no one wants to work in them. Now the company gets paid by the government to staff the prisons!?! They use and abuse the system. We are screwed with a trump being anywhere near Washington but his voters will reap what they sow…

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Like there isn't "administrative waste" by private insurance companies? Cuz that's what Americas about to get saddled with no matter if you're on Medicare or the VA or Medicaid. Correction, if you're on Medicaid, you're gonna die in debt quite quickly.

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My strategy for the last nine months: spray all Maganites and Humpity Trumpity himself with copious amounts of RIDICULITE.

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A great and instructive piece, looking forward to the detailed follow ups. Trump’s flawed psyche, which he can’t escape, will trip him up until his ignoble finish.

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Hope you’re right, but he’s escaped all his life and look at how old he is. With this election and SCOTUS capitulation, he’s gotten away with unbelievably egregious crimes!

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True, but he is out of sync with History and we’ll see.

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Beautifully and concise writing Ben! You lifted my morbid mood—and I thank you!

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I love this!!

Micro stick, tiny hands, shoes with lifts, bad wig on a big head, and a tiny 🍄

Thank you Stormy.

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Micro dick is more accurate.

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I was giggling all through this because I read it as small dick energy 😂

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Me too!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Ben, thank you. We WILL get through this together.

The truth seeking and clear thinking of all at MeidasTouch will be part of my “planned hope” these next 4 years.

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The hilarity of the leaders laughing at him from behind him is priceless

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What's more comical are the buffoons like Jim Jordan, James Comer, Rick Scott and so many others, Mike Johnson, grovelling at his feet like nutters. They debate themselves and NO will want them for anything worth will. Putzes all of them.

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He is a bully to the core. It would only be pathetic if he wasn’t so terrifying in his plans and his grift. Some republicans in government need to stand up and stop this carnival and remember their oaths.

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