The MAGA crowd are ignorant. As far as I can see DEI used properly is to ensure minorities with relevant qualities are given the same opportunities as everyone else, how can that be wrong!!
Because in MAGA world, you do not need any expertise.....ALL you need is to be White, Male, Cisgendered, KKKristian to be qualified. Anything outside THOSE perameters means you are unqualfied no matter how intelligent or experienced you are!!!
i feel this deeply. It all feels so hopeless and I know they want us to think that. I stay connected not only here but other substacks that have sage actionable items to voice our opinion with our elected officials. I know sometimes it works and sometimes they vote on shit and I'm like WTF are you doing.
My only hope is that our bright but pissed off angry LEGAL MINDS and judges will do right by MOST OF US out here in this country. THERE ARE MORE OF US!!!!!
Yes, there are more groups than I'm even aware of with legal defense, like the one that's going after him for the schedule F exec order. GOOD. he's a demon felon.
At the right moment I also am for a General Strike.
However I would add something to it, and i think you are going to like this.
Remember during Covid we would go outside on our front porches or balconies at a specific time (I think for us it was around 7pm) and bang pots and pans in support of the courageous healthcare workers? (never forget how many of them died serving patients with Covid). We would bang our pots and pans + whistles add whistles also for maybe 2 minutes and then that would be that, we would be done.
One time an obvious healthcare worker (based on their clothes) pulled over and got out of the car and filmed our building with many people on their balconies banging the pots and pans in gratitude. I'll never forget her body language, without even thinking about it she put her hand over her heart as she held up her phone in the other hand to film. Her facial expression was pure awe at the site and sound we made... for her and her colleagues.
I think we need to bring back the Pots and Pans Banging, add in Whistle Blowing also, but this time in opposition to Trump. It would be an excellent protest because people could do it from home they don't have to travel and it is just 2 minutes of their time. It also breeds solidarity as you can see and hear your neighbors banging away too, so you know you are not alone in your rejection fo Trump. It also makes EXCELLENT video content.
It is simply, step out onto your front porch or your balcony at exactly 7pm and bang pots and pans and blow whistles for 2 minutes. Then do it again the next day, and the next day, and the next day.
Instead of banging pots and pans in Colorado, we howled. Saving our pots and pans. Good idea to do something a lot of people can participate in and show our solidarity.
Excellent. On coronation day for 🍊💩 a friend and I wore black armbands publicly. I am thinking this may also be a good thing to do for a much longer period of time.
We've already curtailed our spending to used items, person to person sales, groceries from local/regional outlets and lastly socially/politically responsible companies. I moved my business, home and personal shopping away from Amazon and I will find somewhere extremely inconvenient to sit should we have collective action to protest upcoming horror shows.
I used to root for them back in the 80s when Bezos was operating out of his garage in Seattle as the "little that could" to the ceaseless mirth and mockery of financial pundits but Bezos has grown to be a monster in the past 20 years. I will not support that.
Same here. I have only ordered from Amazon once and THAT was by mistake. I pay closer attention now. I will NEVER EVER use Amazon for anything.......IF what I need or want is not available elsewhere I do without!!
Not if my 2027 like they are saying AI will have 100 percent of the jobs, not just 30. We will be beholdened to whoever ends up on top when this happens..
Yes, people on the streets, every weekend. Signs that say Trump is shaming America. Very large signs calling him a misogynist, a perpetrator of sexual assaults, a felon, etc. Must be non-violent protests. Eventually Trump will go nuts (more nuts). Sadly, people will get hurt. But it will demonstrate Trump's malignancy.
Half of Americans did not vote for Trump. Only 64% of voting age adults voted. Trump won by a very narrow margin. What we need here in the USA is every Democrat voter to turn out for the midterm elections. There are more voters registered as Democrats and Independents than there are republican voters. The electoral college is a big problem here.
Thank you very much for the correction. I should have included the filters about voting age adults. I appreciate you taking the time to do so. And I could not agree with you more about the electoral college. I think it is THE problem!
There was a great Article today on the Tom Hartman site about how the voter suppression is what cost Kamala the win. It goes into great detail about how valid ballots were thrown out or not counted and voter role purges, etc. that helped to defeat her. PLEASE find it and read it. VERY informative. It is NOT a conspiracy theory. It happened!!
my husband & I vote in EVERY election & have for decades. My husband is a veteran! When I checked out registration status because of all the monkey shines in our state, found he was dumped off the roles!!!!! NO reason. Voting board could give NO reason. Luckily had enough time to reregister, but if I hadn't checked he wouldn't have been able to vote. Ohio is a disgrace. There's your proof. Republicans dumping people off the voting roles just because they're registered democrats.
I'm so sorry to hear this. It's all so horrific and mind-numbing, but we must stay vigilant and fearless. I subscribed to your substack because I am obsessed with hearing the courageous souls who understand that we're in the fight of our lives and the steps they're taking to take on the demon.
I’m so sorry, he cares only about himself, and views other people as tools to use to hurt our country. He’s like a child with an ant farm, he doesn’t really care about the ants, he uses them for his entertainment.
there might be enough time for some to go to EEOC before it's gutted? maybe not ? I should have gone directly to a civil case when the gutted front line staff and the EEOC back in June 2017 they can offer your friend a appointed attorney if funds are not good..
I see what you mean yes the DEI component maybe your friend could get the Union to help? it's clearly a violation of both federal Unions Master Agreements SEIU and the AFGE
the head of the AFGE is a nice guy, Everett Kelly he's on face book also one of the AFGE attorney's William Wetmore is on facebook hope it helps it's a real injustice and needs to be litigated my opinion
I have posted this before and will continue to do so to expose the this two faced billionaire for what he is:
"check this out:
I looked up Zuch and found that he and his wife have an organization called Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. They say: "There is much work ahead to strengthen our DEI strategy within CZI. This includes building a diverse workforce, creating a thriving organizational culture, driving effectiveness in our work, offering employee resource groups that build community among our staff, and fostering a safe and inclusive environment for personal and professional growth."
Since I posted this I saw an article that said Zuch denounced DEI shortly before Trump's inauguration re Facebook. I also saw an article saying Trump was going to go after private organizations that promoted DEI.
I'd like to see Zuch confronted about his CZI statement and his support of Trump's DEI ban.
If Trump goes after private organizations how will Zuch handle it in regard to CZI?
He ruined a lot of immigrants' weeks too, some of them legitimate citizens and at least one a combat veteran. He's going to ruin a lot more. The price of produce, construction, landscaping and any number of other dirty jobs done mainly by immigrants is going to skyrocket, hurting all of us.
Yes, he has ruined so many weeks for so many people. I’m afraid that Meidas spouting they ruined his week is merely wishful thinking at best. No, I’m not giving up, but I’m getting tired of the inflammatory and exaggerated headlines here.
What exactly is Meidas doing? I am a paid subscriber, but I would like to see more. I love Filipkowski and will stay simply for him. But bragging about showing puppies and kittens (which only kept people from seeing the horrors of the inauguration) is not helpful while fascist nominees are being approved, 14 Inspector Generals are fired, medical research is being stopped (hopefully just temporarily until they can identify and stop research on women's health, reproductive health, and vaccines), etc. At this rate, Trump and his handlers will break Hitler's 57 day record, while you are still bragging about showing puppies and kittens.
Agreed. I'm becoming more and more exasperated with the ceaseless bragging, too. It's fine to start a video or post by briefly mentioning recent good ratings or a significant increase in subscriber numbers. But this over-the-top, juvenile mania of self-congratulations needs to stop. It's very MAGAt, it's not productive and the exaggeration is so extreme it lacks the ring of truth. It's okay to briefly call attention to small "wins," but it's ridiculous to be bragging about the alleged effects of MTN on Trump’s inauguration ratings almost a week later. I'm not interested in silliness and it should go without saying that there's nothing to celebrate right now! We're in such a horrible situation that needs to be taken seriously at all times. Humor has its place, but this light-hearted trash talk about ratings from 6 days ago isn't funny, it's juvenile and it's a waste of time. We mustn't break our arms patting ourselves on the back when our country is being badly damaged in countless ways each day under this unholy alliance of government to the corporate billionaires.*
*This is the very definition of fascism, according to Mussolini himself: the marriage of the state and the corporations.
I could not agree more! What is Meidas "winning"? How does that translate to bettering our lives in a tangible way? Meidas has been leading the way in inflated expectations, and I believe that's part of the reason Trump was elected. The Dems and Meidas painted a rosy picture of Trump's base leaving him for various reasons, while the things he did are exactly what his base loves him for. Until the Blues get their heads out of the aspirational and start looking at the reality, we're going to be subject to MAGA. May even be too late, thanks to Joe and his "aspirations."
Was he a DEI hire? I don't know much about that but it used to be very hard to fire a civil service employee. There had to be a justification for firing. How does anyone know that a hire was DEI?
Schedule F has been reinstituted under a different name. This scheme takes 50,000+ career civil servants and purportedly turns them into political appointees. This means they're stripped of civil service job protections and can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. Trump can and surely will fire anybody thought to support Democrats plus any Republicans or independents who will not put loyalty to Trump above all else.
In other words, we're back to the spoils system. As in, "to the victor goes the spoils (of war.") The federal government will lose countless career employees, many with decades of experience in their departments and areas of expertise. Idiocracy coming soon.
Ben, I am a Meidas fan and every single day, I read your stuff (especially the inimitable Ron Filipkowski’s daily bulletins which are fantastic, by the way. I hope for the continued growth and success of the Meidas Touch Network. BUT I am begging you. Stop sending emails that say things like “Trump’s Week Got Ruined…Meidas is Winning”. Because you know what? Trump’s week did not get ruined. He is the President and his party just punished all of us by giving him the Sec Def he asked for. His party gives him *everything* he asks for. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t keep fighting against him and the MAGA deplorables. I’m not saying all is lost for our democracy. We have lots of things to fight for and lots of ways to win. But if you guys want to be a serious purveyor of news and influence, you need to LOOK serious. Stop with the tabloid style headlines. Stop with the images in your emails that look like the covers of grocery store rags. Stop talking about YOUR growth. Get serious. These are serious times. Please! We need you!!
That’s the word! Sensationalism. It’s not necessary and I think it actually diminishes MTN. Thank you, Rusty. (And yes, my thoughts are intended as constructive. Not critical. Thanks for making that point too.)
I totally agree with your comments Susan. In fact, I was thinking of writing a similar comment to Ben once I saw the headline of today’s post. I have recommended MTN to other people, but always qualify my thoughts by warning them that despite the sensational headlines the information is very valid. I am a retired school librarian and taught students how to evaluate the credibility of their sources - this kind of sensationalism was always a negative red flag. Ben - please reconsider the tone and look of your daily posts and heed Susan’s advice. Thanks.
I’m 68. I have 2, 30’s children who have bought into the bs that their vote doesn’t count. No matter what I do or say they don’t vote. As a 68 yo I agree with your assessment. As a parent of 30’s I see how they consume media and what it looks like. I don’t like it at all BUT it is fact. This MEIDAS “style” is right in the middle between checkout rag and what I remember as serious media. This country has convinced a solid 1/3 of the country that all politicians are the same so nothing matters. Of course this is purposeful because it works. I have no idea if this MEIDAS style will work over the long haul but we need EVERYONE who is on the right side of Democracy.
Susan for the win! I, too, am a huge Meidas fan (especially Ron’s bulletin) and I proselytize on its behalf. But I do fear it could fall into the same trap as MSNBC, with sensationalist headlines and little substance. I tuned out MSNBC years ago.
Couple of things I believe Meidas has gotten correct:
Its unwillingness to bend the knee;
The aforementioned Bulletin;
The puppy inauguration;
The assessment that Trump is weak, relying on others’ fears.
Perhaps be more selective? Quality over quantity.
How are we reaching people who are not already converted?
I agree somewhat. I almost never looked at You Tube until I discovered Meidas Touch. At first the sensational headlines bothered me but have you looked at the headlines on other videos? They are ALL sensational including the ones by other independent pro-democracy creators. There are so many people vying for attention that you have to do something to catch the viewer's notice. I know which creators I trust and now just look past the headlines. But substack is a little different. I think the audience here is more sophisticated. The posts are longer and people don't surf as much looking for things to read. At least that's my feeling. Also, we get the posts in our email so you know it is directed to someone who wants to read it. Maybe the substack headlines could at least be toned down a bit.
Agreed. I'm here for the daily politics bulletin. Getting these overblown, chest-pounding emails is not helpful and may drive me totally to The Contrarian.
Susan I agree with you. It wasn’t a good week. Hearing that Hegseth was approved as head of your military by one vote is beyond the pale. I’m an avid and loyal supporter of the MTN but this week was depressing, and I’m not an American. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Susan, thank you for your so well put comment. Agree. Feel like I'm reading something for a 3rd grader. I, I, I.... We, we, we. You, you, you. Thank goodness it is not Me, me, me. It just feels like you are pandering to us Ben. We can read reports that include an introductory phrase, then several supporting arguments and a conclusion. [old school method I guess...]. And just dump the "I'll make it short".... make it shorter and cut that phrase. Please take this comment as constructive criticism. Perhaps you are trying to reach the tabloid audience, but those of us who are not consumers of dribble, and are paid subscribers to boot: reconsider, re-evaluate and elevate your writing approach for an educated audience. Thank you.
I'm thinking seriously about what you wrote. I am giving it due consideration.
However last time I checked Meidas + has paid members of 311,000.
Were you aware of that?
So considering this has been a successful style based on the number of paid subscriptions, I wonder if Ben should change his approach. I'm fine with the style as a paid subscriber I am also getting more content than you, as you are not yet a paid subscriber. This additional content and all the videos tends to be more straight from the shoulder reporting.
Ben does this morning Gotcha Post, let me Grab You and then after that it is more level and truthful reporting.
Susan Please consider becoming a paid subscriber. It's only $10 a month (cancel at any time). Experience the full content by becoming a paid subscriber. They need money to run the organization. They have paid staff, it is we who are providing the funds for paying the staff. If you possibly can please become a paid subscriber only $10 a month (cancel at any time).
I agree. I turn to Meidas+ for news and guidance, not for sugar-coated ads to increase readership. Your truth, honesty, and challenges to Trump's agenda will increase your readership and make those of us who follow you suggest to friends and others that they subscribe. I understand the need to instill hope, but please do so realistically. Thank you for all you are doing.
You are absolutely correct. Trump is a weak, frightened little man/boy. He knows he is old and stupid, so he overcompensates for his weakness. What a loser.
Fox people read them.. Ben has connections within the Fox people. They do see 👀 it! Why do you think he keeps getting death threats from tRUMPS sycophants?
I sent that woman a thank you note. God only knows that the hate is overflowing toward her from maga culters right now. That's part of my resistance, sending written thanks to people and institutions that are doing the right thing and holding people to account in spite of personal risk.
I did too. As an Espiscopalian, I felt a certain kinship with her. That's a really good idea, sending notes to good people to support them. I used to send emails to Pres. Biden to tell him that I supported him and that he was doing a good job. I don't know if he ever received or read any of them, but it made me feel like I was doing a tiny good thing. I'm going to send more, handwritten notes if I can, to people who are the target of Dumpy's wrath.
by the looks of the Donald I'm not sure he was understanding what she was saying? his face showed no emotion..... JD did but he was reacting to someone asking for Mercy? there was nothing wrong with what she did there is a lot wrong with what the Donald is doing!! the Bishop took advantage or simply used her pulpit that's why the pulpit is there those fools!!
also as long as the Union is still there? what the Donald did is a direct violation of both the SEIU and The AFGE master agreements!! it can be arbitrated and yep slammed with a whopping law suit speed to make a stand is essential I reckon??
I watch the unfolding of the assault on our Federal system. While most look at the carnage, I see the impact on the Treasury. The Executive is making way for a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. That is what I see. Money being laid up to be stolen.
The confirmation of Hegseth indicates the gamesmanship in the Senate is at a high level. The max number of no votes was 3 to get Hegseth confirmed. It is magic. Drama. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and caring that is so prevalent with Republican Senators. Focused on our service members, their lack of empathy and caring shows they suffer psychopathy. Their support of their neo-fascist leader makes them all neo-fascists.
Do you need any other proof that we face an army of psychopathic neo-fascists (PNFs)? I appreciate those that do not like the name and will not support it; however, the name is deadly accurate. Odd words like misogyny and xenophobia are fine, but psychopathic neo-fascist is not fine? Fine! But I beg to differ. Psychopathic neo-fascist is their specific medical malady and political ideology! Enough with inaccurate labels. Knowing exactly who and what they are is critical to knowing their tactics. I suggest we learn the term, because that is exactly who we fight.
I agree Sir. I've not been able to label him with a word or two which has been perplexing for me. I ultimately came to the conclusion it was because, if a word has a negative connotation, it's him. That's a lot of words.
Back to your point. It's time for us and Meidas to accurately name him! No more labeling him using grade school grammar. PNG. 😊
While Meidas is focused on ratings, Trump’s week is going swell and according to Stephen Miller and Project 2025 plans. These delusional gaslighting headlines and clickbait titles from Meidas is starting to piss me off.
I have a cause: use charitable deductions to save the SSA retirement Trust Fund. The default of Trust Funds is supposed to apex in 2033 due to the increase of birth rates of baby boomers. After 2033, birth rates of later generations flatten and the funds can be solvent.
Social Security is the greatest anti-poverty program in US history. Social Security protects workers, widow(er)s, orphans and disabled people and is a major investment for many of us. Donations can flatten the default curve, extending the apex.
I understand your frustration. We're trying to save democracy from Project 2025, Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, SCOTUS, POTUS and the Republicans occupying the Senate and House.
I don't have all the answers but collectively we're stronger. 💙
We have three branches of Government. To control his excess. Looks like to me with JD Vance with the vote, we have lost that fight. But! It needs to be done through Congress! 30 days! What’s up ! We need all on deck to fight!
Of COURSE they are focused on ratings, they are building a great grass roots organization. They need individual single blade of grass viewers, readers and subscribers to build this great grass roots organization. I fully do not believe they are doing it for personal fame and glory reasons, they have their hearts in the right place. They do it for our country and the world.
They see a vacuum of leadership and they are stepping up and saying, "Okay then I'LL lead the great resistance." Leaders need followers, it gives them might, this is why I believe we followers are called the Meidas MIGHTY, together we have might. Yes the numbers matter, it displays to the world their power and might to influence us and resist the haters.
Raum, please consider becoming a paid subscriber, only $10 a month (cancel at any time). Put your money where your mouth is and become one single $10 blade of grass in our great grass roots organization, the Meidas Mighty. If you can Raum (and everyone reading here who are not yet a paid subscriber) if you can, please do become a paid subscriber. It is our funds, our little $10 a month (cancel at any time), who is the wind beneath Meidas Touch Medias wings, we are the wind beneath their wings. 🦅
I am a paid subscriber on Patreon, one of the higher tiers too. I support MTN and will continue to do so. But let’s not kid ourselves. It’s a little Joe and Mika energy.
Raum, you are better than me. I never subscribed to Patreon as I don't care that much for getting my information on videos, I actually listen to their videos on podcasts. I prefer to get my information and calls to action on old fashioned blogs, and that is what Meidas+ is on substack, it is an old fashioned blog. So this is where I subscribed.
I think what Meidas Touch Network could do for those of you who are paid Patreon supporters, they could auto enroll you ion Meidas+. If you donate on Patreon I thiink that is enough for them to auto add you to Meidas Plus. Just my thoughts.
Then leave! RAUM SANDOVAL if you can't handle the truth and realities were ALL going to have to deal with. There's some sand on the beach, bury your head like an ostrich and click your heels together...maybe you'll be back in Kansas before you know it!
Thank you for bringing up "the truth and realities were (sic) ALL going to have to deal with." The truth and reality du jour is that so far, Trump is getting everything he wants. Sure, he's had some minor set-backs -- short pause on the birthright citizenship ban -- but that's about it. That's the TRUTH. Hope you can handle it.
All is not well and good. Why the gaslighting? Congress has caved, there are no guardrails. 17 IGs were 'fired' last night, which is illegal. But where is the noise? So many impeachable offenses, and yet silence. Regardless of outcomes, or very much in spite of them, we need to stop letting things happen without a response.
I have a lot of respect for Newsom. Thanks for your reporting, MTN. I'm OK with the writing style, whatever you find gets people's attention best, as long as it's factual, IMO. This publication and your YT channel are an important news resource.
Love your work, especially Ron’s daily recaps, but I must agree today’s email falls flat after last night’s Hegseth confirmation. Doesn’t feel like winning.
It is maybe not the style of Meidas, but it should put a pause to ponder on the hype and excitement of your updates. Being concerned about the long-term and not just these daily battles and gotchas.
Here's something I do not understand. Congress under one President approves a huge expenditure for our country's wellbeing i.e. Infrastructure. It is funded and law.
How can it be erased by the next Congress/President so easily? WE the People end up never expecting anything will last! Flip-flop Congressional and Presidential actions are the new normal and to be expected. WE never plan on anything anymore. SCOTUS can reverse precedents, Congress can cancel programs to give the wealthy a tax break, to balance the budget. Presidents can write Executive Orders to cancel international agreements, defund entire departments, fire anyone-for cause or not. This is not the social contract taxpayers, workers, anyone should support. RESIST everyday! Boycotts, Tax Revolt, General Strike, Massive Marches, Get arrested if you are asked for ID in ICE round ups, Sit down-ANYTHING you can do to not cooperate-non-violent PROTEST takes time but works.
It’s the BIRTHER thing that Trump wants to stop! They are part of the Birther Triangle thing that he says is wrong. This is the part Trump, Project 2025 and far right want removed and changed in our Constitution.
Her parents became citizen right before or right after he was elected 1st time…. I think. AND. Her Dad was a card carrying Communist. AND he walked in our White House.
Sorry, but I’m angry. I’m tired of hearing about all the havoc Trump has created and still is. He’s like a steam roller. Flattening everything in his path with that smug look on his face. Someone needs to wipe it off and send him to jail!!!!!
Trump ruined our week. He fired my partner, who has been a career civil servant for decades, along with thousands of others. DEI is good for the USA, but MAGA has destroyed it:
DEI is NOT something dirty or wrong as the MAGA crowd believe. I’m proud to be woke dammit
The MAGA crowd are ignorant. As far as I can see DEI used properly is to ensure minorities with relevant qualities are given the same opportunities as everyone else, how can that be wrong!!
Because in MAGA world, you do not need any expertise.....ALL you need is to be White, Male, Cisgendered, KKKristian to be qualified. Anything outside THOSE perameters means you are unqualfied no matter how intelligent or experienced you are!!!
Because they don’t care about those who need assistance
DEI is literally "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion". Only sociopaths with low self esteem would have a problem with that, in short, MAGAs
Me too.
I'm so scared! The only thing I can see to do is a general strike where we pull a " sit down strike", and go to work, but not do the work, or not go at all. Stop all unnecessary spending. and UNITE!
i feel this deeply. It all feels so hopeless and I know they want us to think that. I stay connected not only here but other substacks that have sage actionable items to voice our opinion with our elected officials. I know sometimes it works and sometimes they vote on shit and I'm like WTF are you doing.
My only hope is that our bright but pissed off angry LEGAL MINDS and judges will do right by MOST OF US out here in this country. THERE ARE MORE OF US!!!!!
Thank goodness for the ACLU and others.
Yes, there are more groups than I'm even aware of with legal defense, like the one that's going after him for the schedule F exec order. GOOD. he's a demon felon.
At the right moment I also am for a General Strike.
However I would add something to it, and i think you are going to like this.
Remember during Covid we would go outside on our front porches or balconies at a specific time (I think for us it was around 7pm) and bang pots and pans in support of the courageous healthcare workers? (never forget how many of them died serving patients with Covid). We would bang our pots and pans + whistles add whistles also for maybe 2 minutes and then that would be that, we would be done.
One time an obvious healthcare worker (based on their clothes) pulled over and got out of the car and filmed our building with many people on their balconies banging the pots and pans in gratitude. I'll never forget her body language, without even thinking about it she put her hand over her heart as she held up her phone in the other hand to film. Her facial expression was pure awe at the site and sound we made... for her and her colleagues.
I think we need to bring back the Pots and Pans Banging, add in Whistle Blowing also, but this time in opposition to Trump. It would be an excellent protest because people could do it from home they don't have to travel and it is just 2 minutes of their time. It also breeds solidarity as you can see and hear your neighbors banging away too, so you know you are not alone in your rejection fo Trump. It also makes EXCELLENT video content.
It is simply, step out onto your front porch or your balcony at exactly 7pm and bang pots and pans and blow whistles for 2 minutes. Then do it again the next day, and the next day, and the next day.
Instead of banging pots and pans in Colorado, we howled. Saving our pots and pans. Good idea to do something a lot of people can participate in and show our solidarity.
Cowbell! lol more cowbell!
Excellent. On coronation day for 🍊💩 a friend and I wore black armbands publicly. I am thinking this may also be a good thing to do for a much longer period of time.
Cowbell more cowbell please! lol. Michigan Cowbell 7 PM
We've already curtailed our spending to used items, person to person sales, groceries from local/regional outlets and lastly socially/politically responsible companies. I moved my business, home and personal shopping away from Amazon and I will find somewhere extremely inconvenient to sit should we have collective action to protest upcoming horror shows.
Amazon 👎
I used to root for them back in the 80s when Bezos was operating out of his garage in Seattle as the "little that could" to the ceaseless mirth and mockery of financial pundits but Bezos has grown to be a monster in the past 20 years. I will not support that.
Remember, there are small businesses that sell thru Amazon. Don't screw them. Look at where the product is coming from.
I'll buy from them if they have a website but not through Amazon.
Same here. I have only ordered from Amazon once and THAT was by mistake. I pay closer attention now. I will NEVER EVER use Amazon for anything.......IF what I need or want is not available elsewhere I do without!!
Not if my 2027 like they are saying AI will have 100 percent of the jobs, not just 30. We will be beholdened to whoever ends up on top when this happens..
Yes, people on the streets, every weekend. Signs that say Trump is shaming America. Very large signs calling him a misogynist, a perpetrator of sexual assaults, a felon, etc. Must be non-violent protests. Eventually Trump will go nuts (more nuts). Sadly, people will get hurt. But it will demonstrate Trump's malignancy.
Not sure how you get to "full, general Civil Disobedience" when more than half of Americans voted for Trump.
Half of Americans did not vote for Trump. Only 64% of voting age adults voted. Trump won by a very narrow margin. What we need here in the USA is every Democrat voter to turn out for the midterm elections. There are more voters registered as Democrats and Independents than there are republican voters. The electoral college is a big problem here.
Thank you very much for the correction. I should have included the filters about voting age adults. I appreciate you taking the time to do so. And I could not agree with you more about the electoral college. I think it is THE problem!
Yet another anti-democratic gift from the slave states.
Est 4 million were purged!
Sure. Conspiracy theories abound! Let's see some proof.
There was a great Article today on the Tom Hartman site about how the voter suppression is what cost Kamala the win. It goes into great detail about how valid ballots were thrown out or not counted and voter role purges, etc. that helped to defeat her. PLEASE find it and read it. VERY informative. It is NOT a conspiracy theory. It happened!!
my husband & I vote in EVERY election & have for decades. My husband is a veteran! When I checked out registration status because of all the monkey shines in our state, found he was dumped off the roles!!!!! NO reason. Voting board could give NO reason. Luckily had enough time to reregister, but if I hadn't checked he wouldn't have been able to vote. Ohio is a disgrace. There's your proof. Republicans dumping people off the voting roles just because they're registered democrats.
I'm so sorry to hear this. It's all so horrific and mind-numbing, but we must stay vigilant and fearless. I subscribed to your substack because I am obsessed with hearing the courageous souls who understand that we're in the fight of our lives and the steps they're taking to take on the demon.
Then why be here?
Sorry your friend got fired. Thats awful, and sooo unfair.That means we have to fight harder!!!
I’m so sorry, he cares only about himself, and views other people as tools to use to hurt our country. He’s like a child with an ant farm, he doesn’t really care about the ants, he uses them for his entertainment.
there might be enough time for some to go to EEOC before it's gutted? maybe not ? I should have gone directly to a civil case when the gutted front line staff and the EEOC back in June 2017 they can offer your friend a appointed attorney if funds are not good..
that's likely their future likely , Amber I'm on their mailing list
I see what you mean yes the DEI component maybe your friend could get the Union to help? it's clearly a violation of both federal Unions Master Agreements SEIU and the AFGE
the head of the AFGE is a nice guy, Everett Kelly he's on face book also one of the AFGE attorney's William Wetmore is on facebook hope it helps it's a real injustice and needs to be litigated my opinion
I have posted this before and will continue to do so to expose the this two faced billionaire for what he is:
"check this out:
I looked up Zuch and found that he and his wife have an organization called Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. They say: "There is much work ahead to strengthen our DEI strategy within CZI. This includes building a diverse workforce, creating a thriving organizational culture, driving effectiveness in our work, offering employee resource groups that build community among our staff, and fostering a safe and inclusive environment for personal and professional growth."
Since I posted this I saw an article that said Zuch denounced DEI shortly before Trump's inauguration re Facebook. I also saw an article saying Trump was going to go after private organizations that promoted DEI.
I'd like to see Zuch confronted about his CZI statement and his support of Trump's DEI ban.
If Trump goes after private organizations how will Zuch handle it in regard to CZI?
He ruined a lot of immigrants' weeks too, some of them legitimate citizens and at least one a combat veteran. He's going to ruin a lot more. The price of produce, construction, landscaping and any number of other dirty jobs done mainly by immigrants is going to skyrocket, hurting all of us.
Yes, he has ruined so many weeks for so many people. I’m afraid that Meidas spouting they ruined his week is merely wishful thinking at best. No, I’m not giving up, but I’m getting tired of the inflammatory and exaggerated headlines here.
What exactly is Meidas doing? I am a paid subscriber, but I would like to see more. I love Filipkowski and will stay simply for him. But bragging about showing puppies and kittens (which only kept people from seeing the horrors of the inauguration) is not helpful while fascist nominees are being approved, 14 Inspector Generals are fired, medical research is being stopped (hopefully just temporarily until they can identify and stop research on women's health, reproductive health, and vaccines), etc. At this rate, Trump and his handlers will break Hitler's 57 day record, while you are still bragging about showing puppies and kittens.
Agreed. I'm becoming more and more exasperated with the ceaseless bragging, too. It's fine to start a video or post by briefly mentioning recent good ratings or a significant increase in subscriber numbers. But this over-the-top, juvenile mania of self-congratulations needs to stop. It's very MAGAt, it's not productive and the exaggeration is so extreme it lacks the ring of truth. It's okay to briefly call attention to small "wins," but it's ridiculous to be bragging about the alleged effects of MTN on Trump’s inauguration ratings almost a week later. I'm not interested in silliness and it should go without saying that there's nothing to celebrate right now! We're in such a horrible situation that needs to be taken seriously at all times. Humor has its place, but this light-hearted trash talk about ratings from 6 days ago isn't funny, it's juvenile and it's a waste of time. We mustn't break our arms patting ourselves on the back when our country is being badly damaged in countless ways each day under this unholy alliance of government to the corporate billionaires.*
*This is the very definition of fascism, according to Mussolini himself: the marriage of the state and the corporations.
I could not agree more! What is Meidas "winning"? How does that translate to bettering our lives in a tangible way? Meidas has been leading the way in inflated expectations, and I believe that's part of the reason Trump was elected. The Dems and Meidas painted a rosy picture of Trump's base leaving him for various reasons, while the things he did are exactly what his base loves him for. Until the Blues get their heads out of the aspirational and start looking at the reality, we're going to be subject to MAGA. May even be too late, thanks to Joe and his "aspirations."
Same. Image conscious, focused on numbers, becoming hyperbolic. Not my style at all. I want information to take to the bank and collective action.
Thanks. It’s getting tiresome.
I feel sad for you all. ❤️❤️❤️
Was he a DEI hire? I don't know much about that but it used to be very hard to fire a civil service employee. There had to be a justification for firing. How does anyone know that a hire was DEI?
Schedule F has been reinstituted under a different name. This scheme takes 50,000+ career civil servants and purportedly turns them into political appointees. This means they're stripped of civil service job protections and can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. Trump can and surely will fire anybody thought to support Democrats plus any Republicans or independents who will not put loyalty to Trump above all else.
In other words, we're back to the spoils system. As in, "to the victor goes the spoils (of war.") The federal government will lose countless career employees, many with decades of experience in their departments and areas of expertise. Idiocracy coming soon.
I’m so sorry. Friends in public health in the same situation
Gavin Newsom = a master class in how it’s done! Take notes Dems!!! 💙 Love you MTN! 🩵💛💚💜❤️
Ben, I am a Meidas fan and every single day, I read your stuff (especially the inimitable Ron Filipkowski’s daily bulletins which are fantastic, by the way. I hope for the continued growth and success of the Meidas Touch Network. BUT I am begging you. Stop sending emails that say things like “Trump’s Week Got Ruined…Meidas is Winning”. Because you know what? Trump’s week did not get ruined. He is the President and his party just punished all of us by giving him the Sec Def he asked for. His party gives him *everything* he asks for. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t keep fighting against him and the MAGA deplorables. I’m not saying all is lost for our democracy. We have lots of things to fight for and lots of ways to win. But if you guys want to be a serious purveyor of news and influence, you need to LOOK serious. Stop with the tabloid style headlines. Stop with the images in your emails that look like the covers of grocery store rags. Stop talking about YOUR growth. Get serious. These are serious times. Please! We need you!!
Totally agree. Take it as some constructive criticism. It’s not helping. No need for sensationalism when addressing such a serious topic.
That’s the word! Sensationalism. It’s not necessary and I think it actually diminishes MTN. Thank you, Rusty. (And yes, my thoughts are intended as constructive. Not critical. Thanks for making that point too.)
I totally agree with your comments Susan. In fact, I was thinking of writing a similar comment to Ben once I saw the headline of today’s post. I have recommended MTN to other people, but always qualify my thoughts by warning them that despite the sensational headlines the information is very valid. I am a retired school librarian and taught students how to evaluate the credibility of their sources - this kind of sensationalism was always a negative red flag. Ben - please reconsider the tone and look of your daily posts and heed Susan’s advice. Thanks.
You make a good point. Maybe I’m just too old to get it. But perhaps there is a happy medium somewhere in there…
I’m 68. I have 2, 30’s children who have bought into the bs that their vote doesn’t count. No matter what I do or say they don’t vote. As a 68 yo I agree with your assessment. As a parent of 30’s I see how they consume media and what it looks like. I don’t like it at all BUT it is fact. This MEIDAS “style” is right in the middle between checkout rag and what I remember as serious media. This country has convinced a solid 1/3 of the country that all politicians are the same so nothing matters. Of course this is purposeful because it works. I have no idea if this MEIDAS style will work over the long haul but we need EVERYONE who is on the right side of Democracy.
At least we don’t have to meat him.
It seems you are the one that's hysterical.
I’m many things. Never “hysterical”. Never suicidal.
Susan for the win! I, too, am a huge Meidas fan (especially Ron’s bulletin) and I proselytize on its behalf. But I do fear it could fall into the same trap as MSNBC, with sensationalist headlines and little substance. I tuned out MSNBC years ago.
Couple of things I believe Meidas has gotten correct:
Its unwillingness to bend the knee;
The aforementioned Bulletin;
The puppy inauguration;
The assessment that Trump is weak, relying on others’ fears.
Perhaps be more selective? Quality over quantity.
How are we reaching people who are not already converted?
So agree, Susan!
Hi Kevin!! How are you???
YES! This! I was just going to post the same sentiments but Susan beat me to it.
Please stop all the chest-thumping, MTM. It's cringey.
Agreed. Ben, see Ron’s post this morning. That’s how you should go about this project—inform rather than brag/rant.
I agree somewhat. I almost never looked at You Tube until I discovered Meidas Touch. At first the sensational headlines bothered me but have you looked at the headlines on other videos? They are ALL sensational including the ones by other independent pro-democracy creators. There are so many people vying for attention that you have to do something to catch the viewer's notice. I know which creators I trust and now just look past the headlines. But substack is a little different. I think the audience here is more sophisticated. The posts are longer and people don't surf as much looking for things to read. At least that's my feeling. Also, we get the posts in our email so you know it is directed to someone who wants to read it. Maybe the substack headlines could at least be toned down a bit.
Agreed. I'm here for the daily politics bulletin. Getting these overblown, chest-pounding emails is not helpful and may drive me totally to The Contrarian.
Susan I agree with you. It wasn’t a good week. Hearing that Hegseth was approved as head of your military by one vote is beyond the pale. I’m an avid and loyal supporter of the MTN but this week was depressing, and I’m not an American. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Well said, Susan! Similarly, I very much enjoy their YouTube videos but those titles as well are over sensationalized
Susan, thank you for your so well put comment. Agree. Feel like I'm reading something for a 3rd grader. I, I, I.... We, we, we. You, you, you. Thank goodness it is not Me, me, me. It just feels like you are pandering to us Ben. We can read reports that include an introductory phrase, then several supporting arguments and a conclusion. [old school method I guess...]. And just dump the "I'll make it short".... make it shorter and cut that phrase. Please take this comment as constructive criticism. Perhaps you are trying to reach the tabloid audience, but those of us who are not consumers of dribble, and are paid subscribers to boot: reconsider, re-evaluate and elevate your writing approach for an educated audience. Thank you.
Agree 💯
I'm thinking seriously about what you wrote. I am giving it due consideration.
However last time I checked Meidas + has paid members of 311,000.
Were you aware of that?
So considering this has been a successful style based on the number of paid subscriptions, I wonder if Ben should change his approach. I'm fine with the style as a paid subscriber I am also getting more content than you, as you are not yet a paid subscriber. This additional content and all the videos tends to be more straight from the shoulder reporting.
Ben does this morning Gotcha Post, let me Grab You and then after that it is more level and truthful reporting.
Susan Please consider becoming a paid subscriber. It's only $10 a month (cancel at any time). Experience the full content by becoming a paid subscriber. They need money to run the organization. They have paid staff, it is we who are providing the funds for paying the staff. If you possibly can please become a paid subscriber only $10 a month (cancel at any time).
This. The headlines are absolutely ridiculous.
I agree. I turn to Meidas+ for news and guidance, not for sugar-coated ads to increase readership. Your truth, honesty, and challenges to Trump's agenda will increase your readership and make those of us who follow you suggest to friends and others that they subscribe. I understand the need to instill hope, but please do so realistically. Thank you for all you are doing.
You are absolutely correct. Trump is a weak, frightened little man/boy. He knows he is old and stupid, so he overcompensates for his weakness. What a loser.
But he doesn't read this nor does his maga comrades, thats where the message needs to hit hard, take the jerk to Dakow or Auswitch
Fox people read them.. Ben has connections within the Fox people. They do see 👀 it! Why do you think he keeps getting death threats from tRUMPS sycophants?
Please look up spellings.
Don’t forget Bishop Budde taking him to school!
I sent that woman a thank you note. God only knows that the hate is overflowing toward her from maga culters right now. That's part of my resistance, sending written thanks to people and institutions that are doing the right thing and holding people to account in spite of personal risk.
I’m going to do that, too.
I did too. I also left a thank you voicemail on their general phone number — I hope she receives it.
I like that idea!
I did the same.
This reply is to all above.
AND this is why YOU are the Meidas MIGHTY.
Because you take action.
You called, you sent a note.... you took direct action.
This makes YOU a member of the Meidas MIGHTY!
I have a thank you note as well. Good leadership has to be supported & emulated. Being united in sound principles in more powerful than any cult.
I did too. As an Espiscopalian, I felt a certain kinship with her. That's a really good idea, sending notes to good people to support them. I used to send emails to Pres. Biden to tell him that I supported him and that he was doing a good job. I don't know if he ever received or read any of them, but it made me feel like I was doing a tiny good thing. I'm going to send more, handwritten notes if I can, to people who are the target of Dumpy's wrath.
by the looks of the Donald I'm not sure he was understanding what she was saying? his face showed no emotion..... JD did but he was reacting to someone asking for Mercy? there was nothing wrong with what she did there is a lot wrong with what the Donald is doing!! the Bishop took advantage or simply used her pulpit that's why the pulpit is there those fools!!
also as long as the Union is still there? what the Donald did is a direct violation of both the SEIU and The AFGE master agreements!! it can be arbitrated and yep slammed with a whopping law suit speed to make a stand is essential I reckon??
DJT #Sociopath
I watch the unfolding of the assault on our Federal system. While most look at the carnage, I see the impact on the Treasury. The Executive is making way for a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. That is what I see. Money being laid up to be stolen.
The confirmation of Hegseth indicates the gamesmanship in the Senate is at a high level. The max number of no votes was 3 to get Hegseth confirmed. It is magic. Drama. Clearly there is a lack of empathy and caring that is so prevalent with Republican Senators. Focused on our service members, their lack of empathy and caring shows they suffer psychopathy. Their support of their neo-fascist leader makes them all neo-fascists.
Do you need any other proof that we face an army of psychopathic neo-fascists (PNFs)? I appreciate those that do not like the name and will not support it; however, the name is deadly accurate. Odd words like misogyny and xenophobia are fine, but psychopathic neo-fascist is not fine? Fine! But I beg to differ. Psychopathic neo-fascist is their specific medical malady and political ideology! Enough with inaccurate labels. Knowing exactly who and what they are is critical to knowing their tactics. I suggest we learn the term, because that is exactly who we fight.
The Hegseth confirmation is an obscenity. John Thune is a coward. Cry havoc!
Sickening and Disgusting
I agree Sir. I've not been able to label him with a word or two which has been perplexing for me. I ultimately came to the conclusion it was because, if a word has a negative connotation, it's him. That's a lot of words.
Back to your point. It's time for us and Meidas to accurately name him! No more labeling him using grade school grammar. PNG. 😊
You are found of sound mind, strong will, and extraordinary vision. We have one enemy. Psychopathic neo-fascists.
While Meidas is focused on ratings, Trump’s week is going swell and according to Stephen Miller and Project 2025 plans. These delusional gaslighting headlines and clickbait titles from Meidas is starting to piss me off.
Disagree. Gaslighting is lies, MTN imparts truth. It’s dark out rn and people in this space need hope and community. They get that here 💙
If Elon Musk is serious about cutting government waste, fraud, and abuse, he may find help in an unusual place: Al Gore. Also Elizabeth Warren.
I have a cause: use charitable deductions to save the SSA retirement Trust Fund. The default of Trust Funds is supposed to apex in 2033 due to the increase of birth rates of baby boomers. After 2033, birth rates of later generations flatten and the funds can be solvent.
Social Security is the greatest anti-poverty program in US history. Social Security protects workers, widow(er)s, orphans and disabled people and is a major investment for many of us. Donations can flatten the default curve, extending the apex.
Why doesn't SSA advertise that donations can flatten the curve and extend the default date beyond 2033?
I mean...nobody's forcing you to follow. The unsubscribe button is right there lol
That’s not the point, learn to take criticism
You don't seem very good at taking my criticism lol
I understand your frustration. We're trying to save democracy from Project 2025, Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, SCOTUS, POTUS and the Republicans occupying the Senate and House.
I don't have all the answers but collectively we're stronger. 💙
Agreed, but let’s keep it real and stop pretending Trump’s week was ruined.
The only time his week is ruined is when he is no longer President. The headlines are childish.
We have three branches of Government. To control his excess. Looks like to me with JD Vance with the vote, we have lost that fight. But! It needs to be done through Congress! 30 days! What’s up ! We need all on deck to fight!
I just commented in such a way.
Of COURSE they are focused on ratings, they are building a great grass roots organization. They need individual single blade of grass viewers, readers and subscribers to build this great grass roots organization. I fully do not believe they are doing it for personal fame and glory reasons, they have their hearts in the right place. They do it for our country and the world.
They see a vacuum of leadership and they are stepping up and saying, "Okay then I'LL lead the great resistance." Leaders need followers, it gives them might, this is why I believe we followers are called the Meidas MIGHTY, together we have might. Yes the numbers matter, it displays to the world their power and might to influence us and resist the haters.
Raum, please consider becoming a paid subscriber, only $10 a month (cancel at any time). Put your money where your mouth is and become one single $10 blade of grass in our great grass roots organization, the Meidas Mighty. If you can Raum (and everyone reading here who are not yet a paid subscriber) if you can, please do become a paid subscriber. It is our funds, our little $10 a month (cancel at any time), who is the wind beneath Meidas Touch Medias wings, we are the wind beneath their wings. 🦅
I am a paid subscriber on Patreon, one of the higher tiers too. I support MTN and will continue to do so. But let’s not kid ourselves. It’s a little Joe and Mika energy.
Raum, you are better than me. I never subscribed to Patreon as I don't care that much for getting my information on videos, I actually listen to their videos on podcasts. I prefer to get my information and calls to action on old fashioned blogs, and that is what Meidas+ is on substack, it is an old fashioned blog. So this is where I subscribed.
I think what Meidas Touch Network could do for those of you who are paid Patreon supporters, they could auto enroll you ion Meidas+. If you donate on Patreon I thiink that is enough for them to auto add you to Meidas Plus. Just my thoughts.
Again -I want to donate, but Tmobile has changed since dtrump. Would need way to give other than via open media platforms.
If I remember right I paid by Apple Pay, if that is of help to you.
Then leave! RAUM SANDOVAL if you can't handle the truth and realities were ALL going to have to deal with. There's some sand on the beach, bury your head like an ostrich and click your heels together...maybe you'll be back in Kansas before you know it!
Thank you for bringing up "the truth and realities were (sic) ALL going to have to deal with." The truth and reality du jour is that so far, Trump is getting everything he wants. Sure, he's had some minor set-backs -- short pause on the birthright citizenship ban -- but that's about it. That's the TRUTH. Hope you can handle it.
Yall are soft, learn to take criticism. It’s not even for you, you’re jocking for them.
All is not well and good. Why the gaslighting? Congress has caved, there are no guardrails. 17 IGs were 'fired' last night, which is illegal. But where is the noise? So many impeachable offenses, and yet silence. Regardless of outcomes, or very much in spite of them, we need to stop letting things happen without a response.
We can’t impeach until the House is back in our hands, and can’t convict until the Senate is comprised of patriots instead of traitors.
My fear as well.
So, get out there and March. Or wait till 2026 and vote all Democrats so that they can win the House and Senate. 🤷🏽♀️
I have a lot of respect for Newsom. Thanks for your reporting, MTN. I'm OK with the writing style, whatever you find gets people's attention best, as long as it's factual, IMO. This publication and your YT channel are an important news resource.
Love your work, especially Ron’s daily recaps, but I must agree today’s email falls flat after last night’s Hegseth confirmation. Doesn’t feel like winning.
Nice article Ben 🥰 However, I confess it doesn’t feel like we are winning to me 😞
Please read HCR's NUTS missive from last night.
It is maybe not the style of Meidas, but it should put a pause to ponder on the hype and excitement of your updates. Being concerned about the long-term and not just these daily battles and gotchas.
Here are some cliff notes I posted from Heather Cox Richardson's article. Sorry, My writing is not as eloquent as HRC.
Jan 24, 2025, Heather Cox Richardson, substack
1. Stopped all spending on cancer research.
2. Increase tax cuts for the wealthy.
3. Eliminate $35 cap in insulin, (other sure to follow)
4. Stopped all foreign aid $ temporarily except Israel and Egypt. (I assume this means Ukraine)
5. Insist all pay 5% of GDP INTO NATO, TRY TO BREAK NATO.
6. Stopped repairs to roads, bridges, airports funds.
7. Froze travel and comm at DHHS, TRY TO BREAK HEALTH.
8. Declared war on DEI, No equal rights.
Here's something I do not understand. Congress under one President approves a huge expenditure for our country's wellbeing i.e. Infrastructure. It is funded and law.
How can it be erased by the next Congress/President so easily? WE the People end up never expecting anything will last! Flip-flop Congressional and Presidential actions are the new normal and to be expected. WE never plan on anything anymore. SCOTUS can reverse precedents, Congress can cancel programs to give the wealthy a tax break, to balance the budget. Presidents can write Executive Orders to cancel international agreements, defund entire departments, fire anyone-for cause or not. This is not the social contract taxpayers, workers, anyone should support. RESIST everyday! Boycotts, Tax Revolt, General Strike, Massive Marches, Get arrested if you are asked for ID in ICE round ups, Sit down-ANYTHING you can do to not cooperate-non-violent PROTEST takes time but works.
Thanks Sandra!
Thanks Ben
Google when Baron was born. Google when Malania became a citizen!!!!!!
You mean there might be a question about citizenship???
It’s the BIRTHER thing that Trump wants to stop! They are part of the Birther Triangle thing that he says is wrong. This is the part Trump, Project 2025 and far right want removed and changed in our Constitution.
Fred Trump Sr. Was a Birther.
It’s time to Bring up- Fred Trump St. and Baron were Birthers. Everything trump brings up and Diverts. OFFENSE TIME. Squirrel- LOOK, LOOK, overthere.
Her parents became citizen right before or right after he was elected 1st time…. I think. AND. Her Dad was a card carrying Communist. AND he walked in our White House.
Then google chain migration used to get her parents in country. What a farce.
His father is a natural American Citizen
PEOPLE POWER. People power. TOGETHER People Power!!!!!!! WE THE PEOPLE.
WE THE PEOPLE voted Trump in. That's PEOPLE POWER for you.
Sorry, but I’m angry. I’m tired of hearing about all the havoc Trump has created and still is. He’s like a steam roller. Flattening everything in his path with that smug look on his face. Someone needs to wipe it off and send him to jail!!!!!