It still astonishes one that there would be ANY union worker who would support anyone who would bust their union, make overtime pay a thing of the past, and destroy Social Security they have paid into since their first job.

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I bet he is on the company side of the pension dispute as well. Biden saved their pensions.

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Oct 23Liked by MeidasTouch Network

Brett, you are doing a phenomenal job at Meidas Touch. Love your work.

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Someone play that recording of trump saying a child could do their jobs to any that still support him. Any union member that votes for trump is an idiot.

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That goes for all those non-union idiots as well.

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True dat.

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Well, a welcome and somewhat infrequent bit of "good" polling news for the Harris-Walz ticket. But a significant finding, for all that.

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Fantastic news! Trump does not give a damn about the American worker. He lacks empathy, compassion and any sense of decency. He is absolutely unfit to hold office. Honestly, he has earned a well deserved prison sentence.

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Gen Z will save democracy

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And women.

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After us boomers destroyed their planet.

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She cares. It shows. She will win 🤗

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I doubt I will agree with everything she does as President, but I’m certain that her decisions will be based on what she thinks is best for everyone. As opposed to that other guy who only cares about himself.

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Nah, he hates himself as well. He is incapable of caring about anyone or anything except not being the loser, as Daddy Fred warned him about.

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So glad to hear this fantastic news, I am going to be so happy and excited to call her Madam President a friend of labor.

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Gratifying news, but we all know that the Trumpster is going to pull every dirty trick out of the hat he can think of. I hope that Harris and company have a battery of attorneys ready to go after whatever underhanded tactic the orange ogre tries to throw at them. My greatest fear is that the election results will be kicked over to our entirely objective and impartial SCOTUS for their completely unbiased review and ultimate decision toward their lord and master.

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They do, including Elias.

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Great updates and coverage overall! I hope things ratchet down after we win! Keep up your good work and thank you, I will subscribe,


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Disband the mafia teamsters and the mafia police unions

Otherwise go all unions!

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