He will probably sue you. He wants to make you spend all your money defending yourselves. He doesn’t know you don’t need to hire expensive attorney’s because you are expensive attorney’s!

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I agree with you, Diane, but that's Trump's modus operandi. He figures that with Ben having informed us (just today) that the MTN is now without a prominent sponsor, Ben & Co. are scrambling for money. And, without it, they can't fight him and his crooked lawyers in court because, of course, we all know he runs others into the ground financially. But boy, oh, boy, are they sadly mistaken!!!

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The Meidas legal team will make OJ's "Dream Team" look like a pre-school day care centre.

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Absolutely!! Ben and his brothers are incredible. Trump is sadly mistaken, if he thinks Ben, Jordy, Brett or ANY OF US, are going to back down. Fuck him !!!!

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.........Fuck him...yes indeed. I emailed the link to Stephanie Miller and others. Do you guys look at this as at test? A way for the "anti-maga resistance movement"...? to really pull together? David Pakman....Ring of Fire etc......

Where are you all on this??? This is the opening shot??? United we stand...divided we fall.

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The shot heard round the world

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We will fight till the end

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You got that right!

We are the Midas Mighty!!!

Trump should say his prayers .....

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Agree. No publicity just attack.

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That’s right ! And Ben and Micheal Popok will make them look like children and if Marc Elias see this he’ll help too Bring it On !!!

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Trump sued Michael Cohen for $500 million, but Cohen was not afraid. He demanded a deposition by Trump and finally Trump backed down. It would have been just another frivolous lawsuit by Trump.

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Lose the apostrophies, mate. Not a possesive in sight.

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Lose the criticism, thank you........real people thrive here and real people make mistakes....

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And real people don’t mind being corrected if need be.

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Oh, please, what the hell is wrong with maintaining correct grammar standards already?

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Oh, please...are you the reinforcment for the grammar police...(made sure that grammer was spelled correctly)........sooo sorry...forgot a period......should have been a question mark....oh no!!!

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What the hell is wrong with just letting shit go?

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The issue I have is that there is only a very short time to edit a post.

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forgivness, honor, willingness to let it go, wisdom for yourself but also for your neighbor?

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Is this thread still going??? Okay....Wisdom comes with effort that is for yourself....definatly........it is your neighbors choice to accept or not to accept.....right?????

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An inadvertent apostrophe is neither here nor there. The message was sincere. So, heart or head? Sometimes the less said the better.

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What are you, the punctuation police ??

Get over it

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😅,🤣,😂. We right how we wanna right. Who cares if the grammer or spellin not good enough the righter has a valid point

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You misspelled "apostrophes."

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Lol I wish I could give this 100 likes!

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Of course! The point was, first, to assuage my pet peev; then, to laugh at myself; finally, and THAT I missed completely, to agree with the original poster…

Je vous prie de me pardonner mes méchantes.

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You also misspelled "possessive."

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Omg. Lol..

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Nothing good to say? Say nothing

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Irrelevant and unhelpful. This isn't grammar school.

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Yeah...is this a English class?

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Yes, but I don’t know how to correct it.

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Diane - if all we have to discuss at this point is apostrophes - we are in more serious trouble than it appears. Your meaning was crystal clear.

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You don't need to correct it. Fingers are funny and hit the wrong keys. Or, our brains mistake words. No problem. We understand what you meant.

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Baby Girl, ignore him! We understand your comment and what matters is it is straight from the heart!

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You're just fine. Don't pay any attention to ignorant people.

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Ignore all of this. You're comment was spot on and we all understood. We all have type-o's. Especially w/ auto correct and predictive text. **Like mine always changes your to you're for some reason.** I'm not changing it in solidarity! Lol

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No worries we know what you mean people love to nit pic well this is the wrong place

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Comment deleted
Dec 4
Comment deleted
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Always wondered how to edit a comment. Thanks for enlightening me!

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I was irritated as well, but not surprised, by the apostrophes. A minority of Americans have editorial instincts that aren't shared by the public at large. The U.S. educational system is in a sad state. And the Republicans want to dumb it down even further.

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Everyone suffers from premenstrual text. Don't take it out on the person accidentally allowing the smartphone correcting thrm

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Premenstrual text? That's a new one on me.

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A colloquial attempt at jollity. Promoting the intent of the message.

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Well I don’t think that’s my problem. The problem is that the window to edit it is very short.

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Like really? Was that even necessary? Wow, medication time!

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Dec 4Edited

It’s apostrophes, not apostrophies. The correct spelling is without the -ies ending. Adding -ies would imply a plural of apostrophy, which isn’t a word.

Quite a self own.

Now... Can we stick to the topic instead of being pedants?

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When did Frank Zappa release apostrophe?

Feb 7..1974........Jack (|Cream)Bruce played bass RIP

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The problem as you may have found with your spelling is that there is only a short window to edit! And then the only choice is to delete! I often make mistakes when I am typing. I am elderly and things take a bit longer!

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Gone now, mate. Cheers, mate.

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"Trump's modus operandi" requires the apostrophe: it is the modus operandi belonging to Trump. thnx

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Why is it when they say horrible things about Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and smear and threaten and go after everyone it’s free speech. If anyone states the obvious facts about them they are breaking the law and being dragged through the courts by the biggest hypocrites in the world?

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Bring it, DonOLD.

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Meidas lives in orange Cheeto’s head rent free!

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I second and third that!!!

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Vewy, vewy punny!!!!

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This is unbelievable……as in I cannot believe an incoming president is doing this! I should never be shocked at the depths to which his loser ass is willing to go and yet somehow I still am shocked.

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thank you for not allowing this crazy world to make you so cynical that his detestable criminal behavior is normalized. The media and others are acting like they have to treat him with respect because he got voted in by a bunch of greedy or dumb mean mass minded people. He has literally done nothing to earn any respect. Trust me, he's going to go so low he will want to brag how bad he is, badder than the meanest hog, meaner than a junkyard dog

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I feel the same way exact way. Respect begets respect. He has no respect for America and most of us have no respect for him!

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I can absolutely relate.

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I was just thinking this smacks of abuse of power. Not that the "Vengence Is My Middle Name" felon would care, but I think it's important that we get used to calling him on every infraction.

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He’s being egged on by his sewer dweller (as noted earlier) advisors. Thus his usual garbage on steroids. Buckle up and brace yourselves, everyone. Don’t look at the monster straight on, keep it sideways so he can’t infiltrate your heads.

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Wow he’s balls to the wall now. Bet it won’t stick. He’s just so pathetic. Everyone else’s fault but his.

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Sounds like a 4 yr old. It’s unfair. Boohoo

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We are with you all the way!!!

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Don’t you stop, Mediastouch. Don’t be afraid of that bozo.

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I became a paid subscriber earlier today. Go get trump!

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I am a paid subscriber. I will see if my mom can afford a subscription if not; I will help her. We the People 🇺🇸 #bettertogether

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Christmas gift subscriptions to MTN will be going out in early December...DEFINATLY!!!!

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Great idea!

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Omg I am so tired of those crazy lawsuits! I am subscribing today! Thanks for all you do! I watch Michael Cohen and love to hear his insight!

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Have you guys got robust cyber protection?

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It shows that he fully intends to come after media and news. And Cohen Wow Scary

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We, as a strong community, need to make our voice heard to ensure that Michael C. is protected by Pres. Biden with a full pardon.

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I don’t think that’s going to happen though, I wish it would, but I highly doubt it

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I agree with your estimate. We've enjoyed excellent old-school governance by Joe, but he's way too passive and Mr. Roger-y for today's environment.

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It’s easy enough to write to the WH and ask Joe to do it…I did last week!

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Awesome! I am including a phone number where everyone can reach out to their Senator. Everyone needs this number 833-487-4445 on speed dial.

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That is such a good idea!!! Won't happen but is a great idea!

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Thank you thank you thank you. You’re the only news source I trust

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Grifter's got Io grift... He's such an asshat

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I love Meidas Touch!!

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Wow. Why am I not surprised?

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You guys are like a lighthouse in a stormy sea! Thank you for what you do! You are not alone!

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