I hired hundreds of people over the course of my career. I learned early on that the folks who were the loud mouths would often interview well but fail to deliver. They were all flash and lacked depth. They had tremendous confidence, even when they were wrong, which made them difficult to work with or manage. The best employees were the quiet, drama-free folks who often doubted themselves. With a little encouragement and support they produced orders of magnitude more than their loud counterparts. I view Biden and Trump through that lens with Trump being the loud mouth and Biden being the quiet one who delivers. Clearly this network and the people drawn to it appreciate those quiet people who just do the work with little or no drama. I wish more people would see that and place higher value on the Biden's of the world.

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What many people failed to realize is Joe Biden is a work horse and Chump is a show pony. I think we all have had at least one person in our workplace who has made an art of looking very busy on the job, while doing nothing at all.

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I hate that you're using a 'show pony' horse analogy for Chump. That's a huge insult to many beautiful, hard working and intelligent show horses. I'm very biased :). He's a grifter and a conman to an extraordinary degree. Bigger than anyone has ever seen :)

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Well said Glenn. Too bad that people always go for the flash in the pan. It has something to do with the belief in "first impressions" being important, a concept that is highly over-rated IMHO. First impressions set you up for problems. Best to really look at the track record.

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You can also say that about an employer. When I moved to Indianapolis in '92 because there was a hiring freeze in my area of Ohio, I was at the laundry mat and there was a little bakery across the parking lot. There was a "Now Hiring" sign (they were everywhere. It was like Christmas for job hunting). I was in my "laundry day clothes" and asked for an application, the owner walked out, took one look at me and said he didn't hire smokers. All of his other employees smoked. I didn't expect to meet the owner, but that first impression of me motivated me to prove him wrong.

I waited a week until I made my move. I got a very nice outfit, did my hair and makeup and walked back into that bakery. He was originally hiring a baker. By the time I left, an hour later when we the interview turned into a conversation like we were friends, I landed a management position. After I landed the job, I reminded him of the last time we met. And his face turned beet red. I also didn't leave without telling him to never judge a book by its cover.

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Great comment! As one of those quiet, intellectual people, my senses have been assaulted by the loud, stupid/dumb people - the bullies who try to shout down us quiet people. I am 78 years old, so my time is limited to suffer fools any longer. I am patiently watching and waiting for that ship of fools to go down in flames.

Being able to be a part of the MeidasTouch community of like-minded people this past year has helped keep me sane. MTN has been my touchstone.🕊💙

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I love your morning posts Ben. Keep fighting the good fight. Medias Touch is growing every day. Enjoy your sweet baby. They grow so quickly. 💙

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The reason MSM stayed silent about President Biden's accomplishments, is because they are owned by those who profit from the Republic Administration's tax breaks! I am looking forward to 2026. Two years of the Republican Administration running us to the poor house will probably be enough for those who didn't listen to the truth. There is deep sadness in my heart that the best President in history was treated so unfairly, by so many. Thank you Ben.

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Keep doing what you and Meidas Touch are doing. We need to keep hearing the truth and your videos and podcasts reflect the reality of where we are and where we’re going. We appreciate your true patriotism!

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I teared up as well. President Biden's legacy is making DEI a priority for America and its government. That is why we must do everything we can to protect it: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-is-good-for-the-usa

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I am so happy to have found Medias Touch. I’m almost 71 and have relied on NYT, WaPo, and other standard media of my time (and Fox to be able to compare news). I became so tired of all the Biden bashing and failure to talk about the accomplishments, and all the space given Trump, that I just scanned the headlines. The only reason I have kept the subscriptions to NYT and WaPo are the games. And I stopped watching television news a long time ago because it was so biased and I couldn’t trust their take on things. Keep this up. I love it and it is now my go-to for unbiased news. Yes, as others have mentioned…enjoy the baby. They really do grow up so fast.

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You can cancel your subscription to NYT and get the games only subscription. I have the games only subscription. I don't know about the WA Post. I cancelled them. I didn't know WA Post has games.

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That's what I did.

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I'm almost 84 and I bet you could find free games so that you aren't supporting NYT and WaPo. Maybe some readers here can give you suggestions.

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I too appreciate your posts and comments. I have completely turned away from MSM and you are my main source of information about what's going on. I like the little snippets because I honestly cannot stomach much of MAGAt moron and his sycophants. Thanks for all that you do.

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May I suggest you check out Letters from an American written daily by Heather Cox Richardson? She is a historian and has provided me with the history courses I never got in school. She brings knowledge and hope to the many of us who found her. Her letters are free or you can subscribe.

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And Jay Kuo

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Thank you I will check her out!

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Agreed. HCR is amazing

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Agree completely!

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Hopefully the 4 kids who are set to take over the Fox News empire will do a better job of presenting unbiased news. And hopefully they will fire old tucker and his like-minded cronies

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dream on! they know where the money is generated...in bullshit reporting

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My biggest concern going forward is messaging! Biden accomplished so much but given no or little credit for it. How do the Democrats start fighting with better messaging? We need to counter all the BS loudly, clearly and simply. Price of eggs----BIRD FLU! What's their plan for that? etc.

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They're still playing politics like it's the 1970s.

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I think the bird flu is on its way to making headlines

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Ben you're right. I watched Lawrence O'Donnell say the same.

But right now the most important issue is national security. The Russians interfered via psy ops, and Putin expects a quid pro quo from Trump. But for that, we would have won. The "spread" in the swing states was at most 2%. Voters susepible to psy opos: hate Trumps logic. 99% voted contrary to their own ecomomic and physical health.

Lots of controversy over the count. Allegations that valid votes were not counted. Voters and election officials intimidated. Ballots destroyed. Polls closed due to bomb scares.


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I once thought MEIDAS was so great it just could not get any better, but I was wrong, each day i am more grateful and thankful for what Meidas is doing. It is the only sanity left in the news world. Keep up the great work, and I will have to accept that it is getting better every day going forward.

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New to Meidas Touch and it’s just what I have been looking for. I have abandoned MSM because your posts uplift the humanity we all so desire.

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Now that I'm finally getting over being stunned by the November 5 election (I'm an Ohio election official, besides being a former senior army officer), I'd like to see one or two MeidasTouch videos or podcasts on fighting the upcoming assaults on our democracy. Suggestions anyone?

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I've been seeing some good things from Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post) and Heather Cox Richardson... haven't done much more than that though, at least not yet.

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Good morning Ben. Glad your stomach is better. You do an excellent job her on Substack and yes, Ron’s bulletins are amazing. There’s so much detail and commentary he puts into them. I’m glad you’re enjoy the time with your daughter and look forward to seeing you later. 💙🇺🇸

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Dear Ben, you are our present day Robin Hood. Your MeidasTouch Mighty are our band of brothers and without you and them we would be lost! Thank you, thank you, thank you. 💙🇺🇸🌹

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You are better than any news channels 😉 look forward to the emails. GOD Bless you and your family.

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Not only are you a great orator but you’re also a great writer! Thanks so much for the hard work you do 💙

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