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Hell yes!!!!!!!!!

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Hell to the YEAH!

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Meidas is far superior to Musk. Civil servants like me will resist Trump, Elon, and DOGE fascism. When we fight, we win! https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/public-servant-democracy-defender-introduction

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I am a retired civil servant and as you will understand don't have much money, so right now I can't afford to be a paid follower, but I did check to be a free subscriber. I am looking forward to constructive ideas you will share about what to do now! I live in Missouri and in the poorest, reddest congressional district. The gop here know they have things locked up so they don't care about phone calls or letters (but I still make them).

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I've always found it puzzling that, as you say, many of the poorest congressional districts and counties in this country are blood red, yet people keep voting for politicians who've never done a thing to make their lives better. I don't get that. Never have.

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Because such people are hard-wired into their ways and refuse to accept any other input, particularly if it challenges their preciously-held, culture-bound world views.

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I get that part. What I don't get is how they ignore the fact that their own lives haven't improved one iota after years of voting red. Something, something doing the same thing, expecting a different result.....

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They LIKE being martyrs, and living under the illusion that they always "pick themselves up by their bootstraps".

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Interesting that they always think they've made it on their own initiative, but never give 'those other people' any credit for being in the same circumstances. Weird, eh?

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At some point those bootstraps are going to be attached to cement boots.

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True and they seem to love culture wars!

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When over the last eight years they have seen their income decrease and their debt load increase they will go with the party that lies to them the best about changing their circumstance. They know the Democrats had 4 years to turn it around and the bottom 50% had a piddly 0.17% increase in their share of the entire wealth of the United States during that time. Where as wealthy folks so a much bigger share going to themselves that vastly eclipses that 0.17% In another 4 years those Republicans will be angry again. Wo be to the politicians on the receiving end of that anger, unless they redirect it into Fascist outlets and the innocent as usual suffer the consequences.

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Missouri is very bad about that.

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Thanks, you make a difference I am sure!

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Thank you! I sure never feel like I do!

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I know that feeling!

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But what can we, the American people, do to make a statement that we are not going to take this nonsense, by Musk, or these psychotic cabinet picks. I do happen to live in Florida, which I’m not content with anymore but own a townhouse, so I can’t call my congressman or Senator, they’re MAGA. If I lose my SS, I’ll lose my house. This is scary and I’d rather be proactive than post.

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You can and you should call and write to your congressman and senator. They need to know that they are being paid by our tax money, not by the oligarchs.

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But do you think Rick Scott is going to care? He just got re-elected and is a piece of garbage. As far as in the house, I’d really have to find out who it is but I know he’s Republican.

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His re election margin was not huge. This filthy piece of garbage needs to know that all his constituents are not blind and brain dead.

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He’s is the scum of the earth and also getting up there in age. He has 6 years of tyranny to do what he wants and maybe won’t run again. I know all about the Medicare Fraud and he is a die hard MAGA POS. I will call but there has to be more that Americans can do to say that this is not ok. A fake agency, DOGE, the psychotic picks being nominated by the orange trash. This is insanity and they will destroy this country.

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And also, to be clear, I’m not asking to just help my situation, I want there to be a country for all Americans whether it be in 2 years or 4 years. I’m 55yrs old and was hurt at work so I’m on a SSDI and Medicare plus a union pension which I’m missing a lot of credits because I was hurt in my 40’s.

The “Americans will have to feel hardship” nonsense is insanity. Trump is on a revenge tour and trying to carve out Democracy for autocracy. So they will have no problem pilfering SS and Medicare. They’ve already gone after overtime. Where do we draw the line. I didn’t vote for this as everyone here.

That’s why I asked, “What can we do because waiting until it happens, isn’t an option.”

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I am really sorry for your personal situation. I too am fighting for the nation. Every drop counts in a tub of water. One drop at a time. We will with this battle together.

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I like your optimism, but history tells us these waves of oppression run long. It needs financial collapse to learn.

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I still sign petitions and write to whoever my elected officials are( GOP) , they must be sick of me but I email anyway!

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Perhaps you have a few like-minded neighbors or relatives in the district, and you can form even an informal group that agrees to call/write him about specific issues. Then you won't be or feel like a lone voter speaker out. And you won't be one. Who knows, even if you start with two or three people, you might accumulate more people to join such an effort.

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Unfortunately, some are paid by the Oligarchs.

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Hi, I live in Florida, too, and I have been calling and writing my Congressmen and Senator. They must see, hear, and feel our opposition.

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Have any of them given you a reply or do you get just a reply from their receptionist/intern?

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Yes they do and often I disagree but they have to read my opinion!

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Or hear it!

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I will call and write. And I am a paid subscriber here and to other journalists. It’s just insanity that we have a phantom president with direct contracts with the government wanting to gut civil service workers. This pick for FBI director who wants to still say the 2020 election was rigged but in 2024 it wasn’t. It’s ridiculous.

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Dear Sal, there are substacks I will retweet, one is from Scott Dworkin Report works tirelessly for all of us & Democracy, and letters already set up on the nominees, just click on them and add anything if it allows you, the rest is taken care of, the other one is about 2024 election. Stay safe.

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We the people still can write to our US House Reps and Senators as they are SUPPOSED to represent us all. (Even though they often don’t). Remind them that not all of us agree with whatever the issue of topic, say how it will impact you and others.

Ask for them to think through the “unintended consequences” of their choice. Key is to do it respectfully (not a crazy generalized rant) and specifically citing a specific upcoming vote on a bill, nomination or citing a specific report or credible statistic. Ask them to vote a specific way. Be brief.

You can also call with the same, get the name of the staffer you spoke to and ask them to definitely record your request on this voting matter.

Call or write often! Remind them that you are here and counting on them to represent us all.

You can act by becoming a paid subscriber to support Meidas Touch. If you can squeeze it out, support other journalists fighting for democracy, or organizations like Common Cause, the ACLU, voting rights groups, Planned Parenthood and the like. Find others in your community that are doing good things- volunteer and build that community, find the “blue dots” and band together - FL and every red state has them!

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WomensMarch.com.......They are organizing mass rallies and marches accross America. Donate to them......close your computer down....grab a sign......stop the worry.....meet friends in the street!!! Get up off your asses people!!!!!!

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Hi, Sal. I've lived in red states and have been Republican, but became a Democrat in 2019. The way I fight is to write and call my representatives, to speak truth and share my stories whenever the opportunity arises. I help by donating a few dollars monthly to my favorite candidates and volunteer where I can. I boycott services and companies that are unethical, refusing to support them with my money. There are websites to help you learn about these companies. I support local businesses. I buy eco-friendly products. If it's really bad, I move to a place where I feel welcomed.

I moved a lot and have lived in 9 states. I saw the differences in the quality of life between red and blue states. I ended up returning to Washington state 10 years ago. I absolutely love it here. My family questioned my ability to live here because of the higher costs, but as a single mom, I brought my 3 kids here and we found our way and are settled now. We were supported. Blue states do offer more support than red states. Homeowners here typically vote yes to fund services for those who need more. We understand that we can do more to help collectively than individually. If you do think about moving, do some research first and if you come to Washington, get a dog! We love our pets! You'll meet tons of people while you're out and make friends.

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Thanks. It wouldn’t be a problem selling and leaving. Might take a little while but I’m not receiving a full pension so SS and Medicare is something I count on. So now that it’s in the air, I have no idea what if it’s going to be around . Having that with my pension allowed me to get my mortgage. So I’m in limbo right now about what to do.

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I understand your situation, I read a lot and I care, hope this helps a few ideas have you looked into reverse mortgage or possibly rent to own a motor home or deposit on a motor home.

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Reverse mortgage I can’t do. I only own a little over 30% of the home. I could rent, but I have all very good furniture so it would be a last resort. And a mobile home…I’m not really interested in that. Thank you for the ideas. I’m just angry with the imbeciles who put us in this situation. It’s just inconceivable how they believed anything Trump said. Plus he has his sidekick, Musk, who should be in jail as well. I’ll have to wait and see how this plays out over the next 4, or 5 months and go from there.

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I appreciate your feedback, thank you I understand about your situation but if you have 30% equity maybe just ask if that’s enough to help you. Just a thought and A motor home I understand is not ideal for some but it is a way to move to another state. Give me a few minutes to bring the other post, it will say cybersecurity.

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I’m in Florida too but we do have some blue areas here!

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Find your local tribe in your Florida community. Organize locally.

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I’m ready to go to DC. Never mind local. SS, Medicare, and VA benefits are a right. Republicans like to twist the word entitlement to fit their narrative. You watch, let them try and see the s**t storm they bring onto themselves.

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I’m not doing any of that. I live in Florida and Rick Scott and DeShitus are the biggest POS’s going. They not only will destroy what is mine, but what is yours. Rick Scott perpetuated the biggest Medicare fraud in history. Never served a day in jail. I didn’t vote for this and I’m not taking this laying down. The only way that works is when you live in a state that there are consequences for them. Rick Scott was just re-elected for another term. He don’t care about anyone but himself.

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Here’s a resource - please share it https://5calls.org/

This app makes it very easy to contact your senators re: up to 5 different issues per day.

You can also look up your members of congress here by entering your zip or address.

There is a link to contact them if you prefer to write or email.


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Ben Meiselas The reason for your success is precisely because you stick to your principles, and saying it like it is. You have put together an excellent team and that is also why you are achieving success

I am delighted to hear that regardless of what others say or do, you will remain an honest broker of current affairs, regardless of the lies, spin and omissions that FOX, CNN, MSNBC etc. constantly broadcast.

They are only chasing viewing figures with no interest in the whole truth. All they want is headlines. As recently proved by the Morning Jo program, they will go with whoever feeds them.

They must be really thick if they think that after years of being against Trump, they are now kissing his ring and hoping that Trump will now be nice to them. Trump is not nice to anyone, he just uses and discards people no matter who they are.

So stick at Ben &Co. We all love and respect you


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❤️💙 👍

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💯 agree!

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Thank you!! Eloon can go eat a bag of dicks. Never watched MSNBC and never will. I prefer my news in written form and not filled with distractions like legs and boobies and glizty, Monday Night Footballish graphics and segues. I feel right at home here.👍

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I agree. Frivolous diversions all, just to keep people from peeking behind the curtain to see the man cranking the Wizard machine. Only now, the oligarchs are so confident of themselves that they've dropped the curtain and don't care who knows who is running the show. Pure arrogance and hubris. Where is Brutus and his co-conspirators when we need them?

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This resonates with many more than just US citizens around the world 👍

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I’m saying “hooray for you, Meidas!” You’re doing great work, as an agreeable and effective counterweight to the mainstream media, and your growth is testament to the value of that understanding. What we do not need, is another giant of news manipulation, and you’re standing against that. Thank you.

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MSNBC will not be ready to be sold paperwork wise for a while. By then Elmo may OD'd himself, 2026 election will happen and who knows what else. I am waiting for the day soon when some of the congress critters will say f___ off to Elmo/Leon or whatever this thing's name is.

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The felon will get tired of musk getting all the attention, and there will be a great falling out. The felon wants and needs all of the adulation in order to feed his very fragile ego.

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^THIS right here^

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Elmo is only going to outshine Trump for so long before Trump's massive ego explodes and he turns on Musk. The more people call Elmo 'The Shadow President' or 'The Co-President', the faster that will happen. And it will be glorious to see him kicked to the curb like a common Kari Lake.

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Very well said, Ben! Although I'm not a US citizen and I live in the UK, I have just joined MTN because I'm impressed by what you are doing to help protect and preserve democracy In the US and everywhere else.

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I do care about MSNBC. I don’t want to see the honest reporting: Nicole Wallace, Joy Reid, Lawrence O’Donnell etc all kicked out. I don’t think you should quire or manage it but I care about it. If I never heard from Rachel Maddow it would bring me great sorrow. I don’t like you being so dismissive about it. I care about all the things you mentioned, primarily your independence but, thinking about those great hosts, I wouldn’t like the baby thrown out with the bath water. Whatever oligarchs own MSNBC now would pale in comparison. I am not asking you to change anything except the tone of your piece. Love you, Ben but I wish you took a softer tack. Your friend and admirer from Australia.

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It bothers me that when people talk about the "good" reporters on MSNBC they usually omit Ali Velshi, who in the months prior to the election had a segment on every show describing an aspect of and warning about Project 2025 and for years has had his Banned Book Club, wherein he interviews authors of banned books. I hope he, Rachel, Nicolle, Lawrence and maybe Joy will find a compatible home somewhere if they lose their jobs on MSNBC or decide to leave it.

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I adore Ali!! He's brilliant. I'm sure he will find a place to continue his good work.

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There are times when reality isn’t soft. Medias is unfortunately speaking the trruth. While I wish the world would be filled with sunshine and lollipops, that is not the reality of the world today. Today’s world is dark and dangerous and Meidas Touch tells things as they are in real life. We may want to look at the world through rose colored glasses, but we should not expect our media to provide those rose colored lens. We cannot prepare for the worst, if we aren’t informed about what is happening.

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Robin, I agree. It's one of those "but when they came for me, there was no one there to save me" attitudes.

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I agree; adding Chris Hayes and Jen Psaki (and Velshi, as below) to your list.

MSNBC hosts & reporters, as well as many other “old school” TV & especially print journalists were before and will continue to be essential to uncovering the truth and helping to preserve our society.

Be careful not to condemn the Press as though all are a tool of oligarchy or dark forces. This is inaccurate & Trumpian in its own way!

The Press is essential to democracy.

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Totally agree with your message and your extra favorites. I only fear that Trump will be successful in silencing us, especially Ben and his team. Ben is teasing quite stridently. I love it but I hope he isn’t a magnet for extra darkness to come after him. I couldn’t take it if something happened to our cherished figures who stand for truth. Ben can be fearless but I have fears. It is a good attitude to have, that defiance, but I worry too. What will happen to the world when MTN comes under attack even more so!😨

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Thomas Jefferson was a huge advocate for the free press. He felt it was essential to have a free press to keep our republic free. However, I don’t think he envisioned what most of the main stream media is doing today. It’s my opinion a lot of today’s media is actually helping to bring the downfall of our republic. I feel Jefferson would not be happy with today’s media.

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I appreciate your comment and opinion of Ben's message, however, I don't think he is speaking to those fine journalists you named. I value them as well along with a few others. Ben, IMO, he is speaking to the owners or future owners of MSNBC. The journalists will survive this and land on their feet either independently or on a new independent platform. To the CEO's, owners, and oligarchs that Ben references, a hard tone must be conveyed.

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THIS! All of THIS! I don’t care for how this is a frequent topic of yours. We should very much care what happens to our news networks and speak out about it to save them! I used to like this page, but I do not care for all of the “screw network news” focus. You sound like a MAGA when you do that! We should fight fascism in all of its forms. We should very much care what happens and not just say, “oh well, it doesn’t affect us.”

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If you want them to change you have to hit them where it hurts. In the pocketbook. You have to realize they are not your friends. They only answer to their corporate owner gods. And in no way is that good for you as a citizen.

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(2) Also, Robin, thank you for supporting the many, many democracy loving Americans!

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Dec 2
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As I read your comment, I thought about how Musk bought Twitter and destroyed it, He could also buy MSNBC and destroy it. If that's how he wants to spend his money, he can have at it!. Eventually he will run out of money, but the will of the people must outlive his evil.

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You can say that Musk destroyed Twitter but you could also make the case that Twitter Now X, helped spread lies and propaganda which got him in the loveseat with DT. It served his purpose.

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Dec 2Edited
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It should be interesting

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Would be cool if somehow the host listed could come over to MTN and make a news show of their own. I know it's not that simple but it would be AWESOME!💙🇺🇸

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I am with you, Meiselas brothers, and the mighty pro-democracy channel. Never give up to the orange oligarchs and plutocrats.

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I'm with you, Ben!

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Thank you. Honestly. Thank you. 💙

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Ben, you are so right! Thank you for fighting the good fight.

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Thank you...I no longer consume MSM because it isn't news! They do the bidding for oligarchs and not for the good of the people. Thank you I feel at peace with Medias Touch

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Thank-you for your strong statement of conviction & integrity. WE NEED MTN NOW MORE THAN EVER!!May God bless you & may God— bless and protect us all .

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