You bring us hope at a time when it’s in short supply. Carry on Meidas!

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Indeed! I’m obsessed with Meidas Touch Network.

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Jan 29
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Fox New - by their own admission - is an entertainment network. So I guess neither do they.

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Fox is entertainment

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FOX is actually a disinformation network.

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Jan 29
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So exactly what is news about Fox? In their lawsuit they acknowledged they are not a news outlet but an entertainment outlet. They did this in order to escape liability. MeidasTouch is not tits and ass and being abducted by aliens.They delve in facts backed up by receipts so you can do your own research if you choose. No Peter, News does not need to be entertaining. It needs to be hard hitting and addressing truths even if they are uncomfortable. For those who wish to be entertained there will always be the Fox News of the world. For those who wish to be informed there will be the MeidasTouch, Democracy Now, the Roland Martins of the world. Peter, I think you sir are a troll. Of course it goes without saying sex sells and distracts. I and others like me don't want to be sold anything or be distracted If in doing so we beat Fox"News" even better.

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Yes Peter is a known troll.

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Jan 29
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You have your head in the wrong place.

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Are you Peter GRIFFIN???

I watch Meidas for FACT BASED, VETTED INFORMATION, not "entertainment". I suggest you do your own due diligence while you're being brainwashed by FAUX. Be prepared to be shocked at their level of dishonesty...or don't you care about the truth either?

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You seem obsessed with sex.

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Go away MAGA maggot

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Peter works for Fox News in the Artificial Thinking department. They specialize in the distraction and bullying profession. That's all they have.

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Mack, they do have that $787,000,000 settlement to brag about…

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I ask MTN to please consider banning Peter the lying hateful troll.

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Nah just don't feed the troll.

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Whatever. Go watch your Fox gaslighters who lie about everything. Fox is the modern day propaganda king

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Really. More real news than Fox or CNN.

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CNN=Fox News Jr in the Trump era.

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While peter may be a troll, this is a fair point. I love that MTN is holding the feet of power to the fire, but in a way that is so bombastic as to be the same as 'the other side' . I wish to be informed, I don't need a " WOW LOOK AT US, THEY ARE GOING NUTSZ" clickbaity headline. Its tiring.

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Yah I'm kinda feeling that way. Just keep doing the straight reporting on the crazy shit from Trump and his minions. That's more than enough to write about

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Jan 29Edited
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Promoting and selling the "genius brain" of elon musk is not really on, imho, here xx thnx!

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Take care of the people, give them hope and great things happen.

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couldn't say it better Mike!

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When a major channel becomes afraid of dissident voices you know you are doing the right thing.

Stay true 💞

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More likely afraid of Dominion type defamation suits.

I don't know why people like Harris and Biden don't sue Fox et al for defamation.

I also don't understand why Musk hasn't been sued for election interference.

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You are so on point! Send him back to South Africa!

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I venture that Moscow Musk and the cadre of plutocrats suckin' up to Dump are more of a danger to the republic than all of the "illegal aliens" combined.

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Beautifully put😉

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Absolutely. Rump is a stuffed suit puppet. They are his masters. Vive La Revolution - our version of Bastille Day is coming

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Craig, Timothy Snyder’s name for the conjoined two is “Mump”. Love it…even think there is a vaccine…Meidas Mighty Medicine!

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For sure!

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And, Pam, send Peter Thiel along with him!!! Please!

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Musk is an illegal immigrant who lied on his student visa also illegal as an immigrant to be a drug addict when you cross our border, which he was and still is. His son now daughter he disowned spilled the beans.

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Let's file a class action!!

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Election fraud was probably committed in several states with their own unique law.

Also potentially consumer fraud. Did Musk fix the results of his "contests"?

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"Elon is very good with computers. Especially the vote counting computers. I won PA easily." Donald Trump always tells on himself.

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Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.

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I know good, otherwise intelligent people here in Canada who only watch Fox. Their view of Trump astonishes me. They know almost nothing of January 6th, nor of Trump's many crimes and endless grifts. They think he will save the world economy!

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I thought that Canada had banned FOX from calling themselves a news channel in Canada. It was that trial that showed that they have less than 17% accuracy. I had often asked why we continue to give FOX airspace since their erroneous content and commentary is dividing North Americans and filling the fearful with their poisonous mix!

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This is why Fox is so dangerous. It's the Christian Nationalist's propaganda vehicle that only communicates what they want their followers to hear/see.

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Lots of buxom blondes and nice looking men like the new, unqualified DEFENSE SECRETARY, of all things!

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Can't think of any nice-looking me on that Network.

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Pretty is, as pretty does!

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They also must taking their news on X.... 🙄🙄

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Jan 29
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I respect your comment but I call it X because Twitter is long dead: X = now reflects exactly what Dr. Evil wanted to do with it, he put an "aXe" into all regulations and uses it to become the master of the world. 😤

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I once got my daily TV news from CBC/SRC. It frightens me that a nation like Canada, where people actually value education, don't understand that it's not news, it's FOX. Please do what you can to tell people the truth. Too many people don't know This Hour Has 22 Minutes.

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It was considered a Entertainment platform from the law suit brought by Dominion!

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Please help spread the news to our Canadian brothers and sisters that we stand with our neighbors who see who trump is. Every day we wake to what fresh hell he will release on we Americans and our Allies. Trump is no friend to the Canadian people. He is a threat to the world. Many of us are considering moving to Canada. We are losing more freedoms everyday.

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That’s because Fox News is the closest thing we have to state controlled media in the US

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Entertainment News.

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No Fox is not the only one. ABC, NBC CBS. Controlled by their corporate sponsors. For those of us old enough to remember, Uncle Walter’s brand of news is long gone. Even CNN is questionable. That’s why we are here. News with no alliance with corporate sponsors.

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Barbara, and making a profit at it. How truly American. Profit from truthful reporting. A long sought goal from Ben Franklin forward.

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Wooohooooo let’s bring back America to the people

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I am amazed at your success! It’s because … with your media, the viewers share the paradigm shift from a Trump-induced coma to the real world. Continue inviting guest speakers and challenged those contrarian speakers. It’s worth the fight! Thank you!

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Jim Acosta would be a great "guest" to have on. He is talking about doing his own Substack, so what better place to start getting the word out then doing an interview with Ben.

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He's already on here. ( Substack) go follow him. I do. He's already had his first LIVE yesterday evening at 6 pm EST. There were 6k people in attendance. It was pretty cool. And the things he said I was like omg, he would be such a GREAT addition to MTN. If not as a contributor, as a guest!

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Thank you, I'll do that for sure.

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It's called 'The Jim Acosta Show' and you can sign up now.

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The truth tellers, the fearless and my list of hero's keeps growing. People like Jim Acosta, President Scheinbaum

and Bishop Budd🫡

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I said the same about Acosta in the comments below. I think he’d be a great occasional or even regular to MTN.

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Barry he started his own substack yesterday, look for the Jim Acosta show. Meidas please also unite with him and the Contrarian!

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I like the more scholarly approach to news better than the breathless coverage of everything on networks. Of course, in first place, is I like truth over propaganda for the unthinking.

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Yes! Please invite Jim Acosta to the MTN. He's another journalist with integrity.

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You're so right, it is worth the fight. We the people are worth the fight. Our country and our way of life in a democracy is worth the fight.

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And we welcome Jim Acosta to Substack

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Wow Ben!!!! The international reporting is so unique and it’s exciting to know that other countries are uniting against trump unlike the spineless leaders here in the US. Maybe this pressure will force the maggot republicans in congress to finally realize that trump will hurt America which includes their constituents and begin to rein him in if they want to have any semblance of respect for themselves. MTN, the world is paying attention and you are playing a major part in this movement. So as you say “BRING IT ON RUPERT” because MTN is here to stay 💯💙✊🏽

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The political class has powerful reasons to want to keep their positions; they're allowed to insider trade I don't think that's legal for anyone else. They're allowed to vote on matters that they're invested in! They live at three to five times higher level than their average constituent with full benefits no less and thanks to last year's class they got a $30,000 lunch raise each! That's more than some families of four make let alone just for lunches. The most egregious part of that is they gave themselves that race while voting down school lunches for children! We need some revision in how our politicians are compensated because they have used their positions to make them a privileged class in this nation.

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Proud member of the Meidas Mighty!! 💙🫶🏾💙

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Our government has become a source of depression for me. You give me hope we can survive. Thank you

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Everyone who is a member needs to repost these articles and also videos. I am staying on Facebook to do just this. Keep up the great work, MeidasTouch.

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Do not forget You Tube

I have Premium and there is ao much on there and people who.need to hear us.

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Joined as a free subscriber yesterday. Will share on fb and BlueSky to be shared.

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A voice they are afraid of -a voice of the people! I’m a Meidas Mighty member for that reason!

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Good!! We need more people telling the truth!!

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‼️🗣️🧐Trump put out requests for journalists and podcasters to start working with him. Mark Cuban has a post on BlueSky regarding results from anyone applying. PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS.

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FU Felonious Funk. How about you work for Americans and you stop GOLFING, GRIFTING and disgusting man baby behavior

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I feel robbed, we pay these people to keep us safe, healthy and prosperous.

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I'm loving Mark Cubans remarks on BlueSky.

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He’s showing us, along with MTN, the way with his candor.

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So….If Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Jesse Watters hate MTN, we know we’re in the right place! Thank you for keeping us informed and armed with facts!

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People Power!

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