No kidding. It won't take long to wipe out all the good Obama and Biden…did a good plan for ''all'' Americans. It's just the beginning. I think ppl didn't even hear tRumps rallies. All the threats are happening now.
Most Republicans won't like this one. Except for the rich. More money in their pockets, less in yours.
That’s because a lot of people don’t even bother to read anything that doesn’t agree with already baked in opinions. They form their options by campaign ads. And republicans are a whole lot better at pushing information through fear and flooding the zone. They believe that most crime is done by illegal immigrants. They don’t believe you if you give them actual facts and statistics because they need someone to blame for their problems. Using that fear is what fascists do. That is what they have always done.
Republicans have FOX News and right-wing media willing to push lies with their simple slogans and headlines. Mainstream media will not call out the lies but will take Democrats to task on something like Pres. Biden's age or one bad debate.
They won't like it - and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. And the Republican top dogs will find a way to blame the Democrats - and next election ( if there is one) they'll be poor, angry - and ready to vote Republican again. Just like poor, angry Daddy and Grandaddy did.
Linda I encouraged so many people to vote. Excuse after excuse. Idk what is wrong with these people. I even offered to drive them to the polling place.
I roll my eyes and walk away. My, “I told you so and I tried to explain it you” did not break one cult follower’s mind. My give afucks did not help one person change their opinion. I definitely don’t want to hear about it now. I only have two words for any red hat wearing complainer, first word starts with an F and second word starts with an O!
I pretty much resemble that scenario. I’ll be 70 years old next year, and am disabled ..I’m scared shitless! Never, in a bazillion years, did I ever imagine my life would end up this way. I think we’re all going to go through some f”d up shit. I just can’t wrap my head around how fast this happened. I never liked that man when he was on Apprentice…which is why I only watched about 5 mins of it. Now, he frightens me! I’ve been a Democrat all my life, and I’m not about to change now.
As the late, great Chris Farley once said, “I’m getting pretty tired of living through historical events!” Thanks for letting me share!
Kathy - yes. Horrific times for a lot of Americans. Anyone in your position (or similar) should start preparing for the worst RIGHT NOW! grow your support group. Research charities that might help. Get enrolled with government agencies BEFORE they disappear - and get what you can from them. Work on your economics - figure out what's the lowest you can live on - and start today. Save what you can - you're probably going to need it. Live healthy - even if you ARE disabled. The very few safety nets that we have at the moment are likely to disappear.
And on top of all that - keep smiling? I'm about to drop Ben a line saying he needs to include a "smiler" in every episode. People need SOMETHING to keep their sanity apart from a continual diet of truth.
Here's one for you:
My friend just left his job to make a living writing songs about sewing machines. I said "That's a weird ambition!" and he said "No, I've always wanted to be a Singer songwriter."
I.m quite sure that out there somewhere, a philosophy/politics professor is working on a thesis regarding the difference in humor between MAGA and Liberal. Because there is a LOT - and I've a funny feeling that if we could work out "what" and "why" we might have a solution to a lot of problems. . .
Absolutely! While we know this will hurt many and younger workers for sure, I will scream at any MAGA. NO WELFARE QUEEN SHIT for you. Suck it, deal with it on your own..this was YOUR CHOICE!
Agree. Their MAGAt vote will disclose repeated actions by trump and appointed criminals that will be repeated strikes against their own interest, freedoms, and their well-being.
The Texas strategy! Works every time. The haven for Trump appointed judges who rule against anything that would help the people who voted for him mistakenly believing he actually cared about them.
“And the hits just keep on coming!” This ain’t no AM radio station, and we all know what the greatest hits are. It’s this new unreleased material that keeps my BP 150/90.
I’m working harder now dealing with surprisingly serious and multiple medical issues, in a town where there are almost no specialists, almost none of the incompetent yet unavailable GPs we used to see, and a hospital that would prefer you stay at home. And never come back. Far, far more work than work, far more frustrating along with the knowledge that’s it’s likely gonna get worse, especially if worm-boy gets in. HHS, seriously? And he’s the least troubling? Holy crap.
My daughter works at Target and they are the same way. Once she hits 40 hours, they send her home. God forbid they let that little extra money cut into their profits.
Odin4905 Exactly, we were Blitzed by the right wing media with a million lies and refusal to tell the truth about trump or talk about the accomplishments of Biden. This buy-out didn’t just happen.
Convicted Felon T (Cabinet Appointees‽‽) & TX ugly rises again ARRGH! I’m not surprised at this PATHETIC RULING! What happens if TX Energy Grid fails again and Moran Cruz heads to Cancun again and WORKERS go into OT to fix. Shit Clown F’n Show. Care to the millions this fricking affects and effects.
I know a maga family who won't love this. Wife is a nurse but left her career when her employer made COVID vaccination mandatory. (Keep in mind we have had mandatory flu and Hepatitis vaccines for 20yrs but somehow this vaccine was different.) Her husband is a lineman who works a ton of overtime to provide for them. Especially during weather emergencies... She may have to go back to work and then her kids may have to go back to public school. On 11/6 she excitedly proclaimed "welcome back number 45"...... Dumb asses.
I'm thinking what E. Schmuck and Ramaswamy has planned for working America is gonna be unpleasant. That may hit trump's medicaidMAGAts the hardest. Expect their intention of forced hardship on 95% of workers will soon become the working poor!
Will trump allow the bad numbers to be reported?
Will WallStreet bend their knee and kiss the ring?
No, it’s our AG, who like Trump sought staying in office to avoid felony conviction. Let’s also not lose sight of the fact that DOL and DOJ are not yet Trumps.
For those folks wondering how Texans afford eggs, we have chickens and ducks in rural areas. But remember, we country folks aren't all red. I had signs on my front yard and helped organize and donated to fundraising to elect a Democratic congressman. Don't stick all Texans in the same basket!
Just assume people are talking about the felon/rapist lovers. I’ve met really great people who are Blue Dots in red states. There are good-sane people everywhere. I think a good tactic going forward…if we have any other elections, is for Blue states to donate as much as we can to Blue Dots in red states. Those are the ones who need all of our support. I sent money to Missouri Blue candidates this year, I live in IL.
Also, remember, Blue state govs will protect your rights in their states if you need anything you can’t get in yours.
When I lived in MN, a coffee shop put a sign in front that said MAGAs not welcome. I wish we’d see way more of that from private businesses that are in reliably Blue areas. But of course, these Fascists are so violent. They need to meet their match someday. I personally would ostracize anyone who voted for the violent terrorist, seditionist, rapist, 34-count felon. There are NO EXCUSES for that.
Thank you for realizing we blue dots do we can. I'm a late baby boomer who got involved in an election for the first time. I gave $ to Allred to help defeat Cancun Cruz. I still have hopes someone will investigate that squirrelly result. I had an autopay to ACTBLUE for Kamala. I've never donated $ before to a political PAC or person. Now I'm shaking in my cowgirl boots realizing they will probably cut my military pension and Medicare into bits. I'm homesteading for real now. I can't afford not to with 45 coming in. I'm glad I've got lots of canning jars! I was just saving for off-grid solar panels!
The MAGA party sure is looking out for the little man and will put more money in your pocket, right? It’s almost as if you people had no idea what you were voting for and got duped. All that celebrating you’re doing doesn’t compare to the celebration that the traitor and his minions are doing that he was able to con you into that office not once, but twice. Congratulations on that win.
To the union members/working class who voted for trump even though Biden was the best president ever for unions I say tough shit you asked for this. To the naturalized Michigan Arabs who voted for trump to "pay back" the Dems for not doing enough for Palestine and the naturalized Hispanics who voted for trump because he's macho and grabs pussy - well too bad if you get de-naturalized and deported because you're not "real American" by trump NAZI standards. Lots of buyers remorse coming for at least 4 years.
Looking at judicial reform (in the future), one solution is rotation. Designate automatic rotation of a specific number of judges that would be moved to a different circuit location to help keep a balance.
That light at the end of the tunnel that all you Trump voters are waiting for?? It’s a freaking high speed train! Welcome to Trumps America!
No kidding. It won't take long to wipe out all the good Obama and Biden…did a good plan for ''all'' Americans. It's just the beginning. I think ppl didn't even hear tRumps rallies. All the threats are happening now.
Most Republicans won't like this one. Except for the rich. More money in their pockets, less in yours.
The rich ones are all that matters in Republican world.
That’s because a lot of people don’t even bother to read anything that doesn’t agree with already baked in opinions. They form their options by campaign ads. And republicans are a whole lot better at pushing information through fear and flooding the zone. They believe that most crime is done by illegal immigrants. They don’t believe you if you give them actual facts and statistics because they need someone to blame for their problems. Using that fear is what fascists do. That is what they have always done.
Republicans have FOX News and right-wing media willing to push lies with their simple slogans and headlines. Mainstream media will not call out the lies but will take Democrats to task on something like Pres. Biden's age or one bad debate.
They won't like it - and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. And the Republican top dogs will find a way to blame the Democrats - and next election ( if there is one) they'll be poor, angry - and ready to vote Republican again. Just like poor, angry Daddy and Grandaddy did.
So sad! Over half of the voters in this country have incurable brain freezes!!! Don’t get me started with those who chose to sit out & not vote!!
Linda I encouraged so many people to vote. Excuse after excuse. Idk what is wrong with these people. I even offered to drive them to the polling place.
I’m so pissed at these nuts who voted for Trump because Biden made their groceries cost more!
Haha, well said
Trump campaigned saying no tax on overtime. He failed to mention the part about allowing employers to pay regular rates of pay for all hours worked.
A win / win for the rich.
We tried to warn them. They were more concerned with “owning the libs”
Well, he didn't lie. He won't charge tax on overtime if there IS no overtime!
If you are exempt, they don't even have to pay regular rates for extra hours worked if you are paid a salary instead of by hte hour.
Exactly. Unfortunately
I am going to be repeating “i told you so,” a lot…. Sigh.
I roll my eyes and walk away. My, “I told you so and I tried to explain it you” did not break one cult follower’s mind. My give afucks did not help one person change their opinion. I definitely don’t want to hear about it now. I only have two words for any red hat wearing complainer, first word starts with an F and second word starts with an O!
I’m getting a BRIGHT BLUE tee shirt with big RED LETTERING stating this fact. I am sure I won’t be popular, but fuck’em.
I need a tshirt that says: (front)YOUR MAGAT VOTE (back)GETS YOU A FREE PASS TO HELL
Just get one that says "Hey! Who Blocked My Overtime!" on the front - and "TRUMP!" on the back.
Scary and absolutely disgusting! I strongly suspect that many MAGA voters fall into this income category.
Yep. And when Elon slaps away Social Security and Medicare in his "efficiency" drive, a lot of them will be in REAL trouble.
Prepare to help your fellow man when you see him dying on the street.
I pretty much resemble that scenario. I’ll be 70 years old next year, and am disabled ..I’m scared shitless! Never, in a bazillion years, did I ever imagine my life would end up this way. I think we’re all going to go through some f”d up shit. I just can’t wrap my head around how fast this happened. I never liked that man when he was on Apprentice…which is why I only watched about 5 mins of it. Now, he frightens me! I’ve been a Democrat all my life, and I’m not about to change now.
As the late, great Chris Farley once said, “I’m getting pretty tired of living through historical events!” Thanks for letting me share!
Kathy - yes. Horrific times for a lot of Americans. Anyone in your position (or similar) should start preparing for the worst RIGHT NOW! grow your support group. Research charities that might help. Get enrolled with government agencies BEFORE they disappear - and get what you can from them. Work on your economics - figure out what's the lowest you can live on - and start today. Save what you can - you're probably going to need it. Live healthy - even if you ARE disabled. The very few safety nets that we have at the moment are likely to disappear.
And on top of all that - keep smiling? I'm about to drop Ben a line saying he needs to include a "smiler" in every episode. People need SOMETHING to keep their sanity apart from a continual diet of truth.
Here's one for you:
My friend just left his job to make a living writing songs about sewing machines. I said "That's a weird ambition!" and he said "No, I've always wanted to be a Singer songwriter."
. . . Ow!
Love it! I’ll never make it through this madness without a sense of humor. And my art. At least I’ll have my art!
I.m quite sure that out there somewhere, a philosophy/politics professor is working on a thesis regarding the difference in humor between MAGA and Liberal. Because there is a LOT - and I've a funny feeling that if we could work out "what" and "why" we might have a solution to a lot of problems. . .
I understand totally. I'm 67 and the thought of living on the street because I can't afford anything. Is very concerning to me too.
Absolutely! While we know this will hurt many and younger workers for sure, I will scream at any MAGA. NO WELFARE QUEEN SHIT for you. Suck it, deal with it on your own..this was YOUR CHOICE!
Agree. Their MAGAt vote will disclose repeated actions by trump and appointed criminals that will be repeated strikes against their own interest, freedoms, and their well-being.
The Texas strategy! Works every time. The haven for Trump appointed judges who rule against anything that would help the people who voted for him mistakenly believing he actually cared about them.
“And the hits just keep on coming!” This ain’t no AM radio station, and we all know what the greatest hits are. It’s this new unreleased material that keeps my BP 150/90.
I’m retired and I hear you.
I’m working harder now dealing with surprisingly serious and multiple medical issues, in a town where there are almost no specialists, almost none of the incompetent yet unavailable GPs we used to see, and a hospital that would prefer you stay at home. And never come back. Far, far more work than work, far more frustrating along with the knowledge that’s it’s likely gonna get worse, especially if worm-boy gets in. HHS, seriously? And he’s the least troubling? Holy crap.
My husband worked 18 minutes overtime and was counseled for it - Sam's Club (Walmart)...roughly $ words
I worked at Walmart they don't like u working ot...supervisor always remind u
My daughter works at Target and they are the same way. Once she hits 40 hours, they send her home. God forbid they let that little extra money cut into their profits.
It's just ridiculous...and the owners are rolling in dough... :(
😮 Seriously? A lousy 18 minutes!?!
labor rules a minute over ot
Yes, afraid so... :/
I’m sure the Trump voters are fine with this ruling! Idiots
Until the first pay check w/o their ot
they will never hear of it
That's true - it's not even mentioned in the Washington Post, let alone on Fox.
Every one of the 3 million Meidas contributors needs to let 100 other people know!
This needs to get on TikTok and Instagram.
So there’s no way to fight this? I’m retired, well on SSDI but this isn’t right for anyone, especially the people who didn’t vote for this circus.
Assholes. Bought media. Hand in hand with Republicans.
People need to know how much those traitors fuck us every chance they get!
Odin4905 Exactly, we were Blitzed by the right wing media with a million lies and refusal to tell the truth about trump or talk about the accomplishments of Biden. This buy-out didn’t just happen.
I suspect all will be keenly aware in short time. Watch for increased MAGAt applications for Mcaid.
Too bad, Elon Schmuck will soon be cutting Mcaid to the bone. While he wallows in his BILLIONS$$$.
Convicted Felon T (Cabinet Appointees‽‽) & TX ugly rises again ARRGH! I’m not surprised at this PATHETIC RULING! What happens if TX Energy Grid fails again and Moran Cruz heads to Cancun again and WORKERS go into OT to fix. Shit Clown F’n Show. Care to the millions this fricking affects and effects.
I know a maga family who won't love this. Wife is a nurse but left her career when her employer made COVID vaccination mandatory. (Keep in mind we have had mandatory flu and Hepatitis vaccines for 20yrs but somehow this vaccine was different.) Her husband is a lineman who works a ton of overtime to provide for them. Especially during weather emergencies... She may have to go back to work and then her kids may have to go back to public school. On 11/6 she excitedly proclaimed "welcome back number 45"...... Dumb asses.
I'm thinking what E. Schmuck and Ramaswamy has planned for working America is gonna be unpleasant. That may hit trump's medicaidMAGAts the hardest. Expect their intention of forced hardship on 95% of workers will soon become the working poor!
Will trump allow the bad numbers to be reported?
Will WallStreet bend their knee and kiss the ring?
Remember, Trump/Schmuck are, also, Union busters.
Of course said judge is in Texas, the fanatically crazy and deluded.
No, it’s our AG, who like Trump sought staying in office to avoid felony conviction. Let’s also not lose sight of the fact that DOL and DOJ are not yet Trumps.
Curious that Ken Paxton hasn't been offered a position in trump's entourage of criminals.
For those folks wondering how Texans afford eggs, we have chickens and ducks in rural areas. But remember, we country folks aren't all red. I had signs on my front yard and helped organize and donated to fundraising to elect a Democratic congressman. Don't stick all Texans in the same basket!
Just assume people are talking about the felon/rapist lovers. I’ve met really great people who are Blue Dots in red states. There are good-sane people everywhere. I think a good tactic going forward…if we have any other elections, is for Blue states to donate as much as we can to Blue Dots in red states. Those are the ones who need all of our support. I sent money to Missouri Blue candidates this year, I live in IL.
Also, remember, Blue state govs will protect your rights in their states if you need anything you can’t get in yours.
When I lived in MN, a coffee shop put a sign in front that said MAGAs not welcome. I wish we’d see way more of that from private businesses that are in reliably Blue areas. But of course, these Fascists are so violent. They need to meet their match someday. I personally would ostracize anyone who voted for the violent terrorist, seditionist, rapist, 34-count felon. There are NO EXCUSES for that.
Thank you for realizing we blue dots do we can. I'm a late baby boomer who got involved in an election for the first time. I gave $ to Allred to help defeat Cancun Cruz. I still have hopes someone will investigate that squirrelly result. I had an autopay to ACTBLUE for Kamala. I've never donated $ before to a political PAC or person. Now I'm shaking in my cowgirl boots realizing they will probably cut my military pension and Medicare into bits. I'm homesteading for real now. I can't afford not to with 45 coming in. I'm glad I've got lots of canning jars! I was just saving for off-grid solar panels!
Not every Dem governor may have a blue cabinet to back him up, unless voters figured it out.
I'm a blue dot in a red state too..... Indiana here. 😭
The MAGA party sure is looking out for the little man and will put more money in your pocket, right? It’s almost as if you people had no idea what you were voting for and got duped. All that celebrating you’re doing doesn’t compare to the celebration that the traitor and his minions are doing that he was able to con you into that office not once, but twice. Congratulations on that win.
To the union members/working class who voted for trump even though Biden was the best president ever for unions I say tough shit you asked for this. To the naturalized Michigan Arabs who voted for trump to "pay back" the Dems for not doing enough for Palestine and the naturalized Hispanics who voted for trump because he's macho and grabs pussy - well too bad if you get de-naturalized and deported because you're not "real American" by trump NAZI standards. Lots of buyers remorse coming for at least 4 years.
Looking at judicial reform (in the future), one solution is rotation. Designate automatic rotation of a specific number of judges that would be moved to a different circuit location to help keep a balance.
That's a great idea!