PLEASE - Is this not RIGHT?? Can we not have one last shred of justice/ accountability?? He has gotten away with so much-πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. IF he had been properly sentenced in a timely manner perhaps we (the U.S. and the WORLD) would not be in such a dangerous place right now.πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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Totally agree. This monster has had way too many free passes 😑😑😑

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Time is not going to run out ,But as a convicted person Mr Treasonous activities

Will be subjected to lost of traveling to the rest of the United Kingdom and some Countries Have the potential to blocking their Airspace to USA


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Reality questions of doubts are the weapons of Elegance in Liers games and white Sadistic poltergeist supreme Destruction of Enemies.

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Not free passes - total disregard of our laws that should have been enforce . Trumps party of sycophancy reaching all the way to the top court Supreme Court has been corrupted by Trump himself and justice Thomas who refused to retire under a democratic president . Even while he was practicing a life of unethical money grabs the gifts of homes , luxury cruises and millions of dollars over the years

He wanted to first free Trump of his many crimes that would be proven in court .

Republicans in the SC took away our last hope of getting a just trial and conviction of Trump .

The final blow to our United States came on 11/5/24 when Al 7 battleground states and red republicans voted him president . This creature of criminal atrocities was chosen of a better person a black woman .

But today I have learned that our states governors in democratic states are gearing up to be islands of strength that governors will continue government as we know it and seek ways to stop republicans from getting our tax dollars to use for our states and refunds for our citizens

As reported in the Washington Post , there is hope yet for Americans who wish to remain Americans and the rule of law

Thank you California governor Newsom

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Thanks for letting us share the Truth

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Feel like we are living in Gotham, and Trump is the Penguin.

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Penguin, et. al. all rolled-up into the most despicable person in my lifetime.

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Absolutely, Trump 2025 -Gotham revisited. Hoping Batman arrives quickly.

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Which of his clowns is the Joker?

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Matt Gaetz

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I was thinking Nosferatu Miller....

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Matt’s face is well suited for the Jokers makeup.

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Nah. He doesn't have the Glasgow Grin. Any volunteers? 🀣

Just kidding, Secret Service! I wouldn't touch Gaetz if you paid me. Ick.

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Nov 19
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Toss up, JD, Chump Jr., Giuliani. Gaetz has the face for it.

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Damn merrick garland. Damn you to hell and all the other so-called lawyers and judges who have let this maggot get away with murder and treason. And to mitch mcconnell and the really dumb women supporters and sad β€œmacho” β€œmen”. Remember that this is who you chose to support and take away freedom and democracy, and a safe planet and medical care and education.

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McConnell, Garland, Trump & his entire crew will go down in history worse than McCarthy & McCarthyism. So very disappointed in Garland. He needed to play the game we are in, not the game he's used to.

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Would be nice to sentence him. Suspend it until he's out of office. Amendment 25 or he retires.

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Yes…don’t give in to the orange sh*t stain. Jurors missed work and had to put up with his face and smell. F**k him!

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The question remains...how do we have a justice system that does NOT SERVE JUSTICE?!? What EXACTLY does TFG have to do so we the people can have our justice?!?! Our system is a failure and highlights the injustices.

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It’s Roberts supreme legacy. One that will be cussed into humanity’s history.

And one that we can’t come back from, unless the President of the United States does something.

Unfortunately, Biden refuses to do what Must be done and expand the Court to its natural number of 13 Jurist.

I doubt if this time shall come again😀

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The judge should sentence him, that's what would happen for anyone else. He is guilty, stop will all the special treatment for this creep.

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PLEASE stop using pictures of Trump on every article. Everyone knows what he looks like.

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It just sickens me that this despicable human being has crimed his way through life and has never been in prison. People have been imprisoned for stealing or leaking ONE top secret document. He takes thousands, shows them to who knows, and he’s President-elect. Citizens and leaders of other countries no longer trust us.

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He was found guilty by a jury who was picked by His attorney's so WTH if the judge has any integrity He will sentence him. Why should the tax payers get screwed over and over by that monster. He's not the a president now.

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exactly.... but I guess since President elect.. it's in his current status.. it's not right in so many ways. Everybody else around him that was convicted served time but him

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That djt was even allowed to run for public office was an affrontage to our nation and the idea of a properly functioning judicial system. If this entire issue doesn't scream in the face of a socially equal system of government and justice, nothing does. The average citizen would've been behind bars long ago for a fraction of the crimes this aberration has committed ! Excuse me while I throw up now.

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He better keep it going no one is above the law esp a nazi like trump

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I second that πŸ‘

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I find it difficult to believe the New York criminal case is under consideration for dismissal. Is there any justice left in the world?

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So much for equal justice under law. SCOTUS has created a Kingdom for a US President. I will #Resist by contributing 60% and itemizing that deduction from my IRS AGI on my forms for 2023 and can declare other deductible items on top of that. I can do that for a couple of years and after that file the IRS Form and eventually inform IRS that I will not pay any amount in a protest that the social contract with me under the US Constitution et. al. has been breached by unConstitutional immunity of 1 person above us all, reversal of 50 year-old universal abortion rightswhich is destroying, harassing, killing females, denying them health care, for a corrupt US Supreme Court merging church and state, reversing gun laws, granting immunity, stalling trump cases with their rulings, etc. I am looking for any ways to not submit voluntarily. So far, financial damage to Wall Street, banks, IRS, and boycotts are my civil disobedience acts. Can you tell I am furious with Americans, Electoral College AGAIN and politicians???

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It will be worth the wait to see this orange buffoon go to prison. It will be some justice after he tries to dismantle our democracy. Who knows maybe Jack Smith has some more ways to bring this dictator wannabee face accountability and spend his final days on this earth behind bars. We can only hope.

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