At least, Denmark is taking him seriously. They are smarter than the American corporate press.

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Population of only 56,000. The average income in Greenland is $33,000. 85% of income comes from fishing. Around 150 US Air Force and Space Force service members are stationed at Pituffik Space Base in Greenland. The base also has Danish, Canadian, and Greenlandic civilian contractors and military personnel.

History of attemps to colonize. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_the_United_States_to_purchase_Greenland#:~:text=It's%20the%20most%20important%20strategic,USGS)%20often%20visit%20the%20island.

Greenland is rich in minerals, including:

Rare earth elements: Greenland has the potential to become a major producer of rare earth magnet metals, which are essential for permanent magnets.

Graphite: Greenland has 6 million tons of known natural graphite resources.

Lithium: Greenland has 235,000 tons of known lithium resources.

Copper: Greenland has 106,000 tons of known copper resources.

Other minerals found in Greenland include:

coal, gold, silver, lead, zinc, olivine, cryolite, and marble.

Greenland has been a mining nation since the late 1700s. The country's minerals are important for the clean energy transition, as they are used in electric vehicles, wind turbines, and transmission lines. However, the extraction and processing of these minerals has been monopolized by states that are not in the US's interests, such as China.

Greenland has two operating mines:

*Lumina Sustainable Materials: Produces anorthosite

*Greenland Ruby: Produces rubies and pink sapphires

The extraction of minerals in Greenland poses significant environmental risks, as the ecosystem is fragile and unique, and is already under threat from climate change.

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Duh ... what's an ecosystem? Who cares, as long as we get to those minerals. So says the anthropocentric Dump, he being in the center of the human universe.

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In 1867, Seward offered to buy it.

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Great info!

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The corp press isn't dumb for sane-washing Trump. It's bought off by MAGA shareholders.

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Next we'll hear about the Danes knocking off an American radio station as justification for invasion. They'll just scrape the bottom of death row, dress them up in Danish uniforms, and plant their bodies around the station and praise the brave operators who fended off the attack on U.S. property. The blitz will already be arranged. Look for a ratcheting up of equipment and personnel on the bases on the east coast. Seig heil to the Fuhrer, all over again. Maybe when all the U.S.' former allies jump in on behalf of Denmark, we'll get the first dose since the Civil War of the horror of what war is all about on our own turf.

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*Former* allies. We may never get back to pre-tRump days, Republicans might win future elections because of the sane washing and simpleton excuses that Americans believe at face value. The new domestic terrorists, known worldwide as MAGA, could possibly grow as tRump promises America will 'rule the world'.🤢 If this is the 'new' patriotism, then I'm out.

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My >cat< is smarter than the corp-press.

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Our corporate media are not stupid. They are all owned by about 5 major companies, most in the defense business. They direct their high paid mouthpieces who are reporting what to say, and what not to say. They are not stupid, any of them. They know exactly what they are doing.

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If trump thinks he’s going to invade other countries without entering into war, he is sorely mistaken.

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Wait a minute! Didn't he slam the Dems for getting into wars? Didn't he promise "no wars" during his campaign? Yeah, and he promised a wall, he promised to "drain the swamp", yada yada yada. What a pathetic liar. No, wait, he's a damned good liar - in fact, one of the best.

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We are in 1984. Remember how they rewrote history? Cut out words? Had hate rallies so they knew who to hate and scream and rage at during those rallies?

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He will tell people it is not war, and they will believe it. He will tell people that this is a 'business transaction', or 'it is what Greenland really wants, they just don't know it yet', or 'it is in their best interest to be a U.S. territory', or 'we will keep them *safe*' 🤢. All of which, Americans will believe. 🙉🙈

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Just like Puerto Rico?

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Can Trump just invade another country without Congressional approval? I suppose if Johnson could wage war in Vietnam without it he can, but it seems that the House and the Senate should have something to say about this, not to mention the American people.

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The Republican majority cannot and will not say no to him. They haven't this far, and are responsible for this mess. If they tell him no, it would be like admitting they were wrong. They would rather destroy our country, than do that. They already have a good start on ruining our country. ~ an UNproud American

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They are no longer playing by the rules. The only rules they have are their own!! They won’t follow the law anymore! People really need to see what is happening and wake up!

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The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by Congress in August 1964, authorized President Johnson to use military force in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.

Small comfort, but there it is.

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We have no power at this time. The Dems cannot make a majority in anything at this time. We are all majorly screwed.

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Dec 30Edited
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Thank you for this, Bluesmurf. So essentially, experts disagree about whether the president can or cannot initiate hostilities without Congressional approval. However, in the case of Greenland there is no defensive purpose for military action. A move to invade could seriously backfire on the administration, I would think. I just emailed my (Democratic) congresswoman about this. I am sure she would not approve, but I don't know what she can do. Even if a majority of the House and Senate disapprove, what can they do? Pass a resolution? Impeach? I am sure they will not do the latter, not with Republicans in charge. I am beyond embarrassed for my country. I am mortified and terrified.

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Dec 30Edited
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I must contact my representatives every day. Maybe a few times a week, at any rate. Do you see that it's making a difference? I don't, but I still have to.

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All my representatives are total maga “people”

Feels futile

However I do write Hakeem Jeffries as a general comment via his page.

Figure any and all

Because the bottom line aren’t they all supposed to represent us?

Regardless of our political beliefs

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I don't know if it's futile. They have to know that there are other people in their districts who vote and who have different opinions. The more pressure they get, the more uncomfortable they'll feel. I would bombard them!

As for Hakeem Jeffries, he absolutely does represent us. Keep writing!!!

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BTW, even if you live in a red district, people move. Look at all the relocating people did during the lockdowns. Demographics change. Your representatives need to be reminded that no matter what they want to believe, they are never safe.

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Same. I would be embarrassed to reveal my senator.

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Their staff answers mail, your best bet is to call if you want to be sure they hear from you.

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Dec 30Edited
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I just thought of something. In order to "acquire" a country--or territory--it has to be paid for. Where does the money come from? And guess who has to appropriate expenditures: Congress. Please comment. Thank you.

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From what I have always understood it takes an act of Congress to declare war. They (Congressman) can call it whatever they want (invasion) but invading another country is war. Under what circumstances is Congress justified to make that call? Certainly there is no reason to believe Greenland is a threat to the US! More the other way around.

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Surely the Danes are concealing WMD's under all that snow and ice.

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A unitary exdcutive doesn't need a friggin' Congress,

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That's it right there. Scary

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This is true, Daniel, but so far that's just a right-wing dream.

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We ain't got no Congress.

We don't need no Congress.

I don't have to show you any stinking Congress!

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Trump could call it a "police action". MAGA is pumping its chest now. But if men start shipping out.....game over.

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Ben, please use your influence to tell Greenland & Denmark citizens that more than half of USA is still sane and we side with them about Greenland. We respect their sovereignty.

trump is shocking, international embarrassment. WTF. Amen.

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He's just playing Putin , that's all. I hope he realizes that the sane people here would riot unlike Anything he has seen. We Will Not be Stealing any other countries. Period .

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Yes, we are not Russians who really never gad democracy at all. We will fight tooth and nail against any lunatic, evil behavior from this orange thug.

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You mean the Putin who annexed parts of Ukraine and is trying to take over a sovereign nation?

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Yes, the "playful" "teasing" kind of Putin.

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"Unlike anything he has ever seen." I love that, using his own hyperbole to lay down the law to the lawless.

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Trump could create WWIII with his crazy fascist comments. Our Democrats in the house and senate need to take this shit seriously and think about calling for an immediate call to action to impeach Trump should he continue to threaten our allies with war.

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Canada, Denmark (Greenland), are members of NATO. Attack us and you've attacked all members of NATO.

The little Emporer will have to subdue citizens of the USA first before he takes on anyone else.

So far, your media is bending the knee, your so-called Supreme Court, and half of Congress. What's left is the Military, Universities, Civil Service, Diplomats, and Federal employees. Then they will come for Unions, the heads of first, then uppity workers.

By the time the little Emporer comes for Canada we'll have more American refugees than the current population of Canada. Rock and roll. :-)

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Canucks here. We burned down your WH and we'll do it again. Be nice. :-)

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Just turn that big water valve off that supplies America.... (something Trump said a few months ago)

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Everything he says is a confession. 😂

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Damn straight. Fuck aboot and find oot, bitches!

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It's not the "bitches" who are the problem. It's the mostly white men who are the problem.

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I get that. But around here "bitches" as a pejorative has become pretty gender neutral. Kinda like "assholes", which is something only men were called when I was growing up.

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Hurry the fuck up.

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thanks for this report Ben, there are allegedly two reasons why Trump wants Greenland. Clean water which of course he would pollute and allegedly princess Elonia needs more copper which I don't understand why we would go to Greenland there's probably still copper in big Supply in the old mines up in the upper Peninsula of Michigan.

I wish the entire Congress subjected to Trump at his confirmation and threw him out this man is going to cause a direct bombing inside the United States when he destroys all our allies and makes the rest of the world hate our guts even more. You know it would seem more sensible to take one person out and throw them in a mental institution where they should've been put four years ago. Does anybody remember they were discussing using the 25th amendment on him the last time that was his own people. What we have today is some billionaire thinking he's just gonna pay out bribes to everyone and they're gonna get their total away but they don't understand is the backwoods hillbilly has weapons that are bizarre and they have these attitude problems that they don't really care as long as they get even.

these people of the Messiah with their paranoid delusions of grandeur are about to get a lesson in reality if they keep this up unfortunately I fear there will be 100 years worth of damage done to the United States but you can't explain anything to a cult they know what they believe and that's it 🙀🙀🙀🙀

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Musk and the oligarchs who secretly DO believe in climate change are interested in grabbing up new shipping lanes. This is the oligarchs at work. Lame Duck Donald is their mouth piece.

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No cure for stupid ...

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Good place to set up gulags.

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Dumpty doesn't want anything other than ego strokes and money. It is a headless chicken wearing a human suit.

President Mush wants Greenland, and that's the one reason this is even a topic.

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Yep , lots of copper in upper UP of Michigan. Dozo McNubbins said he would subsidize the company that was going to come in to mine the copper, but then, backed out completely, leaving the 8000 workers they had lined up to take the jobs in the dust. So much for the giant show with your golden shovel, you asshole !!!

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This is an Orange Menace distraction! Don't fall for it. Concentrate on what actually can happen regarding his cabinet, Social Security, Medicare, tax cuts for the rich, etc.

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Dec 30
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That is his farte - er, forte. Whatever it is, it stinks to low hell.

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That is that Putin crap right there SMH

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Russians are getting their money's worth out of trump!

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He is just insane. He is not teasing. I wish people would take him seriously.

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Trump's ally is Moscow. He doesn't care about NATO. His antics will get us kicked out of the alliance.

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I wonder, can we all do our parts as well when it comes to this notion that Musk is an “inventor”, or a “visionary”? I keep reading that crap and all I can think is “here we go again”.

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Thomas Edison famously said, "Everyone steal in business. I just know HOW to steal." Same with the Mump admin.

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Mump! Yes, I read that stack too. We really need to make it go viral and stick!

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The leaders of Mexico, Panama, Greenland, Denmark and Canada aren't playing the sane washing game that's going on in American media and with the right wing. Denmark, especially, knows what the opening salvo of territorial aggression sounds like, and they're responding accordingly. What a disgrace that that OrangeGelatinousBlob is the incoming president. FFS.

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I dunno Canada seems pretty blasè about it. "Just joking bluster, like everyone's done over the years" I heard from a political analyst on CJAD tonight on the way home from work. If I didn't value my knuckles so much I'd have punched the screen. 🖕😠🖕

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Good grief! I hope they wake up! Trump is a demented narcissist; he's nuts enough to act on this crazy idea.

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"Oh, he's just kidding."

Famous last words.

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Ben, you know I love Meidas touch! That said, we have limited time to stop Trump from returning to office! Kamala Harris needs to challenge the surpression of the votes in all those Red States that popped up w(en Kamala was ahead. It appears that several votes were either discared or never counted. That said, we have just 22 days to stop this cheat and trader from destroying our Democracy! Thank you for your concideration. Sincerely, Patty B.

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